
Peter Kay / Dave Spikey row ?

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 49
Forum Member
Dave Spikey was on Radio 2 with Chris Evans the other night and after he'd gone someone in the studio mentioned Peter Kay.

Chris Evans said...."Oh no, if you know Dave Spikey, you don't ask about Peter Kay"....

Which made me wonder what that was all about...

I've read from other threads that Peter Kay is a bit up his own a** (although I think he is a funny bloke !)

Any ideas ?


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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,940
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    I thought they were really good friends! I know Spikey was involved with one of Peter Kay's tours a few years ago. Weird!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 49
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    I know they have co-written a lot of stuff, which is why I thought it was odd.
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    weedledeedleweedledeedle Posts: 8,669
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    Akey wrote:
    Dave Spikey was on Radio 2 with Chris Evans the other night and after he'd gone someone in the studio mentioned Peter Kay.

    Chris Evans said...."Oh no, if you know Dave Spikey, you don't ask about Peter Kay"....

    Which made me wonder what that was all about...

    I've read from other threads that Peter Kay is a bit up his own a** (although I think he is a funny bloke !)

    Any ideas ?

    prolly cos Dave Spikey writes MOST of the stuff for Phoenix Nights, yet Peter Kay gets all the praise and kow towing for it ;)

    (IMHO of course! :o )
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 771
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    aye, there was rumour that both Dave and Neil Fitz-thingy were annoyed/upset/gobsmacked that when PN won an award PK took all credit and made no reference to DS & NF, even though PN would not have been if it weren't for them. thats where it stemmed from I think
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    Mrs CMrs C Posts: 1,533
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    This from Wikipedia...

    Peter has claimed that he has already written Series 3. However, it was written without Dave Spikey and Neil Fitzmaurice, both of whom co-wrote Series 1 & 2 and as of present do not speak to Kay. It is claimed they were upset that Kay named the series "Peter Kay's Phoenix Nights" (albeit an apparent decision by Channel 4 executives) and that Kay insisted on collecting the BAFTA for the series alone. Whilst many have embraced the news of a new series, others remain worried that without Spikey and Fitzmaurice as Jerry St. Clair and Ray Von, on top of Max and Paddy not returning, the series could be a flop.

    Think Dave Spikey :) deserved more credit for Phoenix Nights as he was excellent - as was Neil Fitzmaurice - I love Peter Kay but have heard on a forum not so far from here that he can be a bit off with memebers of the public..fair enough I suppose, after all it's only his day job.. :D

    BTW This also from the same site...

    In 2006, Kay was asked by Marks & Spencer to open their new Middlebrook store in his home town of Bolton, but for a half hour appearance, Kay wanted a fee of £35,000 and a 2 hour shopping spree before the store's official opening. Bolton Middlebrook declined, and had their manager, Jo Cresswell open the store instead[citation needed :o
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    nationwide232nationwide232 Posts: 1,281
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    To be honest, we all know who the talent was. If it wasn't for Peter Kay there would be no PN. Spikey and the other guy should be grateful.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 484
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    I think the tide is starting to turn for Peter Kay. yes he's still hugely popular but people are getting increasingly fed up with the fact that he has no new material, and still harps on about Garlic Bread, Warden-controlled flats and Uncle Knobhead whenever he's on tv.

    With his particular brand of nostalgia-based comedy, it can't be that hard to think of things from the 70s and 80s that people can relate to. I'm not asking for a new tour or anything, know he's been busy in The Producers, but it would be nice to see him on Parky or whatever with just a few new jokes. He is a very funny man, but people are getting tired of him.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 522
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    I really liked Peter Kay until I saw him interviewed a few times and that really changed my opinion. He tries to take over the whole show and can't seem to take what he dishes out. Jonathan Ross was taking the piss out of him (as Peter had been doing to him since the interview started) and he seemed to get really touchy. An Audience with Take That was another example. He tried to kind off take over when Gary Barlow asked him if he had a question for them. From what I remember Gary got peed off with him taking longer than he should have and answered abruptly which shut Peter up.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 771
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    To be honest, we all know who the talent was. If it wasn't for Peter Kay there would be no PN. Spikey and the other guy should be grateful.
    sorry, but after hearing a lot of Dave's earlier stuff from when he did WOW nights with GMR (BBC Manchester radio) you can tell where PK got a hell of a lot of his stuff from.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 937
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    I love Peter Kay and his humour, but he is starting to grate. I read his biography recently and I was really disappointed in it. It seems he 's being doing the same routine since his childhood.

    He's also milking the old cash cow as the biog finished just as Peter starting getting established.

    It's a shame he hasn't the balls to credit Neil and Dave for all their creativity on Phoenix Nights. Maybe he could set the record straight in Part Two of his biog...which I'm sure he will be flogging on a chat show sofa in time for xmas...
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 771
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    fizzybird wrote:
    I love Peter Kay and his humour, but he is starting to grate. I read his biography recently and I was really disappointed in it. It seems he 's being doing the same routine since his childhood.

    He's also milking the old cash cow as the biog finished just as Peter starting getting established.

    It's a shame he hasn't the balls to credit Neil and Dave for all their creativity on Phoenix Nights. Maybe he could set the record straight in Part Two of his biog...which I'm sure he will be flogging on a chat show sofa in time for xmas...
    well said!!
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    Loz_FraggleLoz_Fraggle Posts: 5,759
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    4dwursty wrote:
    sorry, but after hearing a lot of Dave's earlier stuff from when he did WOW nights with GMR (BBC Manchester radio) you can tell where PK got a hell of a lot of his stuff from.

    Also, if you listen to the commentary on the various DVDs, it's mentioned what bits are whose idea, and NF and DS did contribute a lot to the writing of the series.
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    Loz_FraggleLoz_Fraggle Posts: 5,759
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    I think the tide is starting to turn for Peter Kay. yes he's still hugely popular but people are getting increasingly fed up with the fact that he has no new material, and still harps on about Garlic Bread, Warden-controlled flats and Uncle Knobhead whenever he's on tv.

    With his particular brand of nostalgia-based comedy, it can't be that hard to think of things from the 70s and 80s that people can relate to. I'm not asking for a new tour or anything, know he's been busy in The Producers, but it would be nice to see him on Parky or whatever with just a few new jokes. He is a very funny man, but people are getting tired of him.

    Actually, the last time he was on Parky, the stuff he was talking/joking about were things I hadn't heard him do before.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 825
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    Neil & Dave weren't involved in 'Max & Paddy's Road To Nowhere' - which say's a lot. The difference in quality between the 2 shows was amazing.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 267
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    To be honest, we all know who the talent was. If it wasn't for Peter Kay there would be no PN. Spikey and the other guy should be grateful.

    You're kidding, right?

    Everything Peter Kay has done without the input of Neil Fitzmaurice and Dave Spikey has been about as funny as a fire in an orphange (to quote the late, great, Les Dawson).

    I want to like him but just saying things loudly in a strong Bolton accent, looking around and then asking 'Whats all that about then?' Isn't my idea of comedy.

    Just try it - 'Grass, eh! (pause, look around without establishing eye contact) What's all that about, then? Eh!, eh!!'
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 5,053
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    I really liked Peter Kay until I saw him interviewed a few times and that really changed my opinion.
    He tries to take over the whole show and can't seem to take what he dishes out. Jonathan Ross was taking the piss out of him (as Peter had been doing to him since the interview started) and he seemed to get really touchy. .

    I so agree with this post. Ive been a fan of Kay's for ages and still am really.
    When faced with Jonathan Ross - a worthy adversary, Kay came across as really aggressive, threatened and defensive in the interview to me.
    During the Parky interview, where he was allowed free rein to do what he wanted without anyone competing, he was Mr Nice Guy.
    I think he has truly shot up his own backside to be honest.

    I bought his autobiography recently and although fairly amusing (though not that well written), he actually comes across in places as a not particularly likeable, smart mouthed arsehole.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 924
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    I used to like PK and would have travelled many miles to see him, but now I can’t be bothered to switch on the TV to watch him.
    I think he’s the victim of his own PR, and feels he’s the most funny person on the planet so can sit back and just rehash old material with a few new bits thrown in.
    He cadges parts in shows (Dr Who was toe curlingly bad) and thinks he’s the bees knees of an actor.
    I feel sorry for the co stars in Phoenix Nights. They made it funny, not solely him and yet he took all the credit for the writing.
    I feel, that the bubble has burst for him. I hope he can pull it back, but he’s made many, many enemies and you can’t do that in comedy.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 5,053
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    He cadges parts in shows (Dr Who was toe curlingly bad) and thinks he’s the bees knees of an actor

    I remember Sally Lindsay (Shelley) saying in an interview that when Peter Kay appeared in a cameo role on Corrie, that he was trying to direct and kept interfering with his own script and coming up with his own ideas, all of which didnt go down too well with the Producer/Director at the time. :rolleyes:
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    WoowookidWoowookid Posts: 7,367
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    Mrs C wrote:
    BTW This also from the same site...
    In 2006, Kay was asked by Marks & Spencer to open their new Middlebrook store in his home town of Bolton, but for a half hour appearance, Kay wanted a fee of £35,000 and a 2 hour shopping spree before the store's official opening. Bolton Middlebrook declined, and had their manager, Jo Cresswell open the store instead :o

    Doesn't that just give the lie to the tale that he's a working class Bolton lad made good, who's just as down to earth as he ever was?

    I loved Phoenix Nights and That Peter Kay thing and thought they were two of the funniest and most original comedy shows in years.
    But since his recent rehashing of old material on his last DVD, his 'up himself' attitude and his rejection of Neil Fitzmaurice and Dave Spikey's contributions to PN, I'm reconsidering my opinion of him.

    I bought his autobiography on a second hand books website, read it once (it was enough!) and sold it on!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,720
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    Dave Spikey is very funny, and the success of Phoenix Nights is largely down to him, IMO. Peter Kay is funny too, but he gets too much credit.

    Woowookid wrote:

    But since his recent rehashing of old material on his last DVD, his 'up himself' attitude and his rejection of Neil Fitzmaurice and Dave Spikey's contributions to PN, I'm reconsidering my opinion of him.

    I got the impression that Peter Kay was up himself as well. Funny that, because I would never have guessed he was like that. Maybe Im easily fooled.... I dunno
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,030
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    I went to a Dave Spikey christmas gig a few years ago and just about all of the Phoenix Nights cast turned up - apart from the 'main man' :rolleyes: A few hecklers shouted a couple of 'garlic breads' at them, and the majority of them on stage looked very uncomfortable...... :(
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 994
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    I read an interview on Teletext recently with Neil Fitzmaurice, which was about his role in Mobile, and he was asked if there would be another series of Phoenix Nights. He replied that "hell would have to get very cold first" and "it's no secret that things were very strained with Peter Kay".
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    RooftopcowboyRooftopcowboy Posts: 7,252
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    I must agree with some posts on here that Peter Kay desperately needs new material...

    he was very very funny IMO when he first went mainstream, as he is great at observational comedy.

    but the jokes have now worn thin, such as the "garlic bread" (which wasnt that great at the time either IMO) comment, which has really dated.

    rather like pop stars, he needs to reinvent himself a bit, and come back with a new hit.

    and again as someone has already pointed out, it cant be that hard finding funny habits to remember from the 70s and 80s, he could even start going 90s as time progresses
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 685
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    I agree with the majority of posts. Kay desperately needs to write some new material. He's made more than enough cash already out of a handful of very funny but now very tired sounding gags. I say that as a fan.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 968
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    I never found PK funny in the first place tbh, and Dave Spikey is far funnier. Doesn't surprise me that fame has gone to PKs head.
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