
IMDB Message Boards

bbclassicsbbclassics Posts: 7,806
Forum Member
I like IMDB, but is it just me or are the people on the message boards there really aggressive and puerile? I'm not saying everyone on the boards is like that, but there are some people on there who seem to get their knickers in a twist over trivial things. I'm pretty sure it never used to be as hostile as it is now. I'm not some delicate little flower or a troll yet some users there do not understand that people have differing opinions.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?


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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 496
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    bbclassics wrote: »
    I like IMDB, but is it just me or are the people on the message boards there really aggressive and puerile? I'm not saying everyone on the boards is like that, but there are some people on there who seem to get their knickers in a twist over trivial things. I'm pretty sure it never used to be as hostile as it is now. I'm not some delicate little flower or a troll yet some users there do not understand that people have differing opinions.

    Has anyone else had a similar experience?

    Thank god there are no puerile posters on these forums..
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    PES 2009PES 2009 Posts: 1,146
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    Plenty of puerile posters on these forums, it's just they get reported and their posts removed.
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    Fear of FoursFear of Fours Posts: 1,004
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    Just put them on ignore if they bother you that much.
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    bbclassicsbbclassics Posts: 7,806
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    Yeah there are quite a lot of puerile posters on these forums too, but there is definitely an abundance of them on IMDB.

    Maybe their moderators aren't very good
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    cliffy91cliffy91 Posts: 1,462
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    Never realised till I read them forums that every actor is infact gay :eek::eek::D
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    roger_50roger_50 Posts: 6,958
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    The IMDB movie forums are 99.9% 'wild west' troll zones. The only chance you've got of finding any reasoned debate is in the discussion boards of an unknown/obscure film which the trolls don't infect.

    I only use the sight for information on films as a kind of wiki (release dates/actor info/director stuff). The top250 is also a worthless pile of rubbish and no heed should be paid to it.
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    DubDubDubDub Posts: 2,611
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    same with all forums - you have to [sort] the wheat from the chaff
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    roger_50roger_50 Posts: 6,958
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    Not all forums. I post on a couple which are brilliant and well-run, with very little nonsense.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,488
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    roger_50 wrote: »
    The IMDB movie forums are 99.9% 'wild west' troll zones. The only chance you've got of finding any reasoned debate is in the discussion boards of an unknown/obscure film which the trolls don't infect.

    I only use the sight for information on films as a kind of wiki (release dates/actor info/director stuff). The top250 is also a worthless pile of rubbish and no heed should be paid to it.
    I'd disagree, it's a public vote so it's very good at demonstrating common public opinion, but indie/less known TV shows/films aren't likely to get a look in, so I'd take it more as a measure of popularity rather than how good a film/TV show actually is.
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    roger_50roger_50 Posts: 6,958
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    I'd disagree, it's a public vote so it's very good at demonstrating common public opinion, but indie/less known TV shows/films aren't likely to get a look in, so I'd take it more as a measure of popularity rather than how good a film/TV show actually is.
    Nah, it doesn't even work as a measure of popularity. Depending on who you listen to, anything up to half the votes on certain films are said to be fake accounts to artificially push them up the list. The whole thing is a waste of time.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,488
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    roger_50 wrote: »
    Nah, it doesn't even work as a measure of popularity. Depending on who you listen to, anything up to half the votes on certain films are said to be fake accounts to artificially push them up the list. The whole thing is a waste of time.

    I've not heard any of these allegations, and my brief experience with imdb charts hasn't shown any major anomalies, so I shall assume you're over exaggerating.
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    roger_50roger_50 Posts: 6,958
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    On dedicated film forums, it's pretty widely accepted the imdb top250 is a complete joke for the above reasons, but you can assume what you like.
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    GortGort Posts: 7,477
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    roger_50 wrote: »
    On dedicated film forums, it's pretty widely accepted the imdb top250 is a complete joke for the above reasons, but you can assume what you like.

    More a case of forum jealousy, snobbery and hearsay than anything legitimate. The IMDb top 250 shouldn't be considered the sole arbiter of what's a good film, but it sure is one measure, even if maybe it's based on popularity. I wouldn't claim that the IMDb top 250 is the best measure to judge such films, but it's by no means a measure that should be dismissed as you and your forum friends have done. It's one list amongst many, no more, no less.
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    Kayleigh2010Kayleigh2010 Posts: 1,242
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    I used to love imdb, i hardly ever go on there now though, way too many wierdos, its not that bad though if your in the mood for it
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    roger_50roger_50 Posts: 6,958
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    Gort wrote: »
    More a case of forum jealousy, snobbery and hearsay than anything legitimate. The IMDb top 250 shouldn't be considered the sole arbiter of what's a good film, but it sure is one measure, even if maybe it's based on popularity. I wouldn't claim that the IMDb top 250 is the best measure to judge such films, but it's by no means a measure that should be dismissed as you and your forum friends have done. It's one list amongst many, no more, no less.
    Those in the know always get called jealous or snobbish for daring to dismiss something. But I guess that's the internet for you... everybody automatically assumes there must be an ulterior motive when it's far simpler and straightforward than that.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,488
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    roger_50 wrote: »
    Those in the know always get called jealous or snobbish for daring to dismiss something. But I guess that's the internet for you... everybody automatically assumes there must be an ulterior motive when it's far simpler and straightforward than that.

    You are aware there is a slight hint of irony in the last part of that? ("everybody automatically assumes there must be an ulterior motive when it's far simpler and straightforward than that.") I very much doubt the existence rampant imdb rigging, and if so would they not have got to the other "pure" sites as well....
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    GortGort Posts: 7,477
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    roger_50 wrote: »
    Those in the know always get called jealous or snobbish for daring to dismiss something. But I guess that's the internet for you... everybody automatically assumes there must be an ulterior motive when it's far simpler and straightforward than that.

    Yeah, but you still haven't come up with any credible evidence, so forgive me if an "ulterior motive" is hinted at in my reply. Again, and it's very simple, IMDb is just one of many types of list. You get lists that are critic based, then you get lists that are more based on what those "in the know" come up with, then there are mere box office lists, and also there are popularity lists, which IMDb is but one of them. Dismissing IMDb's list is just failing to see its proper place as one of many types of lists.

    BTW, you're not the only one who's a member of a few forums with "in the know" members. You're not that exclusive. ;)
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    rfonzorfonzo Posts: 11,781
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    I think the IMDB website is useful as a database to find out when film were released and for finding out actors/actresses names when they are cast in cameo or smaller roles, but other than that I do not find the website all that good. Their links to other websites never seem to work. I tried to find out the list for most 'Inspirational roles by African Americans' which was officially done by film critics and they said they had the link to the complete list but it did not work. Therefore, i just find the website useful for statistics and dates or films released in the past.
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    TakaeTakae Posts: 13,555
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    I mostly can't stand forums under extremely popular films, but other forums, especially for lesser known films, aren't too bad. I quite enjoy this forum: I Need to Know http://www.imdb.com/board/bd0000001/threads/
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    VoynichVoynich Posts: 14,481
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    Every actor is not only gay but you're gay for asking a question or having an opinion . That's about the level of the place. Still, it makes the Youtube comment section look like Mensa! :D
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    DirtyBarrySpeedDirtyBarrySpeed Posts: 1,561
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    The current highest ranked horror movie with over 1000 votes is a movie called Carnivores (2011). This movie seems like it could be a fake as there are no reviews for it but a lot of 10/10 votes.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,488
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    The current highest ranked horror movie with over 1000 votes is a movie called Carnivores (2011). This movie seems like it could be a fake as there are no reviews for it but a lot of 10/10 votes.

    I couldn't find anything, but it's Japanese so it could just be that it hasn't made it across yet.

    Also, the film does not feature in the top 250, despite having a higher average ranking than The Godfather II. (Regular users only).

    I do however detest the fact Goundhog Day has a higher rating than Looper...
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    TakaeTakae Posts: 13,555
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    I couldn't find anything, but it's Japanese so it could just be that it hasn't made it across yet.

    I doubt it because it doesn't exist in Japan. I tried to find it in Japanese film databases and Japanese DVD retail shops online under the film title and director's name in English and Japanese. There's absolutely nothing.

    Edited: I think he's an independent filmmaker, who lives in the US where he distributes and sells his own films.
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