
The problem with Wii-U

boxxboxx Posts: 5,335
Forum Member
I asked around at our boxing day party and hardly any of the adults knew what it was and about half the kids!


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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 267
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    That is not the problem with the Wii U.

    The problem with the Wii U is that Nintendo think it's still the 1990's and instead of competing with the next gen out this year it has gambled that people will pay £300 + for a so called next gen system which barely keeps up with todays 7 year old systems and lacks the online functionality and multi media access with a few tried and tested IP's and a couple of shoddy ports.

    I fail to see why anyone bar die hard Nintendo fans would buy this
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    trevvytrev21trevvytrev21 Posts: 16,973
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    Nintendo slack on true innovation and online capability while being reliant on gimmicks? I'm shocked!

    But seriously, no-one I know - including Wii/3DS owners - is talking about Wii-U, but I'm sure that'll change in time.
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    BinaryDadBinaryDad Posts: 3,988
    Forum Member
    That is not the problem with the Wii U.

    The problem with the Wii U is that Nintendo think it's still the 1990's and instead of competing with the next gen out this year it has gambled that people will pay £300 + for a so called next gen system which barely keeps up with todays 7 year old systems and lacks the online functionality and multi media access with a few tried and tested IP's and a couple of shoddy ports.

    I fail to see why anyone bar die hard Nintendo fans would buy this

    It would help if you didn't get almost everything wrong in that bolded part.

    The "shoddy ports" have nothing to do with Nintendo. If you're not too fond of what publishers are releasing, blame them, not the hardware manufacturer.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 267
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    BinaryDad wrote: »
    It would help if you didn't get almost everything wrong in that bolded part.

    The "shoddy ports" have nothing to do with Nintendo. If you're not too fond of what publishers are releasing, blame them, not the hardware manufacturer.

    Whoa and what exactly did i get wrong there. Seriously at what point is the online capacity of nintendo even akin to that of XBL or PSN, how many dev's have you heard go on about how powerful the Wii U is compared to the 360 or PS3? Have you actually ever read any of the foundry reports on the comparisons between games?

    Come on dude I have no problem being part of a discussion around possible holes in my statement but to just say it's wrong without any back up just smacks of fanboy.

    I don't want to see Nintendo go down as much as any gamer, but seriously I fear for them with this console.... a console I hasten to add that I haven't bought yet, ironically, as I've owned (and still own) pretty much everyone produced!!
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    DEADLY_17DEADLY_17 Posts: 9,262
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    We haven't even started stocking yet where i work due to low interest had a few people asking for one over xmas but no huge demand.

    I think its as someone said above its the lack of effort Nintendo have put in i mean its not really a next gen console i mean as soon as the new xbox and PS4 come Nintendo will be once again behind them.

    It could do a PS3 and turn around but somehow doubt it, I like Nintendo but if i had to choose a new xbox, PS4 or Wii u it would not be a Wii u ;)
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    jenziejenzie Posts: 20,821
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    that's because nintendo's hardware isn't cutting edge ..... their SOFTWARE is!
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    BinaryDadBinaryDad Posts: 3,988
    Forum Member
    Whoa and what exactly did i get wrong there. Seriously at what point is the online capacity of nintendo even akin to that of XBL or PSN,

    Since the launch of the 3DS. Sure, it might not have ALL of the same features, but the on-line infrastructure is pretty feature rich and evolving all of the time. In fact, I'd wager that it's much easier to implement on-line features on Nintendo hardware now that it would be on other platforms.

    how many dev's have you heard go on about how powerful the Wii U is compared to the 360 or PS3? Have you actually ever read any of the foundry reports on the comparisons between games?

    Oh dear. Best not to treat Mr Leadbetter as some sort of oracle of truth. One of his examples, Batman, was more down to the use of Unreal Engine and Epic's legandry refusal to do any optimisation work for a hardware platform unless paid lots of money to do so, than the hardware itself.

    I've read plenty of the foundry articles and pretty much all of them are utter tosh. Rich knows how to bandy a few technical terms around, but that's all he knows. I used to work with Paul Glancey, one of his own former colleagues who actually made it into game development. Now there's a chap who knows what he's talking about.

    But Rich? The only people he really "consults" are readers at GI.biz.
    Come on dude I have no problem being part of a discussion around possible holes in my statement but to just say it's wrong without any back up just smacks of fanboy.

    This is where it gets a bit tricky. All I can say is that I work with the hardware every day, and have done for almost two years now.
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    Mark AMark A Posts: 7,695
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    I'm sure there's potentially much better to come from the machine, but up to now I've yet to see one single thing, either the console itself, or any of the games produced thus far, that makes me want to play with the thing, let alone actually buy one. Things will have to improve greatly, and I mean really, really greatly, before I even consider the thing as a viable platform.


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    SimonB79SimonB79 Posts: 3,135
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    @binarydad are these so called *shoddy ports* really that bad because I've played both batman & blackops2 on the wiiu / xbox360 & I honestly struggle 2 see any difference. /facepalm :o
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    BinaryDadBinaryDad Posts: 3,988
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    SimonB79 wrote: »
    @binarydad are these so called *shoddy ports* really that bad because I've played both batman & blackops2 on the wiiu / xbox360 & I honestly struggle 2 see any difference. /facepalm :o

    There are some issues with Batman in terms of frame rate, which I think is mostly down to Unreal Engine spiking like crazy when it garbage collects script objects, as well as doing other naughty things that game engines shouldn't really do.

    But Blackops 2 is top notch.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,813
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    SimonB79 wrote: »
    @binarydad are these so called *shoddy ports* really that bad because I've played both batman & blackops2 on the wiiu / xbox360 & I honestly struggle 2 see any difference. /facepalm :o

    I've played Mass Effect 3 and Batman on both PS3 and WiiU and i've not even noticed the slightest different in terms on game play either

    Due to the fact i wear contact lens being able to play on the gamepad is a godsend as the tiredness of my eyes no longer means i have to stop playing, so the experience of games is actually better on the WiiU thus far
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,813
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    Mark A wrote: »
    I'm sure there's potentially much better to come from the machine, but up to now I've yet to see one single thing, either the console itself, or any of the games produced thus far, that makes me want to play with the thing, let alone actually buy one. Things will have to improve greatly, and I mean really, really greatly, before I even consider the thing as a viable platform.



    What you like from the WiiU that would sell it to you then? you say 'Things will have to improve greatly, and I mean really, really greatly,' what are these things that need to improve?

    i've had one for a few weeks and it's perfect apart from the lack of a virtual console for older games
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    fastest fingerfastest finger Posts: 12,903
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    BinaryDad wrote: »
    There are some issues with Batman in terms of frame rate, which I think is mostly down to Unreal Engine spiking like crazy when it garbage collects script objects, as well as doing other naughty things that game engines shouldn't really do.

    But Blackops 2 is top notch.

    As a consumer, i have to say the Wii U looks underpowered for a new piece of hardware. I know there's more to gaming than just graphics, but it just feels dated. You can normally count on Nintendo's games to deliver the goods, how will other developers fare in the coming years?

    So..... How much power is there under the hood? Can it surpass the PS3 / 360? And how will it stand up again the next-gen consoles? In 2 years time might we find that big name multi-platform franchises on the Wii U are sorely lacking?
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    BinaryDadBinaryDad Posts: 3,988
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    As a consumer, i have to say the Wii U looks underpowered for a new piece of hardware. I know there's more to gaming than just graphics, but it just feels dated.

    The question is; why do you feel that it looks underpowered? Is it the specs, things like the CPU clock speed? Is it the games? Something else, perhaps a hang over from the GC and Wii era?

    You can normally count on Nintendo's games to deliver the goods, how will other developers fare in the coming years?

    I guess that's up to them. Part of the problem is that many developers have optimized their code bases to use a lot of memory bandwidth, to make up for poor instruction to clock-cycle ratios on the current platforms.

    I ask myself; how will these rather specialized code bases fare in an era where the new hardware from Sony and Microsoft is much more generic, and may not be so specialised? And how does this affect porting to the Wii U?

    It's up to the developer really. There's only so much Nintendo can do in that respect. But we haven't seen the best of the machine, that much I can guarantee you.

    So..... How much power is there under the hood? Can it surpass the PS3 / 360? And how will it stand up again the next-gen consoles? In 2 years time might we find that big name multi-platform franchises on the Wii U are sorely lacking?

    It's a very capable machine. I really wish I could go into details, but I can't. All I can say it that in my view, like any new hardware there's still more to come from the Wii U.

    I'm not going to do any comparisons on current or next gen hardware. The real question is; will an increase in fidelity on the next gen Microsoft and Sony consoles really be that big a sell? Will it really be noticeable? Will consumers be willing to pay for it?

    As long as the games are fun, will it really matter?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 10,019
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    jenzie wrote: »
    that's because nintendo's hardware isn't cutting edge ..... their SOFTWARE is!

    Agree... but on lauch day we never got a cutting edge nintendo game. The high price and poor release day schedule is one reason its not sold as many as people were expecting.
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    stefmeisterstefmeister Posts: 8,417
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    I'll probably get a WiiU at some point but right now I've got other things I want to get, Plus I've got way too many half completed games on my PC/PS3 & 360 which I really should be getting on with completing.

    The argument regarding specs is the same as it was with the Wii, The PS/Xbox fans ridiculed it for been underpowered etc...

    Been honest when the Wii was 1st announced/launched I was one of those going on about how it was out-dated & the motion controls were a gimmick I'd never buy. Year or so later a friend got one & I had a go & really enjoyed it so ended up going out & buying one myself a few weeks later.

    I think most the time the discussion about how great the graphics are is a distraction from what I've always felt should be more important & thats gameplay & how fun a game is to play. Its why I often laugh at those who sit there comparing a game on each platform & pointing out how a wall texture looks slightly better on a PS3 or how the lighting detail may be better on the 360, If its a good game it shouldn't matter how good or bad it looks, Just play it & enjoy it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,813
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    Agree... but on lauch day we never got a cutting edge nintendo game. The high price and poor release day schedule is one reason its not sold as many as people were expecting.

    But its not a high price, if you want details i can post them but WiiU launch cost with games is about the second least i have ever paid for a new console

    PS2, PS3, PSP, PS VIta, and Wii all cost more in terms of the launch bundle i bought, hell my replacement PS3 (320GB model) which i bought in september 2011 cost more than my WiiU did at launch

    the only console that cost less than the WiiU when i bought one was the Resident Evil 5 Xbox 360 elite and the only reason it cost less is because my brother had a 360 so i didn't need to buy a bundle with more games

    I wouldn't even call the £500+ i spent on the PS3 a high amount when you consider the amount of use i got out of it before it broke

    As for the release schedule its getting lots of cross platform games and having playing a few cross platform games already such as mass effect and batman, the second screen and touchscreen can add to the game making the WiiU version better, there are exclusives coming as well, rayman and lego city look fantastic
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 10,019
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    thomas2400 wrote: »
    But its not a high price, if you want details i can post them but WiiU launch cost with games is about the second least i have ever paid for a new console

    PS2, PS3, PSP, PS VIta, and Wii all cost more in terms of the launch bundle i bought, hell my replacement PS3 (320GB model) which i bought in september 2011 cost more than my WiiU did at launch

    the only console that cost less than the WiiU when i bought one was the Resident Evil 5 Xbox 360 elite and the only reason it cost less is because my brother had a 360 so i didn't need to buy a bundle with more games

    I wouldn't even call the £500+ i spent on the PS3 a high amount when you consider the amount of use i got out of it before it broke

    As for the release schedule its getting lots of cross platform games and having playing a few cross platform games already such as mass effect and batman, the second screen and touchscreen can add to the game making the WiiU version better, there are exclusives coming as well, rayman and lego city look fantastic

    How did you pay more for the Wii:confused: we got one on launch day and if my memory servies me correct it was around 170 quid.
    I just think many thought the wiiu was 50 quid over priced to warrant getting one on release date.

    I think the gamepad alone wont make more people buy wiiu multi platform games. Many people buy nintendo hardware for the nintendo exclusive games.
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    stefmeisterstefmeister Posts: 8,417
    Forum Member
    Another quick point I just want to flag up.

    Poor game library on launch is something that the Wii/360/PS3 & Vita all got heavily criticized for so its not something that's exclusive to the WiiU.
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    barracuda91barracuda91 Posts: 3,244
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    How did you pay more for the Wii:confused: we got one on launch day and if my memory servies me correct it was around 170 quid.
    I just think many thought the wiiu was 50 quid over priced to warrant getting one on release date.

    I think the gamepad alone wont make more people buy wiiu multi platform games. Many people buy nintendo hardware for the nintendo exclusive games.

    I agree with Thomas in that I don't think the price of the Wii U is high. Considering it's a new next-gen console, with the Gamepad and a game included, the price is fine. Games wise, not expensive either, pretty much the same price as the other consoles, although the digital downloads are pricey compared to the physical copies. Also, the fact that SNES and N64 games were equivalent to about £80 now, the prices of the games ain't that bad!

    I can only speak for me personally, but for multiplatform games I will now be buying for the WiiU. Playing Assassin's Creed III is great with the Gamepad.

    I think the problem is that Nintendo has poorly advertised the Wii U. I personally haven't seen a single advert on TV for it, and this particularly doesn't help with the name as well.

    Also, with comments regarding power, graphics and online, the Wii U is only one month old, compared to 7 years for the 360 and PS3. Just remember what the graphics looked like for the Xbox when it first came out, extremely different to what they are now. Considering that, it is obvious that the Wii U has not reached its full potential.

    Oh and the Wii U is next-gen. No debate there.
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    2dshmuplover2dshmuplover Posts: 8,271
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    BinaryDad wrote: »
    Oh dear. Best not to treat Mr Leadbetter as some sort of oracle of truth. One of his examples, Batman, was more down to the use of Unreal Engine and Epic's legandry refusal to do any optimisation work for a hardware platform unless paid lots of money to do so, than the hardware itself.

    I've read plenty of the foundry articles and pretty much all of them are utter tosh.

    Total rubbish and Rich is not the only person working at DF. It would also prove helpful to post a source to your claims (regarding Epic's refusal to carry out any optimisation on Batman AC) when calling bullshit on other people's points which actually has them.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,813
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    How did you pay more for the Wii:confused: we got one on launch day and if my memory servies me correct it was around 170 quid.
    I just think many thought the wiiu was 50 quid over priced to warrant getting one on release date.

    I think the gamepad alone wont make more people buy wiiu multi platform games. Many people buy nintendo hardware for the nintendo exclusive games.

    I got it with a bunch of games and extras which pushed the price way up

    Maybe not everyone will start to get games on the WiiU but i've been looking forward to the aliens game for years and now i'm looking forward to the WiiU version as i want to play it using the gamepad, i'm sure i'm not the only one either
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    MD1500MD1500 Posts: 14,234
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    Yep, for some reason, Nintendo haven't really marketed the console yet. It isn't just here - it seems to have been stealth launched in every country. Here in the UK, I've seen far more ads for the 3DS XL + Free Game.

    Admittedly, the Wii U doesn't seem to be doing that good in the UK, and there's a question mark over Europe at the moment, but it's doing very well in Japan (2nd only to the 3DS), and the US launch surpassed the X360 and PS3 launches.

    Compared to the 3DS launch (which launched without a browser or online shop), it's like night and day.
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    CoolboyACoolboyA Posts: 10,447
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    I think the Wii U will go the way of the 3DS. Not enough people know about it and what it offers over the original. Once the price drops across the board and Nintendo really start advertising it like they do the 3DS, it'll start selling.

    I always thought the current adverts for the Wii U were somewhat lacking and tried to cram in too many features at once. Also, they really should have named it differently. '3DS' works, as it's a play on words, but 'Wii U' sounds naff. They really should have resurrected the codename "Revolution" from the original Wii.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 27
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    I received one as an Xmas gift, and got to say I'm really enjoying it so far. ZombiU is a pretty solid, if unforgiving game. I'm also really looking forward to Bayonetta 2.
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