
'Waiting for Chryed to Get It On' - Christian & Syed (Part 202)



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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 13,117
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    Hello! :) I reckon Tyler is a red herring and it might be Anthony that Christian gets closer too, I also think that he won't have a fling, really can't see him being unfaithful, but I think Yusef might set him up in some way to make him look bad, I think that is more plausible. I hope anyway! And Tyler seems 100% straight, he's just a big head who thinks everyone fancies him, :D (IMHO, of course).

    I came up with a bonkers idea that maybe Yusef might offer to pay of Anthony's gambling debts if helps set Christian up. As Yusef seems to have an endless supply of money. :p

    But I am well known for wild speculation. :o

    I forgot to say that I love your idea! :D I think it would be really good, and it's very soapy too, I'd far prefer that over Christian properly cheating on Syed. Although I saw a spoiler (I think) that Anthony's going to get with Mandy :confused:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 30,839
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    Aw Susan this is brilliant :D you can do it just chew on a cushion instead x

    thanks. Yes. I can see my chewing my christian cushion:o
    Susan - well done on giving up chocolate, that is a BIG sacrifice for you I know. :D We will help you stay strong. xx :D

    Thats a great idea :D

    Aww, good idea :D who doesnt love Johnny though? :sleep:

    Well done on £900, hopefully we smash the target :)

    thank you:D
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    starfish100starfish100 Posts: 12,059
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    whoyouarexo - what a lovely post! :)
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    MadWorld_NESMadWorld_NES Posts: 37,961
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    Lovely post whoyouarexo :) I totally agree, this fandom is the loveliest I've ever been a part of and quite possibly the nicest in existance :) Aww and thank you so much for the comments on my vids :o:)
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    jenn123jenn123 Posts: 19,578
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    (((((hugs))))) to whoyouare, lovely post! Chryedville is indeed something special :D
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    hobbleithobbleit Posts: 10,709
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    I've uploaded the last few chapters of my fic in one go so it's now finished

    Regret chapters 10, 11 and 12
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 910
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    Evening hunnies,

    Flying visit I'm afraid. :rolleyes:

    Just had to congratulate everyone on the amazing fundraising effort! Well done. I will donate once I'm paid! :D

    On another note... I've been watching early clips when Syed was staying with Janine - Definately definately a new set our boys are in. No complaints here mind! :sleep:
    Their new crib is gonna be awsome when it's finished!

    Quick question, does 'LightLoo' post on here? I'm also wondering if she will include the red button stuff in the clips, last night main episode stuff is up but not red button. Hmmm :cool:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 13,117
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    We've had someone from Belgium donate :D

    Has anyone tweeted Stefan Booth? And Rita Simons too, maybe? :o
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 23,837
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    whoyouare what a lovely post :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 13,117
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    Evening Fozzie :) I think I saw a comment from LightLoo saying she would upload the red button stuff :)
    hobbleit wrote: »
    I've uploaded the last few chapters of my fic in one go so it's now finished

    Regret chapters 10, 11 and 12

    Thanks :D
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    DessieDessie Posts: 5,731
    Forum Member
    Other thought I had watching the red button scenes again:

    We know from the spoilers that Zainab gets a call from Amira on Thursday and doesn't tell Syed about it - presumably the same call Amira makes at the end of the red button bit? But Amira seemed rather panicky and breathless when she made that phone call, which isn't the kind of phone call I was expecting from spoilers at all.

    If she phones Zainab and makes it clear in any way that she's frightened of her dad or needs help, and Zainab still doesn't pass it on to Syed to order stop the divorce happening and the CP going ahead...that's bad, Zainab. That's really bad. :(
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    MadWorld_NESMadWorld_NES Posts: 37,961
    Forum Member
    Evening hunnies,

    Flying visit I'm afraid. :rolleyes:

    Just had to congratulate everyone on the amazing fundraising effort! Well done. I will donate once I'm paid! :D

    On another note... I've been watching early clips when Syed was staying with Janine - Definately definately a new set our boys are in. No complaints here mind! :sleep:
    Their new crib is gonna be awsome when it's finished!

    Quick question, does 'LightLoo' post on here? I'm also wondering if she will include the red button stuff in the clips, last night main episode stuff is up but not red button. Hmmm :cool:

    She doesn't, she's not from the UK so I don't think she can put the red button clips up. They are available elsewhere online if you're looking for them though :)

    ETA: Or maybe she will :p
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 30,839
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    beautiful post whoyouarexo . This place is truely special and so are all the people who post in it.

    Dessie wrote: »
    Good for you, susan, we'll try to get you through it!

    Lovely post, whoyouarexo. :)

    thank you:Dfor the support.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 910
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    gemchryed wrote: »
    Evening Fozzie :) I think I saw a comment from LightLoo saying she would upload the red button stuff :)

    Thanks gem. :)
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    whoyouarexowhoyouarexo Posts: 6,099
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    Massive hugs to all, im in a *feel the love* type of mood!
    hobbleit wrote: »
    I've uploaded the last few chapters of my fic in one go so it's now finished

    Regret chapters 10, 11 and 12

    And now Christmas has come early, hobbleit I love you!
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    KatrinaKKatrinaK Posts: 32,261
    Forum Member
    whoyouarexo, beautiful post.

    Like you, I have been part of many fandoms over the years but this one is by far the best.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6,261
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    Media Release

    For Immediate Release

    ‘Chryed’ Fans Aim To Raise £2,000 For Stonewall

    Fans of EastEnders’ flagship gay couple, Christian Clarke and Syed Masood, are attempting to raise £2,000 for lesbian, gay and bisexual charity Stonewall.

    Using the fundraising site, JustGiving, over £800 was raised within 24 hours of the page’s creation on 6th September. Fans of the characters aim to amass a total of £2,000, with the willingness to increase the target should enough donations be received.

    Donations are being received at http://www.justgiving.com/katrinak

    Christian and Syed, known colloquially as ‘Chryed’, have amassed a dedicated fan base since their relationship began in 2009.

    The storyline, which followed Syed’s struggle between his love for Christian and his Muslim faith, saw both characters coming into direct contact with homophobia. The characters overcame the obstacles and prejudices set before them to become a couple in July 2010.

    Since then, they have continued to face prejudice from within Syed’s family, whilst attempting to adopt a child and organising what will be EastEnders’ first gay wedding.

    The fundraising efforts are being coordinated from a forum on British entertainment and media news website, DigitalSpy. The forum, cheekily entitled ‘Waiting For Chryed To Get It On’, recently celebrated reaching their 200th part, making them one of the most active and longest running fan discussion forums in DigitalSpy history.

    “The inspiration for this fundraiser has been driven from the BBC’s flagship gay couple, Christian and Syed, portrayed by Marc Elliott and Johnny Partridge,” fans have written on the fundraising page. “The Christian and Syed love story is a story that many fans have taken to their hearts. Together we have watched them grow in love but, moreover, fight off the everyday prejudices and bigotry from their critics. As a result of their sexuality and love for one another, we have seen Christian suffer a homophobic physical attack, a homophobic outburst from Syed’s mother Zainab and being perceived as a perversion. Likewise, Syed has been told by his mother that he’s better off dead than gay and he even sought out de-gaying therapy as an attempt to “cure” himself.”

    On why they have chosen Stonewall as the recipient of their fundraising efforts, they explain that “watching Christian and Syed together has not only melted our hearts but reinforced our need for them to be together, despite all the opposition they face. EastEnders’ 3D view of the story has strengthened our values, ethics and views over homosexuality. We believe that every person should be free from ridicule, abuse, oppression and bullying, regardless of who they love or attracted to. We also support and endorse the need for people to educate others about equality, tolerance and acceptance. This is why we have chosen Stonewall charity.

    “Stonewall aims to help people every day, just like Christian and Syed. They stand for equality and justice and endeavour to bring to light the very oppressive attitudes and hate crime that gay, lesbian, and bisexual people face on a day-to-day basis. Moreover, they work hard in schools and work places to raise awareness of sexuality and promote equality among all. It could be a Syed that they are reaching to or a Christian - or even a Zainab or a Masood by challenging their views on homosexuality. By raising enough money as possible, we believe we can help and if it means a mother not forcing their son into a life time of oppression or a young man or woman not taking their life because of who they are, then we have made a difference.”

    A fundraising video has also been put together in a bid to further the reach of the campaign. It can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfFLfDYCT8c

    What say you, good people of Chryedville?
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    starfish100starfish100 Posts: 12,059
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    Dessie wrote: »
    I've actually just watched the red button scenes again and I think this is scarily plausible. Even after Syed told her directly he was gay and had been having an affair, she was still trying to cling to the sham marriage in the reveal episode ('just a stay of execution then') and I always thought she said the line about 'hope you and Christian will be very happy together' was very sarcastic, and that she didn't expect them to stay together at all.
    She did know Syed - not as well as Christian of course but still! - and she heard for herself that Zainab in particular was very much on the side of keeping them together in the sham. I can imagine her believing that Syed would never leave his family and go completely against their wishes by being with Christian openly. It might come as a bit of a shock!

    Yes, I can definitely see it could go like this initially. Especially if she does have the baby, and the prospect of anything other than being shut up in that house forever is going to be worth consideration to her.

    I thought she meant that line sarcastically too, or it was just kind of bitter, (understandable of course). I think it will come as a big shock to her that Syed is living with Christian, and that they are still together.

    Another thing I've thought is....all the months she's been cooped up with her father - he is likely to have re-inforced the idea that she's tainted goods and will never meet anyone, or be with anyone again, and she might think Syed is better than nothing, looked at from that perspective. So I can see her feeling her life is hopeless, she might be willing to live in a celibate marriage rather than be a prisoner. It would be good if her return addressed all this stuff, and such attitudes, and was as much about Amira's journey as Syed's discovery he's a father. So looking at her point of view as well. And this time an exit that is actually empowering!
    cooko94 wrote: »
    Matt said anthony likes the older woman :p and Nicola(Mandy ) said she gets involved with a young male and she kissed Anthony next week so it could be him

    Ah, thanks.
    gemchryed wrote: »
    I forgot to say that I love your idea! :D I think it would be really good, and it's very soapy too, I'd far prefer that over Christian properly cheating on Syed. Although I saw a spoiler (I think) that Anthony's going to get with Mandy :confused:

    Thanks, sounds like that is what will happen then. But he still might be willing to act a part, up to the point of a near kiss! :p

    Joking aside, I hope the client/fling rumour proves to be an opportunity for Christian to show he has changed, once and for all, and won't cheat even if the going gets very tough indeed. :cool:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 11,147
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    Evening, just got back from Zumba :)
    what a lovely post whoyouare and I agree with every word of it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 30,839
    Forum Member
    Hello! :) I reckon Tyler is a red herring and it might be Anthony that Christian gets closer too, I also think that he won't have a fling, really can't see him being unfaithful, but I think Yusef might set him up in some way to make him look bad, I think that is more plausible. I hope anyway! And Tyler seems 100% straight, he's just a big head who thinks everyone fancies him, :D (IMHO, of course).

    I came up with a bonkers idea that maybe Yusef might offer to pay of Anthony's gambling debts if helps set Christian up. As Yusef seems to have an endless supply of money. :p

    But I am well known for wild speculation. :o

    I agree totally. I can see Christian becoming friends with Anthony, just needing someone to talk to, someone who will listen, not Roxy, she needs to stay well away....I agree I don't think Christian will have a fling and i can't see him being unfaithful. But I am loving your idea that Yusef sets him up, makes a simple friendship look bad, he is so horrible.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,523
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    Great post whoyouare :D i agree, this is an amazing place to be :)
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    elphaba7589elphaba7589 Posts: 74,162
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    Hey Tipsy :)
    Dessie wrote: »
    Other thought I had watching the red button scenes again:

    We know from the spoilers that Zainab gets a call from Amira on Thursday and doesn't tell Syed about it - presumably the same call Amira makes at the end of the red button bit? But Amira seemed rather panicky and breathless when she made that phone call, which isn't the kind of phone call I was expecting from spoilers at all.

    If she phones Zainab and makes it clear in any way that she's frightened of her dad or needs help, and Zainab still doesn't pass it on to Syed to order stop the divorce happening and the CP going ahead...that's bad, Zainab. That's really bad. :(

    Hadn't thought of that!!...I sense Yusef's manipulation/Zainab's out of it state due to the pills meaning she goes along with what Yusef says :(...can't believe I'm actually feeling sympathy for Zainab :eek: Doesn't mean I've forgotten all the awful things she's done though :sleep:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 30,839
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    hobbleit wrote: »
    Just send the chocolate my way, therefore you avoid it and I get my fix :D

    deal. If they are giving any more free chocolate away, i will post it on:D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 910
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    She doesn't, she's not from the UK so I don't think she can put the red button clips up. They are available elsewhere online if you're looking for them though :)

    Thanks for the info! I'm pretty sure I'l find them online it's just an OCD thing where I'd like to see them neatly packaged in with the rest of the story! :o:D

    Love love loved the red button stuff! It was so funny reading all the reactions on here last night - It was such a pleasant surprise to see the boys without knowing anything about it in advance! :D
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    elphaba7589elphaba7589 Posts: 74,162
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    Wonderful article Mercury :):):)
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