
Slug on my Raised Bed, They're driving me Mad!!!!!

jabegyjabegy Posts: 6,201
Forum Member
A while ago, I got a raised bed for my garden to grow some veg. I carefully prepared the soil, then added loads and loads of compost and slow acting fertiliser. I put some copper banding all round the top to keep slugs out.

After planting out the seedlings I'd grown from seed, mainly salad crops. I also sowed some carrot seeds, and planted pak choi. They were all coming along nicely.

Last week I got some Nemaslug in the post and watered that into the garden following the instructions.

I've also had to put netting over a frame which slots into the raised bed to keep cats off (including my own !!)

But !! this morning I've been out and taken at least a dozen slugs off the raised bed, some of my french bean seedlings had been munched and a lot of the lettuce leaves.
I'm feeling very disheartened, as it's my first real attempt at growning veg, and I don't know what else I can do.

Any suggestions.


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    malaikahmalaikah Posts: 20,015
    Forum Member
    Are you against slug pellets?

    A thick band/layer of crushed shells can help persuade them to stay back.

    I am loathe to use the blue pellets but quite frankly, they are the only thing that I find really protect my Hosta and baby peas/beans from being decimated by our huge snail and slug population...
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    SigurdSigurd Posts: 26,610
    Forum Member
    Jabegy, if you don't want to use slug pellets, try a beer trap or two. You could also go out at night armed with a torch, pick up any slugs and squish them. Quite satisfying, really.
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    Rugby RoseRugby Rose Posts: 13,228
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    I wouldn't put the chemical pellets on the soil that's being used to grow stuff you are going to eat personally.

    The best organic slug killers is to put a cup, tub or some sort of container into the soil so the lip is level with the soil and fill it with lager or beer - just any cheap stuff will do. Slugs love the stuff, they go in for a drink and drown drunk.

    Here you go..this is what I mean, an attractive image for you.

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,856
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    The blue pellets work like a charm, but if you don't fancy the chemicals you could try: old coffee grounds (ask at your local coffee shop if you can have their old ones), beer traps, or eggshells - this forum http://www.chat.allotment.org.uk/index.php will give loads of help on the subject, just search for slugs

    Last suggestions would be to use these guys, http://www.defenders.co.uk/pest-problems/slugs.html
    They'll send you through a predator of slugs to release - not tried the slugs one but had a predator for aphids and it worked really well (apart from freaking out the postie who had to deliver the package with 'BEWARE LIVE CONTENTS' printed all over in bright red!!!
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    flowerpowaflowerpowa Posts: 24,389
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    Just took a look at my hanging baskets, quite a few snails in them, so sprinkled them with slug pellets. How do they manage to climb up there, the baskets are well away from the wall, it amazes me, they must smell the flowers from a mile off.:mad:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 5,160
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    Slugs dont like copper so you could make a little copper fence around your flower bed.
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    SigurdSigurd Posts: 26,610
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    Specktater wrote: »
    Last suggestions would be to use these guys, http://www.defenders.co.uk/pest-problems/slugs.html
    They'll send you through a predator of slugs to release - not tried the slugs one but had a predator for aphids and it worked really well (apart from freaking out the postie who had to deliver the package with 'BEWARE LIVE CONTENTS' printed all over in bright red!!!
    I think that contains the same nematode that's in Nemaslug, which the OP has already tried.

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    SigurdSigurd Posts: 26,610
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    Harleybobs wrote: »
    Slugs dont like copper so you could make a little copper fence around your flower bed.
    She's tried that too. See the opening post.
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    StressMonkeyStressMonkey Posts: 13,347
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    There is a green crystal like slug killer which is safe for cats/dogs/hedgehogs etc. Can't recall the name, but Wilkinsons used to sell it. White tub, green lid.

    Also, edge the bed with coarse sand, the wider an edge the better and the coarser the sand the better.
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    ErrodielErrodiel Posts: 4,479
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    Harleybobs wrote: »
    Slugs dont like copper so you could make a little copper fence around your flower bed.
    jabegy wrote: »
    A while ago, I got a raised bed for my garden to grow some veg. I carefully prepared the soil, then added loads and loads of compost and slow acting fertiliser. I put some copper banding all round the top to keep slugs out.

    After planting out the seedlings I'd grown from seed, mainly salad crops. I also sowed some carrot seeds, and planted pak choi. They were all coming along nicely.

    Last week I got some Nemaslug in the post and watered that into the garden following the instructions.

    I've also had to put netting over a frame which slots into the raised bed to keep cats off (including my own !!)

    But !! this morning I've been out and taken at least a dozen slugs off the raised bed, some of my french bean seedlings had been munched and a lot of the lettuce leaves.
    I'm feeling very disheartened, as it's my first real attempt at growning veg, and I don't know what else I can do.

    Any suggestions.

    OP's already done that.

    My granny uses beer traps and they work well - but quite unpleasant to empty. Also if you're feeling like a bit of a sadist, pouring salt on them kills them - but you have to catch them in the act for that.
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    SigurdSigurd Posts: 26,610
    Forum Member
    Jabegy, I see that Nemaslug doesn't kill absolutely every slug. From the Organic Gardening catalogue:
    It [Nemaslug] kills mainly young and small slugs under the soil surface (90% of the population), rather than big slugs on the surface, for which additional controls may be needed (see the Pest Control Products sections). However, it does mean that the young slugs do not mature and breed, giving a much reduced slug population in the future.

    Maybe the slugs you've seen are just the hardy, wrinkled old veterans that have survived? If you saw only six slugs then that doesn't really sound too bad.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 8,415
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    i am dreading this happening , just put potatoes carrots and lettuce in , i could do what i used to do , set fire to them with a lighter :o , bit messy though when they start melting all over the place though :D
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    jabegyjabegy Posts: 6,201
    Forum Member
    Thanks for all the helpful advice guys :) I have actually put slug pellets down as well, but I haven't tried a beer trap yet, I'll give that a go too. I've been out there with a torch though, I keep a bucket of salty water by to put the little buggers in when I catch them.

    The coffee grounds and crushed egg shells sounds a good idea, but I'd need to collect a lot of eggs and I've been putting them in my compost bin, sand would be good though.

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    slappers r usslappers r us Posts: 56,131
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    nice tub of salt

    they melt just like the wicked witch:D
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    babinabababinaba Posts: 5,583
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    I know that this is a bit off topic but i thought i would try here rather than start a new thread - i have slugs or snails in my house - sometimes in the morning i come downstairs and see the silvery lines all over the carpet - I don't know where they're getting into the house from or where they are going as the trail just seems to stop in the middle of the room - any suggestions would be welcome cause i really don't like having the damn beasts in my house :(
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 233
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    babinaba wrote: »
    I know that this is a bit off topic but i thought i would try here rather than start a new thread - i have slugs or snails in my house - sometimes in the morning i come downstairs and see the silvery lines all over the carpet - I don't know where they're getting into the house from or where they are going as the trail just seems to stop in the middle of the room - any suggestions would be welcome cause i really don't like having the damn beasts in my house :(

    Someone else had a thread here about this that was quite comical. The poster reckoned s/he had put slug pellets all round the outide of the house and had therefore effectively confined them to barracks. Another poster, or two, suggested that slugs need water and can't survive for very long on your carpet etc. You need to take a good look at your outside walls I think, and fill in any cracks where the slimy little devils could squeeze through.

    A mixture of salt and slug pellets at the walls nearest their trails might help too? Now.... I love animals, y'know, the friendly furry kind. Slugs - I couldn't give a big rat's ass about them and their 'right to life'.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 445
    Forum Member
    I have a terrible slug problem in my garden and over the years have tried several 'remedies', but tbh, ony the blue pellets work.
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