
Alex Parks Dumped By Polydor & She Can't Understand Why.



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    MRS LAWSONMRS LAWSON Posts: 16,654
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    I used to babysit for her when she was a baby.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,204
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    Its the old story you like what you like Carrie and Co could not make me like Alex's music, nor could they turn be off Alistair's voice, I have never been to see Alex or bought her music but continue to support Alistair because I love his voice and music and see him perform whenever possible, you cannot claim Julian33 that Alex's vocals are better than Alistair its down to personal taste, Alistair's voice in a simple accoustic gig can move me to tears, you may never feel the same and that is your choice :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 165
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    We'll have to agree to disagree on that I'm afraid taurus girl. If you take someone from the X-Factor auditions, pretty much everyone would say that the finalists were better singers. There would be a few even then though who would probably claim that the person from the auditions was better. Whilst this is an extreme example, the principle is the same. There is a point at which you can no longer say which artist is better than another, but I don't think Alistair is at that point. I would bet you that if you put Alex and Alistair in front of professional vocal judges, that the vast majority, if not all, would say Alex was the better singer.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,204
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    Actually simon Cowell and Sharon and Ozzy have said it was Alistair but I am not getting into an argument you believe Alex is better because you like her and as I said before that is your choice, I do not agree which is my choice :)
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    Alex OakwellAlex Oakwell Posts: 160
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    MRS LAWSON wrote:
    I used to babysit for her when she was a baby.

    So you are responsible? :eek:
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    RPMRPM Posts: 521
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    Julian33 wrote:
    I would bet you that if you put Alex and Alistair in front of professional vocal judges, that the vast majority, if not all, would say Alex was the better singer.

    More speculative nonsense. :yawn:
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    MixstarMixstar Posts: 9,290
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    Some of the comments in here...unnecessarily harsh, childish and ignorant.

    The second I saw her on Fame Academy, I thought, there's a star and she deserves to win, for giving heartfelt, passionate and strong performances week after week.

    I'll tell you the reason she didn't do well.
    The people behind her, either didn't give a toss or mismanaged her in a bad, bad way.
    Say what you will about her first album and it’s cover songs…yes even I will agree that it should have really been a debut album of all original songs.

    But she breathed new life into those cover versions, especially Beautiful, Imagine (…a song I actually can’t stand) and Here Comes The Rain Again. The single choices were good and the chart positions were annoyingly disappointing, I can’t put my finger on it and I can’t tell you why it didn’t do as well as it should…but you know what, maybe I can…it’s because the “Great” British public like to destroy what they create…it’s almost a source of entertainment, to build someone up and then see them get torn down…and I just don’t understand how/why people would do that to someone’s career.

    Its very easy to blame someone else and not the singer for not releasing “stronger material”…give me a break, in this instance you can tell where the blame lies and it’s not with Alex.

    AND THEN, good ol’ Polydor, who have a track record of ruining artists under their wing…I don’t know whether they gave Alex two years off or whether that was her decision, in any case…mad move, because in her position she has more to prove than most, needs to be out there in the public eye and releasing music at a faster pace. Add to that, when she did make her return…Polydor did not promote the album at all, they stupidly made the first single a Download Only, again, with no promotion and then did not promote the second single at all. Fact: IF YOU DON’T LET PEOPLE KNOW YOUR ARTIST IS BACK, THEY WON’T KNOW!!

    Her second album is amazing; she has amazingly emotive, powerful and passionate vocals and I know I’m probably wasting my time and will unlikely convert anyone into my way of thinking, but she was not the wrong person to win nor is she a failure…if it had been handled better, she could and still can be considered a future star in this business. But it has to start with support and promotion, promotion, promotion!!

    Oh and I was at her last gig at the much acclaimed Sheppard Bush Empire, where she gave the performance of her life, in what has been the best Live show I’ve seen yet…and I’ve seen Kylie, Elton, Alanis, et al.

    I do sometimes wonder why we bother with Reality TV Music Contests...when all we do is build them up over a period of 4 months and then watch from the sidelines with glee at their downfall and say...you were simply not good enough and never will be. Just because it's easy for you to say it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 327
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    Thanks Mixstar for bringing some sense to this thread at last!
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    MixstarMixstar Posts: 9,290
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    No problem, just had to get it off my chest.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 739
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    I have stayed out of this thread for so long,frankly because i am so bad at posting with any bit of sense at all.But i just had to come in and applaud Mixstar for what they said.
    I loved Alex and her music,i have both albums,and today i still love to listen to them and to her voice,i too was at the Shepards Bush gig and she blew me away.
    I dont hope she will be back,i know she will be.
    Anyways,Mixstar i totally agree with everything you said,well done!
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    scott-charmedscott-charmed Posts: 928
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    Alex Parks bores me, I'm glad she got dropped.

    No offence.
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    Alex OakwellAlex Oakwell Posts: 160
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    She was poor :yawn:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 165
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    That was a good post Mixstar, and your right, Alex isn't the only artist Polydor have badly mismanaged. She also wouldn't be the first artist to have been scuppered by Polydor only to later make a comeback - Nerina Pallot anyone?

    Taurus girl, I was very careful to say professional vocal judges and not the likes of Simon Cowell, who has released the likes of Bob the builder. Even so I don't remember him ever saying anything along the lines of Alistair being better vocally than Alex - if you have a link to somewhere that he said that I'd be interested to see it. I actually seem to remember him saying something about wishing she was on his show (Pop Idol 2), but then criticising her for taking her music so seriously! Guess that says it all about him.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,204
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    There would be little point in me digging up the link as you would not believe it anyway, obviously you did not hear Carrie Grant say on live streaming last week that there were better singers than her, she often sang out of tune and hit bum notes ;) she also said it didnt matter as the record company bought into her image :rolleyes: lets just agree to disagree and say no more :)
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    Alex OakwellAlex Oakwell Posts: 160
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    She was poor :yawn:

    She seemed masculine.
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    ValLambertValLambert Posts: 11,688
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    She wore sensible shoes.
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    PlausibleDenialPlausibleDenial Posts: 978
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    I wonder what happened to Alex Parkes, I wonder if she saw Carolynn Goode/Poole that she beat on x factor and thinks that she might give it another go!
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    thenetworkbabethenetworkbabe Posts: 45,639
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    I wonder what happened to Alex Parkes, I wonder if she saw Carolynn Goode/Poole that she beat on x factor and thinks that she might give it another go!

    Not sure. The problems are different. Alex knew what she wanted to do and it wasn't what her record company wanted to sell, or what she proved on the show she could sing brilliantly. They wanted credibility on the show, but they didn't wnat a whole album of her being credibly herself. . Not sure if she wanted to be a star either. Carolynne's issue was that she had a less specific identity on the show and spent much of it looking for one. Carolynne seems to have found her theme and has added experience and acting experience to her vocals - which at times were also great on FA. Hopefully now she will get the opportunities she wrongly didn't get last time.
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