
Ho. - Bully Storyline

Brian79Brian79 Posts: 164
Forum Member
getting a bit sick of this, its boring to see someone getting picked on by a bunch of other people and no one is doing anything about it.. its like the WWE...

why cant someone just come kick some ass for esther? someone needs to come and teach ruby and that **** a lesson.... ... wheres silas when you need him...??


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    NeomysterioNeomysterio Posts: 13,466
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    A lot of people being bullied do suffer in silence for considerable amounts of time.
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    rockerchickrockerchick Posts: 9,255
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    A lot of people being bullied do suffer in silence for considerable amounts of time.

    that's doesn't mean they have to cover the most likely scenario, they could have her winning against the bullies.
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    trevor tigertrevor tiger Posts: 38,001
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    I hate this story line as well. I wanted Esther and Phoebe to form more of a bond and effectively fight Maddie or Estger and Tilly after Tilly found out how horrible Maddie was but then the stupid van crash happened and it's just let Maddie off the hook and I hate that.

    I have zilch sympathy for Ruby mooning around as it woukd seem the love of her life dying hasn't made her want the truth to come out, just for her to protect her bully best friends :mad:
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    lexstarlexstar Posts: 1,822
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    This SL is making me mad, I can't believe that Tilly and George just standby and Ruby used to be close with Esther. She should be mad at Bart, it was his fault they crashed!
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    AngiBearAngiBear Posts: 3,026
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    A lot of people being bullied do suffer in silence for considerable amounts of time.

    Yeah, they do. Sometimes they believe its their own fault they are being bullied. I was bullied for 2 years at primary school by 7 girls. They made my life absolute hell. My mum went up to the school and complained and it changed nothing. In the end, I flipped and got the ringleader by the throat and threatened her. It took me 2 years to stand up for myself and I still to this day do not know where I got the strength from. I feel physically ill when I hear of young people committing suicide because of their bullies.

    I have a feeling the bullies may win against Esther but hope that someone will take a stand against them. Frankie seems to shout at Esther quite a lot which I think could be the reason she hasn't confided in her about what is happening. I have no sympathy for Ruby either as she egged on Maddie and Sinead loads of times. She should be sticking up for Esther.
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    hetty100hetty100 Posts: 4,873
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    AngiBear wrote: »
    Yeah, they do. Sometimes they believe its their own fault they are being bullied. I was bullied for 2 years at primary school by 7 girls. They made my life absolute hell. My mum went up to the school and complained and it changed nothing. In the end, I flipped and got the ringleader by the throat and threatened her. It took me 2 years to stand up for myself and I still to this day do not know where I got the strength from. I feel physically ill when I hear of young people committing suicide because of their bullies.

    I have a feeling the bullies may win against Esther but hope that someone will take a stand against them. Frankie seems to shout at Esther quite a lot which I think could be the reason she hasn't confided in her about what is happening. I have no sympathy for Ruby either as she egged on Maddie and Sinead loads of times. She should be sticking up for Esther.

    Totally agree

    I was bullied myself at school and telling adults is easier said then done, I remember many times I tried to tell teachers and somtimes they would pretty much make it feel like it was my fault or I was exaggerating:(, I remember the three that where the main ring leaders were always le off the hook cos they had " problems at home:rolleyes:"

    I really don't know why Bart is being let off the hook, it seems every mcqueen seems to get let off the hook for everything Bart Mercedes, Threasa, its making me really hate the family and the show:mad:

    This SL is making me mad, I can't believe that Tilly and George just standby and Ruby used to be close with Esther. She should be mad at Bart, it was his fault they crashed!

    I would totally hate George and lose all respect for his character if he started joining up with Ruby and Sinead, he was bullied himself, thats why he ran away and ended up on the streets, so he knows what its like, so if he joined in I think his character would be totally ruined and irredeemable.
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    RuinedGirlRuinedGirl Posts: 918
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    I'm actually really enjoying the bullying storyline. It's awful to watch as a viewer, because we're all rooting for Esther and it's horrible to see her going through hell at the hands of a bunch of vile nasty little bullies (and even more horrible to know that thousands of people experience it in real life.)

    However, it's very realistic in the sense that the writers are showing a ''pack mentality'' when it comes to the bullying. Even though Ruby and a few others have shown guilt about the bullying in the past, no-one wanted to speak up against Maddie and Sinead because they were scared that they were going to be the next target. That's exactly what happens in schools/colleges- there are often only a few ringleaders, and the rest of the people just go along with it (either because they just think it's a bit of fun, or because they don't want to disagree with who they see as ''powerful people'' in the school hierarchy.)

    As awful as it is to watch, it's a very accurate portrayal of how bullies work, and how the victim of bullying often doesn't tell anyone about it for fear of being bullied even more or seen as a drama queen. Esther is clearly a very fragile young woman with low self esteem, and although she's made several attempts to stand up for herself, I think perhaps deep down she believes she deserves to be treated like that, or has caused the bullying in some way by being different to Sinead/Ruby etc.

    I hope Hollyoaks carry on with the bullying storyline and that, like some people have suggested, Esther will attempt suicide over it (but not succeed.) Hollyoak's target audience seems to be teenagers, so I hope it will show the viewers the end result of bullying, and just how miserable it can make someone.
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    Louise32Louise32 Posts: 6,784
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    I commend Hollyoaks for this storyline.

    I want to see a suicide attempt at the very least. Many many young people have died, effectively driven in to an early grave by their tormenters otherwise known as murderers.

    I recall a number of years ago three sixteen year old girls being sentenced to three months in a detention centre.

    Their crime? Pushing a 16 year old girl through a glass window. Victim escaped miraculously with cuts and bruises but just weeks later committed suicide, leaving a suicide note laying the blame firmly at her tormenters.

    Three months for pushing someone through a glass window and effectively bullying them to death? Absolute total utter disgrace. The sentence should have been much stiffer.

    But there is numerous suicide tragedies of bullying victims. Hollyoaks needs to highlight this issue. Take it to the most extreme which at the very least is attempted suicide.

    Show how serious and devastating bullying is. As for teachers and adults I find alot wrongly hold the viewpoint that bullying is nothing toughens people up does no real damage. Yet statistically adults who were badly bullied at school are seven times more likely to contemplate or attempt suicide than those who weren't.

    Teachers at school do to bullying victims what the catholic church did to many sexual abuse victims. They sweep it under the carpet.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 137
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    This storyline really feels like it's leading up to a suicide attempt at the very least. Poor Esther. :(
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    jendejende Posts: 21,432
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    I think they're doing it well. The whole building it up and showing cyber bullying is a good thing. The only thing I don't agree with is at the moment you have to go to an online site to see it. But the site itself, shows how it's slowly building up and how people who don't pick on her i.e George and Phoebe, think it's wrong that people say things about her online, but think she's strong so she is alright. It also shows Ruby and Sinead doing the 'yeah we're your BFF Esther' when we know this is all a lie. This is kind of relevant to the show and any bullying SL they show, so it's a shame we haven't seen bits of the DocYou stuff on the show.

    If they want to be realistic, they have to for once make the SL drag out, because bullying isn't - happens one day and goes the next. They are meant to be focusing more on this soon and I do think it will eventually result in Esther trying to kill herself, because as has been said, that happens. It does feel like we'll have to wait a while, before Ruby and co get their comeuppance re it, but I think they will, because HO do seem to be taking this really seriously.
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