
Netflix have approached CBS to discuss bringing back.......JERICHO !!! :O

DensinoDensino Posts: 3,204
Forum Member
This would be amazing,
and I'm not surprised, Jericho has always been one of the most popular shows on Netflix instant

http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2012/05/01/holy-moly-netflix-eyes-jericho/131699/comment-page-3/#comment-1160191[news]'Jericho' to be revived by Netflix?[/news]


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    matt9108matt9108 Posts: 27
    Forum Member
    This needs to happen! I only bought the complete set last year but it's easily become one of my favourite shows. Once you watch it, you can completely understand the hype. If the 'nuts' campaign has to be brought back to make this work i'd definitely get myself involved this time around.

    PS. Just realised you're the same guy from the post on IMDB :D We have similar taste in shows.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 5,737
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    Hey peep's, haven't contrbuted to the forum for a while, but this item of news got me excited enough to come in and share.

    Netflix continues to be committed to original programming, and further to the two season agreement for House of Cards and the Arrested Development revival, they are now ocnsidering the revival of Cult fave Jericho.

    The post apocalyptic series returned in 2007 for a limited run second season of seven episodes after a Save Jericho campaign by fans involving nuts got CBS to change their minds about the series' cancellation.

    Jericho has been off air since 2008 and despite various rumours about a possible continuation, little has happened other than in the form of a comic book.

    A Jericho revival / continuation could be difficult considering the length of time the series has been off air and the fact that its stars have moved on - but ot impossible - Arrested has also been off air a number of years and is making a comeback.

    Talks between CBS and Netflix are at a very early stage, but here's hoping. There are many jericho fans on this forum - anyone else excited at the possibility? or do you think Jericho should be left where it finished???

    Will Netflix give Jerich (Another) life?
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    DensinoDensino Posts: 3,204
    Forum Member
    matt9108 wrote: »
    This needs to happen! I only bought the complete set last year but it's easily become one of my favourite shows. Once you watch it, you can completely understand the hype. If the 'nuts' campaign has to be brought back to make this work i'd definitely get myself involved this time around.

    PS. Just realised you're the same guy from the post on IMDB :D We have similar taste in shows.
    haha Imdb is full of trolls....I'm not too fond of posting there..

    But this seriously, I think, has a pretty good chance of happening.
    Jericho is hugely popular on netflix as I said
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    Esot-ericEsot-eric Posts: 1,293
    Forum Member
    Jericho should be nuked. :D

    Terrible, terrible show. They lost me when, in the wake of a nuclear attack, the most pressing problem was whether there would be enough pumpkins for the Halloween party.

    If Netflix wants to bring back a post-apocalyptic show they should go for the far superior Jeremiah. Sure, it's been off the air longer but set the new season five or ten years later and it's good to go.
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    JenzenJenzen Posts: 7,364
    Forum Member
    Oooooooooo this would be fantastic news. Jericho was a fantastic show, fingers crossed this happens!

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    yakutzyakutz Posts: 11,003
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    I'd be over this moon if this happened. Hadn't been so disappointed to see a show cancelled since Firefly - now if Netflix could try and work something out with Fox for that...
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    BesterBester Posts: 9,698
    Forum Member
    Jericho or Jeremiah coming back would be great, but sadly the latter is never going to happen.

    Jericho started off slowly, but by the end of the first season was well into its stride. The second series, as short as it was, didn't let up at all.
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    PsychoTherapistPsychoTherapist Posts: 2,691
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    Esot-eric wrote: »
    Jericho should be nuked. :D

    Terrible, terrible show. They lost me when, in the wake of a nuclear attack, the most pressing problem was whether there would be enough pumpkins for the Halloween party.

    The first half of Season 1 was indeed terrible, for those kind of reasons, but they ditched most of the silly soap opera stuff in the 2nd half.
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    CorwinCorwin Posts: 16,729
    Forum Member
    Hey Netflix, never mind Jericho, bring back FIREFLY :D

    Seriously, great news if true but I'll be surprised if it does come to anything.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 344
    Forum Member
    Good show but they should either remake it or do another thats similar but with a bigger budget and more twists, i quite like idea of small towns trying to survive and the rivalry that was in jericho, it has a lot of potential.
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    StrakerStraker Posts: 80,005
    Forum Member
    Esot-eric wrote: »
    Jericho should be nuked. :D

    Terrible, terrible show. They lost me when, in the wake of a nuclear attack, the most pressing problem was whether there would be enough pumpkins for the Halloween party.

    We must be brothers seperated at birth. I said almost exactly the same thing in another thread many moons ago. The mushroom cloud was over their shoulder in the town centre while they were busy organising a bloody BBQ knowing the bombs were falling everywhere else! It was like The Waltons with added radioactivity. Horrendous programme.
    Esot-eric wrote: »
    If Netflix wants to bring back a post-apocalyptic show they should go for the far superior Jeremiah. Sure, it's been off the air longer but set the new season five or ten years later and it's good to go.

    And there we part ways. Just as terrible as Jericho. There’s a small thesis to be done on appalling post-apocalypse TV series begining with the letter “J”.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,310
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    Jericho was one of those odd shows that I could see was bloody awful but I was hooked anyway. It finished in a good place for me, I wouldnt much like to see it return since I think they've exhausted its small town survivalism. A new series would have to concentrate on Texas going to war with the Allied States and that would make for an entirely different kind of show.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 774
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    Might be a little bit to late for this now. 5 years ago?

    Season two was pretty awful compared to season one but i was just happy we got a conclusion..

    They should never have killed off the dad, He was the best part about it.

    Would they be able to tie up all the orginal actors though? Ive not seen them in any other series etc yet?
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    bingbongbingbong Posts: 2,439
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    Straker wrote: »
    We must be brothers seperated at birth. I said almost exactly the same thing in another thread many moons ago. The mushroom cloud was over their shoulder in the town centre while they were busy organising a bloody BBQ knowing the bombs were falling everywhere else! It was like The Waltons with added radioactivity. Horrendous programme.

    And there we part ways. Just as terrible as Jericho. There’s a small thesis to be done on appalling post-apocalypse TV series begining with the letter “J”.

    Its one of the things people tend to do after a tragedy, they like to put some order into hopeless situations, its a common thing. For some the missing Pumpkin would be about more than a Pumpkin, its a symbol to them of a more stable time. There was some intelligent touches in Jericho that are quite rare for tv shows. i think one of the reasons i enjoyed Falling Skies is it had a bit of Jericho about it.
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    StrakerStraker Posts: 80,005
    Forum Member
    bingbong wrote: »
    Its one of the things people tend to do after a tragedy, they like to put some order into hopeless situations, its a common thing.

    Really? You think they were scouting for pumpkins and BBQ sauce in the aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

    Still, we can be grateful for one thing....This godawful show seems to have removed Skeet Ulrich from our screens and for that I give thanks.
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    Jennifer JayneJennifer Jayne Posts: 9,022
    Forum Member
    I would love this show to return.
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    Jennifer JayneJennifer Jayne Posts: 9,022
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    Straker wrote: »
    Really? You think they were scouting for pumpkins and BBQ sauce in the aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

    Still, we can be grateful for one thing....This godawful show seems to have removed Skeet Ulrich from our screens and for that I give thanks.


    The human mind, therefore the human race likes order, we strive to make order out of chaos, they would have definately been searching for some order in the lives after the bombs dropped.
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    Miles_TMiles_T Posts: 2,519
    Forum Member
    Really enjoyed this, hadn't heard of it before Netflix. Watched the whole lot over a couple of weeks and really got into it. Not sure where they would go with this and whether they would get the same actors??
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    StrakerStraker Posts: 80,005
    Forum Member
    *marv* wrote: »

    The human mind, therefore the human race likes order, we strive to make order out of chaos, they would have definately been searching for some order in the lives after the bombs dropped.

    A BBQ in the town centre (Was there bunting? I seem to recall bunting...) would be your response to a nuclear bomb detonating within sight would it? I see.........

    Post apocalypse is my all-time favourite genre but this achieved the rare accolade of making that scenario deeply, deeply boring. Which is clearly why it was shitcanned as most others were rightly switching off in droves.
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    BesterBester Posts: 9,698
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    Straker wrote: »
    Post apocalypse is my all-time favourite genre but this achieved the rare accolade of making that scenario deeply, deeply boring. Which is clearly why it was shitcanned as most others were rightly switching off in droves.

    The audience dropped from 11.66m to 10.25m between the first episode and the mid-season finale (episode 11).

    When CBS eventually returned it to the air after an ill-advised extended Christmas break (3 months) it started off with 8.3m. The season finale pulled in 7.72m.

    I agree that the opening episodes were poor. Laughable a lot of the time. That being said, it had already started airing better stories by the time it went into the break. If people were going to be tuning out over quality issues then they'd have done it before the break as that's where by far the weaker stories were. If anything the show was a victim of its own limited success - after posting decent numbers for the first half of the season CBS thought that they could get away with an extended break without people switching off.

    The second season was dead before it ever hit the air. The first three episodes had already been leaked onto the net.
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    CuBz90CuBz90 Posts: 4,013
    Forum Member
    I always thought Netflix should do this with Jericho, but I never actually thought they'd think about doing it
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    Biffo the BearBiffo the Bear Posts: 25,861
    Forum Member
    It would be so good if they brought this back!


    Maybe they could look at bringing back Surface after that :)

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    silentNatesilentNate Posts: 84,079
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    No offense but I'd be excited if this thread was about bringing back Journeyman or Persons Unknown; I'll pass on more Jericho :(

    This doesn't mean I don't support the idea however as there is more chance of great shows being given a chance if this works :)

    Netflix want to sort out their anime btw... dubbed anime sucks :(:o
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    BesterBester Posts: 9,698
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    silentNate wrote: »
    Netflix want to sort out their anime btw... dubbed anime sucks :(:o

    If I never hear Spike Spencer's voice again, it'll be way too soon.....! :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,252
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    Its never gonna happen, AD is happening because the stars of the show actually wanted to do it and have requested to do so for a long time. So when the backing came, they got their wish.

    The stars of Jericho haven't shown any interest in wanting to go back to the show for a long time now, so even if Netflix can secure the rights from the original studio, they sure as hell ain't gonna get the same stars on the show.
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