
[US] The Real Housewives of ........

I am a massive fan The real housewives series, but i find it so hard to find out when its on & on what channel! Bio recently showed The real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Diva showed The Real housewives of New York & ITV are currently running The real Housewives of Orange County, I only came across these by chance! There are many series and they are shown on several different channels & at random times throughout the year! I have searched online & found many forums dedicated to the series but they are all american! does anyone know of a way i can make sure i dont miss any??! (UNFORTUNATELY I DONT HAVE A tivo BOX YET!) THANKS!!


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    ValerianValerian Posts: 2,224
    Forum Member
    Channel 4 are showing a re-run of series 2 of RHONJ in the early hours of Saturday morning, 5th August it's on at 2.20.
    It really is confusing that they are all shown on different channels, isn't it ?
    There is a site called " reality tea " that gives you all the gossip from the shows in a daily email.
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    sheddy99sheddy99 Posts: 5,760
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    Itv2 is currently at 3.40pm showing RHO Orange County but tomorrow is the start of series 6 so you've missed them all :(
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    LaineyTLaineyT Posts: 6,399
    Forum Member
    Just watched it and they seem to be all at each others throats again lol..

    What is it with Slade and Vickie you dont thing deep down she really fancies him :rolleyes:

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    Jo09Jo09 Posts: 3,852
    Forum Member
    Another thread! Yep it looks like it's about to explode!
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    louise1966louise1966 Posts: 4,012
    Forum Member
    This isn't usually my cup of tea, but I never miss RHOOC. I find it easy to admire any woman who doesn't sit at home and expect a man to keep her, so Vicki is my favourite housewife. I do feel that Donn endures an extreme lack of respect from her, but I think she still takes issue with the fact that he never adopted her kids. I also think she spends her money too freely, but at least she has earned it. Tamra is very likeable and, since she offloaded Simon, a more independent woman. Gretchen was plain and simply a gold digger when with Jeff - she came in for a windffall when he passed - whose narcissism allows her to believe that she is as effective a business woman as is Vicki - some hope! It didn't take her long after Jeff's death to hook up with Slade Smiley - what a name - the schmuck who failed to pay child support for his severely disabled son. I suppose the Gretchen Christine beauty range is keeping him in the style to which he became accustomed, now that he doesn't have a job. Peggy's reaction to Capri cutting her finger was so over the top, forcing her husband Micah to take her to A + E. Finally, Alexis and Jim, the god - fearing couple. She persists in telliing us that she married for love - yeah, right - but the fact he had money didn't hurt. She wouldn't be with him if she had toexperience penury. How creepy is that guy? He dominates her, tells her what to wear, and she has to do everything for him. Until recently, however, they did have two nannies - now they just have one - so Alexis doesn't exactly evoke much empathy when she informs us of the hard work involved in raising twins. She is certainly displaying her acting skills on this show; she doesn't come across as the type of gal who would allow any man to be as domineering toward her as Jim is without some form of payback.
    I don't know whether this is just me, but I cannot understand why a female would put her girl friends before her partner. These women expect each other to 'have my back' and, if they don't, they need to apologise. Why? If friends are a big part of your life, fine. But you have to live with your partner and, whilst you might disagree with what he says - if he is in the wrong you wil tell him - surely it is not correct to take a friend's side against him? Put your relationship in jeopardy?
    On the whole, all of these women can be pretty bitchy.But is this just acting for the show?
    Although I do enjoy seeing how these ladies live and the shallow personalities of most of them, there is nno way I could be happy being one of them. No matter how wealthy I was, I could not be content living an affluent lifestyle, spending money on such irrelevances as shoes and clothes. I work hard and save hard and need to be able to justify any purchase I make, sometimes I take this tenet to extremes but that's who I am.
    One must also remember that, whilst Vicki is a successful and financially astute business woman, she also has a lot of financial commitments and outlays, so being a failure is not an option for her. She needs to work to be able to enjoy the lifestyle she has.
    Incidentally, consider the camel and the eye of the needle: Jim recently bought himself two watches for $27,000.
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    LaineyTLaineyT Posts: 6,399
    Forum Member
    Who would have thought that to get rid of post natal depression all you need to do is have a huge pair of boobs fitted !!!

    Dont think In like Peggy

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    sheddy99sheddy99 Posts: 5,760
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    LaineyT wrote: »
    Who would have thought that to get rid of post natal depression all you need to do is have a huge pair of boobs fitted !!!

    Dont think In like Peggy


    Haha...they are massive arent they!!! And she has taken to wearing those hideous backless dresses which show acres of side and front boob.
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    LaineyTLaineyT Posts: 6,399
    Forum Member
    Just been on wikipedia and got the link for the show off it. It explains whos who and who we missed.

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 22,198
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    :o I have every episode of every franchise, even the awful Miami and Washington DC. Then again I have an awful lot of spare time now I'm retired and they make fascinating watching.
    I really appreciate MY life after watching these lot, as sometimes they make me laugh or just gasp in horror. I wouldn't swop any of their lives for my own boring one.Most of them are just famewhores who'd sell out anyone to be on telly.

    I especially loathe Vicki, who is married to her work and how damn brilliant she is at earning- while completely being an obnoxious loudmouth who has little time for her now ex husband and thinks she can control her grown up children. Vile woman, vile attitude, though at least she earns, unlike most of the drowning-in-debt cast members who have absolutely no common sense- it's all about appearances dahling! while foreclosures and bankruptcy, divorce are all brushed away until it's shoved in their face.

    :p So yes, I get a guilty pleasure out of watching these train wrecks.

    I shouldn't mention it, I suppose, but you can easily watch ALL episodes of the HoWives franchises if you want :) Google is your friend!
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    Bonny1Bonny1 Posts: 8,502
    Forum Member
    Orange County - OMG I hate Vicky and her horrid treatment of Don, he's gorgeous.. Did she mention she WORKS ?!?! Tamra is simply hysterical to watch... all that dreadful hair and bad makeup.. I enjoy her mutton dressed as lamb efforts..

    Beverly Hills - Jesus.. WHAT THE F*** was that Dinner Party like.. That Camille absolutely set up Kyle, with the truly VILE HIDEOUS Allison DubBoir, whatever.. the fakey spirit speaker.. lol lol lol BANG OUTTA ORDER sista!! I wsh I'd recorded it, just to laugh at all over again... what a Clanger Camille has coming huh... lol lol her 'friend' didn't pick up that little gem....

    I'm OBSESSED ladies.. cannot get enough of these dreadful shows either... lol lol lol

    Fabulous.. thanks for the Thread x
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    Bonny1Bonny1 Posts: 8,502
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    LaineyT wrote: »
    Just been on wikipedia and got the link for the show off it. It explains whos who and who we missed.


    oh superb.. thank you :D
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    louise1966louise1966 Posts: 4,012
    Forum Member
    I have to disagree with the posts which diss poor Vick! She is the only housewife who has always been a businesswoman who has her own company and works hard for everything she has achieved. Tamra is also to be admired for returning to work to earn a living since her divorce. I do think Vicki could have treated Donn with a little more respect. Perhaps that had something to do with the marriage ending.
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    LaineyTLaineyT Posts: 6,399
    Forum Member
    The thing with Vickie is shes convinced herself shes the only woman in the world who works !. Its all I work I work I work. As for poor Don its not that long ago since she spent a small fortune on re newing her vows with him.

    The dinner by Peggy was hysterical. Alexis and her cobweb of a lie lol. Jim is a miserable little man. Gretchen if shes not careful is going to lose Slade. He will find somebody who will treat him with a bit of respect.

    Aleis and the photoshoot for her "clothing line" ohh come on she couldnt model a paper bag lol.Its like shes trying to compete with Peggy. If Peggy can do it so can I. Like the comment that Jim has had 4 lambagineers ( I know thats not how its spelt lol) when Peggys husband has only had one.

    But saying all that I love the housewives and never miss an episode.

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    spotyspoty Posts: 11,195
    Forum Member
    louise1966 wrote: »
    This isn't usually my cup of tea, but I never miss RHOOC. I find it easy to admire any woman who doesn't sit at home and expect a man to keep her, so Vicki is my favourite housewife. I do feel that Donn endures an extreme lack of respect from her, but I think she still takes issue with the fact that he never adopted her kids. I also think she spends her money too freely, but at least she has earned it.

    Tamra is very likeable and, since she offloaded Simon, a more independent woman. Gretchen was plain and simply a gold digger when with Jeff - she came in for a windffall when he passed - whose narcissism allows her to believe that she is as effective a business woman as is Vicki - some hope! It didn't take her long after Jeff's death to hook up with Slade Smiley - what a name - the schmuck who failed to pay child support for his severely disabled son.

    I suppose the Gretchen Christine beauty range is keeping him in the style to which he became accustomed, now that he doesn't have a job.

    Peggy's reaction to Capri cutting her finger was so over the top, forcing her husband Micah to take her to A + E. Finally,

    Alexis and Jim, the god - fearing couple. She persists in telliing us that she married for love - yeah, right - but the fact he had money didn't hurt. She wouldn't be with him if she had toexperience penury. How creepy is that guy? He dominates her, tells her what to wear, and she has to do everything for him. Until recently, however, they did have two nannies - now they just have one - so Alexis doesn't exactly evoke much empathy when she informs us of the hard work involved in raising twins. She is certainly displaying her acting skills on this show; she doesn't come across as the type of gal who would allow any man to be as domineering toward her as Jim is without some form of payback.

    I don't know whether this is just me, but I cannot understand why a female would put her girl friends before her partner. These women expect each other to 'have my back' and, if they don't, they need to apologise. Why? If friends are a big part of your life, fine. But you have to live with your partner and, whilst you might disagree with what he says - if he is in the wrong you wil tell him - surely it is not correct to take a friend's side against him? Put your relationship in jeopardy?

    On the whole, all of these women can be pretty bitchy.But is this just acting for the show?

    Although I do enjoy seeing how these ladies live and the shallow personalities of most of them, there is nno way I could be happy being one of them. No matter how wealthy I was, I could not be content living an affluent lifestyle, spending money on such irrelevances as shoes and clothes. I work hard and save hard and need to be able to justify any purchase I make, sometimes I take this tenet to extremes but that's who I am.

    One must also remember that, whilst Vicki is a successful and financially astute business woman, she also has a lot of financial commitments and outlays, so being a failure is not an option for her. She needs to work to be able to enjoy the lifestyle she has.
    Incidentally, consider the camel and the eye of the needle: Jim recently bought himself two watches for $27,000.

    What a good post, and this is what I think.

    Before I start I can see that episode [6?] is more scripted so I don't now what is real/edited or what.

    1 Vicky reminds me of David Brent out of 'The Office' How a boss can look silly but feel so sure of herself. Who spanks an employee and then talks to the camra how loved she is?. {the woman is a DH] She also said they were her family while 70% of them rolled their eyes.

    I love Don & her kids, they just love her and put up with her being ecentricc.

    I will come back with the rest, because this post will be tooooooooooo long.:p
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    spotyspoty Posts: 11,195
    Forum Member

    Words for her = she does fancy herself. (if there is anything wrong in that)

    She did talk down to Simon a lot, in an early episode where he had lost his job and was 'helping' her to move furniture around the house. Something caught on the bannisters and she shouted at him like he was a kid. That is why I find it hard to put simon down as 'controlling'? Pain in the arse & time to finish I agree with, but was he the only cause of them divorcing?

    I will also never like that time her and Vickey wanted to get Gretchen 'Naked Wasted' Tamara likes no competion and will fight dirty. She is a good watch though, In her me.me.me, look at me sort of way.

    sorry for any spellings, but this is a hard thread to find. so who will be reading it??:D
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    spotyspoty Posts: 11,195
    Forum Member

    The cut finger thing was over the top and if she cared that much why didn't she go?

    Saying that her husband was stupid doing it.
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    spotyspoty Posts: 11,195
    Forum Member

    Giving her mum a face lift that made her look worse, saying you can get the word of god out if you look better? I just don't remember JC going for a makeover and putting posters out.

    How can these people ride on the back of church to make them 'look' good but don't give a sht about what it stands for?

    And when Jim told her "Don't raise your voice, eveyone is looking, and you are showing me/yourself Up"
    That is a good night out with your other half?
    Saying that if it is a cash thing she has to do her job. I think that is what it for her, until something better comes along.
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    spotyspoty Posts: 11,195
    Forum Member
    Fernadno? & the kiss with Tamara

    Made up crp to keep people watching? So they snogged, big deal.
    It's things like this that make me feel it is all scripted now? And a bit silly to watch.:eek:
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    Bonny1Bonny1 Posts: 8,502
    Forum Member
    OMG !!!??? Fellow Housewive Fans... Tragic News, from the wives of Beverly Hills... Taylors estranged husband Russell, has killed himself...


    God Bless all concerned.....
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 22,198
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    :eek: Blimey, I'm shocked.

    I couldn't stand him and knew they were up to their ears in debt but to take his own life? Sad, very sad. Especially for their little daughter.
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    sheddy99sheddy99 Posts: 5,760
    Forum Member
    Anyone see today's RHOOC, poor Vicki and Donn are obviously going to get divorced. I nearly choked when Alexis & that cow Gretchen accused Vicki and Tamra of creating drama to take attention away from Alexis' event.....can anyone remember Peggy's party????
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    Jo09Jo09 Posts: 3,852
    Forum Member
    sheddy99 wrote: »
    Anyone see today's RHOOC, poor Vicki and Donn are obviously going to get divorced. I nearly choked when Alexis & that cow Gretchen accused Vicki and Tamra of creating drama to take attention away from Alexis' event.....can anyone remember Peggy's party????

    I think Gretchen's comment on Vicky being in hospital just to miss Alexis event was out of order, however I think Alexis was worse suggesting that everyone should ignore Vicky to focus on her event.

    The honest truth is very few people are going to wear the dresses that Alexis designed.
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    LaineyTLaineyT Posts: 6,399
    Forum Member
    Did anyone notice at the end of todays show they put up what everyone was doing....On Alexis piece it seems her huband Jim had gone out with PEGGY at one time :eek:

    Explains a lot that does lol.

    Going to miss the girls. I have treid watching HWONew York but its not the same .,

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    Jo09Jo09 Posts: 3,852
    Forum Member
    Well New York is on from next week.

    Did anyone see Jeana "push" Tamara? Jeana is still my fav followed by Gretchen!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 22,198
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    sheddy99 wrote: »
    Anyone see today's RHOOC, poor Vicki and Donn are obviously going to get divorced. I nearly choked when Alexis & that cow Gretchen accused Vicki and Tamra of creating drama to take attention away from Alexis' event.....can anyone remember Peggy's party????
    Poor Vicki? :confused: Blimey, I cant believe anyone has the time of day for her. I truly loathe her.

    She treated Donn appallingly and has had a toy boy boyfriend since before she filed for divorce. Donn's still living at Casa Vicki though and the divorce isn't final as far as I can see. So perhaps he needs to grow a pair.
    Meanwhile Brianna, who I think is tremendous, (she must have her fathers' genes) is disgusted with her Mother and has finally stood up to her controlling, manipulative ways. GOOOOO Brianna.
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