
Create Your Own Series 8

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 611
Forum Member
Got the idea from another thread, so I decided to create one of my own.

Point of this is rather simple: Create your own Series 8, consiting of thirteen episodes. Come up with thirteen episodes, give them titles and summaries. I want to see the sort of ideas some people can come up with, and how intersting they can be.

(No one try to take this too seriously, it's for fun.)

Here are some examples of what I came up with.

1. The Blood Galaxy (Future, Space Station Sunset)(Part 1)
The Doctor and Clara arrive on The Sunset, a space station used to mine minerals on the acidic planet below. Things seem to be suspicious on the mining shuttles, but only get worse: In 24 hours, the entire solar system, and all its inhabited planets, will be destroyed in the bloodiest battle of the Sontaran-Ruton War.

2. Tales of War (Future, Space Station Sunset, Sontaran/Ruton Battleships)(Part 2)
With Clara on the Sontarans' ship, and him on the Rutons', the Doctor must try to get them to take their battle somewhere where no innocents will be killed. But who is Miss Red, and why is she trying to go for 100% casualties for everyone?

3. The Great Space Heist (Future, Bank)
Rather confusing to the Doctor, Clara wants to see how banks in the future work. Fine, but sadly the day they decide to check it out is the day it gets robbed. Can they protect the hostages and defeat this space-age Bonnie and Clyde?

4. Penultimate Evolution (1500, Ayers Rock)
The Doctor and Clara arrive in Australia's past, and find that the great rock, Uluru, is nowhere to be seen. Do the natives have a clue on where it's gone, and why is it a bad idea for it to be returned? It seems that everything in Australia is out to kill everything else.

5. Tales of Famine (1850, Ireland)
Arriving during a terrible period in Ireland's history, the Doctor and Clara discover someone named Mr. Brown, and he wants the Irish to starve, and may very well be the cause.

6. The Spread of Axos (Future, Alien Planet Hennith)(Part 1)
Deciding to recharge the TARDIS on planet close to a rift, the Doctor is shocked to see the local military actually trying to open it. What's worse, the Axos have their own plans for it. But is there something else lurking in the shadows?

7. The Hole in Space (Future, Alien Planet Hennith)(Part 2)
The Axos are defeated, but the Master has returned. With the rift tearing open, the world is close to being swallowed. What just does the Master need it for? The Doctor must deal with his old foe, while Clara is trapped inside the TARDIS, the Master's TARDIS that is.

8. Shock Factor (1752, Philadelphia)
The Doctor and Clara may have accidentally erased Benjamin Franklin from history. With the TARDIS out of commission, can they restore the founding father to the web of time before he's meant to discover electricity? Or is mankind doomed to stay in darkness?

9. Tales of Pestilence (Future, Alien Planet Theon IV)
The once great capital of Theon IV is rotted with sickness, and the Doctor has a hunch. With the help of a new friend, can they defeat Mr. Green and get some answers?

10. The Nimbus Revolution (Future, Alien Planet, Cloud City Nimbus)
On the request of the new Companion, the Doctor takes him and Clara a place he's always wanted to see: Cloud City Nimbus! A paradise in the sky! Unfortunately, the attacking dragon seems to be putting a bit of a downer on things.

11. The Red-Eyed Mouse (3003, Japan)
Somehow, to the Doctor's amazement, he now finds himself the leader of a gang of cyborg samurais, and must somehow stage a robbery of cybernetics lest his Companions die. Can he use a cyber-sword with Venusian Aikido?

12. Tales of Death (Modern Day Earth)(Part 1)
Seven Billion people dead. Every man, woman and child, all gone. Miss Black laughs. The Master screams. The Companions plead. The Doctor...

13. The End (????)(Part 2)
Once upon a time the Doctor saved the life of a child. This was the greatest mistake of his life, and now the universe must suffer. Can it be saved? Is it right to save it?


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    big brother 9big brother 9 Posts: 18,157
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    episode 1. the doctor dies for the final time. the end
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    jackamakkajackamakka Posts: 4,625
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    What if Matt Smith's last episode was the 2013 Christmas Special, but it wasn't announced he was leaving...

    This is my Series Overview for the version of Series 8 I'm writing in my own time for fun, possibly going to end up on FanFic as a script. There are some random notes and not very developed ideas but I'm working on it :)

    In a real sense, I've wrote Chris Chibnall as the new showrunner as I really want him to be ;)

    Teaser for the series
    The Doctor awakes alone in the TARDIS with a new body and without his companion, Clara. The main aspect of the first half of the series is the Doctor trying to figure out what happened to him to cause his regeneration and where is Clara. Over the course of 1.1, the Doctor makes an unlikely friend in Julia Green, a normal woman in a normal life. Proclaimed to be having the worst day of her life, she follows the Doctor as he tries to retrace his steps, landing first in an office block where Julia works...


    8.1 - The Mystery of the Doctor (1/2)
    by Chris Chibnall
    The Doctor’s trying to find out why he regenerated and where Clara ended up. Meets Julia, she gets too curious and they end up somewhere dangerous together. He insists she keeps out of his life – she’s having none of it. She’s onto him for sure. Julia ends up being left behind at the end of the episode. Considering Cybermen. Just two or three though – keep the storyline intense for the first few episodes.

    8.2 - The Elusive Blue Box (2/2)
    by Chris Chibnall
    When Julia gets left behind on Earth, she becomes fixated on finding the Doctor again. Tries meeting with Torchwood in Cardiff, Sarah Jane on Bannerman Road but no avail (Obviously, Torchwood no longer exists in Cardiff after Children of Earth and we’re implying that SJS moved on from Bannerman Road). Eventually gives up before finding the phone number transmitted in The Stolen Earth. The phone can be heard from the TARDIS control room but it is empty. The Doctor is out on a mission to find Clara, using the stored co-ordinates of recent visits from the TARDIS. Bringing in a Weeping Angel, digitally inserting a full cavern of them on what would be considered their home planet. The Doctor is trying to get information from them but is discovered. Angels attempt to steal the TARDIS. The Doctor gives them an offset from the Eye of Harmony to feed them temporarily whilst making his escape. Finds the phone eventually and gives into Julia’s requests.

    8.3 - The Challenge
    by Stephen Thompson
    Essentially, this episode is one big test for Julia to see if she can handle the pressures of travelling with the Doctor. Not really a clear outline, new creatures would be necessary however after Cybermen and Angels in 1.1/1.2. Some more background links on the Regeneration/Where’s Clara mystery, not obvious to the Doctor.

    8.4 - Shadows of the Fields
    by Mark Gatiss
    Vietnam War with the Doctor and Julia. Introduction of the Shadows and their technology of experimental teleportation. They turn out to be trying to repair a broken down shuttle on the Moon. The "Shadows" are really part of the crew capturing Vietnamese soldiers to use as hosts for their systems to allow them to leave. Introduction of Dr Melanie Trousse - a mysterious doctor who works onboard the shuttle and has taken over after the crash. This episode is essentially a minor foreshadow of bigger things to come.

    Mid-Series Finale: 8.5 - Army of the Daleks
    by Chris Chibnall
    End of the Where’s Clara mystery. The Daleks had her for reasons unknown, will be made more clear in 1.12/1.13. Reappearance of the Cybermen and the Angels. A big fight scene between the three powerhouse aliens. Julia is taken home by the Doctor, with him believing she has served her purpose in helping him find Clara. She’s quite disheartened, especially after 1.1/1.2 and some clear thinking from her in this episode. As she enters her living room she is met by Melanie Trousse (1.4).

    (Mid-Series break, 2 weeks off)

    8.6 - Surveillance
    by Chris Chibnall
    Returning Clara to her own time period and allowing her some time to rest. Flashback filled episode, with some hints as to how the regeneration may have occurred. Matt Smith back as Eleven, featuring some Daleks and Cybermen. Also something has changed at the Maitland’s house, a silent alien invasion. Cameras watching the children and Clara’s every move. Tracking them back to somewhere sinister. In development, more to come – setting up some further stuff for 1.12/1.13 essentially. Some more sinister-ness from Melanie Trousse who appears to be using Julia as her companion now to get to the Doctor.

    8.7 - The Blackout (1/2)
    8.8 - The Dark Universe (2/2)

    by Tom MacRae
    Based on “Revolution” (American show, shown on Sky 1 in 2013). The power has went out on Earth, expanding outwards – almost like an earthquake and it’s shockwaves – across the universe. Something is stealing the power, but what? Lots of space FX, lots of explosions. Set a little in the future, say 2103 as Earth has reached the limits of its fossil fuels meaning 99% of everything is powered by alternative sources. Nothing electrical works, across the universe. Big epic adventure with the Doctor and Clara trying to trace these Electricity Leeches. In my original plans I specifically outlined the return of the Axons (Third Doctor/Master storyline) but they’re not compulsory. It is a similar kind of species so they could be related?

    8.9 - Return to the Planet of the Cybermen
    by Toby Whithouse
    Yes, pun on Return to the Planet of the Apes. An episode looking deep into the theology of the Cybermen. They’ve just been there as given since RTD’s Series 2. Let’s look at the original Mondas/Telos Cybermen and where they originated from. Exploration of the ruins of Mondas, the remaining pre-converted beings on Telos. The creator of the Cybermen perhaps? Or his legacy.

    8.10 - The Oswald Legacy
    by Neil Cross
    What makes Clara, Clara? The Girl Who Waited looked so much into Amy and Rory’s relationship why not do something similar just looking into Clara’s mind? (Main idea, to be developed HEAVILY)

    8.11 - Heart of the TARDIS
    by Neil Gaiman
    TARDIS-based fun episode. Not as heavy as JTTCOTT storyline wise, more just a fun exploration of the TARDIS as Clara and the Doctor end up lost when the Arch-Recon goes faulty. Some more stuff based around the Eye of Harmony and it's origins, learning more about TARDISes than ever before

    8.12 - The Tenth Regeneration (1/2)
    8.13 - The Funeral of Clara Oswald (2/2)

    by Chris Chibnall
    Matt Smith’s back with some extra flashback work as Eleven. Julia Green and Melanie Trousse make reappearances as allies of the Daleks. The Cybermen and the Angels also return in one epic finale. 1.5 and 1.6 gives a taste of what the finale would offer, with the fight between the Daleks, Cybermen and Angels. It answers so many questions posed throughout the series:
    Why did the Doctor regenerate?
    Why did Clara end up missing and then found with the Daleks?
    What is Melanie Trousse’s problem with the Doctor?
    Why is Julia working with her?
    And I will disclose some tantalising information – the very last episode will be called “The Funeral of Clara Oswald”. Ooooooh!

    So that's my ideas...yeah...
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    MulettMulett Posts: 9,078
    Forum Member
    I only managed nine episodes!

    1. BFF
    The newly regenerated Doctor crash lands the TARDIS in modern-day Essex, and becomes quickly embroiled in an alien plot to turn the population into mindless zombies using sun beds and spray tans. With the Doctor helplessly strapped to a massage table, can trainee beautician Wendi save the human race?

    2. OMG
    The Doctor takes Wendi into the distant future to show how face-lifts evolve into a more drastic form of plastic surgery called ‘flattening’. But someone’s waiting for the Doctor to return, and Wendi’s moisturising skills might be just what’s needed to save the day.

    3. LOL
    Wendi’s life long dream of meeting Charlie Chaplin is about to come true, with a trip to Hollywood in the 1920s. But she and the Doctor quickly discover it’s dangerous to be on set when the director shouts ‘Cut’. And there’s a terrifying reason why so many silent stars failed to make it into the talkies.

    4. TBC
    The Doctor shows his young companion her first alien world, but isn’t sure where they’ve landed and is disturbed to find the entire population vanished. Separated from Wendi by earthquakes and blazing meteorites, the Doctor realises he’s accidentally brought her to a world just hours from destruction. With a giant comet on collision course and deadly robots scouring the planet for abandoned valuables, is the Time Lord finally about to run out of time?

    5. ETA
    With the clock counting down to destruction, the Doctor must fight killer robots and avoid meteor showers to rescue Wendi and find the TARDIS. But his young companion has made discoveries of her own that could prove the history books were wrong, and that a collision with a comet wasn’t the cause of the planet’s destruction.

    6. IMO
    The Doctor becomes an internet sensation when he’s caught on camera telling Wendi’s local councillor why humans should abandon money and exchange acts of kindness instead. Arriving back a year later, the Doctor realises his words have created a political movement that has swept the planet and destroyed the global economy. His only option is to go back and change time. But an old adversary has done very well out of Earth’s new trading systems and isn’t about to give it up without a fight.

    7. TGIF
    The Doctor takes Wendi to the planet Friday, so-called because the controlling computer system is caught in a perpetual loop preventing anyone from having a day off work. The Doctor tries to fix the system but finds the fault may not have been accidental. Meanwhile, Wendi is processed by the dreaded HR Army which wants to put her beautician skills to deadly use.

    8. TTYS
    Wendi’s travels with the Doctor have come to an end. But his attempts to return her home are foiled when the TARDIS is flung into the farthest corner of time and space. With the Doctor out of the way, his enemies move to destroy everything he cares about. Trapped onboard a dying TARDIS and quickly running out of time, the Doctor must work out if his new BFF is friend or foe?

    9. WTF
    It’s all to play for, as all the clues from the Doctor’s recent adventures fall into place and he faces the truth about his new travelling companion, Wendi. But with friends across time and space rushing to his side, can the Doctor save the universe from being plunged into a battle even greater than the time war?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 138
    Forum Member
    Give mine a bash - probably a wee bit fanwanky

    8.1 - Message in a Bottle 1/3 - Dealing with the aftermath of the events at Trenzalore, the Doctor and Clara set off for some rest and relaxation, but a mysterious message from the Doctors past leads to a shocking find in ancient egypt, and details of the doctors past are revealed

    8.2 - Ulysses 2/3 - Exploring the Doctors Fathers Tardis that was uncovered in ancient egypt, the doctor uncovers a prophecy that despite the efforts in the time war, Gallifrey will return. Desperately trying to ensure this does not happen the doctor and clara return to the moment but nothing goes to plan.

    8.3 - The Moment 3/3 - Trapped in a familiar part of the Doctors past - the doctor and clara must ensure that events unfold as before which means the doctor and clara must steal away in the tardis when it first leaves Gallifrey but must not let his 1st incarnation spot them. End of the episode leads to Gallifreys return

    8.4 - Hiding in eternity- Gallifrey has returned and the timelords are searching for the Doctor - desperate the doctor hides the tardis all over time and space after sending clara home to keep her safe. But ultimately the tardis is snared and sent back to Gallifrey

    8.5 - Summary Judgement 1/2 - On trial for the actions in the timewar the Doctor is facing punishment for the timelock, however help comes from an unexpected corner ( Paul McGann and John Simm star as you've guessed)

    8.6 - Summary Judgement 2/2 - The Doctor and his 8th incarnation explain the timewar actions to the Timelord Council, aided for once by the Master, however predictably is betrayed which leads to a fatal confrontation ( The 8th Doctor is fatally wounded and regenerates)

    8.7 - Golden Fire - Although the trial is over the events in the last moment of the Trial, the doctor has no choice but to regenerate. But when all seems lost the woman in white has a solution

    8.8 - The Funhouse- Picking Clara up, the Doctor and Clara head off to the funhouse planet for much needed rest, however the Clowns are not as they seem and people are dying with a smile on their face

    8.9 - The Fourth Wall - While visiting Claras house - the doctor happens to catch a very familiar story on television about a mad man with a box, ( Trickster episode )

    8.10 - The Meddlesome Monk 1/2 - History has been altered and the Timelords have asked the doctor to investigate which leads to a familiar reunion with the meddling monk

    8.11 - Times Up 2/2 - The monk, very much more dangerous than the last time the doctor encountered him, has the upper hand and the doctor is tested to the limit.

    8.12 - Death of a Faithful companion - The plan set in motion by the monk leads to the Tardis being destroyed, this leads the doctor down a very dark path

    8.13 - Hope - Lost without the Tardis the doctor has all but given up, but an old ally in white (white guardian) offers hope, but a sacrifice has to be made ( the final minutes of the episode have the doctor voluntarily triggering a regeneration while next to the heart of the tardis and giving life

    I know its mostly centered around gallifrey and its totally a fanboys dream but i liked it :D
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    Granny McSmithGranny McSmith Posts: 19,622
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    Mulett wrote: »
    I only managed nine episodes!

    1. BFF
    The newly regenerated Doctor crash lands the TARDIS in modern-day Essex, and becomes quickly embroiled in an alien plot to turn the population into mindless zombies using sun beds and spray tans. With the Doctor helplessly strapped to a massage table, can trainee beautician Wendi save the human race?

    2. OMG
    The Doctor takes Wendi into the distant future to show how face-lifts evolve into a more drastic form of plastic surgery called ‘flattening’. But someone’s waiting for the Doctor to return, and Wendi’s moisturising skills might be just what’s needed to save the day.

    3. LOL
    Wendi’s life long dream of meeting Charlie Chaplin is about to come true, with a trip to Hollywood in the 1920s. But she and the Doctor quickly discover it’s dangerous to be on set when the director shouts ‘Cut’. And there’s a terrifying reason why so many silent stars failed to make it into the talkies.

    4. TBC
    The Doctor shows his young companion her first alien world, but isn’t sure where they’ve landed and is disturbed to find the entire population vanished. Separated from Wendi by earthquakes and blazing meteorites, the Doctor realises he’s accidentally brought her to a world just hours from destruction. With a giant comet on collision course and deadly robots scouring the planet for abandoned valuables, is the Time Lord finally about to run out of time?

    5. ETA
    With the clock counting down to destruction, the Doctor must fight killer robots and avoid meteor showers to rescue Wendi and find the TARDIS. But his young companion has made discoveries of her own that could prove the history books were wrong, and that a collision with a comet wasn’t the cause of the planet’s destruction.

    6. IMO
    The Doctor becomes an internet sensation when he’s caught on camera telling Wendi’s local councillor why humans should abandon money and exchange acts of kindness instead. Arriving back a year later, the Doctor realises his words have created a political movement that has swept the planet and destroyed the global economy. His only option is to go back and change time. But an old adversary has done very well out of Earth’s new trading systems and isn’t about to give it up without a fight.

    7. TGIF
    The Doctor takes Wendi to the planet Friday, so-called because the controlling computer system is caught in a perpetual loop preventing anyone from having a day off work. The Doctor tries to fix the system but finds the fault may not have been accidental. Meanwhile, Wendi is processed by the dreaded HR Army which wants to put her beautician skills to deadly use.

    8. TTYS
    Wendi’s travels with the Doctor have come to an end. But his attempts to return her home are foiled when the TARDIS is flung into the farthest corner of time and space. With the Doctor out of the way, his enemies move to destroy everything he cares about. Trapped onboard a dying TARDIS and quickly running out of time, the Doctor must work out if his new BFF is friend or foe?

    9. WTF
    It’s all to play for, as all the clues from the Doctor’s recent adventures fall into place and he faces the truth about his new travelling companion, Wendi. But with friends across time and space rushing to his side, can the Doctor save the universe from being plunged into a battle even greater than the time war?

    Brilliant. I want to see this. :)

    What about an episode called MYA, after the Doctor takes Wendi back home?
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
    Forum Member
    Okay here goes, if only for my own amusement! :D

    1: Deja voux Part 1 The Doctor and Clara intend to take a short trip back to Clara's home, so she can check in. But all is not what it seems when familiar events begin to take place once more.

    2: Wise man Part 2 With the realisation that the repeating events are draining the world of it's energy, the Doctor and Clara are in a race against time to stop it before the world hits a point of chaos that will lead to it's own destruction. (I should point out that the wise man would be someone at the end of the episode revealing something to the Doctor which would start the seasons arc. As what that is I have no idea yet, give me time! :D )

    Edit- Will continue in a bit.
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    Sophie ~Oohie~Sophie ~Oohie~ Posts: 10,395
    Forum Member
    episode 1. the doctor dies for the final time. the end
    Why?! :eek::(
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
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    Banks246 wrote: »
    Okay here goes, if only for my own amusement! :D

    1: Deja voux Part 1 The Doctor and Clara intend to take a short trip back to Clara's home, so she can check in. But all is not what it seems when familiar events begin to take place once more.

    2: Wise man Part 2 With the realisation that the repeating events are draining the world of it's energy, the Doctor and Clara are in a race against time to stop it before the world hits a point of chaos that will lead to it's own destruction. (I should point out that the wise man would be someone at the end of the episode revealing something to the Doctor which would start the seasons arc. As what that is I have no idea yet, give me time! :D )

    Edit- Will continue in a bit.


    3: Red giant As usual the Doctor is showing off and decides to show Clara the end of the human sun, when all hell breaks lose when the TARDIS mysteriously powers down, leaving them completely exposed to the sun expanding. Causing them to need to fix the TARDIS in double quick time before they get swallowed whole.in 30 minutes time. (This episode would be as close to real time as possible, inspired by an episode format from another TV series called MASH. If you have seen it before you may know the one I am talking about.)

    4: Captain Jack The Doctor get's a mysterious message via his psychic paper asking for help from a man claiming to be Captain Jack, location the year 3025 on earth. Buoyed by the fact he can show Clara a past friend he rushes off to the rescue. Only to find the person is not captain Jack at all. Who is this mysterious man? And how was he able to send a signal to his psychic paper? (I will point out that the episode would somehow be key to the arc and the man will be revealed to the audience in some shocking manner to be the an earlier version of the wise man, but the Doctor will not find this out.)
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    tomwozheretomwozhere Posts: 1,081
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    Banks246 wrote: »

    3: Red giant As usual the Doctor is showing off and decides to show Clara the end of the human sun, when all hell breaks lose when the TARDIS mysteriously powers down, leaving them completely exposed to the sun expanding. Causing them to need to fix the TARDIS in double quick time before they get swallowed whole.in 30 minutes time. (This episode would be as close to real time as possible, inspired by an episode format from another TV series called MASH. If you have seen it before you may know the one I am talking about.)

    4: Captain Jack The Doctor get's a mysterious message via his psychic paper asking for help from a man claiming to be Captain Jack, location the year 3025 on earth. Buoyed by the fact he can show Clara a past friend he rushes off to the rescue. Only to find the person is not captain Jack at all. Who is this mysterious man? And how was he able to send a signal to his psychic paper? (I will point out that the episode would somehow be key to the arc and the man will be revealed to the audience in some shocking manner to be the an earlier version of the wise man, but the Doctor will not find this out.)

    Red Giant sounds much like 42 :)
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
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    Banks246 wrote: »

    3: Red giant As usual the Doctor is showing off and decides to show Clara the end of the human sun, when all hell breaks lose when the TARDIS mysteriously powers down, leaving them completely exposed to the sun expanding. Causing them to need to fix the TARDIS in double quick time before they get swallowed whole.in 30 minutes time. (This episode would be as close to real time as possible, inspired by an episode format from another TV series called MASH. If you have seen it before you may know the one I am talking about.)

    4: Captain Jack The Doctor get's a mysterious message via his psychic paper asking for help from a man claiming to be Captain Jack, location the year 3025 on earth. Buoyed by the fact he can show Clara a past friend he rushes off to the rescue. Only to find the person is not captain Jack at all. Who is this mysterious man? And how was he able to send a signal to his psychic paper? (I will point out that the episode would somehow be key to the arc and the man will be revealed to the audience in some shocking manner to be the an earlier version of the wise man, but the Doctor will not find this out.)


    5: Alone The Doctor arrives at a spooky abandoned house alone, as he just dropped off Clara so she can catch up with her babysitting. A petrified looking young man is found cowering at the foot of the steps at the front of the house. Where are the people disappearing to, and what is causing the electrical surges which seems to be blowing the electrical readings on the TARDIS off the chart coming from?

    6:Escape The Doctor wakes up in a completely white room, no memory of where he is, what happened and where Clara is. As the Doctor explores the seemingly abandoned facility, all is not what it seems, when he realises he has been watched since the beginning.
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
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    tomwozhere wrote: »
    Red Giant sounds much like 42 :)

    Yeah and slightly half of Amy's choice as well, I won't lie I combined the two! :D

    Just liked the idea of the title Red giant. :):p
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
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    Banks246 wrote: »

    5: Alone The Doctor arrives at a spooky abandoned house alone, as he just dropped off Clara so she can catch up with her babysitting. A petrified looking young man is found cowering at the foot of the steps at the front of the house. Where are the people disappearing to, and what is causing the electrical surges which seems to be blowing the electrical readings on the TARDIS off the chart coming from?

    6:Escape The Doctor wakes up in a completely white room, no memory of where he is, what happened and where Clara is. As the Doctor explores the seemingly abandoned facility, all is not what it seems, when he realises he has been watched since the beginning.

    7: Paranoia The Doctor and Clara land on a planet called Serafyls (found online, sounded cool). Things start off pleasant enough, trying the local cuisine when they meet what seems like a nice kind stranger offering them a tour around town. But as they start touring he becomes increasingly paranoid that the Doctor and Clara are in fact spies sent here by his brother to take him away. After looking into this further the Doctor discovers that this is not an isolated case. Can the Doctor and Clara discover what is behind this outbreak of paranoia?

    8: Fallen Angel: The Doctor and Clara land on planet Gabriel (see what I did there!), a once great planet that has fallen from it's great heights and now just a slum for the poor and criminals. Clara wonders why the Doctor has brought her here, when she realises that just maybe if the Doctor can help get this once great planet back on track it is something that can help keep his own personal demons at bay. (This episode will very much be an episode to explore the Doctor some more and bond Clara and the Doctor closer together).
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
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    Banks246 wrote: »
    7: Paranoia The Doctor and Clara land on a planet called Serafyls (found online, sounded cool). Things start off pleasant enough, trying the local cuisine when they meet what seems like a nice kind stranger offering them a tour around town. But as they start touring he becomes increasingly paranoid that the Doctor and Clara are in fact spies sent here by his brother to take him away. After looking into this further the Doctor discovers that this is not an isolated case. Can the Doctor and Clara discover what is behind this outbreak of paranoia?

    8: Fallen Angel: The Doctor and Clara land on planet Gabriel (see what I did there!), a once great planet that has fallen from it's great heights and now just a slum for the poor and criminals. Clara wonders why the Doctor has brought her here, when she realises that just maybe if the Doctor can help get this once great planet back on track it is something that can help keep his own personal demons at bay. (This episode will very much be an episode to explore the Doctor some more and bond Clara and the Doctor closer together).

    9: Skaro Part 1 The Doctor is flying the TARDIS with Clara a sleep in the chair, when suddenly the TARDIS is dragged towards a place it should never be able to get to. On landing he realises he has landed on Skaro, the home of his old enemy, the Daleks. How has this happened? How could this happen? And can he and Clara escape before getting discovered by the Daleks and badly altering time and space as we know it?

    10: Mission impossible Part 2 The Doctor and Clara have what seems like an impossible job to destroy what ever device the Daleks have which seems to have pulled their TARDIS to Skaro. He knows that his first incarnation is due to arrive here any day now and he would much rather be out of here before that happens.
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
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    Banks246 wrote: »
    9: Skaro Part 1 The Doctor is flying the TARDIS with Clara a sleep in the chair, when suddenly the TARDIS is dragged towards a place it should never be able to get to. On landing he realises he has landed on Skaro, the home of his old enemy, the Daleks. How has this happened? How could this happen? And can he and Clara escape before getting discovered by the Daleks and badly altering time and space as we know it?

    10: Mission impossible Part 2 The Doctor and Clara have what seems like an impossible job to destroy what ever device the Daleks have which seems to have pulled their TARDIS to Skaro. He knows that his first incarnation is due to arrive here any day now and he would much rather be out of here before that happens.

    11: The Sontaron hearing: After what the Doctor thought would be a quiet visit to Victorian London, he and Clara meets Vastra and Jenny who tells him that Strax has been kidnapped. On discovery that the Sontron's have taken Strax back home to appear in front of the high court of the Sontaron race to face trial for treason, it is up to the Doctor to put on his lawyer hat and prove his innocence. (inspired by other posters on here, just to good a story to pass up)! The end of this episode will see the return of the wise man, but this time the Doctor will find out he was the one from Captain Jack.
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
    Forum Member
    Banks246 wrote: »
    11: The Sontaron hearing: After what the Doctor thought would be a quiet visit to Victorian London, he and Clara meets Vastra and Jenny who tells him that Strax has been kidnapped. On discovery that the Sontron's have taken Strax back home to appear in front of the high court of the Sontaron race to face trial for treason, it is up to the Doctor to put on his lawyer hat and prove his innocence. (inspired by other posters on here, just to good a story to pass up)! The end of this episode will see the return of the wise man, but this time the Doctor will find out he was the one from Captain Jack.

    12: Repeat The Doctor realises that his solution to Deja voux was not a permanent one upon the return of the wise man, and this time it is split across the whole of space and time. The energy from everything is being drained, to the point that the universe will become just a massive ball of chaos and destruction.

    13: The end With the death of Clara and the wise man, he is now alone. Everything is spiraling out of control, and he has only one option. He needs to blow the TARDIS up at the heart of the Medusa Cascade, which is at the heart of the rift. This will cause the whole universe to die and restart a fresh, is this it? Is this the end of everything as we know it? Or is there another way? Something even the Doctor has missed.
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
    Forum Member
    Banks246 wrote: »
    12: Repeat The Doctor realises that his solution to Deja voux was not a permanent one upon the return of the wise man, and this time it is split across the whole of space and time. The energy from everything is being drained, to the point that the universe will become just a massive ball of chaos and destruction.

    13: The end With the death of Clara and the wise man, he is now alone. Everything is spiraling out of control, and he has only one option. He needs to blow the TARDIS up at the heart of the Medusa Cascade, which is at the heart of the rift. This will cause the whole universe to die and restart a fresh, is this it? Is this the end of everything as we know it? Or is there another way? Something even the Doctor has missed.

    Have to say I thoroughly enjoyed that, even if I was just talking to myself. :D

    Wish I had the creativeness to come up with full stories and scripts now. :p
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    Sophie ~Oohie~Sophie ~Oohie~ Posts: 10,395
    Forum Member
    Some of these ideas are really interesting, guys. :) I won't put my own because they will sound rather bad and not varied enough compared to the ones that have already been posted. :o:)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 138
    Forum Member
    dont let that put you off sophie - its all in good fun, I want to do series 9 now lol
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
    Forum Member
    Some of these ideas are really interesting, guys. :) I won't put my own because they will sound rather bad and not varied enough compared to the ones that have already been posted. :o:)

    Awww come on!!! Post just one episode! :) A Christmas special if you like.
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    bbll22bbll22 Posts: 527
    Forum Member
    Well for me, I'd play it a little risky and not have a female companion and just a male companion for the whole series. His name is Freddie James and he's a soldier serving out in Afghanistan.

    At the end of the first ep, Freddie lies to the Doctor that he gets leave from the front line but in actual fact deserts his post due to the loss he's endured. The Doctor is oblivious to it all, and the series will revolve around Freddie's decision and it's consequences...so here goes my S8:

    Sandstorm Freddie James is a soldier serving in Afghanistan but after a chance encouter with a man and his weird screwdriver back home, his life will never be the same again as sand is taking over soldiers lives on the front line. Whispers in the wind and rumbles under the ground will reveal a long waiting race (not Silurians! :p) are ready to rise and create the perfect sandstorm to find their new leader.

    The Lurking Metal Taking Freddie on his first trip, the pair land on Planet Eight in it's disposal quadrant. After encountering Marisa McGill of the Blue Star Defence and her team, pieces of a mystery are formed together with the realisation that the quadrant is under threat from a dismantled but still deadly army of Cybermen.

    Traitor Lady Dulcie Graham-Rome is a lonely widow in the 1930's who is in need of company and after the Doctor and Freddie visit her big manor out of the blue, the sudden disappearence of Dulcie's maid in the manor brings to the fore the supposed tragic death of the Lady of the Manor's sister. Something happened to Gladys and she's wanting to let everyone know. Her time has arrived...

    More posted shortly! :)
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    bbll22bbll22 Posts: 527
    Forum Member
    bbll22 wrote: »
    More posted shortly! :)

    Loss A futuristic dockside is the Doctor and Freddie's next port (:cool:) of call and after seeing locals bicker and fight over what the bereft Langfoll's are doing in their crates, the Doctor and Freddie investigate and soon discover a world of mangled aliens and enemies that are being cut up and used for one purpose that shocks Freddie to the core...

    To Kill a King Visiting the royal collection of art on Crane Carso, the Doctor and Freddie chance encounter with King Stuart Crane soon sees Freddie kidnapped by the Brigade of Abhorrence - a sector of society who want to kill King Stuart - and reclaim Crane Carso for themselves. Mary Endeavour is the Brigade's leader and hides a secret that the widowed King will be surprised by, but the fight is on for the Doctor to save the King and most of all, keep Freddie safe.

    The Final Stop Part 1 A trip back to the present day sees UNIT call in the Doctor to see out a problem on the London Underground. People have been disappearing for a long time now, and led by Colonel Felicity (Flick) Jorgensen, the Doctor, Freddie and the Colonel uncover a strange goings-on with the woman who was never there and something waiting in the air...

    The Final Stop Part 2 With the mystery increasing by the moment and something noticeable building in the air, the Colonel warns Freddie of his deserter status (he's been missing officially for six months at this point) and urges him to stop for his own safety, but the gravity of the situation soon switches with the arrival of the Occupier...

    Again, more up shortly! :)
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    Sophie ~Oohie~Sophie ~Oohie~ Posts: 10,395
    Forum Member
    bbll22 wrote: »
    Loss A futuristic dockside is the Doctor and Freddie's next port (:cool:) of call and after seeing locals bicker and fight over what the bereft Langfoll's are doing in their crates, the Doctor and Freddie investigate and soon discover a world of mangled aliens and enemies that are being cut up and used for one purpose that shocks Freddie to the core...
    Nice, but isn't that a bit too much like The Doctor's Wife? :)
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
    Forum Member
    Hmmm just noticed mine seem to lean toward the more darker side of Doctor who, not on purpose I might say.

    I guess I now know what sort of Who episodes I lean towards. :D
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    Sophie ~Oohie~Sophie ~Oohie~ Posts: 10,395
    Forum Member
    Banks246 wrote: »
    Hmmm just noticed mine seem to lean toward the more darker side of Doctor who, not on purpose I might say.

    I guess I now know what sort of Who episodes I lean towards. :D
    Guess which sort I lean towards? :)
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
    Forum Member
    Guess which sort I lean towards? :)
    Timey wimey? :p
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