
Do you move physically when playing a game

HotelierHotelier Posts: 13,100
Forum Member
Say a driving game, do you find yourself moving from side to side as you turn?. Or if you are doing a difficult jump in the game, your legs twitch at the moment of jumping?.
I even found myself punching the air once when I completed a difficult mission. And then told myself to get a grip. :)


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    OMTTOMTT Posts: 5,459
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    When I was about 8, I used to always lift the pad up when getting Mario to jump in Super Mario World. Who would've knew that almost 20 years later that this would actually work? :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,784
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    No I don't but my father does, much to the annoyance of my mother lol. He plays mario games and when he's jumping he'll move the controller up and in the direction that's mario is jumping in lol.

    He becomes that engrossed in his game that he forgets his grandchildren are present at times and when he fails to make a jump, all we hear is "Aw that's shit" or "away and shite" lmao.

    Can be quite comical as he and I suppose we all do it from time to time and that's blame the character we're using for the mistakes, even though we are the one's controlling it lol
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    He4rtHe4rt Posts: 5,379
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    Funny you should mention your dad, because my dad is bad for it too. He had to stop playing racing games because it was making him ill with motion sickness. I watched him before and he sways from left to right like hes on a roller coaster.

    He sticks to slow paced RPG's now.:D

    One thing the wife mentioned before is that the worse i do in a game the closer i sit to the TV. At the start I'm sat on the sofa, then i get killed repeatedly and sit on the floor leaning back on the sofa followed by shuffling closer and closer before I'm sat on one of my big cushions 2 feet away from the TV:o.
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    Flawed-TacticsFlawed-Tactics Posts: 3,488
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    Funny how people are reluctant to admit they do it but happy to mention others :D it does sound a bit retarded tho I suppose ROFL.

    I will admit when playing racing games, the g-forces do actually seem to make me lean ! It's amazing how realistic some games can be :D:)

    Great thread BTW.
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    HotbirdHotbird Posts: 10,018
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    I have been known to lean into corners in racing games. But worse than that I have also tried to lean to get a better look around a corner in an FPS game :o

    Racing games get me doing this more than any other type of game though and its only racing games, I don't do it driving in sandbox games for example.
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    stefmeisterstefmeister Posts: 8,417
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    Hotbird wrote: »
    I have been known to lean into corners in racing games. But worse than that I have also tried to lean to get a better look around a corner in an FPS game :o
    I do the same. I've also found myself trying to move up to try & get a better view over jumps in rally games :D

    I also take my hands off the wheel when I'm about to have a real big crash, A result of years of watching Indycar racing where you often see drivers taking hands off the wheel before hitting the wall on the ovals.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,784
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    Funny how people are reluctant to admit they do it but happy to mention others :D it does sound a bit retarded tho I suppose ROFL.

    I will admit when playing racing games, the g-forces do actually seem to make me lean ! It's amazing how realistic some games can be :D:)

    Great thread BTW.

    So true lol ok I tend to lean when cornering and do admit to sitting up off the sofa to try and get a better look when going over jumps. I apologize for leaving that out in my first post :o

    guilty as charged lol
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    heyrehairheyrehair Posts: 655
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    I play standing up a lot of the time and tend to lean when playing driving games and shuffle closer to the TV at certain points.

    Worst case is if I am flying something - If I try to pull up from a nosedive I start leaning backwards.

    One time I tried using the exercise bike whilst playing GT5 - My pedaling intensity varied in relation to what I was doing with the vehicle.

    I guess it's sort of like when you can't help putting your foot down to brake as a passenger in a real car sometimes.
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    2dshmuplover2dshmuplover Posts: 8,271
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    Not sure about moving around but I hold my breath too much, sometimes I forget to breath for quite a long time especially on FM4 during close races. I also clench my teeth which has made my jaw ache, for some reason Halo 4 was a right bastard for that.
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    007Fusion007Fusion Posts: 3,657
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    Not sure about moving around but I hold my breath too much, sometimes I forget to breath for quite a long time especially on FM4 during close races. I also clench my teeth which has made my jaw ache, for some reason Halo 4 was a right bastard for that.

    I used to that too. It was rather strange as i would find myself suprisingly trying to recapture my breath, unaware that i had not been breathing correctly.

    When i was a kid. I had a friend that would disturbingly move along in the direction of punches when playing SmackDown. He even had to readjust himself a few times, by getting up and moving back to his original postion as he had veered to far away.
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    MsLurkerMsLurker Posts: 1,843
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    I shift my chair forwards and backwards especially when having a bad time playing. As if that'll improve my gaming skills. :rolleyes: :D

    Also do this expression a lot while sat in front of the telly

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    LightningIguanaLightningIguana Posts: 21,867
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    Sometimes I'll lean forward during tricky jumps, as if I can help the character make it.:o
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    HypnosHypnos Posts: 953
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    Not really any more but I do sometimes find myself leaning to try and look around/over an object!
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    belombbelomb Posts: 3,280
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    OMTT wrote: »
    When I was about 8, I used to always lift the pad up when getting Mario to jump in Super Mario World. Who would've knew that almost 20 years later that this would actually work? :D

    Winner of the internet!
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    SuperAPJSuperAPJ Posts: 10,402
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    My dad also used to lift the control pad in order to try and make Mario jump. One time, he did this so enthusiastically that he fell back on the chair!
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    LilaethLilaeth Posts: 750
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    OMTT wrote: »
    When I was about 8, I used to always lift the pad up when getting Mario to jump in Super Mario World. Who would've knew that almost 20 years later that this would actually work? :D

    I still do that! And get cross when moving the controller to the right doesn't actually help me drive down a mountain (for example) at high speed! :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 971
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    my mum used to move the controller when she was trying to glide on Spyro as if it was actually helping him.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 17,123
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    When I'm frustrated at a game the movement starts :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 29
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    Do this on every driving game i play.Cant sit back playing any game either.I have to lean forward with my elbows digging into my knees which after too long leaves me feeling like i have the legs of an 80 year old man lol.
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    DefyTheOddsDefyTheOdds Posts: 60
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    Although I dont like to admit it I have been known to hit my shins off the bottom of the coffee table after taking a shot in a game of fifa against my friends.
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    lloydstentonlloydstenton Posts: 147
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    I once smashed my mate's light fitting jumping for an overhead smash playing volleyball on move sports .....
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 633
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    I find myself leaning too look around corners, particularly in stealthy games and fps.I also tend to lower my head when trying to hide.

    When I around 15 and my younger brother was 13 we would play mortal combat. We were always competetive as siblings and, being the oldest, I would nearly always win in most things. One time, I was sat on the bed, lent forward, and my brother was sat on the floor in front of me. I do not remember which character I was playing as but what I can tell you is that my brother was Sonya, typical! It was a hard fought battle and as the fight came to an end it was a rare victory for my little brother. For anyone that remembers Sonya's celebration you probably know whats coming next, for those who don't I can tell you that she punches the air with both fists - like a cheerleader making a Y symbol. Of course, being overcome with happiness that he had beaten his older brother at something, he copied this victory move planting his right fist straight in my face. What a punch in the teeth!
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