
Where on earth do I buy my Blu Rays now?

KarisKaris Posts: 6,380
Forum Member
Blockbuster has gone. HMV no longer stock the latest releases (or didn't in Sheffield) and many other stores having ludicrous prices, where does one go to purchase the latest releases :(

I find it really sad that I can no longer trot to Blockbuster on a Monday to get my new releases and there really isn't anywhere else that sells them locally.

Just thought I'd take a moment to lament the passing of the high street (again).



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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 79
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    kendogukkendoguk Posts: 13,804
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    What u used to post ur post the Internet :p
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 621
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    Karis wrote: »
    Blockbuster has gone. HMV no longer stock the latest releases (or didn't in Sheffield) and many other stores having ludicrous prices, where does one go to purchase the latest releases :(

    I find it really sad that I can no longer trot to Blockbuster on a Monday to get my new releases and there really isn't anywhere else that sells them locally.

    Just thought I'd take a moment to lament the passing of the high street (again).


    Pre order the new releases on Amazon and have them delivered on the day of release.
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    royllsroyceroyllsroyce Posts: 1,163
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    Don't buy them. You will spend millions buying bluerays then in 6 years they will be replaced with red tail super high definition 3D mega discs, meaning your bluerays will have to be stored away with your DVD and VHS collection.

    Instead simply subscribe to sky movies and Netflix and enjoy yourself
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    BlurayBluray Posts: 661
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    Don't buy them. You will spend millions buying bluerays then in 6 years they will be replaced with red tail super high definition 3D mega discs, meaning your bluerays will have to be stored away with your DVD and VHS collection.

    Instead simply subscribe to sky movies and Netflix and enjoy yourself

    Don't trust anyone who calls them Bluerays :rolleyes:
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    gemma-the-huskygemma-the-husky Posts: 18,116
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    buy used from your local market.

    or try supermarkets
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    jxpjxp Posts: 550
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    Don't buy them. You will spend millions buying bluerays then in 6 years they will be replaced with red tail super high definition 3D mega discs, meaning your bluerays will have to be stored away with your DVD and VHS collection.

    Instead simply subscribe to sky movies and Netflix and enjoy yourself

    My DVDs all work quite well on my Blu-Ray player. I bought some of my favourites again in HD but am happy for the rest to stay in SD.

    DVD is far superior to any streaming service I can get and better value for money than Sky Movies.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,305
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    jxp wrote: »
    DVD is far superior to any streaming service I can get and better value for money than Sky Movies.

    I know that it's dependant on your internet connection speed, but i recently signed up to Netflix and i've been impressed with the picture quality. On everything i've watched so far through my PS3 i've been getting HD at the highest streaming quality that they offer and it looks far superior to a DVD (it's not up to Blu Ray quality, but it's pretty comparable to TV broadcast HD).
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    rfonzorfonzo Posts: 11,781
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    Karis wrote: »
    Blockbuster has gone. HMV no longer stock the latest releases (or didn't in Sheffield) and many other stores having ludicrous prices, where does one go to purchase the latest releases :(

    I find it really sad that I can no longer trot to Blockbuster on a Monday to get my new releases and there really isn't anywhere else that sells them locally.

    Just thought I'd take a moment to lament the passing of the high street (again).


    The best thing to do is to go onto a DVD/Blu Ray comparison website to see the best deals.
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    Theo_BearTheo_Bear Posts: 997
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    Tesco's Blu-ray prices are a joke. The Amazing Spiderman was £22.50 in my local today. Most of the other Blu-rays on the shelf were barely under £20.

    Or you could just go to the Skull & Crossbones where everything is free.
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    KarisKaris Posts: 6,380
    Forum Member
    I'd really like to support the high street or my local stores, if possible.

    It's getting more and more difficult, though. Still haven't actually seen Paranorman on blu ray anywhere other than Smiths, which was nearly 20 quid.

    I really don't want to shop with Amazon.

    It ain't easy any more, is it?
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    -GONZO--GONZO- Posts: 9,624
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    Theo_Bear wrote: »
    Tesco's Blu-ray prices are a joke. The Amazing Spiderman was £22.50 in my local today. Most of the other Blu-rays on the shelf were barely under £20.

    Or you could just go to the Skull & Crossbones where everything is free.

    Surely that's for the 3D version?
    Anyhow the normal 2 disc Blu-Ray is £10 in Asda.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,305
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    Karis wrote: »
    I really don't want to shop with Amazon.

    It ain't easy any more, is it?

    It is...if you shop with Amazon:p I'm all for supporting the High Street, but while ever the High Street is overpriced compared to online retailers, it's really no competition on where i'm going to buy from. I don't see any point in spending more than i have to just to support a retailer that can't/wont price things competitively.
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    rfonzorfonzo Posts: 11,781
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    Go to the website finddvd.co.uk.
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    Theo_BearTheo_Bear Posts: 997
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    -GONZO- wrote: »
    Surely that's for the 3D version?

    It may have been. I didn't look that closely. But I'd be surprised if my small Tesco's selling 3D Blu-rays. Bear in mind this is the same shop that 4 years ago was trying to sell Quantum of Solace on Blu-ray for £26. No 3D then. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that Spiderman was the standard double disc release. Where I live there's nowhere else to buy them. Tesco knows this.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,538
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    Frankly I can't believe you would be stupid enough to buy blu-rays in HMV.

    Play.com and Amazon.co.uk are better for that. Play might becoming a trade sellar website but I have never had any complaints about prices nor delivery from either of those places.

    I went into HMV the other day and I am not surprised it's closing down. Daylight robbery.
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    VashettiVashetti Posts: 2,361
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    I don't feel a moral obligation to spend more of my money in a high-street store in the vain hope that it survives. That's not my responsibility.

    I go wherever's cheapest. Online I click a few buttons and in a few days it's at my door. Don't have to walk through crowds and spend £20+ on a single Blu-Ray.
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    Theo_BearTheo_Bear Posts: 997
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    -GONZO- wrote: »
    Surely that's for the 3D version?
    Anyhow the normal 2 disc Blu-Ray is £10 in Asda.

    Had another look in Tesco today to check. The shelf label said £22.50 for the 3D version, but it was the standard 2 disc Blu-ray case that was on the shelf in front of the label. I don't think that store has ever had 3D Blu versions of anything, so I think the wrong shelf label and price has been put out.
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    AndyLouPandyAndyLouPandy Posts: 292
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    Blockbuster hasn't gone yet, there are still some stores open.....please come and support us!!!
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    Theo_BearTheo_Bear Posts: 997
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    Blockbuster hasn't gone yet, there are still some stores open.....please come and support us!!!

    My local Blockbuster shut down last summer. Big unit as well. I would've frequented it more often had it not always been baking hot with the associated stench of BO from the one member of staff behind the desk, and so damn expensive. Even during the closing down sale, the pre-owned PS3 games were more expensive than they were new on Amazon.

    Bye Bye, Blockbuster. You've been Blockbusted.

    Sorry about your future employment predicament, Andy.
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    Jimmy_McNultyJimmy_McNulty Posts: 11,378
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    Don't support a company stuck in the 1990s. Let these luddites go extinct. Viva la revolucion.
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    KarisKaris Posts: 6,380
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    Don't support a company stuck in the 1990s. Let these luddites go extinct. Viva la revolucion.

    I'm not buying anything from Amazon. I'd rather pay extra and support smaller companies online rather than giving my cash to a company that is quite happy to crush the entire gift giving industry.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,488
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    Karis wrote: »
    I'm not buying anything from Amazon. I'd rather pay extra and support smaller companies online rather than giving my cash to a company that is quite happy to crush the entire gift giving industry.

    Why does it matter? If Amazon are good enough to give the entire gift giving industry a run for it's money and do a bloody good job of it, why should you care?

    A few big business is probably better for the consumer and the industry than hundreds of small ones...
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    YuffieYuffie Posts: 9,864
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    So you dont want to support a corporate giant like Amazon but you do want to support corporate giants like HMV and Blockbuster ?? How very ethical.

    If you're such a fan of the high street then you'll find your blu-rays. There's still shops out there to buy them from. Have a walk around, you'll see them.

    If you want to come into the 21st century and start using the internet, there's even more places to buy them. You've got the whole world at your fingertips and you don't have to use Amazon.

    If you want your blu-rays that much, get off your arse (or onto it) and get them.
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    Theo_BearTheo_Bear Posts: 997
    Forum Member
    People should bear in mind that much of the stuff on Amazon isn't sold by Amazon. It's sold by 3rd party sellers. The site is much like eBay now, but much cheaper, and doesn't force Scampal on its users.
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