
Nice and not very nice celebrities who you have met



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    Hobbes1966Hobbes1966 Posts: 5,372
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    Kajagoogoo - all lovely guys, friends with Limahl on facebook, he even sent me a signed photo when he found out I was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year and when my mum died in September

    Firstly, I'm sorry to hear about your mum:(

    I used to be a huge Kaja fan and my friend and I used to always be outside the BBC/Granada whenever they were in Manchester. We used to write to them and Steve and Nick always replied, often telling us when they would next be in Manchester and especially towards the end, after Limahl left, we'd be the only two waiting for them.
    I even had Steve's (Askew) home address and continued writing to him after they split. He joined a band called Small Town Elephants and invited me to visit. I spent the weekend at his and his girlfriend Anna's house (she is now his wife) He really was lovely :)
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    QueeniepopsQueeniepops Posts: 874
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    Frockstar wrote: »
    I met Anthony Worral Thompson in my local Tescos. He wouldnt stop and talk to me or anyone else. He just rushed off when he was recognised :D True story :p[/QUOTE

    Too funny :D
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    unclekevounclekevo Posts: 20,749
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    Frockstar wrote: »
    I met Anthony Worral Thompson in my local Tescos. He wouldnt stop and talk to me or anyone else. He just rushed off when he was recognised :D True story :p

    :D Funny that.

    LOL yes my drama teacher shouldn't have interrupted him but it was a tiny bit rude to tell him to f off
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    Hobbes1966Hobbes1966 Posts: 5,372
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    Frockstar wrote: »
    I met Anthony Worral Thompson in my local Tescos. He wouldnt stop and talk to me or anyone else. He just rushed off when he was recognised :D True story :p

    lol, bet he had his hands in his pockets too.
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    groovesectiongroovesection Posts: 605
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    Jim Davidson :

    Years ago i worked on the refurbishment of a club Jim was funding in Great Yarmouth.
    It was a huge slap dash job and Davidson was always shouting at everyone as the club had to be ready on the Monday and it was Saturday. Our firm was doing some fire proofing and after we had finished i asked Davidson for an autograph for my Nan as she was a fan and he just laughed and walked off!

    I went and had a piss in the toilet (which was not yet plumbed in) and then left :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 13
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    Hobbes1966 wrote: »
    lol, bet he had his hands in his pockets too.

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 10,561
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    the_phoo wrote: »
    My mum had Val from Emmerdale in her shop the other day. My mum said she was absolutely lovely, she was with her mum and referred to herself with her normal name (rather than her stage name) and was extremely self deprecating.

    That suprises me. I always got the impression she'd be *exactly* like Val in real life, lol.
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    Ella NutElla Nut Posts: 9,150
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    I think tellnig her to f off was wrong however she/he should have left him alone while he was praying she/he could have waited till he was finnished.

    What kind of imbecile approaches someone in a church for their autograph, even if they waited until he was finished praying. Perhaps it's just me but it's entirely clear that in a situation like that, the person is entitled to have their privacy respected. I would have told said drama teacher to eff off too.
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    Pearl McGPearl McG Posts: 422
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    Dodoboid wrote: »
    The favourite Canadian actor I've met is Donald Sutherland. You wouldn't believe what a nice man he is.

    I met him back in 1977 (I'm old-ish) and he overtook the room with his presence, he really did. Know how when you meet certain celebs, they appear to be much smaller in real life than you imagine them to be?

    Donald Sutherland wasn't like that. He's very tall, and he glided into the room, wearing a black velvet jacket, and he had a full head of silvery blonde hair.

    Know how when you meet certain celebs, they don't look anything like they do in their photos/films?

    Donald Sutherland was like that; he looked infinitely better in person than he ever did on film and in photos. You wouldn't believe it. I wasn't the only female who swooned when he entered the room!

    This was at the Toronto Film Festival. We had to buy tickets to get booze. I tore off two tickets (two drinks) and toddled off to the bar to obtain two vodka and tacky Tang mix before I had the nerve to approach Mr. Sutherland.

    My friend bet me a quarter that he wouldn't dance with me to the music that was playing -- disco stuff. I bet her that he would...after the cheap vodka/Tang concoction went hurtling down me muzzle and connected with the grey matter.

    I didn't know how to approach him as he looked so regal. I brushed his elbow gently with my hand so that he would look at me, which he did, in a questioning way.

    "Would you like to dance?" I asked him.

    "It would be my pleasure, thanks for asking, I was hoping that someone would, I'm so bored!" Mr. Sutherland replied, and he took me into his arms.

    We danced to a song and talked all the way through. What a guy, he was so nice. He asked me, "And what films have you been in, I recognize your face!"

    Me: "I'm not an actress, I work at Travelers Insurance Company as a secretary!"

    Donald: "No, that I can't believe!|

    Really nice man. A charming man. The best. And I got my quarter, too. ;)

    My friend worked on film sets in Canada with him and he's one of those that insits you mustn't make eye contact with!
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    Dennis CDennis C Posts: 1,720
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    Frockstar wrote: »
    I met Anthony Worral Thompson in my local Tescos. He wouldnt stop and talk to me or anyone else. He just rushed off when he was recognised :D True story :p

    Perhaps he thought you were a store detective! ;)
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    zx50zx50 Posts: 91,309
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    Ella Nut wrote: »

    What kind of imbecile approaches someone in a church for their autograph, even if they waited until he was finished praying. Perhaps it's just me but it's entirely clear that in a situation like that, the person is entitled to have their privacy respected. I would have told said drama teacher to eff off too.

    No one should tell ANYONE to eff off while in a chapel/church. The height of tackiness.
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    Phoenix LazarusPhoenix Lazarus Posts: 17,336
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    zx50 wrote: »
    No one should tell ANYONE to eff off while in a chapel/church. The height of tackiness.

    And asking for an autograph in a place of worship isn't?
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    Ella NutElla Nut Posts: 9,150
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    And asking for an autograph in a place of worship isn't?

    Thank you. Said drama teacher was a moron of the highest order. I am not surprised Mr Brosnan was so angry.
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    Agent KrycekAgent Krycek Posts: 39,269
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    And asking for an autograph in a place of worship isn't?

    I'd have that way higher on my tackiness scale
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    scatcatcathyscatcatcathy Posts: 2,070
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    met rolf harris and lorraine chase after a panto as a kid and they both seemed very nice people.
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    the_phoothe_phoo Posts: 2,379
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    met rolf harris and lorraine chase after a panto as a kid and they both seemed very nice people.

    Yeah I've met Lorraine Chase a couple of times as she has a friend who lives near me and she has always been absolutely lovely which was in stark contrast to the psycholady from hell I saw on I'm a Celebrity :eek:
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    big danbig dan Posts: 7,878
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    Met John Partridge (Christian EastEnders) as he is my good friend's Uncle. Very generous, friendly and funny.
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    the_phoothe_phoo Posts: 2,379
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    big dan wrote: »
    Met John Partridge (Christian EastEnders) as he is my good friend's Uncle. Very generous, friendly and funny.

    He is one of my most favourite men in the world.

    Phwoaar :D
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    LamaestraLamaestra Posts: 1,560
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    I also met Terry Pratchett at a book signing in 1993. A truly nice man.
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    the_phoothe_phoo Posts: 2,379
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    Lamaestra wrote: »
    I also met Terry Pratchett at a book signing in 1993. A truly nice man.

    I don't usually use this word but he is awesome in the most literal sense of the word.
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    zx50zx50 Posts: 91,309
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    Ella Nut wrote: »
    Thank you. Said drama teacher was a moron of the highest order. I am not surprised Mr Brosnan was so angry.

    No excuse for foul language in a church though, especially when only being asked for an autograph. He could have simply refused, or told her to wait until he was finished.
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    boddismboddism Posts: 16,436
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    zx50 wrote: »
    No excuse for foul language in a church though, especially when only being asked for an autograph. He could have simply refused, or told her to wait until he was finished.

    A church is NOT a place to ask for an autograph!

    Its supposed to be sacred! Who knows whether Piers Brosnan is religious or not. Its not a public place like a restaurant or shop & Im surprised people cant understand the difference. If I was in a church & someone asked me to sign something I'd tell them where to go...
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    Phoenix LazarusPhoenix Lazarus Posts: 17,336
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    unclekevo wrote: »
    the teacher decided to ask him for an autograph (in the middle of a chapel :confused:) and was told to kindly f**k off by Mr. Brosnan :D
    boddism wrote: »
    If I was in a church & someone asked me to sign something I'd tell them where to go...

    Perhaps saying, 'Go forth and multiply,' would be more in keeping with the religious dignity of the place, while still conveying just the same meaning, if said in right way.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 949
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    We were invited to Jane Russell's 80th birthday party (she died last year at 89).

    It was a surprise birthday party in Santa Maria, where she lived, put on by her children. They told her they were taking her out to dinner. It was 200 miles from Los Angeles, so of course we had to stay overnight in a hotel, but Santa Maria is remote and lovely and green--it has the added advantage of being more affordable than L.A. or Santa Barbara, though some just like the remote, unspoiled feel--and the turn-of-the-century decor in the hotel was so charming we vowed to return. Jane had sold her multimillion-dollar Montecito estate near Santa Barbara several years earlier in order to move closer to her children and grandchildren.

    The Mayor of Santa Maria told us how he and Jane would often take their garbage cans out to the curb in their pajamas at the same time. A visitor came to her house and was amazed she didn't have a single picture or painting of herself anywhere in the house. That's Jane: Simple, no-nonsense, direct.

    Now Jane was not in the best of health and it was difficult for her to stand as long as she did throughout the evening. And let's face it, a surprise party is not necessarily the most fun thing in the world if you are not feeling up to it. The crowd wasn't too large, maybe 150-200 people, but she made sure to greet each person individually and take photos with couples or groups. Everybody got at least one photo with her.

    She was a bit grumpy at points throughout the evening. However, the video they showed of the highlights of her life and career left no doubt what an amazing and wonderful woman she was. She worked hard to place orphans with loving families, and walked the walk by adopting a number of children herself. (One of those now-grown adopted children behaved badly at the party, showing him to be the life-long challenge he probably was for her family.)

    We met Ann-Margret and her husband Roger Smith at Ann-Margret's book signing at a Hollywood bookstore. They were both down to earth and full of compliments. "Are you a model? Where do you live?" Ann is known for being a sweetheart so that was not a big surprise. She is also very, very private and it's rare to even get a glimpse of her. Roger protects her like a hawk and they are devoted to one another.

    I will not name another celebrity who poured on the charm the several times we met--and you thought gorgeous women couldn't act--because it's not representative of who she is. She is a cold, calculating, money-hungry female who used unscrupulous attorneys to destroy reputations, livelihoods, even lives (and I wish that last part were an exaggeration; it is not) to gain money and/or bury her scandalous past. But hearing her soft, flattering words and looking into those big blue eyes, you'd swear butter wouldn't melt. Anyway, she was lovely one on one but you won't hear it from me.

    Oh, also met Miss Violet Eyes herself, Elizabeth Taylor, at a private lunch at Robinson's Department Store when she launched her first perfume, White Diamonds. She had just returned from her honeymoon and was looking gorgeous, though we heard her back hurt. She was so thoughtful of others that I recall her asking her assistant-for-the-day to be sure she took back a sweater as a gift for I think her daughter.

    As with Miss Russell, everyone got photos with Elizabeth, perhaps not individually (though I did) but at least at their table. They mailed us all 8x10s. Anyway, Elizabeth was lovely company and think I'll pick up another flacon of White Diamonds in her honor.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 5,742
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    Just had a quick read of this thread, wow, has anybody ever had a positive experience with Cilla Black? :eek:
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