
The End Of Time was truley awful... wasnt it?

Jaymitch1Jaymitch1 Posts: 6,426
Forum Member
just my opinion ofcourse :cool:
though im wondering if anyone shares it.

part 1 wasnt so bad, but part 2 was just hideous.
what is all this 'alonze' crap. and why was the master jumping around like he had a rocket up his anus.
everything from the pointless inclusion of june whatsherface to the ridiculous ending was just silly.

and the regeneration scene would have the greats such as jon pertwee doing somersaults in his grave!
'am i ginger?'.

it saddens me, but at the same time makes me glad RTD sod off in the end.


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    paulmasterpaulmaster Posts: 237
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    Wilf was good in it is about the only good thing i can say about it apart from the over rated D T left ;)
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    Jaymitch1Jaymitch1 Posts: 6,426
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    paulmaster wrote: »
    Wilf was good in it is about the only good thing i can say about it apart from the over rated D T left ;)

    oh yes i was going to mention that Bernad Cribbins was brilliant, as usual.
    i was sad when tennant regenerated, purely because of the actual 'scene', it made matt smiths doctor seem ridiculous.
    BUT all is well in the end, as i actually much prefer matt to david :D
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    EaglestrikerEaglestriker Posts: 3,559
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    Moffat wrote Matt's first scene, so RTD can't be blamed for that!

    But yes. Tennant deserved a much better send-off IMO. Part of me thinks The Waters of Mars would have been perfect but then we wouldn't have had Bernard Cribbins, who was wonderful.

    I mean, there was just so much not to like...corny dialogue, Tennant being told to cry during every other line, the Master's needlessly silly resurrection scene (in fact much of the Master's role was needlessly silly)...the Cactus people...

    The only good bits I can remember are the showdown with the Time Lords and some of the companion visits.
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    2shy20072shy2007 Posts: 52,579
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    Just watching it on WATCH and I still love it as much as the first time I saw it, although they are hacking it to bits, missing out all the good scenes.

    Its the time I really enjoyed DW, its a chore these days. :(
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    Benjamin SiskoBenjamin Sisko Posts: 1,921
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    I'm just watching it on Watch and I must say... it's done the best editing job ever. They've taken out the entire Doctor rants at Wilf bit, and just jump from:

    "Even this would set it off." *Doc gestures gun*
    "...I'm sorry."*


    "Better be quick." *Doc steps into cage*

    Sure it was only done to save time, but that's how it should have gone in the original. Ten should have kept his suffering to himself, since IMO it didn't really need to be said. Or shouted. A far more... dignified exit, I feel.

    EDIT: That said, they have butchered it in most other places as 2Shy said. ^_^'
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    codename_47codename_47 Posts: 9,685
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    I watched it all the other day in one go and I was thinking actually it's very underrated and gets an undue slagging.

    In one part its actually very cinematic and builds to a fantastic climax, perhaps the splitting of the two hours is what hurt it the most.

    The end of "your" Doctor's era is always going to be a massively emotional moment I guess, and the writing of the 11th Doctor at the end was what initially put me off him, it was like someone clowning around being foolish at a funeral, completely didn't work for the tone that was set.
    As it was it wasn't that remarkable a scene anyway, could easily have been held for the beginning of the 11th hour with a "Barcelona" like quick line at the End of the 2 parter....
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    The Alpha GamerThe Alpha Gamer Posts: 3,122
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    I like it, it's certainly better than what came before it(Series 4 and the specials)
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    SillyBillyGoatSillyBillyGoat Posts: 22,266
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    I hated the whole Master Race thing.

    Actually, I've never really loved The Master at all. :o
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6,139
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    I still like it. The only bits I don't like are the cult of Saxon bit at the beginning to get the Master back and I think John Simm is encouraged to be totally OTT - the rest I enjoy. I've just watched part 1 on BBC3 - no edits.
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    ListentomeListentome Posts: 9,804
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    I'm just watching it on Watch and I must say... it's done the best editing job ever. They've taken out the entire Doctor rants at Wilf bit, and just jump from:

    "Even this would set it off." *Doc gestures gun*
    "...I'm sorry."*


    "Better be quick." *Doc steps into cage*

    Sure it was only done to save time, but that's how it should have gone in the original. Ten should have kept his suffering to himself, since IMO it didn't really need to be said. Or shouted. A far more... dignified exit, I feel.

    EDIT: That said, they have butchered it in most other places as 2Shy said. ^_^'

    I have to agree. For me the Watch edit shows how unnecessary so much of that episode was. Even still, I don't like those episodes. Can't stand the Cacti aliens, Nesmith and his daughter are awful, as is Minnie the Menace, all that people having bad dreams sh*te is frankly just sh*te and the totally undignified regeneration was an insult to Tennant.
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    bbll22bbll22 Posts: 527
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    As an idea it all sounded good but the whole feel of it didn't sit with me well.

    It completely over-hyped itself to me and that really ruined it. By then, it had really become the David Tennant Show in my eyes.

    Overall: Part 1 - not alot happened - felt like I'd wasted an hour's TV on Christmas Day - not a good thing at all.

    Part 2 - didn't live upto expectations at all - the farewells were nice (apart from the Rose bit, but I haven't liked Rose now since she became smug in S2)

    10's last words were awful - just so wrong. Matt introduction was great though and reinvigorated me in wait for S5.

    One gripe I had throughout the whole special though was why the hell did John Simm get his name in the titles????

    He's the flipping villian! :mad: Even if he did redeem himself, it still should only have been David and Bernard (the latter made the special - without Wilf, it would have been a lot, lot worse)
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    CoalHillJanitorCoalHillJanitor Posts: 15,634
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    I was so happy to see Matt Smith after slogging through the most dreadful episode of this century. Went from exhausted to exhilarated in under a minute and 'Geronimo!' had me eagerly awaiting new adventures. :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 618
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    I loved it, by far the best regeneration scene ever. Add to that the awesome Bernard Cribbins and you have an all time great episode.

    The only bit that disappointed me was Moffat's introduction to the eleventh Doctor, Matt deserved so much more than that corny tiresome sketch for his first ever scene as the Doctor. It seemed out of place compared to the rest of the episode, and made Matt's Doctor look like an idiot, which is a shame as Matt is a very capable actor and his Doctor is right up there with the best. Perhaps Moffat hadn't decided how to write the eleventh Doctors character at that point, thank god he changed his mind and gave us the Doctor we all know and love.

    Also Watch lived up to form by butchering the episode with their obvious edits, still no surprise there.
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    bbll22bbll22 Posts: 527
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    korbany wrote: »
    The only bit that disappointed me was Moffat's introduction to the eleventh Doctor, Matt deserved so much more than that corny tiresome sketch for his first ever scene as the Doctor. It seemed out of place compared to the rest of the episode, and made Matt's Doctor look like an idiot, which is a shame as Matt is a very capable actor and his Doctor is right up there with the best. Perhaps Moffat hadn't decided how to write the eleventh Doctors character at that point, thank god he changed his mind and gave us the Doctor we all know and love.

    To me, Matt's introduction was perfectly in keeping with the episode - he has just changed into a brand new person for heavens sake - better than the cringy 'Barcelona!' nonsense that David had at first. :mad:

    For me, the Doctor always comes across as slightly idiotic just after regenerating so Matt was perfectly in keeping with it anyway. :)

    Plus it needed to jar somewhat after the misery of the preceding minutes ;) I already liked Matt instantly with this little moment - I didn't really take to David until the very end of the Christmas Invasion and even then I wasn't convinced.
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    lach doch mallach doch mal Posts: 16,328
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    It always surprises me when a OP presents a wellknown marmite topic of the forum and asks for support for their hate of an episode that pretty much is known to attract controversial views anyway.

    Here is a thread on the same topic from just a few days/weeks ago http://forums.digitalspy.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1656596&highlight=end+of+time (deals with David's goodbye).

    It's almost like the well used "what is the gay agenda" threads that the OP started and asked about.

    To stay on topic though, I didn't like it at first, but it grew on me.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 24,080
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    When Matt entered the scene everything took off....it was like a true...right thats the end of that...time for the real deal for me i felt.

    I hated the specials...Waters Of Mars was okay....but it dragged out Tennant so much it was painful :(

    Series 5 for me was when i fell back in love with the show....2009 kinda killed my interest a bit tbh :(

    But 2010 onwards TOP TOP TOP!!!!
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    jenziejenzie Posts: 20,821
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    oh come on
    the whole "master race" was a stroke of evil GENIUS!

    watched it on saturday and still loved it, gonna watch the second part next saturday too
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    Sophie ~Oohie~Sophie ~Oohie~ Posts: 10,395
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    I liked it other than the part where the Master was totally over the top :)
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    2shy20072shy2007 Posts: 52,579
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    When Matt entered the scene everything took off....it was like a true...right thats the end of that...time for the real deal for me i felt.

    I hated the specials...Waters Of Mars was okay....but it dragged out Tennant so much it was painful :(

    Series 5 for me was when i fell back in love with the show....2009 kinda killed my interest a bit tbh :(

    But 2010 onwards TOP TOP TOP!!!!

    Funny isnt it? series 5 ( apart from the first episode) killed it again for me, and I cant get my Who mojo back :( hoping I will find it again some day, probably after the next regen.
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    TLC1098TLC1098 Posts: 1,780
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    It was awful but it had a lot of epic moments like Dalton's narration and the music.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 748
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    TLC1098 wrote: »
    It was awful but it had a lot of epic moments like Dalton's narration and the music.

    I have to agree with that the music was amazing and Rassilons narration sent chills down my spine.
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    lach doch mallach doch mal Posts: 16,328
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    2shy2007 wrote: »
    Funny isnt it? series 5 ( apart from the first episode) killed it again for me, and I cant get my Who mojo back :( hoping I will find it again some day, probably after the next regen.

    I think not everyone can like everything:). Sometimes a Doctor just doesn't work for people. However, I still would rather watch Doctor Who than not watch it, even if I don't like the Doctor or the companion (actually I never really disliked any of them to such a degree:D).

    I would give it another chance.
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    sovietusernamesovietusername Posts: 1,169
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    I didnt like it either. Journeys End and the Specials actually turned me off Tennants Doctor. By the end I was just really fed up and wanted him to die, such a massive smile in Matt Smiths first scene, and series 5 felt really new and fresh as a result
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    2shy20072shy2007 Posts: 52,579
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    I think not everyone can like everything:). Sometimes a Doctor just doesn't work for people. However, I still would rather watch Doctor Who than not watch it, even if I don't like the Doctor or the companion (actually I never really disliked any of them to such a degree:D).

    I would give it another chance.

    I still watch it,there is just one episode from the last series that I havent watched yet, but at the moment its not grabbing me, but I know that eventually it will :) I am hoping I will like it better when the Ponds leave and we can get back to the Doctor being the centre of the Who universe again.
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    daveyboy7472daveyboy7472 Posts: 16,522
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    I'd call it underpar rather than truly awful, as was the case with most of the Specials.

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