
JSA/Compliance Interview

grabbigrabbi Posts: 5,428
Forum Member
Do you think its Humane that a Government can leave someone without money for almost 1 and a half Months, even though they have gone the correct way of claiming State Benefit?

I had a Complaince Interview at the Job Centre on Tuesday last week, because 'A query had arrisen from my claim to JSA (A claim that was made on 8th Jan). It is important you attend as if you don't, it may seriously harm your claim or money.'

It will be my 6th week this week, without money from JSA, and I was wondering if I have a case for Neglect against the Decision Makers at the DWP, as I was told the other day that I was supposed to be getting paid already, and that the Query is the reason why the whole process has not been rushed.

She was very quick to point out it was her fault that it wasn't rushed, and the whole benefit rests on this outcome.

The fact remains, though, that I am going to just apply for the same benefit again if the outcome isn't the expected, either that or to appeal the decision, asking to see the evidence presented to the Decision Makers also.

Still, she said 'I thought you were already getting paid', does that mean I should get some sort of Money from them?

Sounds like others usually do continue to sign on and get paid in my position, so why not me?

Because mine is a new claim?

I have lived around various places over the past 2 or 3 years, as I am no long able to get accomodation, due to having a poor reference from a Housing Association, but they say that because I have my mail directed to a C/O address, and have done for this amount of time, its time to query it.

Fact is, I would use other addresses, its just to read the mail from another address involves me walking 3miles there everyday, 3 miles back to town, where I spend most my time, and also, I'd have to pick the pieces of paper up once the Dog had finished ripping it up!

All of this because my mail is directed somewhere?


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    chinchillachinchilla Posts: 1,513
    Forum Member
    grabbi wrote:
    Do you think its Humane that a Government can leave someone without money for almost 1 and a half Months, even though they have gone the correct way of claiming State Benefit?

    I had a Complaince Interview at the Job Centre on Tuesday last week, because 'A query had arrisen from my claim to JSA (A claim that was made on 8th Jan). It is important you attend as if you don't, it may seriously harm your claim or money.'

    It will be my 6th week this week, without money from JSA, and I was wondering if I have a case for Neglect against the Decision Makers at the DWP, as I was told the other day that I was supposed to be getting paid already, and that the Query is the reason why the whole process has not been rushed.

    She was very quick to point out it was her fault that it wasn't rushed, and the whole benefit rests on this outcome.

    The fact remains, though, that I am going to just apply for the same benefit again if the outcome isn't the expected, either that or to appeal the decision, asking to see the evidence presented to the Decision Makers also.

    Still, she said 'I thought you were already getting paid', does that mean I should get some sort of Money from them?

    Sounds like others usually do continue to sign on and get paid in my position, so why not me?

    Because mine is a new claim?

    I have lived around various places over the past 2 or 3 years, as I am no long able to get accomodation, due to having a poor reference from a Housing Association, but they say that because I have my mail directed to a C/O address, and have done for this amount of time, its time to query it.

    Fact is, I would use other addresses, its just to read the mail from another address involves me walking 3miles there everyday, 3 miles back to town, where I spend most my time, and also, I'd have to pick the pieces of paper up once the Dog had finished ripping it up!

    All of this because my mail is directed somewhere?

    It does take a long time to get something benefits wise, it took nearly two months for my incapacity to come through (thank you mum for paying my rent). They do pay you from the date you claimed though.

    Why are you asking for benefit?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,429
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    What benefit are you claiming?
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    twingletwingle Posts: 19,322
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    I thought you had to have a fixed abode address to be able to claim benefit? Correct me if I am wrong
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    maxsimaxsi Posts: 2,412
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    twingle wrote:
    I thought you had to have a fixed abode address to be able to claim benefit? Correct me if I am wrong
    I thnk thats correct as thats why the homeless cannot claim housing benefit
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,429
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    twingle wrote:
    I thought you had to have a fixed abode address to be able to claim benefit? Correct me if I am wrong

    That's what has confused me with the OP's post; where he/she has said that they have 'no accomodation' - however they have Broadband, PS2, Xbox etc listed on their services so I assume they're living somewhere.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 704
    Forum Member
    twingle wrote:
    I thought you had to have a fixed abode address to be able to claim benefit? Correct me if I am wrong

    Im sure you can claim but you cant claim JSA?? Not sure what you get but im sure homeless get a daily payout that they go and collect.

    OP go to the CAB and get some advice on this, it seems a compliacted situation.

    6 weeks is the average and they will backdate your claim so whenyou do get paid you will get money owed from the date of your claim.

    Also you can apply for a crisis loan to keep you going in the meantime (I think)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,238
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    twingle wrote:
    I thought you had to have a fixed abode address to be able to claim benefit? Correct me if I am wrong
    No, you can get benefits and be NFA as long a you have a c/o address..
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    grabbigrabbi Posts: 5,428
    Forum Member
    nightstar wrote:
    That's what has confused me with the OP's post; where he/she has said that they have 'no accomodation' - however they have Broadband, PS2, Xbox etc listed on their services so I assume they're living somewhere.
    Well, during the day I spemd a lot of my time with my Girlfriend, and, although I don't live there, I do spend the night there sometimes, being the young couple we are. ;)

    They are really her services, however the Virgin Media and 360 are mine, as Virgin is in my billing name, and the 360 being a pressie from the GF for me at Xmas.

    Why would I want to lob it all round if and when I go onto someone elses house, instead of being a burden, and committing Fraud by staying with my GF all the time?

    In answer to other peoples querys, you can indeed claim ANY benefit as long as a C/O address is available. I have done so with JSA before, and also Income Support.

    My circumstances were that I was fired from my Job, so I claim Jsa, but this has taken much more time than I expected, and being that everyone else has been so good to me, paying for my food and letting me use electricity for free (until I get some sort of money), I cannot see why they cannot understand.

    I am claiming JSA, as stated in the title, and CAB has been suggested to me previously, but for me to be seen by someone in there would take a heck of a long time.

    They said a decision would be available to me on Friday, surprise surprise, it wasn't.

    'Call back next week' they say, but I'm doing well to get down there at all to use the phone! 3 times last week, I was there. I now have flu because I have been through wind amd rain to get there on time.

    They seem to be screwing around with me, and don't care about someone in my position without any money at all this year!

    Crisis loan is my next step. I have their number and this is a crisis.

    I owe my mum money for stuff when I'm NOT there! I owe her money for when I am there... Same with my Girlfriend!

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    grabbigrabbi Posts: 5,428
    Forum Member
    Its the final Nail in the Coffin here...

    I lost my Job at the beginning of Jan.
    Had no money for nearly 2 months.
    Owed nearly £360 from the DWP.
    Living without anything.
    Losing all my possesions at Cash Converters on By Back, to get by.
    Hassle from people I owe money to.
    Money I owe to people for their goodness in helping me.
    I have one flaming meal a day.
    Sometimes I sleep rough.
    I can't sleep sometimes.
    I cry so much, feeling sorry for myself, but I hate myself for feeling sorry for myself.
    Everywhere I turn, there is a dead end.

    I know I'm stating all this on a forum, but I feel like I can't talk about it to a person face to face, because they will just say I'm selfish and feeling sorry for myself.

    I'm a burden to everyone I know, and everyone that helps me.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,675
    Forum Member
    People help you because they want to help you, I am sure if the roles were reversed you would do the same.
    Don't give up, keep fighting,things can get better. Its crazy that you haven't been given proper help, some people seem to get so much and others like you struggle to get what they are entitled.
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    grabbigrabbi Posts: 5,428
    Forum Member
    I would! I really would help them as much as I can, and I would try so hard to keep their cost to a minimum, but I feel like I should pay something back to them.

    Its all well and good saying I will never forget this, if you ever need a favour etc etc, but that doesn't pay the bills.

    I want to give back to them the water I have used, the electricity to heat the water, and cook the food, and keep me warm on occasion.

    I don't want to be the dependant one that everyone thinks they have to save a little extra money for.

    Its never been like this.

    I'm 3 weeks away from being 21, and this has got to be the worst 2 months of my life.
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    PedroPedro Posts: 9,911
    Forum Member
    I'm surprised that the DSS haven't already steered you towards the Crisis Loan. Make your application and keep doing one every 2 weeks until your JSA comes through.

    Pay off these loans when your backdated JSA payment comes through.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,675
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    A few years ago I wasn't in the best financial position. Nothing as bad as you grabbi, but it was enough to need to accept offers of help. I even asked sometimes, which was something I had never needed to do before. A few years later and things have more or less got sorted out, and I am often able to do favours for other people. Not necessarily with money, but maybe babysitting, gardening, even a bed for a few nights.
    Good luck with the crisis loan.
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    grabbigrabbi Posts: 5,428
    Forum Member
    You guys are awesome. Gonna give that a go now.

    I did try it on Monday but Crisis Loans was well busy.

    Good job its freephone.
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    WokStationWokStation Posts: 23,112
    Forum Member
    You should ask about Severe Hardship payments.

    Benefits Agency don't like volounteering that they should be paying you something.
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    SystemSystem Posts: 2,096,970
    Forum Member
    Doesn't a JSA claim usually take 7-14 days to come through? Did you attend the Work Focused Interview arranged at the time you made your claim? If you didn't they can stop your claim due to that (I think you get a second chance if you're claiming IS). If you did, then I can't understand why they've taken as long as this to get round to seeing you again. Did you query anything in the meantime, after a week or so, as to why they were being slow? What's this about receiving money - clarify with them, do they mean benefit by this or some other income?

    Unless they've changed the rules, you can get a Crisis Loan provided you still have a claim open.
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    grabbigrabbi Posts: 5,428
    Forum Member
    I attended every interview on time.

    I even was 50 minutes early to my last sign on!

    I have another this monday coming.

    I've enquired as much as possible, but its hard making trips to the Job Centre and the Chargeable number to call.

    The claim isn't closed, I've been assured time and again about that. Its just the decision I am waiting for.

    What's a Severe Hardship Income?
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    WokStationWokStation Posts: 23,112
    Forum Member
    grabbi wrote:
    What's a Severe Hardship Income?
    Can I still claim benefit if I don't fit into any of the circumstances above?
    You may still be able to get JSA if you are suffering "severe hardship". The most common reason for claiming is because you live away from home for 'a good reason' and have little or no money, or live at home but your family cannot support you. When you apply for a Severe Hardship Payment you will have an interview with an under 18 advisor at the Job Centre. You should mention if you have any health problems, difficulties at home, or whether you will become homeless if you don't receive a payment.
    Claim in the same way as for ordinary JSA but make sure you tell your Career's Officer that you are claiming under the Severe Hardship rules.
    You have a right to a claim Severe Hardship Payment - Don't be put off.
    "Severe hardship" payments are paid for short periods of up to 16 weeks at a time and at the same rate as ordinary ISA. More than 80 percent of people that apply are successful.
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    SystemSystem Posts: 2,096,970
    Forum Member
    I realise your 20 and, from what you've said and from what I've read, there should be no problem applying for a crisis loan. Good luck and for the long term I'm sure you won't need to spend too long in these circumstances (or in circumstances likely to result in it happening again), you come across as pretty sensible and articulate, so it shouldn't be too long before something better comes along for you.

    This should give you all the information you need with regard to your benefit, and any Crisis Loan:

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 47
    Forum Member
    Right skipped a bit but here goes....
    For one, wish people would not give advice on things they are not qualified for, if you dont KNOW dont respond :)
    The compliance interview was because someone will have made an allegation that you are living with your girlfriend, however, there was not enough evidence to do a full criminal investigation so DWP send it to their compliance which is more designed for 'an informal chat'. You can calim JSA with a C/O add, but you usually have to have really solid reasons for not having an address - as I say I skipped some of the post, but if you have a genuine reason for not putting down the address where you live (everybody lives somewhere - where are your clothes kept, what address does your passport/driving licence/bank account/doctors dentis t hospital etc etc what do all these show - if the police stopped you what address would you give them - these are all the sort of q's you will be expected to have answers for, and as long as NONE of them come back to your girlfriends address you should be ok.
    A decision maker will be looking at your claim, but if this is leaving you witthout any money you really need to press them, ring them every day and harrass them as much as poss.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 11,237
    Forum Member
    grabbi wrote:
    Its the final Nail in the Coffin here...

    I lost my Job at the beginning of Jan.
    Had no money for nearly 2 months.
    Owed nearly £360 from the DWP.
    Living without anything.
    Losing all my possesions at Cash Converters on By Back, to get by.
    Hassle from people I owe money to.
    Money I owe to people for their goodness in helping me.
    I have one flaming meal a day.
    Sometimes I sleep rough.
    I can't sleep sometimes.
    I cry so much, feeling sorry for myself, but I hate myself for feeling sorry for myself.
    Everywhere I turn, there is a dead end.

    I know I'm stating all this on a forum, but I feel like I can't talk about it to a person face to face, because they will just say I'm selfish and feeling sorry for myself.

    I'm a burden to everyone I know, and everyone that helps me.

    This might sound harsh, but, get a job?

    There's always warehouse jobs etc going.
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    Central cakeCentral cake Posts: 5,628
    Forum Member
    Or go to a hostel to live.

    Its not the best option but surely better then sleeping outside. Atleast you get a warm place to sleep every night
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    SystemSystem Posts: 2,096,970
    Forum Member
    iancity wrote:
    Right skipped a bit but here goes....
    For one, wish people would not give advice on things they are not qualified for, if you dont KNOW dont respond :)

    Quite right, but there is such a thing as wanting to help and in desperate circumstances *any* assistance would be better than none at all, wouldn't you say? Now, what are your qualifications for rebuking everyone's two penn'orth to begin with and qualifying yours as definitive?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 312
    Forum Member
    I don't mean to sound harsh here but how & why are you online if you have no accommodation?
    Wouldn't your time be better spent looking for work & going to the Council to get a hostel place?

    grabbi wrote:
    Its the final Nail in the Coffin here...

    I lost my Job at the beginning of Jan.
    Had no money for nearly 2 months.
    Owed nearly £360 from the DWP.
    Living without anything.
    Losing all my possesions at Cash Converters on By Back, to get by.
    Hassle from people I owe money to.
    Money I owe to people for their goodness in helping me.
    I have one flaming meal a day.
    Sometimes I sleep rough.
    I can't sleep sometimes.
    I cry so much, feeling sorry for myself, but I hate myself for feeling sorry for myself.
    Everywhere I turn, there is a dead end.

    I know I'm stating all this on a forum, but I feel like I can't talk about it to a person face to face, because they will just say I'm selfish and feeling sorry for myself.

    I'm a burden to everyone I know, and everyone that helps me.
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    ScaramoucheScaramouche Posts: 3,515
    Forum Member
    grabbi wrote:

    My circumstances were that I was fired from my Job, so I claim Jsa,

    Aside from the queries about your circumstances, they can suspend payment of JSA for up to six months if they decide you made yourself voluntarily unemployed through misconduct in your last job.
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