
New High res pics/video of the new Blackberry phone!

slick1twoslick1two Posts: 2,877
Forum Member

Looks pretty slick! What do you guys think of the design?

AND here is a video of the final phone running OS10! Very smooth and great screen! Anyone tempted?



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    whoever,heywhoever,hey Posts: 30,992
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    It looks like an ugly iphone.
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    Zack06Zack06 Posts: 28,304
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    The hardware looks rubbish and ugly, and the software looks like a copy of Android stock and Touchwiz UI with elements of iOS. This whole BB10 stuff just really reminds me of Palm and their Pre/WebOS stuff....and we all know how that ended up. :)
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    slick1twoslick1two Posts: 2,877
    Forum Member
    It looks like an ugly iphone.

    It looks better than an iphone and a Galaxy s3. But the HTC One X in my opinion beats the lot. The new J Butterfly and Droid DNA look stunning. This BB phone looks pretty sleek with nice curved edges and textured back. Not bad at all.

    In what way does it look ugly?

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    wrexham103.4wrexham103.4 Posts: 3,334
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    that looks sexual :D pick that over my S2
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    slick1twoslick1two Posts: 2,877
    Forum Member
    that looks sexual :D pick that over my S2

    Hehe, Mustn't praise it too much in the company of iphone and Android fan boys, They are a little shocked that RIM have unleashed a sexy little phone hehe. But as someone who appreciates good tech products i must say I agree with you sir :D
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    StigglesStiggles Posts: 9,618
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    slick1two wrote: »
    Hehe, Mustn't praise it too much in the company of iphone and Android fan boys, They are a little shocked that RIM have unleashed a sexy little phone hehe. But as someone who appreciates good tech products i must say I agree with you sir :D

    I appreciate good tech as well. My house is filled with it but, its not sexy whatsoever. It looks ok but its still a blackberry and is guaranteed like every other blackberry to be underpowered and slow as hell.
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    Zack06Zack06 Posts: 28,304
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    Stiggles wrote: »
    I appreciate good tech as well. My house is filled with it but, its not sexy whatsoever. It looks ok but its still a blackberry and is guaranteed like every other blackberry to be underpowered and slow as hell.

    I agree with you, if the product is lacklustre and ugly then it just is, and pretending it is won't change anything. RIM will be alienating their business customers with these devices....the whole selling point of Blackberry is the keyboard and the messenger.

    Why would anyone choose these touch devices which look laggy and slow over Google Nexus or Apple iPhone. I wouldn't. :)
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    slick1twoslick1two Posts: 2,877
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    Stiggles wrote: »
    I appreciate good tech as well. My house is filled with it but, its not sexy whatsoever. It looks ok but its still a blackberry and is guaranteed like every other blackberry to be underpowered and slow as hell.

    No one has even fully showcased the phone's functionality and yet you arrive at this conclusion based on previous generation hardware/software.

    From what I have seen of the user experience at least looks pretty snappy and slick And this is coming from someone who has followed the development progress of Blackberry 10 OS and owns a Playbook tablet which is what BB10 software is sculpted out of.

    You sir, know nothing.
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    slick1twoslick1two Posts: 2,877
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    Zack06 wrote: »
    I agree with you, if the product is lacklustre and ugly then it just is, and pretending it is won't change anything. RIM will be alienating their business customers with these devices....the whole selling point of Blackberry is the keyboard and the messenger.

    Why would anyone choose these touch devices which look laggy and slow over Google Nexus or Apple iPhone. I wouldn't. :)

    Keyboard version coming soon too :p Where is this lag you speak of?? You wouldn't pick a new BB phone, because you don't know better. There are many out there who are actually willing to give it a chance. You should too, you may be pleasantly surprised ;)
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    Zack06Zack06 Posts: 28,304
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    slick1two wrote: »
    Keyboard version coming soon too :p Where is this lag you speak of?? You wouldn't pick a new BB phone, because you don't know better. There are many out there who are actually willing to give it a chance. You should too, you may be pleasantly surprised ;)

    I wouldn't make sweeping assumptions, I have had first hand experience with QNX and know that it is a progressive OS, to put it politely. RIMs new products are just not interesting, it will do even worse than Windows Phone, that's just my opinion. :)
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    slick1twoslick1two Posts: 2,877
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    Zack06 wrote: »
    I wouldn't make sweeping assumptions, I have had first hand experience with QNX and know that it is a progressive OS, to put it politely. RIMs new products are just not interesting, it will do even worse than Windows Phone, that's just my opinion. :)

    how can it possibly do worse than windows phone when RIM have an 80m user base? Imagine if even 10% buy this phone. Remember BB owners have been starved of new hardware for a good while now, so I think many will jump on this phone. I don't own a BB phone, never have done, but I was using Android long before many, with the HTC Hero. It lacked an eco system at the time, the App Store was in it's infancy but look how Android and grown and progressed over the years.

    So I think it's always good to keep an open mind. Even if you own and swear by other hardware, there are always devices being released which will do the job that little bit better than another. Thats why we are here, able to discuss such things because we've seen some serious innovation over the years and everyone has "borrowed" ideas off each other and produced good products.

    We shall see how this phone does, right now the jury is still out of course it will be naive to believe that RIM have a winner here, but they are on the right track. They need to bring a good device t market and have no time to lose, which is why they have been busy building an eco system, and have got developers onboard. Apparently QNX is the easiest platform to develop on, and it's a quick process converting Android and IOS apps in to native BB apps.

    If everyone just keeps saying RIM Is dead, just due to their dislike of their products or whatever it is they hate about RIM, then it's being very closed minded and ignorant. Already seeing baseless statements about the phone, from people who haven't even used it, or even have any idea what is under the hood etc.

    I think people are wanting RIM to get back in the mix because the Android v IOS war is getting a little boring to be honest so who knows, maybe RIM will surprise us and bring to market a pretty damn good smart phone :cool:
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    StigglesStiggles Posts: 9,618
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    slick1two wrote: »
    No one has even fully showcased the phone's functionality and yet you arrive at this conclusion based on previous generation hardware/software.

    Yes. They have always promised new things, better hardware etc etc etc...yet we get the same garbage daily.
    From what I have seen of the user experience at least looks pretty snappy and slick

    It looks ok. I wouldnt say snappy nor slick.
    And this is coming from someone who has followed the development progress of Blackberry 10 OS and owns a Playbook tablet which is what BB10 software is sculpted out of.

    As have i and i owned a playbook and it was rank. Why do you think they were selling dirt cheap months after release and continue to sell dirt cheap?
    You sir, know nothing.

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    niceguy1966niceguy1966 Posts: 29,560
    Forum Member
    I see nothing in that video that makes me think my next phone will be a BB.

    The design looks very similar to a iPhone5, but made of cheaper materials. The GUI looks as old fashioned as the iPhone (no obvious sign of live tiles or widgets). The only thing "new" seems to be some sort of short-cut function in the screens four corners.

    I'll wait for more information before I come to any conclusions, but so far, I'm unimpressed.

    I'm sure Apple's lawyers are sharpening their pencils as I type.
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    noise747noise747 Posts: 30,974
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    It looks ok to be honest, not that you can tell from videos and a few pictures. the icon part look like Android and Iphone, but then most phones will.

    Just have to wait and see what the specs are and price. At least the battery can be removed which is a good thing. Not sure what sim card they use, but I really hope it is the normal one and not one of these silly cut down things.

    Was that a NFC chip on the back cover? if so it looks easy to disable just put some tape across the contacts.
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    Big PoyBig Poy Posts: 7,549
    Forum Member
    I see nothing in that video that makes me think my next phone will be a BB.

    The design looks very similar to a iPhone5, but made of cheaper materials. The GUI looks as old fashioned as the iPhone (no obvious sign of live tiles or widgets). The only thing "new" seems to be some sort of short-cut function in the screens four corners.

    I'll wait for more information before I come to any conclusions, but so far, I'm unimpressed.

    I'm sure Apple's lawyers are sharpening their pencils as I type.

    Ah yes, someone dared make a rectangular product with 4 corners.. It's ok it doesn't look as 'cool' as the IPhone so RIM will be fine.

    Aslong as they get a large proportion of their current user base it will be a start, as you can tell from this thread people don't like change and difference.. They can just stick to size upgrade and continued spec race every 6 month.
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    call100call100 Posts: 7,279
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    It's just another phone from the same mould as all the others........I doubt I'll ever buy one, but, I can't say it looks offensive or bad. It just doesn't look any different..
    I guess the physical keyboard version will be the most popular amongst Blackberryists and the full touch screen one will win over a few new customers....

    I'm not understanding why people get so upset about new phones....either way. It has a certain shallowness about it really...
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    slick1twoslick1two Posts: 2,877
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    call100 wrote: »
    It's just another phone from the same mould as all the others........I doubt I'll ever buy one, but, I can't say it looks offensive or bad. It just doesn't look any different..
    I guess the physical keyboard version will be the most popular amongst Blackberryists and the full touch screen one will win over a few new customers....

    I'm not understanding why people get so upset about new phones....either way. It has a certain shallowness about it really...

    People get upset because they feel threatened. Die hards of other device vendors get worried and worked up for some reason. They cannot stand the thought of a rival may actually be on to something. Just look at the baseless overly defensive reactions of posters in this thread hehe.
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    niceguy1966niceguy1966 Posts: 29,560
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    slick1two wrote: »
    People get upset because they feel threatened. Die hards of other device vendors get worried and worked up for some reason. They cannot stand the thought of a rival may actually be on to something. Just look at the baseless overly defensive reactions of posters in this thread hehe.

    Who is unset? I'm just unimpressed.

    I'm quite open to new things if there is actually something new about them. As I'm now used to Android, why relearn a new system unless it offers something I need and don't already have.

    I wasn't expecting WP8 to interest me, but now the phones are out, I'll certainly consider one. BB hasn't yet shown me anything that get's them on my short list, but I'll be happy to read and watch more to see if there is something I've missed so far.
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    KieranDSKieranDS Posts: 16,545
    Forum Member
    I wonder what the keyboard one will look like? I'd consider it. I really miss my physical keyboard.
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    CoolboyACoolboyA Posts: 10,447
    Forum Member
    Looks kinda rubbish... It doesn't look like a smartphone software wise - it looks like the feature phones of 2006.
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    Zack06Zack06 Posts: 28,304
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    KieranDS wrote: »
    I wonder what the keyboard one will look like? I'd consider it. I really miss my physical keyboard.

    Like this....i.e. exactly the same. I agree with the others saying that they just look like feature-phones. Very unimpressive compared to what others are doing.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 838
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    Being different - isn't the volume control on the opposite side of the phone, compared to all other smartphones?
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    The Lord LucanThe Lord Lucan Posts: 5,054
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    If the Driod X and iPhone 5 had a baby this is what the outcome would look like.. I wish BB good luck, not sure how this will sell could be the companies greatest seller or it could flop due to it being such a departure from BB norm.. Be interesting to see if they steal any Android or iOS customers...

    However one thing against it is there is going to be a mass of new phones launched at the end of 2013 Q1 if BB want success this new phone needs to launch imminently.
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    slick1twoslick1two Posts: 2,877
    Forum Member
    If the Driod X and iPhone 5 had a baby this is what the outcome would look like.. I wish BB good luck, not sure how this will sell could be the companies greatest seller or it could flop due to it being such a departure from BB norm.. Be interesting to see if they steal any Android or iOS customers...

    However one thing against it is there is going to be a mass of new phones launched at the end of 2013 Q1 if BB want success this new phone needs to launch imminently.

    January 30th is the "launch" date. But don't know if that is actual launch or will be the launch event and then allow people to pre order for release at a later date. But it should get to market before new iphone, Samsung and HTC flagships.

    They need a killer press event though. All eyes will be watching and critics sharpening their knives looking for flaws.
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    StigglesStiggles Posts: 9,618
    Forum Member
    slick1two wrote: »
    People get upset because they feel threatened. Die hards of other device vendors get worried and worked up for some reason. They cannot stand the thought of a rival may actually be on to something. Just look at the baseless overly defensive reactions of posters in this thread hehe.

    Sorry, whos feeling threatened?

    Everyone knows blackberrys have always been absolutely rubbish in both terms of hardware and performance. This wont change. RIM wont be around much longer. The axe is falling.

    Anyway, the day i feel threatened in regards to tech, is the day i know to kill myself as there is nothing more stupid or pointless.
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