
Walking Dead. Bored of the Govner ?

daddynomatesdaddynomates Posts: 2,779
Forum Member
Too much humans fighting humans lately.

Wanna see them trying to survive, fighting walkers, looking for a safe place.

Like it was :mad:


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    daisiesfandaisiesfan Posts: 2,724
    Forum Member
    Too much humans fighting humans lately.

    Wanna see them trying to survive, fighting walkers, looking for a safe place.

    Like it was :mad:

    Fighting walkers? Really? Like they haven't done that before.
    They have to have a mix of both which they do.
    I am glad they kept the governor although I reckon he will be gone by the mid season finale.
    I also think that's when they may leave the prison.
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    big brother 9big brother 9 Posts: 18,157
    Forum Member
    Too much humans fighting humans lately.

    Wanna see them trying to survive, fighting walkers, looking for a safe place.

    Like it was :mad:

    I get what your saying about the human v human thing. Wjat makes this show so good is the survival so as the poster above me says we should get a mixture of both
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    daddynomatesdaddynomates Posts: 2,779
    Forum Member
    ok i know they will have some bad humans to deal with, but there ain't enough zombie fighting going on lately.

    I think the Govner is a great character, but he's been around too long now.
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    AJ WheelsAJ Wheels Posts: 2,758
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    Bring back Shane.
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    sheila bligesheila blige Posts: 8,015
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    The zombie fighting is tiresome now - it has been for some time - especially when it seems that you can immobilise a walker with a balloon whisk or a plastic egg-spoon!

    I like the human conflict - but there doesn't seem to have been enough of that even. Way too much pussy-footing about in the last series. They should have cut it to about 12 episodes and compacted any action they had.
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    MasterjonboiMasterjonboi Posts: 1,122
    Forum Member
    I love the show cant wait for season 4 and i hope there are a few more seasons after that but the govner annoys me
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,301
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    I have only watched this show for the first time in the past two weeks, and am now caught up to the end of season 3, and thoroughly obsessed . . .

    I agree there needs to be a balance between fighting humans and zombies, however, I think the problem with the governor is that he was too evil. He just had too many qualities that you always knew, no matter what, he would be the bad guy. With Shane, who was the last major antagonist before the governor, I found I kept thinking he'd redeem himself, then he partially would, then he'd let you down again. That made for a very interesting storyline as you never really felt like you hated him. I'd like to see something similar to that, literally keeping you guessing every other scene whether this is someone to trust or not!
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