
How to stop falling asleep in meetings

DaisyBumblerootDaisyBumbleroot Posts: 24,763
Forum Member
It doesnt always happen, but 75% of the time im in a meeting after about half an hour, my eyes start to droop and i find it very difficult to keep them open. It doent matter if Ive had plenty of sleep the night before, I find it a real struggle. Its not that im bored, i cant help it - same if i have to watch a presentation (though i think thats just the room going darker).

The minute i come out of the meeting, im usually fine and back full of beans.

Has anyone got any tips how to stay awake, besides necking redbull before, and stabbing my hand with a sharp pencil during a meeting?


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    stateofgameplaystateofgameplay Posts: 3,578
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    Has anyone got any tips how to stay awake, besides necking redbull before, and stabbing my hand with a sharp pencil during a meeting?

    You've kind of suggested what I'd say.

    Shuffle a lot, try and move your legs around.... Twizzle said pencil in your fingers and tap yourself on the head with it?
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    whackyracerwhackyracer Posts: 15,786
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    It doesnt always happen, but 75% of the time im in a meeting after about half an hour, my eyes start to droop and i find it very difficult to keep them open. It doent matter if Ive had plenty of sleep the night before, I find it a real struggle. Its not that im bored, i cant help it - same if i have to watch a presentation (though i think thats just the room going darker).

    The minute i come out of the meeting, im usually fine and back full of beans.

    Has anyone got any tips how to stay awake, besides necking redbull before, and stabbing my hand with a sharp pencil during a meeting?

    I have the same problem, i think it's when people are talking at you in the meeting and you are not required to engage as such. Just have lots of coffee on the go!
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    HypnodiscHypnodisc Posts: 22,728
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    All the important business-people in suits are doing it now ;)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6,279
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,881
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    I find that lots of meeting rooms are hot and stuffy and that if I become dehydrated I get sleepy. So sipping cold water is good. Also, I find making notes is good as it aids concentration and impresses the hell out of everyone else at the same time!!!!
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    _ben_ben Posts: 5,758
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    Also, I find making notes is good as it aids concentration and impresses the hell out of everyone else at the same time!!!!

    Good luck with that one! If you're anything like me, the reason you fall asleep in meetings is because people are talking without actually saying anything. In years and hundreds of hours of meetings, my piece of paper has stayed resolutely blank. The last time anyone actually said anything was many years ago and it was about his holidays. I could, had I deemed it relevant, taken notes about where he and his wife went on holiday, the couple they met there, and the woman's amusing medical condition. Oh, and about 10 years ago there was a discussion of copyright issues when someone used a piece of music in a presentation and we weren't sure whether that constituted a public performance. Seriously, that's it, nothing ever gets said, nothing ever gets decided... zzzzzzzzzzzz

    Edit: Just realised I didn't make a suggestion. My favourite way to stay awake in meetings comes straight from the mouth of Dr Peter Venkman in the classic 80s film Ghostbusters. Egon has just laid out his only plan, which looks like certain death and isn't even guaranteed to work. They're all standing around looking glum when, hit by the realisation that its the only plan they have so they'd better just get on with it, Venkman suddenly shouts with inappropriate enthusiasm "Hey, that's a great plan, I'm excited to be a part of it!". I find if you just do that randomly during meetings it helps you stay awake.
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    HypnodiscHypnodisc Posts: 22,728
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    _ben wrote: »
    Good luck with that one! If you're anything like me, the reason you fall asleep in meetings is because people are talking without actually saying anything. In years and hundreds of hours of meetings, my piece of paper has stayed resolutely blank. The last time anyone actually said anything was many years ago and it was about his holidays. I could, had I deemed it relevant, taken notes about where he and his wife went on holiday, the couple they met there, and the woman's amusing medical condition. Oh, and about 10 years ago there was a discussion of copyright issues when someone used a piece of music in a presentation and we weren't sure whether that constituted a public performance. Seriously, that's it, nothing ever gets said, nothing ever gets decided... zzzzzzzzzzzz

    My Dad says that.

    Apparently all meetings are a load of horse-shit and they end up having meetings about meetings and nothing ever goes anywhere
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    _ben_ben Posts: 5,758
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    Hypnodisc wrote: »
    My Dad says that.

    Apparently all meetings are a load of horse-shit and they end up having meetings about meetings and nothing ever goes anywhere

    And the really annoying thing is that managers equate meetings with work, and anything else you might be doing is slacking. So they come and find you slacking in the office running simulations, or slacking in the workshop building prototypes, or slacking in the lab measuring them, and drag you off to do some actual work by sitting in meetings all day where nobody ever says anything. In most of the jobs I've had, its been a constant battle against the boss to actually be allowed to do any work.
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    InspirationInspiration Posts: 62,772
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 912
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    I find that lots of meeting rooms are hot and stuffy and that if I become dehydrated I get sleepy. So sipping cold water is good. Also, I find making notes is good as it aids concentration and impresses the hell out of everyone else at the same time!!!!

    Yup, drink cold water and I'm guessing the doors and windows are shut? Lots of people in a room sharing the oxygen generally makes me sleepy, I usually ask for the window to be opened after a couple of mins in a meeting.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,748
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    I always make sure I have some water to combat the dehydration of a stuffy room.

    Also about 30 mins before make sure you have some carbohydrate. If it's a morning meeting something like brown toast or weetabix for breakfast. If it's afternoon meeting make sure you don't skip lunch.

    This always works for me.
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    DaisyBumblerootDaisyBumbleroot Posts: 24,763
    Forum Member
    I find that lots of meeting rooms are hot and stuffy and that if I become dehydrated I get sleepy. So sipping cold water is good. Also, I find making notes is good as it aids concentration and impresses the hell out of everyone else at the same time!!!!

    i will try this one. I already neck redbull before meeting but what goes up must come down so i'd rather stay off the redbull (same with coccaine, but thanks Hypnodisc ;) )
    Saishoyw wrote: »

    Also about 30 mins before make sure you have some carbohydrate. If it's a morning meeting something like brown toast or weetabix for breakfast. If it's afternoon meeting make sure you don't skip lunch.
    thanks - i will deffo try brown toast. i was wondering if lunch is worse though, your body using all its energy to digest dinner... maybe try pasta or something?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,796
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    imagine everyone naked.
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    Tom_TitTom_Tit Posts: 6,336
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,146
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    have a bit fiddle under the table?
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    susie-4964susie-4964 Posts: 23,143
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    I often nearly fall asleep in meetings, generally because it's too warm, and I'm seriously bored - as has been said, far too many people talk for the sake of it, without saying anything interesting.

    It's possible the OP has a mild form of sleep apnoea, though, so if you find yourself falling asleep or taking naps during the day, maybe worth investigating.
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    DarthchaffinchDarthchaffinch Posts: 7,558
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    Happens to me too.

    Go to the room about 15 mins before it's due to start and turn the air-con up a bit, that keeps everyone awake and the meeting short!!
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    DaisyBumblerootDaisyBumbleroot Posts: 24,763
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    susie-4964 wrote: »

    It's possible the OP has a mild form of sleep apnoea, though, so if you find yourself falling asleep or taking naps during the day, maybe worth investigating.

    its really only during meetings, and sometimes after lunch i feel a little sleepy (like 2pm - 3:30pm can be a struggle) but i will look this up.
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    LadyFluffLadyFluff Posts: 481
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    offer to take the minutes for the meeting. It'll not make the meeting any more fascinating but at least by being occupied you're less likely to drop off - I've found that! For extra fun, take the minutes on a laptop (if you have no occupational requirements to do so, you can use the argument that it's in the name of efficiency as you'll have only to adapt your notes for sending them out instead of retyping the whole gubbins again!). When you have the laptop, you can then put games on it that run in MS Office (just google for .xls games) and they should distract you sufficiently!
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    susie-4964susie-4964 Posts: 23,143
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    its really only during meetings, and sometimes after lunch i feel a little sleepy (like 2pm - 3:30pm can be a struggle) but i will look this up.

    I don't reckon you have it, I'm pretty sure I don't either, but my niece does, so it was just in my mind. We're both just easily bored! :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6,279
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    Tut tut. Who didn't read the OP then? :)
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    Judge MentalJudge Mental Posts: 18,593
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    If it's a pm meeting don't eat too much at lunch time as you will naturally want a nap - if possible just have a banana and eat your lunch later.

    Don't allow yourself to get too warm. Take your jacket off, drink cold water. If you feel yourself nodding - pop to the loo and splash cold water on your face.

    If you aren't contributing much to the meeting challenge your manager as to why you are there.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,881
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    Mr Obseen wrote: »
    imagine everyone naked.

    :D Most of the people I have meeting swith I would need a waste paper bucket on standby in case I got queasy!
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    trevalyantrevalyan Posts: 7,705
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    Mr Obseen wrote: »
    imagine everyone naked.

    i'm having regular design review meetings on one of our plants and one girl who attends on behalf of one of the kit suppliers is an absolute honey. she is gorgeous. i don't mean "work quality gorgeous" i.e. you're at work, you're bored and there's nothing else to look at.

    i mean, "if you saw her out at night your jaw would drop" gorgeous.

    i'm getting wood just typing this, i'm going to have to go to the toilet..
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 25,366
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    trevalyan wrote: »
    i'm having regular design review meetings on one of our plants and one girl who attends on behalf of one of the kit suppliers is an absolute honey. she is gorgeous. i don't mean "work quality gorgeous" i.e. you're at work, you're bored and there's nothing else to look at.

    i mean, "if you saw her out at night your jaw would drop" gorgeous.

    i'm getting wood just typing this, i'm going to have to go to the toilet..

    Take a picture and post it here. I'm sure you could justify a "team photo"...
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