
If One-Parters Were Two-Parters

AbominationAbomination Posts: 6,494
Forum Member
There's a poll on the way for this one :)

There's been a lot of talk recently about whether or not the show should bring back two-part stories for Series 8, with a significant majority in a recent poll here opting to bring them back to some extent or other.

I want to see if there are any trends we can discover from people's opinions of past stories. If you could choose two two-parters from the RTD-era and two two-parters from the Moffat era to downsize to one-parters, which would they be? Which stories do you think could be told in the space of 45 minutes?

For reference, those two-parters are;
Aliens of London/World War Three
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel
The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday
Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks
Human Nature/The Family of Blood
The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
The Stolen Earth/Journeys End
The End of Time: Parts 1 & 2

The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People


In contrast, if you could choose two standalone stories from each era to turn into a fully fledged two-part story, which would they be? For reference, these stories are;

Rose, The End of the World, The Unquiet Dead, Dalek, The Long Game, Father's Day, Boom Town
The Christmas Invasion, New Earth, Tooth and Claw, School Reunion, The Girl in the Fireplace, The Idiot's Lantern, Love & Monsters, Fear Her
The Runaway Bride, Smith and Jones, The Shakespeare Code, Gridlock, The Lazarus Experiment, 42, Blink, Utopia
Voyage of the Damned, Partners in Crime, The Fires of Pompeii, Planet of the Ood, The Doctor's Daughter, The Unicorn and the Wasp, Midnight, Turn Left
The Next Doctor, Planet of the Dead, The Waters of Mars

The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, Victory of the Daleks, The Vampires of Venice, Amy's Choice, Vincent and the Doctor, The Lodger
A Christmas Carol, The Curse of the Black Spot, The Doctor's Wife, A Good Man Goes To War, Let's Kill Hitler, Night Terrors, The Girl Who Waited, The God Complex, Closing Time, The Wedding of River Song
The Doctor The Widow and The Wardrobe
Asylum of the Daleks, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, A Town Called Mercy, The Power of Three, The Angels Take Manhattan, The Snowmen, The Bells of Saint John, The Rings of Akhaten, Cold War, Hide

Which Two Parters would you have as a Standalone 325 votes

Aliens of London / World War Three
13% 43 votes
The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances
1% 4 votes
Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways
1% 4 votes
Rise of the Cybermen / Age of Steel
5% 19 votes
The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit
4% 15 votes
Army of Ghosts / Doomsday
2% 9 votes
Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks
13% 44 votes
Human Nature / The Family of Blood
3% 10 votes
The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords
2% 8 votes
The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky
8% 26 votes
Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead
2% 8 votes
The Stolen Earth / Journey's End
1% 5 votes
The End of Time: Parts 1 & 2
7% 23 votes
The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone
2% 9 votes
The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood
11% 36 votes
The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang
2% 7 votes
The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon
1% 5 votes
The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People
15% 50 votes


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    davrosdodebirddavrosdodebird Posts: 8,698
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    Aliens of London/ World War Three and Daleks in Manhattan/ Evolution of the Daleks
    The Hungry Earth/ Cold Blood and The Rebel Flesh/ The Almost People

    ... The Waters of Mars maybe? I'm not sure as I'm pretty happy with the RTD standalones as they are.

    A Good Man Goes to War and The Wedding of River Song could have been good two parters though IMO
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    AbominationAbomination Posts: 6,494
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    I went for Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel and Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks from the RTD era. This was in part because they are so Army of Ghosts/Doomsday which offered up the best of both. I can see why the Cybermen story had to happen, and understand why the Daleks returned so soon... but these concepts could have been done in a powerful one-part story akin to Dalek from Series 1 I think.

    From the Moffat era I would choose The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood and The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People. The former truly disappointed me, and it tried to emulate the relative success of the Cybermen and Sontaran comebacks from series gone by with an epic story. It just didn't work for me. The latter felt like a one-part story trapped in a two-parter. There wasn't enough there to warrant it being quite so long in my opinion.

    On the flip side, regarding standalones that I'd extend, the RTD era is pretty difficult to choose from. Maybe School Reunion and The Girl in the Fireplace... if it would have meant they'd produce better villains - the Krillitane were a great idea that were never properly established, whilst the Clockwork Robots looked terrifying but this was never played up.

    From the Moffat era, it's difficult for another reason altogether - there's so many I'd extend. I'd probably have to say The Wedding of River Song as it never sat comfortably to open with a two-parter but close with a one-parter. And most deserving of all was The Angels Take Manhattan, which suffered plot holes aplenty and lacked the massive emotional punch it could have delivered if it had had longer to establish itself. Once again, the weeping angels have been under-established in their own story and never get an episode that is about them - since Blink, they've been outshadowed by River, the crack in the wall and now Amy and Rory's departure.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,248
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    Victory of the Daleks had enough set-up to earn a two-part status.
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    Muttley76Muttley76 Posts: 97,888
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    I suppose I have gone for rather obvious ones really:

    Aliens of London/World War Three and Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel were both quite thin stories, imho.

    Likewise The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood and The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People.

    In terms of single parters I think would benefit from being two parters:

    School Reunion and The Waters of Mars - two stories I like but I think could have been expanded upon

    Victory of the Daleks - because I can sort of envisage it as a two parter, with the cliff hanger being the Daleks revealing their true nature, and I think the extra running time would have benefited the second half of the story.

    The Rings of Akhaten - because the concept was too big for one episode.
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    Mystical123Mystical123 Posts: 15,837
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    From the RTD era I picked Daleks in Manhatten/Evolution of the Daleks and The Sontaren Strategem/The Poison Sky.

    I have a hazy memory of series 1 as I'm not a huge fan of the 9th Doctor, so I steered away from those as I don't have much of an opinion on them (except that The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances was fabulous and definitely a worthy two-parter). The Dalek two-parter, as people have already said, would have been more powerful as a single episode, and while it was lovely to see Martha again in The Sontaren Strategem, there really wasn't enough story there to merit two episodes.

    And from the Moffat era: The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood and The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People.

    Neither of those needed to be two-parters, the stories were simply too thin. Both some of the weakest episodes of their respective series - the best part about the Flesh two-parter was the last minute of The Almost People, and the best part of Hungry Earth/Cold Blood was Madame Vastra!

    As for standalones I'd turn into two-parters, the Moffat era is an easy choice: The Wedding of River Song and The Angels Take Manhattan. Both seemed far too rushed for the scale of the plot, and I think a two-parter final story was the least Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill should have had. TWoRS was just a bit of a mess as it was trying to do far too much in 45 minutes.

    The RTD era is more difficult. School Reunion is probably the one that would have benefitted most from being a two-parter, and I struggle to pick a second one! Maybe The Doctor's Daughter would have worked better as a concept if it had been a two-parter...
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    Tom TitTom Tit Posts: 2,554
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    To be honest, most of the two parters drag. The ones that don't, from my point of view, are:

    The Empty Child
    Silence in the Library
    The Time of Angels
    The Pandorica Opens

    Hmm... I've detected a recurring theme...
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    AbominationAbomination Posts: 6,494
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    Tom Tit wrote: »
    To be honest, most of the two parters drag. The ones that don't, from my point of view, are:

    The Empty Child
    Silence in the Library
    The Time of Angels
    The Pandorica Opens

    Hmm... I've detected a recurring theme...

    And yet he wants to tell every story in 45 minutes...

    A Good Man Goes To War
    The Wedding of River Song
    The Angels Take Manhattan

    I've detected a recurring theme :P
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,246
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    I would have liked most of Series 7b to be two parters, The endings of each episode always feel rushed to me.
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    Tom TitTom Tit Posts: 2,554
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    The thing is, any Doctor Who script is a very artificial construct where everything will magically be made right at the end and nothing will ever progress. Therefore it's very difficult to actually have an interesting resolution, whilst keeping this formula. Why not just cut to the chase? I prefer it like this. Introduce the concept, hopefully clever and interesting and mentally engaging, or evocative and picturesque, or some combination thereof. Give us some nice character scenes and some nice spectacle along the way, hopefully something memorable to think about once it is over and then wrap it up; I don't really care how because it will be contrived anyway.

    And yet he wants to tell every story in 45 minutes...

    A Good Man Goes To War
    The Wedding of River Song
    The Angels Take Manhattan

    I've detected a recurring theme :P

    It's ironic. A Good Man Goes to War and Let's Kill Hitler at least was really an unofficial two-parter though. 'The Wedding of River Song' I agree had enough scope and ideas to be longer.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 611
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    I would have liked most of Series 7b to be two parters, The endings of each episode always feel rushed to me.

    Rushed enough to be two-parters? While I do think that some things have been a bit too fast, I feel like adding a second part would have the story drag on.

    An extra five minutes? I would say yes. A whole forty-three minutes? No.
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    Muttley76Muttley76 Posts: 97,888
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    Mrfipp wrote: »
    Rushed enough to be two-parters? While I do think that some things have been a bit too fast, I feel like adding a second part would have the story drag on.

    An extra five minutes? I would say yes. A whole forty-three minutes? No.

    agree, there are actually an awful lot of post 2005 stories that would benefit from five minutes more running time, but I think a far smaller number that require a full extra 45 minutes.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 204
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    For Sizing Down
    Aliens of London/World War Three
    Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel
    Human Nature/The Family of Blood
    The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People

    For Sizing Up
    The Doctor's Wife
    A Good Man Goes To War
    The Wedding of River Song
    Asylum of the Daleks,
    Dinosaurs on a Spaceship,
    The Angels Take Manhattan
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    Dalekbuster523Dalekbuster523 Posts: 4,596
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    I'd have them all standalone. Standalone episodes are simply better. They allow for a faster pace, more action and less padding. Two parters usually have a slower pace, less action and far more padding.
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    Muttley76Muttley76 Posts: 97,888
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    I must say I think it's a bit odd that 5 people think The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang could have been a single parter...I'd be really curious to know what their thought process is around that, because like the story or not, it was hardly a story that was slow paced or thin on plot....
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    HelboreHelbore Posts: 16,101
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    I pretty much went with stories that I didn't like and went on far longer than I would have wanted. So;

    Aliens of London / World War Three
    Rise of the Cybermen / Age of Steel
    Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks
    The End of Time: Parts 1 & 2

    I generally hate "The Last of the Time Lords," but "The Sound of Drums," was fantastic as it was, so I'd just want that to have a better second half (or if I'm totally honest, a better final act of the second part). That's what kept that off my list.

    "The End of Time," shouldn't have even been a single episode, imo. I think I could condense all its good points into about ten minutes - and I feel I'm being generous with the time there.
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    AbominationAbomination Posts: 6,494
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    Helbore wrote: »
    I generally hate "The Last of the Time Lords,"

    It's so weird, at the time I hated it for the 'One Year Later' jump, as it seemed really far-fetched. Never mind we can jump decades in a Moffat story :p

    These days, my only problem with the whole thing was the resolution. It wasn't even the "Godly Doctor" bit that bothered me.
    It was the 'time is reversing' aspect, which basically felt like it eliminated both threat and consequence from the story, making it somewhat redundant. I think it would have been a stronger story if The Doctor and The Master were NOT transported back to the Valiant at its ending. The Doctor would then still be ignorant of Martha's efforts across Series 3, making her exit a bit of a more powerful one in a "I've had enough" kind of way, and then when they do teleport back it would make it so much more morally intriguing when Lucy shoots The Master. :)
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    ShoppyShoppy Posts: 1,094
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    From 2005-09...
    I think the Slitheen are ridiculous so Aliens Of London/World War Three would be the first for shortening, the less screen time they get the better.
    Then I'd go for Daleks In Manhattan/Evolution Of The Daleks

    As for extending stories to two parts, It's hard with the RTD era but I'd go for maybe Gridlock which I think could have had a lot more going on given extra time and Planet Of The Ood.

    From 2010-
    Shorten The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon and The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People which whilst relevant to the series arc, both seem to drag as two-parters....

    ...Then extend AGMGTW and TWORS and give the extra time in S6 to the exposition instead of the tease.

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    Dalekbuster523Dalekbuster523 Posts: 4,596
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    Muttley76 wrote: »
    I must say I think it's a bit odd that 5 people think The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang could have been a single parter...I'd be really curious to know what their thought process is around that, because like the story or not, it was hardly a story that was slow paced or thin on plot....

    I loved the Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang but imagine how much more fast paced and amazing it would have been as a one parter. There'd be non-stop action left,right and center.
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    Mystical123Mystical123 Posts: 15,837
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    I loved the Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang but imagine how much more fast paced and amazing it would have been as a one parter. There'd be non-stop action left,right and center.

    There already was for a fair bit of it! I think it would lose all of its impact and beautiful emotional moments if it were condensed - you couldn't have the scenes with the Doctor and Rory outside the Pandorica, auton Rory and dying Amy, or when the Doctor's wired into the Pandorica and he's saying goodbye.

    Add in the bits where the Doctor's going backwards in his timeline and speaking to Amy, and the Doctor realising he's been trapped and it's already up to 45 minutes without any of the stuff in the museum or any of the set up in the first few minutes and the search for the Pandorica.

    Of all the two-parters, I think that one probably would make the least sense to condense, along with the series 1 finale.
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    Muttley76Muttley76 Posts: 97,888
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    I loved the Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang but imagine how much more fast paced and amazing it would have been as a one parter. There'd be non-stop action left,right and center.

    but it was already super fast paced, I just don't see how it could have feasibly been done in around 45 minutes.....:confused:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 611
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    Now that I think about it, I think the only one-part episode that could have been turned into a two-parter would be "The Doctor's Wife", and that's only because Neil Gaiman had a lot of ideas that didn't make the final cut. I'm sure if he could, all of those ideas would have been put to good use.

    Other than "The End of Time" Part 2, and "Journey's End" being shortened by fifteen minutes, I still don't think any two-parters would do as a single episode.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,753
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    There's loads of one parters that could benefit from being 2.

    I'm shocked at the current leader in this poll ( The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People)

    I thought those were bloody excellent. Some of the best stuff we've had in nu who I think. I wouldn't want to change it. Unless it was to a 3 parter to fit even more in. then they could show more about that company they went to at the end, and do something more about the solar energy bombarding the earth (that goes back to the Tom Baker era), which was also the reason for starship UK existing in the first place.

    Anyway. Not wanting to start a debate on the merits of this or that episode. I must be in a minority of people liking that 2-part episode(s) I guess. Fair enough- I'll go watch it by myself :p And I'm taking the popcorn with me- so there!
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    mrprossermrprosser Posts: 2,285
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    So the thread is called if one parters were two parters!

    And then you ask what 2 part stories should have been trimmed down to one part?
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    RobRob Posts: 4,176
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    Having no two-parters was Series 7's downfall in my opinion. There were some great ideas, but nearly all of them felt crammed and didn't have enough room to breath. Asylum of the Daleks could have been breathtaking as a two parter. I've always felt the Asylum was wasted so that Moffat could do his Oswin surprise. The Power of Three needed an extra part added to it as the ending was so rushed it's wasn't even funny - a shame as I thought it was Chris Chibnell's best episode for Who by far.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 903
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    two -> one parter
    -Rise of the Cybermen / Age of Steel
    -Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks
    -The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People
    and that's it

    one -> two parter
    -Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS (great potential, they were able to show there so much more)
    -Maybe The Name of the Doctor - great episode, but too important to be one-parter.
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