
Jo O'Meara



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    phil solophil solo Posts: 9,669
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    I'm sure she was, however she didn't come across well on CBB, appearing bitter and negative alot of the time, even before the unpleasantness toward Shilpa.

    Who knows, she may well have good cause to feel that way, after all if you've had a glittering career in your early twenties and then it all gets taken away and you're reduced to moping about your house and playing the slot machines all day because you've been royally screwed by your management company and all the money has gone, you too would probably be a bit miserable.

    Unfortunately, unlike the other two, O'Meara was probably in the middle of a bout of depression when she went into the house, and allowed the negative atmosphere around Goody to consume her.

    Jade is clearly a thuggish bully with anger management issues, Danielle is a stupid giggly girl who thinks bitching unpleasantly about people is funny and makes her 'one of the girls', but Jo is the girl who should have known better, whose negative feelings about her own circumstances were expressed in hostility and intolerance toward Shilpa perhaps in order to make herself feel better.

    The other two are frankly too thick-skinned or ignorant for the CBB 'racism' fuss to ever have made a long-lasting impact on their lives even without the generous rehabilitative assistance of the Daily Star and sundry 'chat' magazines, but Jo, because she started from quite a low point anyway, was always going to be the most anguished afterwards.

    It is to be hoped she has managed to save her house, get to a better place in her head, and is quietly concentrating on her happiness.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,039
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    I honestly don't think jade has been forgiven, and that many people will have forgotten Jo's part in it all
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,344
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    molly1cat wrote: »
    I personally do not believe it is one rule for Jade/Danielle and another for Jo. I think Jo has chosen to stay out of the limelight for her own reasons and has nothing to do with forgiveness IMO. She unfortunately lost her agent and close friend whilst she was in the house, then all the furor afterwards, I think it set her back quite a lot. Its a difficult postion to come back from especially without an agent to work for you. Hopefully next year will be a better year for her.

    Oh no....I find myself almost agreeing with you ! :eek:

    Well the last part at least !
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    Mrs CMrs C Posts: 1,533
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    cuk wrote: »
    Oh no....I find myself almost agreeing with you ! :eek:

    Well the last part at least !

    Remember this instead
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,266
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    O'Meara didn't really have a media profile prior to CBB and her performance on that as a turgid old fishwife did nothing to endear her to her public. She then regaled us (as another poster mentioned) with 'my suicide hell' stories which smelt like the Billinsgate Fish Market IMHO; including a very odd story about how she'd taken a packet of nurofen but had then been lucid enough to get her mate to drive her to A&E:rolleyes:

    Goody and Lloyd are tabloid favourites - both for being dim and Lloyd for having the ubiqutous inflated norks.

    Jo also had Jodie Marsh in her corner and this not help her;)
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    TabbythecatTabbythecat Posts: 33,953
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    margurita wrote: »
    Jo also had Jodie Marsh in her corner and this not help her;)

    more of a hinderance than anything
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    Soulmate9Soulmate9 Posts: 7,407
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    margurita wrote: »
    Jo also had Jodie Marsh in her corner and this not help her;)

    It's the kiss of death!
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    DavetheScotDavetheScot Posts: 16,623
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    I suppose I'm only reiterating points other people have already made, but nonetheless...

    Danielle and Jade have ongoing celeb careers whereas Jo doesn't for two main reasons.

    Firstly, Jade and Danielle were savvy enough to realise that an apology was going to be required from them, and they delivered it. In my opinion, their apologies were insincere, but they paid lip service at any rate. Jo foolishly never apologised. This was, in a way, honest, but unfortunately it did make her look bad by comparison.

    Secondly, Jade and Danielle (and especially Jade) didn't get their careers back on a plate. It took a lot of relentless publicity-seeking, trying to get in the paper for anything, no matter how sordid (Jack supplying much of the sordidness in Jade's case). The sheer shameless brass neck involved must have been considerable, but Jade and Danielle apparently have that in spades, along with a hunger for fame that made it impossible for them to contemplate returning to obscurity. To them, even being hate figures may have seemed better than being ignored.

    Jo has, I think, a different kind of personality, much weaker than those of the other two. She couldn't have marched off out clubbing as if nothing had happened, like Danielle did. For Jo, I think she had to be either a well-liked celeb (as she had been in S Club) or retreat from celebrity altogether. When her interviews trying to win the public's pity largely failed, she chose the second option, and she hasn't so far as I know been anywhere in the media for many months now.

    Bear in mind too that Jo's career as a singer is a bit different from Danielle's career as a model and Jade's career as whatever Jade's career is supposed to be. Danielle can do a photoshoot, or Jade can get papped by the tabloids, without caring what the public think of them. But for Jo to stand up in front of a potentially hostile crowd and sing would require a lot of nerve. As much as I wish Jo well, I don't think she's ready to do that.
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    The PrumeisterThe Prumeister Posts: 22,398
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    She was apparently due to star in some sort of Karen Carpenter biopic or musical and do an album of Carpenters covers, but was quietly dropped after the CBB racism debacle. Can't say I have any sympathy for her even now.
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    milliejomilliejo Posts: 2,230
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    Mrs C wrote: »
    an old subject - but was just thinking.........

    My kids are in a show at the moment and they singing reach for the Sky by S Club 7 - and I was struck by how fantastic Jo O'Meara's voice is..

    Isn't it strange that Jade and Danielle are now forgiven and back in our papers - one of the arm of a Sultan and the other with her footballer boyfriend..

    Why hasn't Jo been allowed to be rehabilitated when she was the only one of the three with any talent in the first place?

    Is there one rule for the likes of Jade and Danielle and another for Jo?

    Danielle was forgiven because she took her kit off for the Daily Star. Jade got forgiven by dying young. Jade worked really hard to apologise and make things right. I don't think she was being intentionally racist but she was rude and aggressive. She did have big problems with anger which she never had the chance to really conquer plus she was very, very dim in many ways.
    Jo may have chosen to stay out of the limelight, maybe she realised she didn't want fame, so she didn't try.
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    Tal'shiarTal'shiar Posts: 2,290
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    pete137 wrote: »
    Reviving a 5 year old thread...............realy ?

    Haha, I did think it odd when the first page of comments were 6 odd years old. This is a high level thread necro.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,115
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    Everyone hated Jade until she was diagnosed with cancer when they then acted like they'd always loved her. Hypocrites.
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    adzieeadziee Posts: 828
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    2007 was an odd year...the racism in CBB..Britney shaving her head..The Hoff having a breakdown..Lindsay Lohan starting to destroy her career.
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    Scarlett O HaraScarlett O Hara Posts: 195
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    Can't say I have any sympathy for her even now.

    I do. I thought her to be obviously very fragile and intimidated by Jade and Danielle. I will never understand why she got vilified the most out of those three because I thought it was clear to anyone with eyes that she was in an unfit state to be on the show in the first place.

    Like someone else said, if Danielle hadn't got her kit off for the papers right afterwards, and if Jade hadn't become terminally ill I don't think they would have got such an easy ride compared to Jo.

    The public are so very phony and fickle.
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    The PrumeisterThe Prumeister Posts: 22,398
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    I do. I thought her to be obviously very fragile and intimidated by Jade and Danielle. I will never understand why she got vilified the most out of those three because I thought it was clear to anyone with eyes that she was in an unfit state to be on the show in the first place.

    Like someone else said, if Danielle hadn't got her kit off for the papers right afterwards, and if Jade hadn't become terminally ill I don't think they would have got such an easy ride compared to Jo.

    The public are so very phony and fickle.

    She's a grown woman not a 5 year old in the playground. Her behaviour was disgusting, as was the behaviour of the others. Lloyd is heinous and Goody's death, whilst tragic, doesn't detract from the fact that she was a deeply unpleasant woman.

    O'Meara had a chance to apologise and attempt to atone for her behaviour publicly - and failed to do so. She showed herself to be very unpleasant.
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    bookaddictbookaddict Posts: 2,806
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    I do. I thought her to be obviously very fragile and intimidated by Jade and Danielle. I will never understand why she got vilified the most out of those three because I thought it was clear to anyone with eyes that she was in an unfit state to be on the show in the first place.

    Like someone else said, if Danielle hadn't got her kit off for the papers right afterwards, and if Jade hadn't become terminally ill I don't think they would have got such an easy ride compared to Jo.

    The public are so very phony and fickle.
    She's a grown woman not a 5 year old in the playground. Her behaviour was disgusting, as was the behaviour of the others. Lloyd is heinous and Goody's death, whilst tragic, doesn't detract from the fact that she was a deeply unpleasant woman.

    O'Meara had a chance to apologise and attempt to atone for her behaviour publicly - and failed to do so. She showed herself to be very unpleasant.

    I kind of agree with both of you. I don't believe was strong enough emotionally to be in the house, but I also think she is an unpleasant person.

    It is true though that the public can be very fickle as to who gets forgiven and who doesn't. It's simply tragic that Jade died at 27, but that doesn't mean that she was a nice person. To me, Danielle was actually the worst of the three. Jo was unfit emotionally, Jade was too stupid to know better, but Danielle was just a horrible spiteful girl. But hey, she took her top off regularly, so all her sins were forgiven.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 8,510
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    Everyone hated Jade until she was diagnosed with cancer when they then acted like they'd always loved her. Hypocrites.

    Not true, I remember a lot of negativity when she died
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 8,510
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    O'Meara had a chance to apologise and attempt to atone for her behaviour publicly - and failed to do so. She showed herself to be very unpleasant.

    I dont think she ever got what the problem was, she thought she was behaving "normally"
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    21stCenturyBoy21stCenturyBoy Posts: 44,529
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    Jo and Shilpa were actually getting along very well before Jade entered the house.

    I think, like other housemates in there (namely Cleo Rocos, Carole Malone and H Fromsteps) thought that by siding with Jade they were going to be in a stronger position with the public (as Jade was cited, tragically, as a National Treasure well before her Race Row meltdown)

    It's a weakness of character, but I'm not sure she was racist (unlike Jade and Jack, who said some appalling things in the house. Although every time Jade appeared on reality TV, she bullied someone mercilessly- Sophie in BB3, Rik Waller in Back To Reality, Kitten in the BB Panto)
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    Scarlett O HaraScarlett O Hara Posts: 195
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    Not true, I remember a lot of negativity when she died

    I agree. People were accusing her of faking her cancer right until the end. I did not like Jade and loathed all she stood for but some of the things people were saying about her were shocking and disgusting, regardless of anything she'd said or done before she became ill.
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    benjaminibenjamini Posts: 32,066
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    I felt a bit sorry for Jo.
    Does she not own kennels? or does dog breeding?
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    DavetheScotDavetheScot Posts: 16,623
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    Jo and Shilpa were actually getting along very well before Jade entered the house.

    I think, like other housemates in there (namely Cleo Rocos, Carole Malone and H Fromsteps) thought that by siding with Jade they were going to be in a stronger position with the public (as Jade was cited, tragically, as a National Treasure well before her Race Row meltdown)

    It's a weakness of character, but I'm not sure she was racist (unlike Jade and Jack, who said some appalling things in the house. Although every time Jade appeared on reality TV, she bullied someone mercilessly- Sophie in BB3, Rik Waller in Back To Reality, Kitten in the BB Panto)

    I think Jo actually was rather scared of Jade. Jo had been bullied herself in the past; on this occasion, she tried to avoid being the victim by joining the bully's "gang". She wasn't the first to do this and won't be the last, but it's certainly not very admirable.
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    MissCultureMissCulture Posts: 704
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    Everyone hated Jade until she was diagnosed with cancer when they then acted like they'd always loved her. Hypocrites.

    I liked Jade and she certainly had anger issues but none of that was racist stuff. I read her auto bio and she admitted getting irritated by Shetty because the producers were indulging Shetty's requests for things that the other housemates were not entitled to have or ask for, phone calls home etc...stuff that was never shown on camera of course. Shetty was asking for stuff for herself left right and centre and the producers were kowtowing to her. That would get on my nerves let alone Jade's. So she lost her temper. Personally I found Shetty too princess-like and the fawning over her when the show ended was ridiculous - like the entire industry was falling over itself to prove they were not racist. I thought it was terrible the way Jade was treated. Unforgivable. And Davina played her part in it too....witch.
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