
Summer Falls

FiregazerFiregazer Posts: 5,888
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    cuccircuccir Posts: 132
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    Can't be. They've been keeping something quiet...

    ...and you might want to spoiler alert that!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 101
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    I seriously think she will be back before the end of 2013, in some form.

    I did love that little subtle hinty there.
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    pickwickpickwick Posts: 25,739
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    It means WINTER IS COMING.

    Sorry, wrong fandom.
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    Mystical123Mystical123 Posts: 15,837
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    cuccir wrote: »
    ...and you might want to spoiler alert that!

    It's already aired, it's not a spoiler.

    I think the Amelia Williams was partly just a nice nod to Amy, but at the same time I wouldn't put it past River to have asked her mother to slide another message or two into books when she sent the Melody Malone manuscript to her...

    Certainly don't think it's entirely a coincidence that Clara had that book, or had read it. But I think it'll more have something to do with River, and the Doctor, than anything to do with Amy. She was just the messenger.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
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    I seriously think she will be back before the end of 2013, in some form.

    I did love that little subtle hinty there.

    I really hope Amy (and Rory) will be back again in some way, but I'm not sure it's that likely unfortunately, because Steven Moffat seems adamant that he doesn't want to lessen the impact of their departure, by it not being final.
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    Mystical123Mystical123 Posts: 15,837
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    I really hope Amy (and Rory) will be back again in some way, but I'm not sure it's that likely unfortunately, because Steven Moffat seems adamant that he doesn't want to lessen the impact of their departure, by it not being final.

    Karen and Arthur were also pretty adamant that they didn't want to return once they'd left - they wanted their story to be told and then not messed with again.
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    James FrederickJames Frederick Posts: 53,184
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    Why do we haver to have another Amy reference I just want to forget she ever existed having her referenced in The Snowmen was bad enough but this was just to much.

    I really really hope we never see or hear anything about her ever again I'd sooner have Adric back then her
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    C. SamuraiC. Samurai Posts: 362
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    Why do we haver to have another Amy reference I just want to forget she ever existed having her referenced in The Snowmen was bad enough but this was just to much.

    I really really hope we never see or hear anything about her ever again I'd sooner have Adric back then her

    Because she's part of the show's history, mother-in-law to the main character, and a pretty memorable and impressionable person to millions of delighted viewers and children.

    Just because you don't like her doesnt mean she's unimportant. Your voice means little in the grand scheme of Who
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
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    Why do we haver to have another Amy reference I just want to forget she ever existed having her referenced in The Snowmen was bad enough but this was just to much.

    I really really hope we never see or hear anything about her ever again I'd sooner have Adric back then her

    What is it in particular you don't like about Amy?
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    James FrederickJames Frederick Posts: 53,184
    Forum Member
    What is it in particular you don't like about Amy?

    Everything really

    But most of all the fact she spent most of her time in a mood at very best she sulked over everything yes I know she had bad things happen to her but even before that she was sulker even in her début it took her less than a minute to start.

    She was a b!tch to Rory even after everything he did for her and until the final few episodes made it clear he was always second best to The Doctor and she only had him because The Doctor didn't want her.

    I really didn't think Karen was a good actress either only time she was good was the final few minutes of ATM.

    And the less said about her choice of clothing the better (and I believe Karen picked her own wardrobe)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
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    Everything really

    But most of all the fact she spent most of her time in a mood at very best she sulked over everything yes I know she had bad things happen to her but even before that she was sulker even in her début it took her less than a minute to start.

    She was a b!tch to Rory even after everything he did for her and until the final few episodes made it clear he was always second best to The Doctor and she only had him because The Doctor didn't want her.

    I really didn't think Karen was a good actress either only time she was good was the final few minutes of ATM.

    And the less said about her choice of clothing the better (and I believe Karen picked her own wardrobe)

    That's interesting, I don't remember noticing much sulkiness. I thought she was quite an upbeat character, but without the annoying over the top smiling thing that Clara has so far been doing.

    I agree she could be a bit mean to Rory sometimes, in series 5. She didn't appreciate how devoted he was to her until later on. It reminds me of the Abby and Connor storyline in Primeval actually; really strong feisty girl and exceptionally nice and loyal boy.

    And as for the wardrobe, I think Karen always looked fantastic and gorgeous, but I did used to think that surely all those mini skirts (in the early days) would be a bit impractical, wouldn't jeans make more sense? RTD era female companions seemed to mostly wear trousers, while those in the Moffat era appear to mainly be in skirts and dresses!
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    Mystical123Mystical123 Posts: 15,837
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    She was a b!tch to Rory even after everything he did for her and until the final few episodes made it clear he was always second best to The Doctor and she only had him because The Doctor didn't want her.

    Wow, you must have been watching a completely different show to me. Amy was completely and utterly devoted to Rory from the series 5 finale onwards, that much was made crystal clear in Day of the Moon, which is nowhere near 'the final few episodes'.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 101
    Forum Member
    I really hope Amy (and Rory) will be back again in some way, but I'm not sure it's that likely unfortunately, because Steven Moffat seems adamant that he doesn't want to lessen the impact of their departure, by it not being final.

    Oh I didn't mean physically back. By some form I meant I think that there will be a passing off messages from Amy's book to the doctor to help him. Something subtle but offscreen.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,011
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    I really hope Amy (and Rory) will be back again in some way, but I'm not sure it's that likely unfortunately, because Steven Moffat seems adamant that he doesn't want to lessen the impact of their departure, by it not being final.

    There has been references in both episodes so far that her presence is still about. With the doctor wearing her glasses in both episodes while reading and also the name of the author in the book in tonight's episode.

    Screenshot of the references in tonights episode (should note bother were at different times and faded together for the screenshot). Screenshot

    This time last week David Tennant and Billie Piper were pretty adament they would not be back as well.
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    James FrederickJames Frederick Posts: 53,184
    Forum Member
    I don't think they will be back and I hope not (and it's got nothing to do with my dislike of Amy as I do like Rory he's one of my all time fave DW Characters )

    But they have only been gone a year by the time the Anniversary episode starts only gone for a 9 episodes.

    If they come back it will mean Clara is pushed to the background and as River is more than likely showing up to that will mean 11 have 4 companions and again this will mean Clara will be pushed back.

    I know some people are not happy that Rose is back but at least she has been gone a few years now
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,011
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    I don't think it's the right time for them to come back either, I also would prefer not to see Rose back. Amy and Rose are two of my favourites but I could have done without Rose being in Journey's End, she seems to be casting a shadow over the show that every time we think we are moving on she pops back up. If she had stuck to the end of season 2 and then the cameo set before she met The Doctor in The End of Time I think it would have worked better.

    As you said Amy and Rory haven't been gone long enough for a return to mean much yet, I just cant help feeling we are headed that way.
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    PointyPointy Posts: 1,762
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    If Rose is coming back (again), then probably so will Amy... Just as long as Clara is clearly written as the main companion, I don't mind too much about Amy coming back. Rose, however...
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 357
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    I loved the nod to Amy, I'm not sure yet if it has something to do with plot but I enjoyed it.
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    Pull2OpenPull2Open Posts: 15,138
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    I personally love all references to DW past, short and long term past!

    I love the idea that there may be clues hidden in books BUT it may turn into an easy way to resolve issues! If used sparingly, it may be a good thing!

    Summer Falls - Winter Rises = Ice Warrior nod?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
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    rua is god wrote: »
    There has been references in both episodes so far that her presence is still about. With the doctor wearing her glasses in both episodes while reading and also the name of the author in the book in tonight's episode.

    Screenshot of the references in tonights episode (should note bother were at different times and faded together for the screenshot). Screenshot

    This time last week David Tennant and Billie Piper were pretty adament they would not be back as well.

    I think everyone knew David would come back at some point!
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    JAS84JAS84 Posts: 7,430
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    Yeah, the bloke's a total fanboy! He wasn't going to pass it up.
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    JillstarJillstar Posts: 1,273
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    The brief glimpse of the 'Summer Falls' book was interesting and I'm hoping its going to be a clue about what might happen in future episodes.
    My guess is that River Song is 'the lady from the shop' and that the book was probably written by her, maybe using her mother's name as a pseudonym and as a way to get the Doctor to be more inclined to read it as the name of his former companion is on the cover. The picture on the front looked uncannily like Amy too ;)

    It looks like the book itself will be published for fans to read and the synopsis looks quite interesting:
    In the seaside village of Watchcombe, young Kate is determined to make the most of her last week of summer holiday.
    But when she discovers a mysterious painting entitled ‘The Lord of Winter’ in a charity shop, it leads her on an adventure she never could have planned. Kate soon realises the old seacape, painted long ago by an eccentric local artist, is actually a puzzle.
    And with the help of some bizarre new acquaintances – including a museum curator’s magical cat, a miserable neighbour, and a lonely boy – she plans on solving it. And then, one morning Kate wakes up to a world changed forever. For the Lord of Winter is coming – and Kate has a very important decision to make.
    Summer Falls, a book written by Amelia Williams (yeah, right), is featured at the beginning of “The Bells of St John”, being read by Artie, one of the children taken care of by Clara (as played by Jenna-Louise Coleman).


    I think it is all a clue. The 'Lord of Winter' could be the Doctor, and 'Kate' maybe Clara. :confused:

    I think River Song definitely has something to do with it anyway. The cover of the book itself looks old (perhaps inspired by Enid Blyton books). I wouldn't be surprised if the acknowledgements or blurb at the front of the book were in Latin - translated to "Hello Sweetie";)
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    CorwinCorwin Posts: 16,729
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    Summer Falls was "written" in 1954.

    First Chapter here

    In which Kate meets a man with no name who says he always likes a little Shop.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 955
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    and he has a "shed"...
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    JAS84JAS84 Posts: 7,430
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    Yeah, that "Curator" has to be the Doctor.
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