
Doctor/Clara - seems too rushed?!

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,402
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Before we begin. These are my opinions that I have accumulated myself and have not been influenced by any third-party holders.

Now. Right at the beginning of tonights 'Hide', I felt a little underwhelmed with the show. The reason mainly for me feeling this way was because both Clara and the Doctor appeared straight-away in the middle of their next dilemma. In the past, the Doctor and the companion get some breathing time through the start and end of each episode where they can just chat, build their relationship.etc. I personally enjoy those moments best and more so than the big monsters and tacky CGI graphics. This has not happened so far!

We've been pushed straight into every episode - 'Cold War' (where Clara and the Doctor ended up in a submarine!) and 'Rings of Akhaten'. I would like more development on Clara and I think this is the reason why it's not happening. We're hardly seeing much of her and the Doctor together, aside from their mystery/problem solving.

Could this be the reason many (can't understand why!!) don't like Clara? Perhaps.


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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
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    I think the writers are quite deliberately trying to avoid getting them too close because the Doctor clearly does not trust her yet.

    Just look at them both together in the Snowman and Daleks episodes, brilliant.

    This is a mystery and one I am very intrigued by. :)
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    JedHawkJedHawk Posts: 442
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    It's a good point. I feel the scenes are distancing us a little from some tidbits of dialogue. But that's only a preference of mine.
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    plateletplatelet Posts: 26,438
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    Banks246 wrote: »
    I think the writers are quite deliberately trying to avoid getting them too close because the Doctor clearly does not trust her yet.

    Nah, it's more about the fact that
    Matt is not her Doctor. She's here to carry the audience through the transition to <<deleted>> so they need to establish her quickly but not set up anything that could damage the main relationship. Right now she's in the "rebound" role
    Totally hypothetically of course
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 955
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    platelet wrote: »
    Nah, it's more about the fact that Matt is not her Doctor. She's here to carry the audience through the transition to ****** ****** so they need to establish her quickly but not set up anything that could damage the main relationship. Right now she's in the "rebound" role

    Because what getting us through this half a season and the special means that they can't get close? And if that's the case then why the big mystery?
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    plateletplatelet Posts: 26,438
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    Torry_Z wrote: »
    Because what getting us through this half a season and the special means that they can't get close? And anyway how come you're so sure he's regenerating... And why are you posting it without spoilers if you're so sure? If it's speculation then say so.

    I've edited mine, you'll need to edit yours due to the quote

    But in answer to your question think about the relationship they established with Rose and nine. They knew she'd need to carry the audience through the regeneration into ten and if they looked like "a couple" there would be that cheating element.
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    claire2281claire2281 Posts: 17,283
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    platelet wrote: »
    I've edited mine, you'll need to edit yours due to the quote

    But in answer to your question think about the relationship they established with Rose and nine. They knew she'd need to carry the audience through the regeneration into ten and if they looked like "a couple" there would be that cheating element.

    Except, of course, there was a definite amount of romance with Nine. People were wondering if that would carry on to Ten...

    The Doctor is both delighted by and wary of Clara. Moffat and Jenna say she's a bit more guarded with her emotions but deep down she adores him too.

    Next week it looks like things come to a head between them and in the two little clips of the Crimson Horror we've seen, they're very touchy and affectionate with each other.

    In fact, the scene where the Doctor was explaining to her what was going on with the two monsters had some very deliberate sounding and very interesting parallels...
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 955
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    claire2281 wrote: »
    Except, of course, there was a definite amount of romance with Nine. People were wondering if that would carry on to Ten...

    The Doctor is both delighted by and wary of Clara. Moffat and Jenna say she's a bit more guarded with her emotions but deep down she adores him too.

    Next week it looks like things come to a head between them and in the two little clips of the Crimson Horror we've seen, they're very touchy and affectionate with each other.

    In fact, the scene where the Doctor was explaining to her what was going on with the two monsters had some very deliberate sounding and very interesting parallels...

    Yeah that hug bit was hilarious...
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    plateletplatelet Posts: 26,438
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    claire2281 wrote: »
    Except, of course, there was a definite amount of romance with Nine. People were wondering if that would carry on to Ten...

    Really? I'll have to do some rewatching, I have to confess It's a long long time since I've watched nine at all. May well be the distance was all in my head :)

    But at least I've spared you my hugging = creepy / grooming theories :D
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    Mystical123Mystical123 Posts: 15,837
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    Before we begin. These are my opinions that I have accumulated myself and have not been influenced by any third-party holders.

    Now. Right at the beginning of tonights 'Hide', I felt a little underwhelmed with the show. The reason mainly for me feeling this way was because both Clara and the Doctor appeared straight-away in the middle of their next dilemma. In the past, the Doctor and the companion get some breathing time through the start and end of each episode where they can just chat, build their relationship.etc. I personally enjoy those moments best and more so than the big monsters and tacky CGI graphics. This has not happened so far!

    We've been pushed straight into every episode - 'Cold War' (where Clara and the Doctor ended up in a submarine!) and 'Rings of Akhaten'. I would like more development on Clara and I think this is the reason why it's not happening. We're hardly seeing much of her and the Doctor together, aside from their mystery/problem solving.

    Could this be the reason many (can't understand why!!) don't like Clara? Perhaps.

    Yes, I feel the same way, though funnily enough I thought tonight's episode helped build Clara's character.

    I get the feeling it's deliberate though - so many references that she shouldn't trust the Doctor; the Doctor clearly frustrated at not knowing who she is. There's a tension, a glass screen if you like, there that none of the other companions have had. Everyone's more guarded than has previously been the case.
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    claire2281claire2281 Posts: 17,283
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    Torry_Z wrote: »
    Yeah that hug bit was hilarious...

    Basically upon re-watching that scene, there's some very deliberate parallels with the Doctor and Clara's story which (combined with some of the things Matt, Jenna and Steven said before the series) makes me wonder how this is going to develop.
    platelet wrote: »
    Really? I'll have to do some rewatching, I have to confess It's a long long time since I've watched nine at all. May well be the distance was all in my head :)

    IIRC The Doctor Dances is particularly prevalent (aside from the whole kiss thing at the end).
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    plateletplatelet Posts: 26,438
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    claire2281 wrote: »
    IIRC The Doctor Dances is particularly prevalent (aside from the whole kiss thing at the end).

    So you're saying Rose was a **** ? :D:D:D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,379
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    I think Clara and the doctor have a hand holding (as he said in this episode) sort of affection or they might do depending what/who Clara is but I don't think it's romantic. I just think it's really cute and to me might seem a bit more real than Rose and 10
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,402
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    But who is to say that Clara would carry on after this series if Matt Smith bows out as the Doctor?! If her secret is bad then she will be gone by the 50th, no?!
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    claire2281claire2281 Posts: 17,283
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    alixfowler wrote: »
    I think Clara and the doctor have a hand holding (as he said in this episode) sort of affection or they might do depending what/who Clara is but I don't think it's romantic.

    I think it could be, but it could equally go either way. As I said, there were some heavy handed parallels between what the Doctor was saying about the monster's story and how things have unfolded between him and Clara.

    "It’s the oldest story in the universe. This one or any other. Boy and girl fall in love, get separated by events; war, politics, accidents in time. She’s thrown out of the hex or he’s thrown into it. Since then they’ve been yearning for each other across time and space, across dimensions. This isn’t a ghost story, it’s a love story."

    Then the Doctor realises what he's saying and takes his arm off her. He clearly noticed the parallels too. Obviously in some ways Clara is sort of like a ghost to him which further ties in to the ep.

    That may have just been a little bit of fun or it may be leading to things further down the line. Either way, no writer would put something so obvious in by mistake - it was clearly deliberate.

    Moffat MAY try to create his own Ten and Rose type thing but far more subtle.
    But who is to say that Clara would carry on after this series if Matt Smith bows out as the Doctor?! If her secret is bad then she will be gone by the 50th, no?!

    Her secret can't be bad because she's signed through to the end of series 8.
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    plateletplatelet Posts: 26,438
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    claire2281 wrote: »
    "It’s the oldest story in the universe...

    boy-being meets girl-being under a silvery moon which then explodes for no adequately explored reason.
    But who is to say that Clara would carry on after this series if Matt Smith bows out as the Doctor?! If her secret is bad then she will be gone by the 50th, no?!

    Nah, she'll be around for season 8 to "shepherd" ****** ****** in :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,402
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    claire2281 wrote: »
    Her secret can't be bad because she's signed through to the end of series 8.

    Really?! Where have you gotten this from? Or is it only me that doesn't know?

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    plateletplatelet Posts: 26,438
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    Really?! Where have you gotten this from? Or is it only me that doesn't know?


    Just you
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    claire2281claire2281 Posts: 17,283
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    Really?! Where have you gotten this from? Or is it only me that doesn't know?


    It was said by Jenna a while ago (Radio Times interview I believe) and is fairly well know. Largely I suspect because she had to sign at least a two year deal when she started.

    Matt is signed until 2014. He's in the 50th and Christmas special. Rumours have said he's signed for series 8 but nothing's been announced. Which isn't that surprising since I don't think there's been any official announcements about series 8 yet. Jenna revealed that start filming in September to accommodate Matt's other commitments. I wouldn't be surprised to see him in at least the start of series 8 simply for the fact it seems fairly unlikely they'd do a regeneration story on Christmas Day.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,379
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    If they did go with romance but then I would like it to be sweet handy holdy and quite sweet not full on sort of sexual tension sort of thing. There have been a few hints like last week when the Doctor pulled Clara out from the room with the Ice Monster as it felt a bit tense but I wasn't sure if the Doctor withdrew his arm as he didn't see her way and it was awkward, he did see it that way and wasn't sure what to do or he doesn't know what/who Clara is so cant go there yet.
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    plateletplatelet Posts: 26,438
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    claire2281 wrote: »
    It was said by Jenna a while ago (Radio Times interview I believe) and is fairly well know. Largely I suspect because she had to sign at least a two year deal when she started.

    That and the fact that she will be playing
    The twelve doctor
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    I sort of agree with the OP. This series we haven't really seen the Doctor and Clara chat in the TARDIS in the beginning and the end like we used to, but I don't think we need to do anything stupid or rash and resort to serials consisting of four 30 min episodes (which I believe would completely alienate the casual audience). I don't even think we need to extend to 60 minute episodes. All the writers need to do is stop trying to put so much into each episode. Anyway, I don't think this is really much of a problem- it has only really been the last two episodes in the series in which we were immediately thrown into the action and given an abrupt ending. I think we should wait and see what the rest of the series holds.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 171
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    I can't believe there are people above who seem to want a romance / romantic relationship between Dr and Clara. Can't they just be mates? Is the Dr now just a thousand year old panting adolescent, trawling the human world for mating potential. Urgh. No more Rose and Tennant goo goo eyes please!
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    tiggerpoohtiggerpooh Posts: 4,182
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    The Doctor's worried that Clara will turn out to be much more than she is at the moment, e.g. someone who he doesn't like. The Master maybe? Or the Rani? An alien menace, perhaps?

    Maybe she's Davros in disguise?

    Or she reveals at the end of the current series that she is a Zygon, and that's how we get the Zygons in the Anniversary special.

    Just a thought. A good one, I think. :p
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    tiggerpoohtiggerpooh Posts: 4,182
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    neutralned wrote: »
    I can't believe there are people above who seem to want a romance / romantic relationship between Dr and Clara. Can't they just be mates? Is the Dr now just a thousand year old panting adolescent, trawling the human world for mating potential. Urgh. No more Rose and Tennant goo goo eyes please!

    I don't. I just want to know who Clara really is. And why she has been seen by the Doctor, and then died, in two other time zones, Assylum of the Daleks and the Snowmen.
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    tiggerpoohtiggerpooh Posts: 4,182
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    I just thought, maybe she's the next Doctor after Matt, and used the Chamelion Arch to make her think she's totally human, so she cannot remember anything at all, about her Time Lord past. Hmm...That's an interesting thought. :cool:
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