
Alex Parks Dumped By Polydor & She Can't Understand Why.



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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 97
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    I thought Alex released a great second album, and I can't wait for her next.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,923
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    R-H17 wrote:
    I thought Alex released a great second album, and I can't wait for her next.

    She has the small matter of finding a record company that will have her first.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 551
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    OMG! I can't imagine anything much worse than Little Miss Foghorn destroying that beautiful song.

    I agree Alex was just not good enough, the songs she wrote were dull and very morbid, total crap really .:eek:
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    Reality SucksReality Sucks Posts: 28,538
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    I personally think Carolynne should have won.

    The fact remains that the winner has been proven to be all hype and no substance. If you can't accept that fact and accept that despite all the hype she still bombed, who's not just bitter and twisted but also deluded?

    I thought Alex certainly had the talent to go far when she was on FA. The only thing I didn't like about her was the way she broke words up into two parts - I found that very distracting to listen to and it detracted from the overall performance. The recordings she made that I heard on the radio lacked spark and passion and I think maybe that's why her career hasn't taken off as much as it might have.

    I don't agree that Carolynne should have won - She was a pretty girl with a good but unmemorable voice.
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    thenetworkbabethenetworkbabe Posts: 45,639
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    I personally think Carolynne should have won.

    The fact remains that the winner has been proven to be all hype and no substance. If you can't accept that fact and accept that despite all the hype she still bombed, who's not just bitter and twisted but also deluded?

    The winner hasn't be proven to be anything of the sort - the fact that none of the people behind her managed to pull of a Lemar and effectively vanished, even though Carolynne had real talent confirms that the public vote wasn't missing anything. It picked the best singer over the Park impersonator which was the task demanded of it by the format.

    Apart from the point that she may never have wanted fame, the problem was that Alex got stuck on trhe idea of credibility and didn't produce what her company wanted to to sell. She didn't bomb because she didn't get that far - her company made her second album all but invisible - because they didn't like it. What she produced was distinctly similar to Alex productions from FA -similar themes, similar lyrics, similar style, similar music . These didn't even beat Alistairs efforts in the public votes on the show and his proved even less saleable. after the show. It pleased her fans but wouldn't grab a market even though she was distinctive enough and had the voice to do it . What she produced in FA was a complete range of other people's hits which proved that if someone wrote a song like Yellow or Mad World for her she would sing it well enough to have a big hit . Thats all the show can prove .If they don't have the right songs and the right backing thats as far as people will get.

    The praiseworthy credibility or rot - depending how you see it - set in from the moment David talked to her about whether she wanted to be credible and whether she wanted to be influential - without making the obvious point to her that the industry would only pay her to be either if she produced something commercial.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 165
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    I think your point regarding Alex's voice vs her music is a fair one.

    In my opinion, Alex had some great songs on her second album, far better than the stuff on her first album. The problem from a commercial standpoint was that the songs on the second album were genre wise more niche, and you tend to love or hate them in much the same way as people love or hate her voice. The problem is that whilst this means that a smaller number of people absolutely love what she did with the second album, it lacked the broad Pop appeal of the first to reach the same levels of success.

    Polydor's answer to this was to release Looking For Water, which flopped because it wasn't very distinctive or catchy music wise, but was designed to appeal to a broad audience. Unfortunately, the song itself didn't allow Alex to use her voice to her full potential which could have compensated for that. The second single, Honesty, should have done much better as it was more Alex but also pretty commercial. Unfortunately by this point, Polydor had decided to pull the plug, and I'm sure even non-fans were shocked at how poorly it did.

    I think now it's unlikely Alex will ever return to being a big music star, due to a combination of her not wanting to be famous and the fact she wants to put her artisitc credibility ahead of profit. Fortunately, she still has a solid fanbase that will continue to support her as a smaller independent artist.
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    RPMRPM Posts: 521
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    Julian33 wrote:
    and I'm sure even non-fans were shocked at how poorly it did.

    Non-fans predicted it ages before it happened!

    Julian33 wrote:
    I think now it's unlikely Alex will ever return to being a big music star, due to a combination of her not wanting to be famous and the fact she wants to put her artisitc credibility ahead of profit. Fortunately, she still has a solid fanbase that will continue to support her as a smaller independent artist.

    Pity she doesn't have a record company willing to support that smaller independent artist. :rolleyes:

    As a non-fan I'm predicting that Alex Parks will not release any more albums. My predictions about her career have been correct so far.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 165
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    Ah RPM, good to hear from you again. Been a while since we've had a debate :D

    On your first point, that's not true at all. There were a few sceptics, like yourself. As I recall, the chart predictions ranged from the most optimistic fans expecting top 10, to more sceptical people thinking it would just scrape the top 40. Most neutral people who were not biased for or against Alex expected it to get somewhere between 15 and 20. At any rate, the result of number 54 was far worse than the vast majority of people expected, which it shouldn't have realistically got considering it had fared much better airplay wise than Looking For Water. The reason it had happened is because Polydor couldn't care less at this point - I suspect they wanted Honesty to fail so that the could tell Alex "we told you so, it's back to mainstream pop for you", where they could make their money.

    As for your second point, that's totally unsubstantiated. I'm not sure whether she had any offers from record companies or not, neither do you. What I can do however is quote what Alex said on the official site:

    "I'm going to take a break to work out the next step: there are a few offers but I really want to get it right this time! I promise that you will be the first to know my new plans."

    Interpret what you will of the "few offers" - I don't think you can rule out that those offers could have been from smaller indie record labels, or perhaps from songwriters she has worked with (Judie Tzuke, Imogen Heap) that have their own labels already.

    The last we heard, Alex is travelling in Australia, but she plans on continuing on with music, and will probably release an EP before another album.
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    RPMRPM Posts: 521
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    Julian33 wrote:
    ...The reason it had happened is because Polydor couldn't care less at this point - I suspect they wanted Honesty to fail so that the could tell Alex "we told you so, it's back to mainstream pop for you", where they could make their money.

    Congratulations on possibly the most ridiculous claim on this forum by an Alex fanatic. Yes, Polydor wanted to lose money by having a flop single to promote a flop album just to teach their "artist" a lesson!?!?!?!?
    They could have pulled the plug on the second single, just like they did with the first, and not lost any more money. Did you really think this statement through before posting it?
    Julian33 wrote:
    The last we heard, Alex is travelling in Australia, but she plans on continuing on with music, and will probably release an EP before another album.

    I'm sure that her dwindling fanbase will wait in moist anticipation for her next release, if it ever happens. I predict sales of less than 2,000 units for her next album should an indie label be brave enough to sign her. At least she'll have her artistic credibility to console her while Lemar is constantly referred to as the only success to come out of Fame Academy.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 165
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    RPM wrote:
    Congratulations on possibly the most ridiculous claim on this forum by an Alex fanatic. Yes, Polydor wanted to lose money by having a flop single to promote a flop album just to teach their "artist" a lesson!?!?!?!?
    They could have pulled the plug on the second single, just like they did with the first, and not lost any more money. Did you really think this statement through before posting it?
    I'm not suggesting at all that Polydor wanted to lose money, it was probably an attempt at calling Alex's bluff. They knew that Alex had the voice to be a huge artist, and that's why they tried to pressure her into doing more generic pop stuff. They tried to get Alex to lead with "Do You Know The Way It Feels?", which would have most likely been a hit on the scale of Dido's White Flag. Alex refused to release it though because she wasn't involved in the songwriting, it was "off the shelf", and it wasn't where she wanted to go musically. I guess at that point Alex said if you make me do it, I walk. Knowing that she could still be a be a huge seller for them, it's possible they assigned a minimum budget for Honesty, hoping it would flop, so that then they could turn round and tell her "we told you so", and that she would cave in and release a 3rd album in the style they wanted, which would bring in the money. If this was the case, it didn't go to plan as Alex walked.
    RPM wrote:
    I'm sure that her dwindling fanbase will wait in moist anticipation for her next release, if it ever happens. I predict sales of less than 2,000 units for her next album should an indie label be brave enough to sign her. At least she'll have her artistic credibility to console her while Lemar is constantly referred to as the only success to come out of Fame Academy.
    Predict what you will, I find it rather sad that you seem to be suggesting Alex should have been a sell out and released generic pop (which you'd have probably criticised her for doing) as opposed to doing what she enjoys and loves. I'd be interested to know what your music tastes are - do you only listen to music that is currently popular in the charts, and then abandon the artist when they're no longer popular?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 165
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    Oh, and by the way, about your "predictions" that have never been wrong, let me quote back to you two of your latest:
    RPM wrote:
    As a non-fan I'm predicting that Alex Parks will not release any more albums. My predictions about her career have been correct so far.
    RPM wrote:
    I'm sure that her dwindling fanbase will wait in moist anticipation for her next release, if it ever happens. I predict sales of less than 2,000 units for her next album should an indie label be brave enough to sign her
    Quite how you can predict that she won't release any more albums at the same time as predicting that she will have sales of less than 2000 units of her next album if it happens, kind of implies that you don't believe your first prediction yourself (bearing in mind the fact that all of your predictions have been correct so far apparantly). Make enough predictions and some of them are bound to be right. The fact is, you seem to enjoy spreading FUD about her. Maybe you and Alex have some history in the real world?
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    RPMRPM Posts: 521
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    Julian33 wrote:
    I'm not suggesting at all that Polydor wanted to lose money, it was probably an attempt at calling Alex's bluff. They knew that Alex had the voice to be a huge artist, and that's why they tried to pressure her into doing more generic pop stuff. They tried to get Alex to lead with "Do You Know The Way It Feels?", which would have most likely been a hit on the scale of Dido's White Flag. Alex refused to release it though because she wasn't involved in the songwriting, it was "off the shelf", and it wasn't where she wanted to go musically. I guess at that point Alex said if you make me do it, I walk. Knowing that she could still be a be a huge seller for them, it's possible they assigned a minimum budget for Honesty, hoping it would flop, so that then they could turn round and tell her "we told you so", and that she would cave in and release a 3rd album in the style they wanted, which would bring in the money. If this was the case, it didn't go to plan as Alex walked.

    Predict what you will, I find it rather sad that you seem to be suggesting Alex should have been a sell out and released generic pop (which you'd have probably criticised her for doing) as opposed to doing what she enjoys and loves. I'd be interested to know what your music tastes are - do you only listen to music that is currently popular in the charts, and then abandon the artist when they're no longer popular?

    The first section is speculative dross.

    I never criticised her for releasing generic pop. I criticised her for poor vocal ability and releasing p*ss poor songs. My music tastes are irrelevant. All I will say is that it is large and varied.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 165
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    Well if that's what you think, I don't see why you continue to spread your FUD, given that nothing she can do will ever please you.

    I tend to post about things that interest me, and ignore those that don't. The fact that you seem to do just the opposite reflects badly on you.
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    EddyBeeEddyBee Posts: 45,704
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    I remember the outrageosly wild claims made for Alex Parks by Carrie Grant & Richard Parks as they set about arranging for her to win FA2. Claims endorsed & exaggerated by Alex's fans.

    I remember how there were only a few of us that did not buy into the hype & the belief that AP was about to change the face of music etc

    It's so good to have been proved so right.
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    RPMRPM Posts: 521
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    Julian33 wrote:
    Well if that's what you think, I don't see why you continue to spread your FUD, given that nothing she can do will ever please you.

    That's not strictly true, I'll be over the moon if she gets my order right when I drive through the McDonalds that she ends up working in. It's only a matter of time until her clown training becomes useful in her career.
    Julian33 wrote:
    I tend to post about things that interest me, and ignore those that don't. The fact that you seem to do just the opposite reflects badly on you.

    Fame Academy does interest me. It was a really good TV show ruined by the ruthless manipulation of the British public to agree with who had already been picked as a winner. I wish that the current phone in scandal could be investigated back to FA2 as it was a total sham. Anyway, this is old news and I'm not ashamed to say that I'm glad that she is perceived as a failure and I'm proud that I wasn't one of the ones brainwashed into believing the hype.

    END OF
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 165
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    I wasn't brainwashed, and I don't follow hype. I'm not scared to go against the trend when I believe strongly in something. My support of Alex is based solely on the fact that I believe her to be an amazing singer - hence why I still support her today after all the publicity has gone. Clearly your bitterness for Alex seems to lie with the fact that you believe the BBC rigged the result and manipulated her to be the winner. I suggest you take your complaints to them rather than get some perverse satisfaction out of every bit of negative news you can find about Alex. That aside, do you seriously think that anyone else in FA2 was even close to Alex vocally? Maybe that's the real reason for your attitude - whereas you accuse Alex fans of being deluded perhaps your an equally "deluded" fan of someone else, and were outraged when they didn't win? Alex was IMO the rightful winner of FA2, and whilst Alistair was a very nice guy and a good songwriter, vocally he was nowhere near. Justice prevailed in the second series, unlike the first where Lemar was clearly the best in the vocal department.

    Clearly nothing I say is going to change your mind about Alex, you want to look at everything in the worst light possible. I will leave you to wallow in your little dream world, and look forward to the day when Alex releases another album and proves your predictions wrong.
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    Mizz FilthMizz Filth Posts: 1,193
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    I liked her on the show but don't remember her ever releasing any songs, obviously didn't pay attention coz after reading this thread realised she had two albums. :o
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 165
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    Well there were two released from her first album, Introduction (Maybe That's What It Takes from the show) and another, and then two more from her second. It's not too surprising if you havn't heard her second album songs because they didn't get much airplay.

    If your interested, all of her stuff is on her official site at www.alexparks.com
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    Mizz FilthMizz Filth Posts: 1,193
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    Julian33 wrote:
    Well there were two released from her first album, Introduction (Maybe That's What It Takes from the show) and another, and then two more from her second. It's not too surprising if you havn't heard her second album songs because they didn't get much airplay.

    If your interested, all of her stuff is on her official site at www.alexparks.com

    Thank you, I will have a look now. :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 309
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    What concerns me is that Alex may have missed the boat altogether now.

    Despite not appearing in the charts, her fellow 'students' have all spent the last 3 years writing and performing live, and they have all become very accomplished at what they do, with steadily growing fanbases.
    Julian33 wrote:
    and whilst Alistair was a very nice guy and a good songwriter, vocally he was nowhere near.
    I beg to differ. Now he is allowed to choose his own songs, you can see what he is capable of.


    The same goes for James Fox - the one they dismissed as a pub performer can come up with a performance like this:


    And if you were tempted to think Peter Brame couldn't sing, listen to a few of his new batch of acoustic songs - he has developed into an extremely good songwriter:


    As far as I can tell, Alex did comparatively few live shows once she left FA, and the ones I saw on film that she did to promote 'Honesty' showed that she still had a long way to go as a performer.

    She is no longer a 'teenage sensation', and there are now many others out there who have overtaken her without having half the advantages she did. The songs on her last album were mostly co-written with some of the best songwriters around, and were still not that popular, and I wonder if her solo efforts could measure up to them. I fear that she will struggle to find an audience if and when she decides to resume her musical career.
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    thenetworkbabethenetworkbabe Posts: 45,639
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    Mizz Filth wrote:
    I liked her on the show but don't remember her ever releasing any songs, obviously didn't pay attention coz after reading this thread realised she had two albums. :o

    Introduction the first album did well. The single she sang on the second part of the final did well. They missed the opprtunity though to get her a Christmas number 1 (you don't see that with Leona!) and bizarrely had her singing a better cover of what was the Xmas number 1 (Mad World) on the album which they could have used if someone hadn't been faster and smarter. thats where the credibility albatross set in - they wanted her to do something new of her own and not a cover.

    The second album came out totally unsupported after an interminable delay when people had forgotten FA2 - the single was on download only after they lost interest in it and only struggled into some shops. it looked as if they gave up and just went through the motions whilst spending as little as possible.

    Leona is instructive - the industry likes a belter who belts what they are given - at least till someone else comes along. It doesn't really do credible, or or british female singers - Alex isn't alone in being dumped after or getting little support for her second album - its almost the norm..
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    RPMRPM Posts: 521
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    Julian33 wrote:
    I wasn't brainwashed, and I don't follow hype. I'm not scared to go against the trend when I believe strongly in something. My support of Alex is based solely on the fact that I believe her to be an amazing singer - hence why I still support her today after all the publicity has gone. Clearly your bitterness for Alex seems to lie with the fact that you believe the BBC rigged the result and manipulated her to be the winner. I suggest you take your complaints to them rather than get some perverse satisfaction out of every bit of negative news you can find about Alex. That aside, do you seriously think that anyone else in FA2 was even close to Alex vocally? Maybe that's the real reason for your attitude - whereas you accuse Alex fans of being deluded perhaps your an equally "deluded" fan of someone else, and were outraged when they didn't win? Alex was IMO the rightful winner of FA2, and whilst Alistair was a very nice guy and a good songwriter, vocally he was nowhere near. Justice prevailed in the second series, unlike the first where Lemar was clearly the best in the vocal department.

    Ah, here we go with the claims that anyone who doesn't like Alex is just bitter because their favourite never won. There were at least 4 or 5 other acts in FA2 whose albums I would have bought had they ever been lucky enough to release one.
    Julian33 wrote:
    Clearly nothing I say is going to change your mind about Alex, you want to look at everything in the worst light possible. I will leave you to wallow in your little dream world, and look forward to the day when Alex releases another album and proves your predictions wrong.

    I think that it's you that wallows in a dream world when you spout claims that Alex "walked" away from Polydor. The reality is that she was tied to (if my memory serves me right) a 5 album contract with them. She couldn't walk. THEY DROPPED HER!!!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 165
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    Thanks for those links Judely. Alistair has definitely improved, as has James. I can't really say the same for Peter though - for me he should have been booted much earlier than he was because vocally I think he was very weak. No disrespect to Alistair, because I like him, but IMO Alex and Lemar are in a totally different league vocally to anyone else from a reality TV show in this country. For me Alistair was a better songwriter than Alex, which is why he rightfully finished where he did in my books. Whether that's still true now I don't know - Alex has matured as a songwriter since FA, but no doubt so has Alistair, and as I havn't really heard any of his recent songs I can't make a fair judgement on that.

    It would be a mistake to say Alex has been standing still though. I would agree with you to the extent that what I think is one of Alex's biggest problems is she releases something, then disappears, and never builds any momentum. If she could have continued on with the buzz she'd started to build up from her live performances on the back of Honesty that would have been great. Vocally though she has advanced - she has always been able to belt out songs, but the softer side of her voice has improved, and is more delicate, she can sustain high notes better, and her tuning when doing live performances is superb.

    On the songwriting side of things, it's been a mixed bag I feel. Alex did take a more active role in songwriting on the second album - she did work with other people on all the songs, but she was the main songwriter on quite a few (where she only got help with production). I think she's come on leaps and bounds in the lyrics department - some of the lyrics are top notch IMO. On the melody side of things she still needs more experience before she can stand on her own two feet.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 309
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    Julian33 wrote:
    Alex has matured as a songwriter since FA, but no doubt so has Alistair, and as I havn't really heard any of his recent songs I can't make a fair judgement on that.

    There are a few demos from last year HERE

    You can hear one of his latest songs "Naked" on Albion's Myspace

    The two demos that Albion have given out as free downloads (there's one every month!) have so far been excellent.
    He's now writing with Paul Banks, who was responsible for most of Shed Seven's hits, so things are looking pretty good for the future!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 165
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    Thanks Judely. I remember listening to some of Albions demos a while back thanks to you, and remember thinking a couple of tracks had potential. They seem to have come on further since then - Alistairs vocals are definitely better, they seem to have taken on an indie edge without compromising on melody. On the songs, I've listened to the myspace ones and I think Naked and Happiness are excellent - Naked is good enough to be a single I think! I used to think Alistair was slightly worse than David Sneddon both vocally and in songwriting, but I think he's probably overtaken him in both areas now.

    In relation to Alex, it's clear to me that both of them have progressed. For me, Alex is still clearly in the lead on vocals - but to me Alistair could never catch up there because she's so far ahead - training and experience can only refine the raw potential. On songwriting, IMO Alex is now ahead lyrically, but then lyrics are very subjective, so thats down to personal preference I guess. I'd say Alistair is the clear winner though in terms of the melody of songs, much as he was in FA - that has always been his greatest strength, and Alex still needs to do a lot of work in that area.

    Alistair's greatest strength is his songwriting and he could make lots of money from that as David Sneddon has. I wish him the best in his ventures as a singer as well though. I feel he's up to the standard now that I would seriously consider buying his next album if it's anything like the style of those songs on the myspace profile.
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