
Ray Winstone threatens to quit Britain.....



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    HelboreHelbore Posts: 16,101
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    Semierotic wrote: »
    Another interview taken completely out of context. His main rant was about how misspent our taxes are.

    But don't let the truth get in the way of outrage, I suppose.

    If we all thought like that, the tabloids would go out of business.

    Why can't we all think like this?
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    Jon RossJon Ross Posts: 3,322
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    On the other hand Sean Connery threatened to come back and didn't!

    Connery said he'd come back to live in Scotland when it's an independent country. Which I think was a brilliant excuse for continuing to live in a much warmer country. :D:D
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    Jon RossJon Ross Posts: 3,322
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    He is full of wind.. Threatened to leave once before.. And he is still here.. I remember a few "celebs saying the same when labour ( I think) got into power once .. But none of them left either

    No, it was actually in 1992 and a number of celebrities were asked by The Sun what they thought about getting a big tax hike from Neil Kinnock. Kinnock lost the election anyway.
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    Saltydog1955Saltydog1955 Posts: 4,134
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    It doesn't seem to have entered Winstone's head that if the government closed the tax loopholes allowing multi-million dollar firms like Google, Amazon and Starbucks to avoid paying tax on their assets there'd be more cash available to the Treasury.

    In reality these huge companies are guilty of raping the country with their non-payment of tax.
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    artlesschaosartlesschaos Posts: 11,345
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    It doesn't seem to have entered Winstone's head that if the government closed the tax loopholes allowing multi-million dollar firms like Google, Amazon and Starbucks to avoid paying tax on their assets there'd be more cash available to the Treasury.

    In reality these huge companies are guilty of raping the country with their non-payment of tax.

    TBF to him, that wasn't what he was talking about - he was talking about paying a huge percentage of tax (regardless of original income) and not seeing much return for it.

    The last time I checked, actors (regardless of how many tricks they have) do not make taxation policies, either for companies or for the people. That is down to the government in power.

    The one he was, quite rightly, complaining about.
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    mike1948mike1948 Posts: 2,160
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    Andrew Lloyd Webber threatened to quit the UK if Labour won the 1997 general election. Labour did win and LW did not quit.

    There are plenty more actors who are just as capable as Winstone. If he wants to quit, goodbye then.
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    Saltydog1955Saltydog1955 Posts: 4,134
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    TBF to him, that wasn't what he was talking about - he was talking about paying a huge percentage of tax (regardless of original income) and not seeing much return for it.

    The last time I checked, actors (regardless of how many tricks they have) do not make taxation policies, either for companies or for the people. That is down to the government in power.

    The one he was, quite rightly, complaining about.

    I don't believe I actually stated actors made government policy, only that the government need to close the loopholes on corporation tax in order to have more money flow into the Treasury's coffers.

    Sir Philip Green is another prime example of legal fiddling in that he lives and works in the UK, but has all his businesses in his wife's name in order to avoid UK tax. She lives in Monaco, where she doesn't pay a penny in tax. People like him are 'raping' this country in collusion with governments of all shades of politics who keep these laws on the statute books and don't repeal or change them.

    Philip Green’s £285m tax dodge could pay for:
    The full, hiked up £9,000 fees for almost 32,000 students
    Pay the salaries of 20,000 NHS nurses

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    SambdaSambda Posts: 6,275
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    Let him go.

    I've enjoyed a few things he's done but he's hardly ever stretched himself has he? Remenber the dire Henry VIII or Sweeny Tood? Lucky to have had the success he has had imo.

    The Cockney Henry VIII is a sure-fire classic for future "Top 20 TV" programmes. In the same way that Adolfo Celi gets crucified for "The Borgias" on every one of those sort of shows... Move over, Adolfo - it's time for Ray's Henry VIII.
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    whatever54whatever54 Posts: 6,456
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    His Henry VIII always makes me laugh

    "Ere......ANNE......wotcha tawkin' abaaart!!!"

    Not seen it but I want to based on that line
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    Saltydog1955Saltydog1955 Posts: 4,134
    Forum Member
    Excellent piece by Brian Reade in today's Mirror which sums the Cockney muppet up perfectly.
    It's a shame about Ray

    Certain people have rallied to Ray Winstone’s defence after he threatened to emigrate due to being “raped” by the taxman.

    “I love this country but I’ve had enough of it. I don’t see what we’re being given back,” he said.

    Supporters claim he wasn’t moaning about paying too much tax, just that he’d like to see it spent on better roads and hospitals.

    Well sorry, guv, but you’ve got previous.

    Five years ago he threatened to move because workers like him were simply *subsidising welfare claimants: “You sit on your backside, laze about and claim *benefits or you work your b******s off and pay most of what you earn in tax.”

    In other words, there are too many scumbags and not enough people paying taxes, says the man who made a mint playing scumbags and was bankrupt for not paying his taxes.

    A Cockney Jack The Lad made good who wants to keep it all, viewing those he left behind, who didn’t get his breaks, as leeches.

    Diamond geezer? Nah, just another whining rich man who wants to pay the lowest tax for the highest quality of life.

    Well off you pop to Russia, my son, with that other tax-avoiding slaaa-ag Gerard Depardieu.

    And don’t let the door slam on the wallet in your arris pocket on the way out.


    Bankrupt over tax bills - twice.
    I could never deal with the paperwork and that's why I went bankrupt twice, in the late Seventies and early Eighties. No shame in it. I got to a stage where there was no light at the end of the tunnel. All I could think about was this debt hanging over my head. People jump off the top of buildings over that sort of thing. I opted to take decisive action and wipe the slate clean. If I knew what I know now, I'd have had the right people looking after my money.


    In the words of the uber-Cockney - bleedin' 'ipocrite innee?
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    artlesschaosartlesschaos Posts: 11,345
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    I don't believe I actually stated actors made government policy, only that the government need to close the loopholes on corporation tax in order to have more money flow into the Treasury's coffers.

    Sir Philip Green is another prime example of legal fiddling in that he lives and works in the UK, but has all his businesses in his wife's name in order to avoid UK tax. She lives in Monaco, where she doesn't pay a penny in tax. People like him are 'raping' this country in collusion with governments of all shades of politics who keep these laws on the statute books and don't repeal or change them.

    Yeah, but none of that has anything to do with Ray Winstone.
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    Saltydog1955Saltydog1955 Posts: 4,134
    Forum Member
    Yeah, but none of that has anything to do with Ray Winstone.

    Yes it does, in that he's got it wrong as to who's 'raping' this country money wise.

    The people who are doing that are the likes of Philip Green/Amazon/Google/Starbucks who contribute sod all tax wise to this country because they can afford to employ people who can wangle huge tax breaks for them.

    And the law allows it, just as it allows rich men like Ray Winstone to go bankrupt twice (see above) because he couldn't be ar*ed to do the paperwork.
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    artlesschaosartlesschaos Posts: 11,345
    Forum Member
    Yes it does, in that he's got it wrong as to who's 'raping' this country money wise.

    The people who are doing that are the likes of Philip Green/Amazon/Google/Starbucks who contribute sod all tax wise to this country because they can afford to employ people who can wangle huge tax breaks for them.

    And the law allows it, just as it allows rich men like Ray Winstone to go bankrupt twice (see above) because he couldn't be ar*ed to do the paperwork.

    Right, so all you are doing is proving him to be fairly clueless about the whys and the wherefores. He was not discussing tax loopholes. He was commenting on and moaning about paying high taxes and seeing no returns.

    Not sure what is so difficult to understand about that, really. :confused:
    Now, while the non-taxation of companies is a huge issue, but not directly connected to what he was talking about.

    The government are ripping us off. This is occurring personally through primary and secondary taxation, through not enforcing taxation on rich companies and through not using our taxes to pay for services we need, and believe we are paying for. And to cap it all, sometimes they let people declare themselves bankrupt rather than pay their bills.

    In general terms, Winstone is right, the tax system is both a mess and unfair. None of which improves his accent in H8.
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    Saltydog1955Saltydog1955 Posts: 4,134
    Forum Member
    Right, so all you are doing is proving him to be fairly clueless about the whys and the wherefores. He was not discussing tax loopholes. He was commenting on and moaning about paying high taxes and seeing no returns.

    As it says in the Brian Reade piece I quoted the reality is that he's another whining rich man who wants to pay the lowest tax possible for the highest quality of life.
    Not sure what is so difficult to understand about that, really. :confused:
    Now, while the non-taxation of companies is a huge issue, but not directly connected to what he was talking about.

    I totally understand what he's on about, but I also believe that he's a whining rich man.......see above.
    The government are ripping us off. This is occurring personally through primary and secondary taxation, through not enforcing taxation on rich companies and through not using our taxes to pay for services we need, and believe we are paying for. And to cap it all, sometimes they let people declare themselves bankrupt rather than pay their bills.

    The government are ripping us off, just as they've done for years, whoever's in power. And letting rich men become richer by paying precisely nothing.
    In general terms, Winstone is right, the tax system is both a mess and unfair.

    Indeed, and when the tax laws are stacked in favour of the rich it always will be, but seeing as the men in power are rich anyway, they'll always be quids in. I wish Winstone would put his money (or lack of) where his big gob is and sod off and take his daughter with him - and soon.

    Perhaps the Cayman Islands would suit him? Loads of lovely tax breaks there. Or the Channel Islands perhaps?
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    artlesschaosartlesschaos Posts: 11,345
    Forum Member
    As it says in the Brian Reade piece I quoted the reality is that he's another whining rich man who wants to pay the lowest tax possible for the highest quality of life.

    I want to pay the lowest tax possible for the highest quality of life. I am neither rich, nor a man, nor whinging. I would just like to see a return on my hard earned cash disappearing.

    If you are so far my moral superior in that you are happy to pay over the odds in tax and receive a low quality of life for the greater good of the tiny minority, I bow to you. However, I think the majority of people would feel the way that I do.

    Which is very similar to what Winstone expressed. I am sure he would bow to your higher moral standing too, even from the Caymans.
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    sheila bligesheila blige Posts: 8,015
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    I would just like to see a return on my hard earned cash disappearing.
    Me too! The irksome thing is with Winstone (and others like him) is that he seems to think that HE is hardest done by. He doesn't consider that its even worse for people on low wages paying their taxes. Lets face it - petrol is still £1.36 a litre and a loaf of bread is still circa £1.25 whether you're a millionaire or on the minimum wage.
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    Jol44Jol44 Posts: 21,048
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    Yawn. :yawn:

    Who's he threatening exactly? Why doesn't he just go!! No one cares mate.

    It's the equivalent of someone making a thread about leaving a forum.
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    Saltydog1955Saltydog1955 Posts: 4,134
    Forum Member
    I want to pay the lowest tax possible for the highest quality of life. I am neither rich, nor a man, nor whinging. I would just like to see a return on my hard earned cash disappearing.

    That'll never happen, whatever party's in power. But if you like to dream, carry on.
    If you are so far my moral superior in that you are happy to pay over the odds in tax and receive a low quality of life for the greater good of the tiny minority, I bow to you. However, I think the majority of people would feel the way that I do.

    Did I say I was your 'moral superior'?
    If you're a prince or a pauper, prices are the same for all of us, as is paying tax. The rich can whinge whilst the rest of us have to buckle down and put up with things.
    Which is very similar to what Winstone expressed. I am sure he would bow to your higher moral standing too, even from the Caymans.

    You're becoming slightly repetitive now. I don't think RW has too much moral standing as a twice discharged bankrupt.
    Cheerio. :D
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    artlesschaosartlesschaos Posts: 11,345
    Forum Member
    That'll never happen, whatever party's in power. But if you like to dream, carry on.

    Did I say I was your 'moral superior'?
    If you're a prince or a pauper, prices are the same for all of us, as is paying tax. The rich can whinge whilst the rest of us have to buckle down and put up with things.

    You're becoming slightly repetitive now. I don't think RW has too much moral standing as a twice discharged bankrupt.
    Cheerio. :D

    I'm glad you have realised that your arguments actually don't add up. Cheerio. :)
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    Saltydog1955Saltydog1955 Posts: 4,134
    Forum Member
    Tax loopholes/dodging 1993.

    'Twas ever thus and nothing's changed despite the Labour Party's claims in this PPB.

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    whatever54whatever54 Posts: 6,456
    Forum Member
    slightly off topic (well majorly) but all this bankruptcy stuff I wonder who may be next? My money is on hardman Danny Dyer.
    Can't believe Ray has been made bankrupt twice, nothing like learning a lesson eh:rolleyes:
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    tiggerpoohtiggerpooh Posts: 4,182
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    Sad that he's thinking of leaving the UK. He has been in a lot of things over the last 33 years or so.

    I really enjoyed watching him in Robin of Sherwood, when I was young back in the 90s, on VHS. I now have the DVD box set featuring series 1-3, plus extras including interviews, outtakes and ROS French titles.


    I remember him also being in Ever Decreasing Circles. I have got that on DVD too. The whole lot. I seem to remember, he played a lorry driver taking away the horse manure that was dumped on Martin's driveway by mistake.

    I've just watched him in the Sweeney on DVD too. Great take on the 70s crime drama. I first saw this version in the cinema about 6 months ago.
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    wilehelmaswilehelmas Posts: 3,610
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    EVILSPEAK wrote: »
    Odds of leaving - 10/1.
    Odds on it being attention seeking - 20/1
    Odds on a sequel to The Sweeney - 10,000,000/1
    Odds on doing more adverts in an irritating Cockney voice - Evens

    Bet in play NAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

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    Saltydog1955Saltydog1955 Posts: 4,134
    Forum Member
    Oh dear Ray. I bet you didn't think this would pop up.
    “But I was a young fella. I did not understand the tax law. I did not pay taxes for 20 years. I got away with it.”

    Winstone’s financial past began to emerge after he moaned about the UK tax system in a radio interview last week .

    It then came out that he put nearly £350,000 of his £1.4million earnings for the year to April 2012 beyond the taxman’s reach, saying it was “administrative expenses”.


    If he was eligible for tax from the time he was 16 and didn't pay it for 20 years, he wasn't a 'young fella' when he reached the age of 36. Using legal loopholes only available to the very rich too - just as bad as Sir Philip Green really.
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    *Sparkle**Sparkle* Posts: 10,966
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    Me too! The irksome thing is with Winstone (and others like him) is that he seems to think that HE is hardest done by. He doesn't consider that its even worse for people on low wages paying their taxes. Lets face it - petrol is still £1.36 a litre and a loaf of bread is still circa £1.25 whether you're a millionaire or on the minimum wage.

    This really.

    I'm not against people earning silly money for careers in showbiz, but when they are earning silly money and start to moan about taxes, it proves they have disappeared up their own arses.

    He works as an actor, and while I'm sure a lot of people have enjoyed his work, we could make do without him.
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