
The Amazing Spiderman Trailer



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    MotthusMotthus Posts: 7,280
    Forum Member
    My friend saw the extended preview before Promotheus and he was very annoyed as he felt it showed too much.I missed it as I saw Promotheus in 2D.I agree that they are pushing Spiderman too much especially compared to the approach of The Dark Knight Rises.I get the feeling that the studio are really worried about Spiderman as they have got a lot of money on it and don't want it too fail.Appartently some reviews have leaked onto twitter and have not been that positive!
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    varsasvarsas Posts: 1,695
    Forum Member
    I agree, there was too much shown in the IMAX preview but from that footage, the clips and the trailers I'm pretty hopeful that it will turn out well. I've not seen anything yet regarding reviews but I've decided to avoid any more spoiling!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,895
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    Some twitter reviews say its on par with Avengers and is better than the emotional content is better than Raimi's. The majority seem to be positive only a few are negative,
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    MrSuperMrSuper Posts: 18,644
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    Some twitter reviews say its on par with Avengers and is better than the emotional content is better than Raimi's. The majority seem to be positive only a few are negative,

    On a par with The Avengers is good for me! I'm in.
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    MotthusMotthus Posts: 7,280
    Forum Member
    This is the article I read about the reviews on Moviehole.net

    "The first media screenings for “The Amazing Spider-Man” – Note : I believe those who were participating in the junket were only allowed access to these particular screenings, unless, of course, they were lucky enough to be snuck into a screening – were held last week in the U.S.
    While I’ve personally heard mixed reports, with a couple of tougher critics even comparing it to the comic-book catastrophe “Spider-Man 3″, most of the word on the various website Forums & Twitter seem to be bordering on the positive (well, most). By-and-large, sounds like it’ll be a fun movie in the least, and offer something different from the previous “Spider-Man” films.

    Now, first of all, we won’t be linking to any Twitter statuses nor posts in forums where those that have seen the media discuss it or offer up their verdict. We will simply say..

    The Critics : Seems some critics thought it was hokey and a bit messy (some even comparing it to “Spider-Man 3″) with a couple of my personal favourite writers really despising it. The not-as-tough blogger seemed to enjoy it, however. Interesting to note that those that weren’t huge fans of the Sam Raimi “Spider-Man” movies are enjoying this one more so than others – likely because that something ‘different’ that it offers is what they’ve been hoping for in a Spidey movie. At the same time, those that were never fans of Tobey Maguire in the role, love Andrew Garfield. Garfield apparently makes the role his own by bringing a lot of charm and dorkish humour to the role of Parker. Those same writers also claimed it’s storyline goes a lot “deeper” than anything in the first three “Spider-Man” movies, particularly the back-story of the parents. Visual effects have also been commended.

    The Non-Critic : The common comic-book fan who got into see the film (by one means or another) enjoyed it. Most positive notes have been for Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans and the amount of back-story in there about Peter’s parents. Apparently the movie even encompasses a couple of surprise character cameos. The film’s 3D, as well as the ‘first person’ way they’ve shot the ‘swinging’ scenes, and the big inevitable battle between Spidey and The Lizard is apparently one of the more entertaining superhero movie fight sequences, according to most. The public that have so far seen it seem to agree that it’s on par with “The Avengers”.

    Finally, nearly everyone agrees that the only way to see this thing – because of the effects and the first-person ‘swinging’ – is in IMAX. Nice plug for those big screens!

    There’s an embargo on all reviews of “The Amazing Spider-Man” for a couple of weeks, so until then… just hold out hope that your favourite writer, lucky enough to have seen it, is on the money with their advance verdict!"

    So from the early screenings it seems to have divided ciritcs and the public!
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    MrSuperMrSuper Posts: 18,644
    Forum Member
    Oh well. Looks like it's a mixed bag. Same as Prometheus. Same as Men In Black 3. The Avengers has been the only blockbuster to receive wholly positive reviews. All that's left is The Dark Knight Rises. Bring it on!
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    Residents FanResidents Fan Posts: 9,204
    Forum Member
    Some twitter reviews say its on par with Avengers and is better than the emotional content is better than Raimi's. The majority seem to be positive only a few are negative,

    Not having Kristen Dunst is an automatic plus for
    any film IMO. :D
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    circlebro2019circlebro2019 Posts: 17,560
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    insider reports all suggest this is one of marvels finest efforts and much better than original trilogy

    i felt first 3 films were tad overated so i cant wait.
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    MrSuperMrSuper Posts: 18,644
    Forum Member
    It's screened in Belgium and by all accounts it's a pretty good movie. Here's a review (does contain spoilers):

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    rumpleteazerrumpleteazer Posts: 5,746
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    I have to admit I wasn't impressed when I saw the trailer. I'm sure I'll give it a go as I'm a marvel fan but I might wait until the opening hype dies down
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    MrSuperMrSuper Posts: 18,644
    Forum Member
    The Amazing Spiderman has screened to UK press. Getting positive reviews! Good stuff! :)

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    MrSuperMrSuper Posts: 18,644
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    From Empire, even though it's fairly positive they gave it 3/5

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    grimtales1grimtales1 Posts: 46,702
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    The latest trailer looked pretty good to me but a) I still dont think rebooting so soon was a good idea, especially as most people know Spideys origin story and b) I'm fed up of seeing all the action scenes, quick cut in the trailer - theres no need :rolleyes:
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    Jimmy_McNultyJimmy_McNulty Posts: 11,378
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    It looks like Spiderman with a HD reboot. Oo look at all those shiny colours!!!!
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    varsasvarsas Posts: 1,695
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    The SFX is positive and refers to it harking back to Lee/Ditko Spidey and that's excellent :)
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    MotthusMotthus Posts: 7,280
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    Well The Amazing Spiderman is out tomorrow and we can all judge for ourselves on if it's any good!

    I will leave it till the weekend to see it as im in no rush but I know quite a few people who are excited about this film!
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    Rincewind78Rincewind78 Posts: 2,198
    Forum Member
    will catch this, but not rushing.
    I wonder if it gets negative reviews or doesn't make a 1BN$$, will they reboot it again?!
    The latest poster artwork is almost the same as the last lot of poster art
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    varsasvarsas Posts: 1,695
    Forum Member
    will catch this, but not rushing.
    I wonder if it gets negative reviews or doesn't make a 1BN$$, will they reboot it again?!
    The latest poster artwork is almost the same as the last lot of poster art

    It has some negative reviews from the comic book and cult sites. There won't be another re-boot since I expect it to do reasonably well and hopefully that will lead to more interesting story telling in future films; the negative reviews from the areas I mentioned refer a lot of the rather 'safe' way that the writers have gone with this one.
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    SnowyfaceSnowyface Posts: 1,582
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    I'm going to see this tonight, as I'm off to Cyprus and I can't wait 2 weeks until I see it! So excited :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 971
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    off to see it tonight. bloody empire have put it on the smallest screen which only has about 8 rows.
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    PhoenixRisesPhoenixRises Posts: 2,607
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    will catch this, but not rushing.
    I wonder if it gets negative reviews or doesn't make a 1BN$$, will they reboot it again?!
    The latest poster artwork is almost the same as the last lot of poster art

    It has a 75% Rotten Tomato on Critic Reviews and 84% on Audience (normal people) reviews so it doesn't seem too bad although it is early days.

    Personally I am looking forward to it because I always felt the other films were done incorrectly and Macguire wasn't quite right for me. So hopefully this one will correct the little niggles I had with the films.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,305
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    A friend of mine who is a massive comic book fan saw it about 2 weeks ago (he works at a cinema and they had some kind of special advanced screening which he attended) and his opinion of the film is that it is "essentially Spidey Begins, with added wit, but not up to the same standard as The Avengers or TDK, although it's still a very solid film and easily the best Spidey film" which coming from him is quite high praise. Personally, i'd take his opinion anyday over the countless critics who seem to be bashing it due to it being a reboot. I'm seeing it tomorrow afternoon in IMAX, looking forward to it.

    EDIT: Infact, here's his blog review if you fancy reading the opinion of regular fan rather than a critic who's being paid:

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