
Fringe Finale Discussion Thread (saturday 19th January) 1:10am Sky One



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    Joe_ZelJoe_Zel Posts: 20,832
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    No, it's a paradox. Everything happened as we saw except at the moment the invasion was supposed to happen, when they were having a picnic in the park Walter ceased to exist in 2015.

    Thus Peter gets the white tulip in the post and finds the video tape that Walter left detailing what he had to do. :D Lol, Best not thinking too much about it.
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    Joe_ZelJoe_Zel Posts: 20,832
    Forum Member
    All in all though, I'm disappointed.

    That final scene was too happy for Fringe just like last season's "possible" ending was a bit too schmaltzy. I know it was technically bittersweet but... something was missing.

    Too predictable with the picnic scene being the end and the whole reset. Not to mention a lot of the season is redundant considering they used the Observer's square wormhole creating things which they could have just used several episodes ago.

    Not to mention the entire absurdity of Michael getting off the train was purely so Olivia could go around the world (literally) and back just for the sake of seeing the alt-verse. There was no actual purpose to it.

    I didn't like Lost's ending in general. I thought it could have been done differently and yet I came away with satisfaction in the closing minutes.

    I didn't with Fringe, wasn't satisfied at all. And that's really sad because for 3-4 seasons it was incredible. :(

    Oh well, goodbye Fringe. Thanks for the entertainment.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,305
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    It had some decent scenes in there (mainly any with John Noble), but I was massively disappointed with the finale and the fifth season as a whole. The ending was very predictable, you could see the whole picnic scene coming a mile off. It's such a shame because what was once a brilliant show has gone out with a whimper :(
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    Mr MoriartyMr Moriarty Posts: 593
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    CJClarke wrote: »
    It had some decent scenes in there (mainly any with John Noble), but I was massively disappointed with the finale and the fifth season as a whole. The ending was very predictable, you could see the whole picnic scene coming a mile off. It's such a shame because what was once a brilliant show has gone out with a whimper :(

    Fringe was always 2 things for me: great character moments and amazing, bizarre plotting/plot twists - the finale had only one half of what made fringe great, and as a result also felt like a disappointment to me. I actually did really like this season though, but this finale was everything that was wrong with it but more so. The most dissappointing aspect was that the plotting felt so mundane and by the motions - the entire thing was basically yet more protracted ways to get parts of the plan!!!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 45
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    The 12 observers were sent back to view humanity, then reported back that 2015 was the right time to invade, with Walter going to the future they no longer invade at this point making everything that happened still happen, in reality alt-peter was still brought over here. that's mine understanding anyway!

    I felt there was something missing, the last scene when they were in the park, i was expecting Walter to appear at the time when the observers appeared before, a gift from the observers for showing them the right way.

    Or at least a final fast forward to Walter working in the lab in the future and being celebrated for the amazing scientist he is, rather than a mad man.
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    KrommKromm Posts: 6,180
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    Seems like some people don't like that it was a happy ending.

    Honestly, I'm not sure this show could have ended any other way. Its long been a show about overcoming impossible adversity to forge the destiny you want.
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    emmetmclemmetmcl Posts: 2,577
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    A few minutes before it ended I wanted to see Walter in the future.

    But I was happy with the happy ending.
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    Chris_TVChris_TV Posts: 4,039
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    I am very happy with the ending. It was much better than Lost's ending which kind of took a lot away from the show I loved. Fringe did not suffer from that. One of the best shows of all time for me.

    I will be buying the blu ray set in May without doubt.
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    eggshelleggshell Posts: 4,416
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    Some great character moments and good to see the alt-verse.

    For me though there has always been an element of out and out jaw- dropping lunacy and fun, particularly with Walter, that was sadly missing from this season.

    It all became rather too po-faced and lacking in fun - like the writers didn' t understand their own creation.

    Shame. Didn' t ruin things for me because I still view this season as a bonus - albeit a half- hearted one.

    One comment - Peters face after he opened the letter looked like that of a man with a plan... I wouldn't' have been surprised to see a "to be continued...." sign.
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    eggshelleggshell Posts: 4,416
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    Joe_Zel wrote: »

    Not to mention the entire absurdity of Michael getting off the train was purely so Olivia could go around the world (literally) and back just for the sake of seeing the alt-verse. There was no actual purpose to it.

    Ah but if Olivia hadn' t had the injections to get him back then she wouldn't have had the powers to give Widmark the smacking he so richly deserved at the end.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,155
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    That was a pretty good way to kill Windmark. Some nice Observer brains splattered across the other car's window
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    eggshelleggshell Posts: 4,416
    Forum Member
    That was a pretty good way to kill Windmark. Some nice Observer brains splattered across the other car's window

    Another highlight was that every time Windmark pulled his sinister act with Michael he got a blood haemorrhage. To the point he couldn' t be in the same room as him. Was great to see the big bad so casually dealt with by Michael.
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    eggshelleggshell Posts: 4,416
    Forum Member
    More thoughts :

    The good :

    Michaels plan to repower Olivia.

    Broyles and the alt-verse - although Broyles felt underused.

    Gene the cow.

    The theme that drove the show - what would you do to get your child back.

    Walters redemption.

    Michael's casual bullying of Windmark.

    Windmark getting his.

    The bad :

    Entirely too predictable.

    Lacking the fantastical and the fun. When I saw that airship in Manhatan it reminded me what Fringe was about at its greatest.

    God I'll miss this show.
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    caz06caz06 Posts: 849
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    i think people are being rather negative for no reason at all, a lot of shows these days people get into get axed very early on without a proper ending, this show has gone through the mill, despite the poor ratings, it managed to survive on its fan base and the demand for it to see it through much like chuck did, not many shows get that these days, i for one was glad with how the show ended, if anything it was a celebration to everything that made the show:

    - going over to the other universe (which made the show unmissable for me) and seeing some characters we thought we'd never see again

    - peter finally aknowledging walter as his dad

    - some origional observers we used to speculate on throughout the seasons september/december

    - gene the cow

    their have been so many little things over the last season and especially in the last 2 episodes that really do celebrate the show that i think either people havn't realised or chose to ignore, theirs only one thing i needed and that was william bell, it really was an ending that makes u think it could carry on in some form if they ever wanted too, because you've still got walter living in the future and william bell is still out their somewhere now, it was a brilliant and emotional ending to an amazing show and it will be miss :(
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    Mr MoriartyMr Moriarty Posts: 593
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    caz06 wrote: »
    i think people are being rather negative for no reason at all, a lot of shows these days people get into get axed very early on without a proper ending, this show has gone through the mill, despite the poor ratings, it managed to survive on its fan base and the demand for it to see it through much like chuck did, not many shows get that these days, i for one was glad with how the show ended, if anything it was a celebration to everything that made the show:

    - going over to the other universe (which made the show unmissable for me) and seeing some characters we thought we'd never see again

    - peter finally aknowledging walter as his dad

    - some origional observers we used to speculate on throughout the seasons september/december

    - gene the cow

    their have been so many little things over the last season and especially in the last 2 episodes that really do celebrate the show that i think either people havn't realised or chose to ignore, theirs only one thing i needed and that was william bell, it really was an ending that makes u think it could carry on in some form if they ever wanted too, because you've still got walter living in the future and william bell is still out their somewhere now, it was a brilliant and emotional ending to an amazing show and it will be miss :(

    the it in bold - eh, no, not for NO REASON AT ALL - those of us who have criticised the finale for some reason or other mostly have valid criticisms of what we saw was wrong with the final show - and if we see inherit flaws in the final episode of a show we have loved, we have the right to be disappointed!!
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    koantemplationkoantemplation Posts: 101,293
    Forum Member
    Shame that was another 'LOST' of an ending.

    They did the reset, like I thought they would.

    The whole of the last series was just treading water. There was little character development and hardly any Fringe stuff.

    The Emperor was truly naked.
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    Mr MoriartyMr Moriarty Posts: 593
    Forum Member
    Shame that was another 'LOST' of an ending.

    They did the reset, like I thought they would.

    The whole of the last series was just treading water. There was little character development and hardly any Fringe stuff.

    The Emperor was truly naked.

    They lost the magic they had didnt they - I still liked the final season, but it didnt always feel like fringe and the haracters became such po-faced boring versions of what they were - and the use of Olivia for most of it? dont get me started
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    eggshelleggshell Posts: 4,416
    Forum Member
    the it in bold - eh, no, not for NO REASON AT ALL - those of us who have criticised the finale for some reason or other mostly have valid criticisms of what we saw was wrong with the final show - and if we see inherit flaws in the final episode of a show we have loved, we have the right to be disappointed!!

    Agreed, there are no "haterz" on here, just folk who loved the show and feel that it didn't hit previous heights in this season.

    But it's all only our individual views, there are no rights and wrongs with opinions ( other than mine is always right :) )
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    Chris_TVChris_TV Posts: 4,039
    Forum Member
    Shame that was another 'LOST' of an ending.

    They did the reset, like I thought they would.

    The whole of the last series was just treading water. There was little character development and hardly any Fringe stuff.

    The Emperor was truly naked.

    I think that is a bit unfair. Fringe did not leave as much open as Lost did. It certainly explained a lot more than LOST did as well. I love both shows. I like LOST as a series a fraction more than Fringe, but Fringe's ending was much better than LOST's
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    koantemplationkoantemplation Posts: 101,293
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    Chris_TV wrote: »
    I think that is a bit unfair. Fringe did not leave as much open as Lost did. It certainly explained a lot more than LOST did as well. I love both shows. I like LOST as a series a fraction more than Fringe, but Fringe's ending was much better than LOST's

    Fringe events didn't just happen because of Bell or the Observers. They happened because science keeps progressing and eventually is always used to destroy as much as create.

    Bell's plan to create a new universe or the Observers plans to take over our time were big events but Fringe events still carry on.

    This series didn't add anything to the show that couldn't have been done in 2 episodes of a normal series.

    Instead of ending up in heaven, they end up in happily ever after.
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    Chester666666Chester666666 Posts: 9,020
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    I agree there's no reason to be critical
    awesome series with an excellent ending
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    barracuda91barracuda91 Posts: 3,244
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    I absolutely loved Season 5 and thought the finale was great. There were things I was disappointed with but at the moment I can't tell if it's more to do with my overall disappointment that the show is over. I had mentioned in the other thread I was disappointed we didn't see adult Etta again. I was hoping there would be more to her character. And even though I liked the end, it felt a slightly off that Olivia wasn't really part of it.

    I'm not sure if I would call the ending predictable. They had said numerous times throughout the season the plan was to reset time so that is what I expected. It wasn't particularly a happily ever after ending, Walter is no longer and that is very sad :cry: Perhaps I would've preferred them being able to defeat the Observers in 2036 but with Etta somehow being alive and part of that so they could live their lives together in that time. But since they had said it was a reset, there wasn't much hope for that.

    Overall though, I am very satisfied with how it ended, but it's going to take some time for it to sink in that we won't be seeing any more :(
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    eggshelleggshell Posts: 4,416
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    Chris_TV wrote: »
    I think that is a bit unfair. Fringe did not leave as much open as Lost did. It certainly explained a lot more than LOST did as well. I love both shows. I like LOST as a series a fraction more than Fringe, but Fringe's ending was much better than LOST's

    I think Fringe learned from Losts mistakes and really made sure it answered the questions raised. Only one dodgy period at the start of the faux Olivia story where her actions reminded me of Losts habit of people's actions being there purely to further the plot rather than them being in any way rational. But they got over that quickly.
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    MassiveDynamicsMassiveDynamics Posts: 661
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    Having had time to digess the finale I think it was enjoyable but the Observers were just cardboard cutout bad guys, there was not enough sense of menace and the stories lacked tension or that feeling of dread and time running out.

    Compare it to the final three or four episodes of S3 where John Noble did a brilliant job (as usual) of giving Walternate real menace and you really did think this guy would destroy our universe.
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    storm818storm818 Posts: 811
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    Joe_Zel wrote: »
    All in all though, I'm disappointed.

    That final scene was too happy for Fringe just like last season's "possible" ending was a bit too schmaltzy. I know it was technically bittersweet but... something was missing.

    Too predictable with the picnic scene being the end and the whole reset. Not to mention a lot of the season is redundant considering they used the Observer's square wormhole creating things which they could have just used several episodes ago.

    Not to mention the entire absurdity of Michael getting off the train was purely so Olivia could go around the world (literally) and back just for the sake of seeing the alt-verse. There was no actual purpose to it.

    I didn't like Lost's ending in general. I thought it could have been done differently and yet I came away with satisfaction in the closing minutes.

    I didn't with Fringe, wasn't satisfied at all. And that's really sad because for 3-4 seasons it was incredible. :(

    Oh well, goodbye Fringe. Thanks for the entertainment.

    Think again.

    He walked off the train, so he could get captured and Olivia would have to have cotexrophane (however you spell it) injected in her which she needed for the final showdown with Windmark.
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