
Is Murray Gold's music still good?

joe_000joe_000 Posts: 525
Forum Member
The music doesn't seem to be as memorable as when doctors 9 and 10 were on tv. The only one I remember now is 11s theme nothing much else but seems to definitely faded into the background. I know a lot if people didn't like its volume cranked up but I did. Now I don't notice the music.


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    GDKGDK Posts: 9,494
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    It's as good as ever, and as distinctive too. Just listen to ATCM.

    I know some others here have wondered if it's time for a change, but I like the continuity having the same composer brings. It's like comparing Star Wars music (all John Williams) to Harry Potter (only John Williams for the first one) or to the Star Trek films.
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    saladfingers81saladfingers81 Posts: 11,301
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    I think he's a masterful composer and wouldn't want to see a change. Also I think 'I am the Doctor' has become the most iconic piece of music for the show outside of the theme tune and his work has only improved. I do think a few of the same pieces are overused though as I said on another thread.
    on a related note what is it with the constant 'Wasn't everything better under Ten' posts on this forum. THREE YEARS AGO.
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    f_196f_196 Posts: 11,829
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    Some of the music used in Asylum of the Daleks and The Angels Take Manhatten is some of the best work he's ever done. I'd say he's still as fresh, perhaps even fresher than the day he took the role on.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,895
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    As silly as this may sound but I think he has become more subtle as time has gone on. In the first few series the action was over the top and the comedy tracks were really forced. I think it wasn't until series 6 where he hit his stride properly (or the sound mixing may have become more even :D). I think A Good Man Goes to War is his finest moment personally and yes I am aware the tracks are probably done months in advance :D but this ep is where they flowed together the best to me.
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    Muttley76Muttley76 Posts: 97,888
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    I personally think he gets better all the time. What I especially love about his most recent work is that the music feels more cohesive in relation to each individual episode, and I think that shines through when you listen to the series 6 soundtrack -especially the music for The Girl Who Waited and The God Complex.

    I also agree with saladfinger that outside of the theme tune itself, I Am The Doctor has become the most iconic piece of music ever used in the show.

    If anyone connected with post 2005 Doctor Who is an out and out genius then, imho, It's Murray Gold. The show is blessed to have him, long may his reign continue :)
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    AbominationAbomination Posts: 6,494
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    I really enjoyed the Vampires of Venice track, that was also remixed for the A Christmas Carol trailer. It was a magical piece, and the last bit I absolutely loved. Some of the vocal tracks from Series 6 were beautiful as was his collaboration with Katherine Jenkins.

    I'll admit I was sorely disappointed by the Series 6 soundtrack release - not a fault of Gold's but there was so much good content left out whilst less memorable pieces made it on. Some tracks also felt incomplete or fractured :/
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    tomwozheretomwozhere Posts: 1,081
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    I am the Doctor, though it is a little overused, Amy's theme and River's theme are all perfect.
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    PiippPiipp Posts: 2,440
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    I think he's epic. The music he provides for Doctor Who really helps to make the show what it is, in my opinion. Apart from some of the more obvious music from 9 and 10 (such as Rose and The Doctor's Theme) I don't think the music was so memorable. For me it REALLY took off with This is Gallifrey and Vale Decem; two pieces which I absolutely adore. Everything he's produced for 11's era has been just as good, and I Am The Doctor is one of my favourite pieces of music. Now the show feels like a very well produced drama and the music completely rounds that off.
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    johnnysaucepnjohnnysaucepn Posts: 6,775
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    I think it seems like progress that people don't specifically notice the soundtrack. I would be interested in going back and listening to a recent episode specifically for the soundtrack, to see if the music is as good as it was.
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    MikaRimmerMikaRimmer Posts: 1,327
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    Amy's theme, River's theme, I am The Doctor, Amelia's last farewell, and my personal 11th era favourite, Together or Not at All. All bloody brilliant songs, some songs. I thought the idea of people having Doctor Who songs on their ipod was stupid back in 2005, but Murray began to win me over with Doomsday, but then he produced some beautiful pieces in Series 3 which won me over completely and now I've got so many songs on my ipod, that series soundtrack is stunning, Martha's theme, This is Gallifrey, All the strange, strange creatures, and my very favourite Martha Triumphant. And of course then you have the Song of Freedom from series 4 to top that off rounding off a fantastic 10th era with Vale Deceem. 11's era isn't over and I'm sure we've got some more brilliant tracks to listen to, I'm already enjoying Clara's theme if it is indeed her theme that they played in the Snowmen.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,538
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    Doomsday. That is all.
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    I think he overuses "I am the Doctor" and its rearrangement "The Majestic Tale of a Madman in a Box", but to be perfectly honest, I don't really care because those pieces of music or among the best I've ever heard.
    "Amy's Theme", "Little Amelia's Theme" and "The Madman in a Box" from series 5 are also wonderful, as was the piece of music which played during the scene were Amy and Rory fell from the roof- the single most beautiful scene of any television show I have ever seen.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 82,262
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    joe_000 wrote: »
    The music doesn't seem to be as memorable as when doctors 9 and 10 were on tv. The only one I remember now is 11s theme nothing much else but seems to definitely faded into the background. I know a lot if people didn't like its volume cranked up but I did. Now I don't notice the music.

    If you haven't done it already I think what you need to do is to go out and buy the soundtracks for each series put the cd on and just sit back and enjoy. If you do that and just listen to it as a piece of music you can only then fully appreciate just how brilliant Murry's music is.d
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 953
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    Larry1971 wrote: »
    If you haven't done it already I think what you need to do is to go out and buy the soundtracks for each series put the cd on and just sit back and enjoy. If you do that and just listen to it as a piece of music you can only then fully appreciate just how brilliant Murry's music is.d

    To mention that Murry Gold's Doctor Who soundtracks are available on Spotify :-

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    performingmonkperformingmonk Posts: 20,086
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    While the Gallifrey theme remains the best thing he's ever done (and I hope we hear it again someday...;)) I immediately fell for what we could maybe call 'Clara's Theme' used a few times in The Snowmen. As tinkly and Christmassy it is, I really want it to be used as her main theme for the upcoming episodes as it's awesome!
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    Ash_735Ash_735 Posts: 8,493
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    I have to disagree with the first post, personally This Track is the best he's done and it's from a Series 7 episode!
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    tomwozheretomwozhere Posts: 1,081
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    I've just got the series 5 soundtrack! Can I come with you is also very nice as well.
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    tomwozheretomwozhere Posts: 1,081
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    Words win wars and the life and death of Amy pond are both great too.
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    Shawn_LunnShawn_Lunn Posts: 9,353
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    Yes, he had some good moments in The Snowmen.
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    bbll22bbll22 Posts: 527
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    Murray's music is still great to me! :D

    S5 and S6 soundtracks are my favourites so far! :) I listen to them alot!

    S5 favourites include I am the Doctor (obviously! :D) and now currently the big moment in the Sad Man with a Box


    Just shy of the big build-up moment and then that moment itself is wonderful music! I actually remember it best from the Girl Who Waited rather than its use in S5.

    S6 favourites are basically Day of the Moon, Forgiven and the Wedding of River Song!

    Long live Murray's music! :D
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    king yrcanosking yrcanos Posts: 2,145
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    It's quite good, I never really pay much attention to the music, but when I do it sounds alright.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 423
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    I love the music, it wouldn't be the same without Murray Gold.

    As an aside, just before Christmas I was driving along some beautiful country roads that I know really well, and the I am the Doctor came on my iPod. Seriously, there is no finer feeling than bombing along a country road with that soundtrack, I really felt like I was on a mission to save the world

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    ListentomeListentome Posts: 9,804
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    I must be a real party pooper as I'm really not a fan of Murray Gold's score. No denying his talent, but I tend to find it too overblown. I don't mind some of the more subtle atmosphere building incidental music, but when it gets to action scenes I find it too much. Perhaps that's down to how it is used rather than the score itself. However, sometimes I find myself thinking "Murray, this is Doctor Who not Indiana Jones."
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    lordo350lordo350 Posts: 3,641
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    I love his music. Absolutely love it. "I am the Doctor" I listen to when I get bored, or when I need motivation. It really gives over a sense of serious stuff about to go down, and gets adrenaline pumping. For me, it became a staple of the Matt Smith era, and whenever they play it I get goosebumps.

    But, of course, he's written so many other amazing pieces. I especially like the Gallifrey one, 10's regen music, Amy's theme and "All the Strange Strange Creatures."

    I seriously wouldn't be without these pieces. But I will say sometimes he does go very over the top. I remember there has been a few times now where he's smashing away and I'm really struggling to hear what the actors are saying. Though that's more to do with the sound editing than anything else, it does get annoying sometimes.
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