
Evil Dead (2013)



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    StansfieldStansfield Posts: 6,097
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    Delboy219 wrote: »
    I'm excited!

    I'm hoping to drag the gf to see it. I look forward to reading your review.
    I'm Scared!
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    Alvar HansoAlvar Hanso Posts: 2,542
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    saw, it, very watchable, jumped once but I did not find it scary, comedic at times because of it's deliberate over the topness

    it prompted me to read about the original, it's so long, since I saw Evil Dead 2, I wondered did they reference the ending of no 1, and offer any explanation for why ash would return to the same cabin, was it a memory thing or something


    does anyone know why wikipedia, along with refernces to a chaotic shoot on the first film, refers to strange happenings while shooting the 2nd

    anyone know what they are refering to, because as it is wikipedia, can't be sure there is any substance but wondered exactly what they meant
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    ASIFZEDASIFZED Posts: 1,388
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    Wasn't hoping for much and i wasn't disappointed.

    Maybe I'm just a bit jaded with these types of films, but really just an Evil Dead for the teen crowd and full of irritating characters, overly familiar events and no sense of fear or dread at all. I couldn't care less about any of these hapless sods. Yes, buckets of blood and dismemberment of limbs but so what? An uneccessary remake, made worse by an overwrought soundtrack and the horror movie cop-out; lots of loud crashes / bangs. Very nearly walked out of the film and the only saving grace is that it's reasonably short. Didn't even bother staying for the end credit bit...no need to prolong the torture. If you're in the mood for this sort of stuff, better to see The Cabin in the Woods.

    Just out of curiousity, would anyone care to share (via Spoiler warning)? Just an omen for the inevitable sequel?

    Avoid - 2/5.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,305
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    I saw it last night and liked it, but didn't love it. It wasn't a patch on the original trilogy and unfortunately most of the gory moments had been spoiled in the Red Band trailer. My main problem with the film was that i didn't really care about any of the characters, there was a big Bruce Campbell shaped hole in the film in that regard. It was an okay horror film, and definitely better than most other recent horror movies, but as a huge fan of the originals i was slightly let down. I'd still recommend it to fans though, but just tone down your expectations.
    ASIFZED wrote: »
    Just out of curiousity, would anyone care to share (via Spoiler warning)? Just an omen for the inevitable sequel?

    The post credits scene was:
    a brief shot of Bruce Campbell's face as he turns to the camera and says "Groovy" before fading to black.
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    mistygalmistygal Posts: 8,328
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    Just watched it and no I am not impressed. Sorry old maybe but would have rather watched the original on big screen. The film lacked the eerie music and creeping up one camera shots from the original. It should have been left alone, if room for NO improvement:(
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    sinbad8982sinbad8982 Posts: 1,627
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    Just watched it, didn't like it way too polished and stylised for the horror elements to be effective. For me horror needs a grungeness for it to work well. Fancy camerawork and big orchestral scores just detract from the experience and the story doesn't work that well without the humour element. 5/10 mainly for the moneyshot at the end.
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    mistygalmistygal Posts: 8,328
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    Sinbad it was just flat wasn't it? No suspense at all, no connection with the characters. Why did they change their names?
    Even if it was a new film (not remake) it would not have been scary. It was pretty pointless:(
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    GARETH197901GARETH197901 Posts: 22,291
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    mistygal wrote: »
    Sinbad it was just flat wasn't it? No suspense at all, no connection with the characters. Why did they change their names?
    Even if it was a new film (not remake) it would not have been scary. It was pretty pointless:(

    because its a reboot,not a remake
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    mistygalmistygal Posts: 8,328
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    because its a reboot,not a remake

    Right but sorry still crap
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    StansfieldStansfield Posts: 6,097
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    In the end....I wasn't scared.4/10

    Did like the final 10 mins...but waiting like fool for the end credit bit, wasn't.....
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 41
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    I love horror but this was the worst film I've seen at the cinema in a long time. Without the humour of the original it had nothing going for it imo. Was bored stupid throughout the whole film. The original Evil Dead was just 'okay' in my opinion but this was p*ss poor. Just a gore flick, no suspense, no humour, no connection to the characters. No redeeming features whatsoever. Waste of a tenner.
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    HamburgerPimpHamburgerPimp Posts: 36
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    dlm88888 wrote: »
    I love horror but this Without the humour of the original it had nothing going for it imo. Was bored stupid throughout the whole film. was the worst film I've seen at the cinema in a long time.The original Evil Dead was just 'okay' in my opinion but this was p*ss poor. Just a gore flick, no suspense, no humour, no connection to the characters. No redeeming features whatsoever. Waste of a tenner.

    ah, the mythical 'humour' of the original crops up again.. i'd love to see some evidence of all the hilarity that i've missed on my many viewings of this horror classic :confused:
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    GARETH197901GARETH197901 Posts: 22,291
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    ah, the mythical 'humour' of the original crops up again.. i'd love to see some evidence of all the hilarity that i've missed on my many viewings of this horror classic :confused:

    exactly,Evil Dead 2 had some darker humour in it,the original was pretty much bereft of humour
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 905
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    Scared :eek: for this:eek:
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    brangdonbrangdon Posts: 14,131
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    it prompted me to read about the original, it's so long, since I saw Evil Dead 2, I wondered did they reference the ending of no 1, and offer any explanation for why ash would return to the same cabin, was it a memory thing or something
    As I recall, the end of the first film and the start of the second film both have an almost identical scene in which the forest entity rushes towards Ash. If you've seen the first film, you should start the second film there so they follow on directly. The bit that comes before in the second film is set-up for people who missed the first film, and isn't really compatible with it.
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    NorfolkBoy1NorfolkBoy1 Posts: 4,109
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    I really enjoyed it. I'm not a horror movie fan as such, and haven't seen the originals, except maybe Evil Dead 2 about 20 years ago. I hate the trend for torture-porn since the advent of Saw, things like Paranormal Activity bore me to tears, and I hated recent 15-rated jump-fests like Insidious and The Posession.

    This was great, no elongated build-up, no reliance on one-trick ponyness, It mixed up a few suspenseful jumps with plenty of balls-out gore. The last 45 minutes were pretty relentlessly unpleasant, so much so I had to go on the internet and watch some cute cat videos just to wind my brain down before bed on Wednesday night.

    I just found it a refreshing change from the tripe that's been labelled "horror" in the cinema in recent years. 7/10
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 529
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    I wasn't that keen on it, it was OK, I should point out i'm not a massive horror fan (i like it, i just haven't seen absolutely everything like some) and only saw the original within the past year or so but this was a bit flat for me.

    Also, i had 'Cabin In The Woods' running through my mind, "Ok, I'm drawing a line in the f*cking sand. Do NOT read the Latin!" :D
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    TremseTremse Posts: 864
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    Poor script, poor acting, poor special effects, characters you don't care about, not particularly scary - and a relief when it finally ended....

    I love a good horror film, sadly this was one of the worst I've ever seen. :yawn:
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    mistygalmistygal Posts: 8,328
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    because its a reboot,not a remake

    Oh dear the excuses reboot what? remake? :rolleyes:
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    GARETH197901GARETH197901 Posts: 22,291
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    mistygal wrote: »
    Oh dear the excuses reboot what? remake? :rolleyes:

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    AchtungAchtung Posts: 10,480
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    Finally got round to seeing this on the bank holiday.

    Pros :

    It was quite fast paced, you didn't feel bored.

    I liked the way it had its own little story, it wasn't just a copy of the original.

    The actors put in quite a convincing performance.

    I liked the first 20 minutes of the film, you got a real sense of tension building up.

    I was cringing in parts at some of the gory scenes but it was still "comic book gore" in tune with an Evil Dead film not the Saw type.

    Cons :

    Because they were there for an intervention for the main female character, the characters were all very glum. To balance out the horror, it would have been good to have some proper human interaction between them, I don't think I saw any of them smile.

    The cabin seemed claustrophobic, it didn't have a sense of space about it, like everything was filmed quite close up so I think that was a missed opportunity to create more of an atmosphere.

    The cinematography, while excellent quality, had a pop video feel to it, if you know what I mean, at times it didn't actually feel like a film. More stylised than atmospheric.

    There was no real sense of eeriness or dread. The tension was building nicely at first but what the latter 2/3 of the film lacked was a creepy scary atmosphere, there were no moments where the action is suspended and you're left feeling nervous as to what is going to happen next, hardly any of the deadites were lurking around, they all got finished off fairly quickly.

    The deadites weren't animated enough, I'm sure they didn't speak either apart from the main one or when they turned back to human for a bit.

    Erm, that's about it. The final part ratched up the action and was good and I didn't expect what happened with that bit with the car, eek!

    All in all, it was entertaining in a way, sort of like The Exorcist meets The Thing remake meets The Evil Dead with a bit of tension mixed in with numbness but sadly not enough of a scary atmosphere though.

    Oh, and there was some black humour too, people are saying it wasn't humorous but there are bits in there.

    I'd give it a solid 6/10
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6,900
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    We opted for the Sky Box Office screening this afternoon, hoping that it would be a decent homage to the original. In fact it wasn't. Fans of blood and guts get their quota, but beyond that there's not much else to recommend it! Very disappointed.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,538
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    Stuart1000 wrote: »
    Anyone excited about this?

    I'm going to a preview screening tomorrow night and already dreading it.

    It was utterly dreadful.
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