
Best way to watch Classic Who

Sora2311Sora2311 Posts: 2,311
Forum Member
I'm getting into classic who and I'm wondering what is the best way to watch it?
Do I start with spearhead from space and watch it in chronological order all the way to the movie or skip some stories and just watch important ones


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    C. SamuraiC. Samurai Posts: 362
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    Sora2311 wrote: »
    I'm getting into classic who and I'm wondering what is the best way to watch it?
    Do I start with spearhead from space and watch it in chronological order all the way to the movie or skip some stories and just watch important ones

    Starting with the Third doctor eh? Not a bad place to begin. I say stick with him throughout his run as you'll get to see all kinds of firsts for the show such as the intros to The Master, The Silurians, The Sontarans, and Sarah Jane Smith, and you'll get a multi-Doctor story in there too so you'll be brought up to speed on the first two Doctors.

    Tom Baker's early years are classics, watch everything up to "Talons of Weing-Chiang", and then start getting very selective.
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    adams66adams66 Posts: 3,945
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    And try to watch it episodically, rather than a whole story in one go. Not only was this how it was intended to be seen, but you will also be able to savour those cliffhangers!
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    meglosmurmursmeglosmurmurs Posts: 35,123
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    You might aswell just pick and choose the strong stories as it may take you forever to piece it together chronologically.

    Spearhead from Space is a good story to see though, as it's a huge story in terms of significance. But then maybe skip a couple of stories to Inferno perhaps.
    If you want to get really picky then The Daemons is possibly the most celebrated story of the 3rd Doctor's era (it was Jon Pertwee's favourite story too).

    If any period deserves to be done in order then (as mentioned in the post above) it's the first few seasons of Tom Baker.
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    Pull2OpenPull2Open Posts: 15,138
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    I don't think there is any real need to watch in chronological order unless you're watching key to time, e-space trilogy etc, but Do stick with one Doctor at a time!

    Three has some really great moments, and Pertwee did a good job, however, his portrayal did get a little turgid from time to time , best stories for me were Inferno, The Green Death, the Curse of Peladon and Spearhead from Space. The Master stories are ok but imo a little overrated, particularly The Daemons. Four you can't really go too badly wrong, even the bad stories were carried by Bakers superb portrayal and slapstick humour mixed in with seriousness (Genesis of the Daleks). But do check out the available Troughton stories, imo, not one of them was a bad one, even the Krotons! I have limited Hartnell experience as his Doctor never really interested me, but, The Daleks (the Dead Planet), The Romans, Dalek Invasion of Earth and the Chase are of particular note! Davison was ok, his stories were solid enough but, apart from Earthshock and Black Orchid and The Visitation few of them really burned bright! C Baker Underated imo, I loved his portrayal but he was the victim of, generally, poor writing. Revelation of the Daleks and Terror of the Vervoids were probably his best! McCoy, not a fan at all so, having little positive to say about his tenure, I'll stay quiet apart from saying Survival, Battlefield and Rememberance of the Daleks are passable!
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    mrprossermrprosser Posts: 2,286
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    Sora2311 wrote: »
    I'm getting into classic who and I'm wondering what is the best way to watch it?

    Traditionally on a TV!

    And I would start with episodes as early as possible and work my way onwards
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    I have recently just started watching from Castrovalva onwards because I remember liking Peter Davison's Doctor when they showed Classic Who on UKTV Gold years ago. I know it's not considered the best time in the show's history, but for someone like me who is used to the fast pace and good special effects of New Who I feel that the shorter 4-part stories and better film quality is an easier way to get used to Classic Who. Anyway, I've just finished Terminus and I'm enjoying it so far. Castrovalva, Four to Doomsday and Time Flight are the only ones I haven't really liked. I've even liked Terminus.

    I'm hoping that once I've finished the McCoy era I can go back and watch the Pertwee and Baker eras, but the longer stories of 6 or more parts will probably require me to break each episode up and watch them in small chunks. If I manage to finish this era, I will then probably watch some of the Hartnell and Troughton eras, but with the grainy black and white and the missing episodes, I may find this difficult.
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    Face Of JackFace Of Jack Posts: 7,181
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    Those "grainy b&w " episodes are what make the old Doctor Who so 'Classic'! (I certainly wouldn't want to see them colourised!)
    I saw DW from 'almost' the beginning. But I love to re-watch them from time to time (moreso than the new ones).

    I would watch the very first episode ('An Unearthly Child') and then choose one entire story from each Doctor's reign:-
    (suggestions only)
    Dr 1: The Daleks
    Dr 2: Tomb of the Cybermen
    Dr 3: Inferno
    Dr 4: City of Death
    Dr 5: Earthshock
    Dr 6: Mark of the Rani
    Dr 7: Remembrance of the Daleks
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 41
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    From behind the sofa...........................
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    bennythedipbennythedip Posts: 2,350
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    My plan is to once 2entertain/BBC stop faffing around and get on with releasing the last remaining episodes is to watch all the visual material available in transmission order.start with the pilot all the way through to survival including animated episodes and reconstructions. I did think of using the audios to fill the gaps and rewatch all the DVD extras but I don't think I will live long enough to achieve that task so maybe sometime next year I can start this viewing marathon.
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    TEDRTEDR Posts: 3,413
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    The best way to watch Classic Who is as a ten-year old.

    Failing that, I don't think chronological viewing is necessarily a requirement. Maybe find any top 100 whatsoever and watch the top 10 from 10 to 1, then the rest of the top 20 from 20 to 10, etc?
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    jrmswfcjrmswfc Posts: 5,644
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    I had a yearning to watch more Classic Who recently, I watched the repeats when they were on GOLD a few years back, and have had the odd DVD but I tend not to collect them. Anyway, I cleared out a load of various DVD boxsets that I never bothered watching to make space and thought what the hell and ordered a bunch of Who DVDs over the last week - and typically they've all turned up on the same day!

    I've got all of the 3 Revisitations boxsets, the Beneath The Surface boxset, plus City of Death and . What to watch first?! Think I'll probably jump in with City of Death, got to love a bit of quirky Baker, and as much as I love "my doctor" Tom Baker and will be tempted to watch all of his stories first I'll watch the rest chronologically apart from Tomb of the Cybermen which I watched fairly recently on Netflix. I don't think I've ever actually seen Seeds of Death, The Silurians or the Three Doctors although I had the Target book of the Silurians.

    Short episodes, terrible effects and some dodgy acting - bring it on! I'm a child of the 70s and grew up with Classic Who so hopefully it won't be too much of a culture shock.
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    MulettMulett Posts: 9,079
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    From behind the sofa...........................

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 357
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    I started with the beginnings this week I'm on Daleks and wow it's so funny how different his personality is, I mean I see bits of nuwho doctor in there not much, but he kinda let's Ian and Barbara boss him around, let the man explore! And Susan wow, she is a wee bit of a drama queen. There are times where she seems so smart then she goes panting and being just ... Screamy. I've watched some other classic who episodes and never seen one that dramatic... Yet but I'm loving the back story on skaro and the Daleks!
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    cat666cat666 Posts: 2,063
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    I used to buy whatever VHS took my fancy!
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