
Celebs who act nice in the spotlight but are horrible in person



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    777Eilidh777Eilidh Posts: 603
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    Edward Woodward was horrible! Stayed for two weeks in a health farm while he was staying. (many, many years ago) So demanding and would not even sit in the dining room with the rest of us, stating the reason that the guests would mob him! :D I'm sure none of us were even bothered he was there. Had all his meals in his room. He also demanded a staircase to himself so no one would meet him going in and out. Was a pain for the other guests as we had a lot further to walk to the other staircase.
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    DaughterqueenDaughterqueen Posts: 143
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    doffer wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind but she only comes from Oldham
    Michael Ball - fake and stuck up as anything and Cathy Macbeth (macGowan) even worse
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    Saltydog1955Saltydog1955 Posts: 4,134
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    Mallaha wrote: »
    I have acquaintances in the adult education sector who have had some, erm, interesting experiences with Susan Boyle.

    But let's be honest here, the lady does have some problems, namely that she's been deprived of oxygen at birth which will make her have, shall we say, learning difficulties.
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    Yorkie47Yorkie47 Posts: 1,487
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    Michael Ball - fake and stuck up as anything and Cathy Macbeth (macGowan) even worse

    Care to elaborate? :)
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    Walter NeffWalter Neff Posts: 9,306
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    Michael Ball - fake and stuck up as anything and Cathy Macbeth (macGowan) even worse

    You obviously have an axe to grind over Michael Ball, you slagged him off on another thread, when everyone else defended him.

    I am not a fan, but the overwhelming opinion on this Forum is that he is a lovely genuine guy. So, as someone else said, care to elaborate!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 5,219
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    But let's be honest here, the lady does have some problems, namely that she's been deprived of oxygen at birth which will make her have, shall we say, learning difficulties.

    If the stories are to be believed, the problems involve violence.
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    Mrs MackintoshMrs Mackintosh Posts: 1,870
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    I think Susan Boyle has a lot to put up with from local neds as well. They apparently provoke her into coming out of her house and then she starts effing and blinding at them and they run away laughing.
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    DaughterqueenDaughterqueen Posts: 143
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    You obviously have an axe to grind over Michael Ball, you slagged him off on another thread, when everyone else defended him.

    I am not a fan, but the overwhelming opinion on this Forum is that he is a lovely genuine guy. So, as someone else said, care to elaborate!
    I would like to but I'm not allowed to.
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    Walter NeffWalter Neff Posts: 9,306
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    I would like to but I'm not allowed to.

    Then I suggest that you cease your one man/woman hate campaign against him. You haven't convinced anyone anyway.
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    dorydaryldorydaryl Posts: 15,927
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    I would like to but I'm not allowed to.

    Well, fair enough but you have made it quite difficult for yourself on here. Some of your criticisms have been quite harsh and you might or might not have good reason for making them but if you can't back them up it kind of undermines your points.
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    Saltydog1955Saltydog1955 Posts: 4,134
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    I would like to but I'm not allowed to.

    Perhaps better to have said nothing in the first place then?

    You made a hell of a lot of allegations that got removed in the other thread IIRC.
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    Yorkie47Yorkie47 Posts: 1,487
    Forum Member
    You obviously have an axe to grind over Michael Ball, you slagged him off on another thread, when everyone else defended him.

    I am not a fan, but the overwhelming opinion on this Forum is that he is a lovely genuine guy. So, as someone else said, care to elaborate!

    I am a fan and have seen him interact with other fans on many occasions. He is patient, kind and charming. I would say the LAST thing he is is stuck up. He always seems ready for a laugh and a joke with anybody and everybody. What's more, his fellow actors speak very highly of him and seem to be genuinely fond of him.

    I don't suppose he's any more perfect than the rest of us, but from what I've seen of him, he is a very nice, easygoing guy.
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    Walter NeffWalter Neff Posts: 9,306
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    Yorkie47 wrote: »
    I am a fan and have seen him interact with other fans on many occasions. He is patient, kind and charming. I would say the LAST thing he is is stuck up. He always seems ready for a laugh and a joke with anybody and everybody. What's more, his fellow actors speak very highly of him and seem to be genuinely fond of him.

    I don't suppose he's any more perfect than the rest of us, but from what I've seen of him, he is a very nice, easygoing guy.

    I believe you, but you aren't going to convince Daughterqueen. :rolleyes:
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    lewiep93lewiep93 Posts: 5,880
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    This is our Cilla's take on the "do you know who I am?" phrase, What a hypocritical cow! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjzpI7wH32o
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    DaughterqueenDaughterqueen Posts: 143
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    Perhaps better to have said nothing in the first place then?

    You made a hell of a lot of allegations that got removed in the other thread IIRC.

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    80sfan80sfan Posts: 18,522
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    lewiep93 wrote: »
    This is our Cilla's take on the "do you know who I am?" phrase, What a hypocritical cow! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjzpI7wH32o

    There's norra lorra lorra people that could have sat thur and been a bigger hypocrite really, could they chuck? :rolleyes:

    Was it just my ears, or was she really putting on the professional Scouser act more than usual too?
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    Phoenix LazarusPhoenix Lazarus Posts: 17,336
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    lewiep93 wrote: »
    This is our Cilla's take on the "do you know who I am?" phrase, What a hypocritical cow! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjzpI7wH32o

    Well, to play Devil's Advocate, maybe, if being pedantic, she has never used those precise words. However, a lot of anecdotal evidence suggests she displays behaviour in which that type of outlook is implicit.

    Interesting that she uses an example of 'someone else' using the phrase that is set at an airport. She maybe knew by then of the cabin crew site's thread!?:D
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    Saltydog1955Saltydog1955 Posts: 4,134
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    May I refer you to a post by Yorkie 47 in the Michael Ball thread? It might just stop all your speculation.
    Originally posted by Yorkie47
    Daughterqueen, I think what might surprise you is that all the Michael Ball fans I know - and I know a LOT because I've been a fan for over 20 years - are already completely aware of his sexuality. And, do you know what? We really don't care!

    Michael has said basically that "he's said enough to make people aware but he doesn't think being specific about it is anyone's business". (Or words to that effect.)

    John Barrowman has chosen to be open about his sexuality and that's his own choice, good for him. Michael prefers to keep quiet and that's his choice too.

    Michael's a fabulous entertainer, as is John Barrowman. We fans don't give a hoot about their sexuality, those days are long gone thank goodness!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1
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    Michael Ball - fake and stuck up as anything and Cathy Macbeth (macGowan) even worse

    Surprised by Cathy McGowan my mother got to know her long time back through after school club she ran that CM's daughter attended. She (mother) is not backward on saying who she doesn't like but had nothing but good to say about CM. Only downer was on her (then) hubby Hwyel Bennett being a bit odd.

    A couple of people my mother went to school with ended up going into production side of television. One worked as a on some of the best known shows of 70s and 80s, worked on a lot of Dave Allen's stuff and apparently he was very much what you see is what you get, funny, nice man who liked to tell stories.

    I met Ronny Wood in a petrol station near where he lived in Wimbledon one time. I was with a friend who's a big Stones fan (I'm not so wasn't that fussed) but he was a really nice guy stood there shooting the breeze with us at getting on for midnight.

    On the subject of circumstances being key to whether or not you think the celeb is a scumbag, also in Wimbledon, I once saw Nicholas Lyndhurst walking just along from the station. Clearly just trying to mind his own business, head down, female companion arm in arm. Anyway 2 teens went past and shouted out "Rodney you plonker". He visibly cringed and blanked them - and I'm sure that story did the rounds about how stuck up he was etc. The thing is, what the telling doesn't reflect is the way it was said. They might as well have shouted "Lyndhurst you're a ****!" the way they did it, so quite justified that he ignored them.

    On the other hand a friend worked in a store in Wimbledon and one day asked me if I knew who Diana Rigg was, because he didn't. Apparently this rich looking woman came into the store "regularly" and was quite rude to the staff. Final one was she went up to my friend to collect some photos, so he asked her for her name which gained a very snotty response about he should know who she is, she's a very well known person. Bearing in mind this is Wimbledon which has a lot of celebrities all the time why she thought she'd stand out I really don't know. He genuinely didn't know who she was, other than a very rude stuck up person. Have heard from a couple of others who work in the area that Brian Rix isn't a particularly nice man either, but apparently his wife is nice.

    Have seen a few "celebs" on public transport, most notable being a not long before PM days David Cameron. Had just one aid with him, waited on platform and got on tube without any attention seeking fuss or activity, to be honest if I hadn't recognised him would never have guessed this guy was on verge of being PM. Similarly have sat on train opposite Alec Stewart (cricketer for those who don't know) and again just a normal guy sitting there minding own business and on a bus with John Sessions, (disappointingly unflouncy). I didn't ask any for autographs or bother them cos they were minding their own business, so I minded my own, which I think is, as others have said, the key thing. There are times when you can expect people to be on and times when just leave them alone.

    Was also surprised about June Whitfield being described as nasty, I know a few (former) Wimbledon FC fans who'd met her, (she was heavily involved with the club) and said she was great. Heard mixed stories about Vinnie Jones, those guys liked him but friend from Leeds said his sister had an encounter with him, (during his time at Leeds) and he was a total douche bag to her. Have heard similar from people who've had dealings with Ian Botham, some really liked him others really didn't.

    One final piece, to finish on a nice story about someone who has had a bad press. The daughter of a friend of my family was working for Ruby Wax on some corporate conference/training thing she did, using the ranch they used in Dallas (the TV programme). This was just coming up to Christmas and knowing the girl was English RW asked her how she was getting home for holidays. She explained she couldn't get a flight and so was staying in a hotel til after when she could. RW wouldn't have it and insisted the girl stay with her over Xmas so she wouldn't be alone in some hotel.
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    Misty08Misty08 Posts: 1,113
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    Homerino wrote: »
    Surprised by Cathy McGowan

    I wouldn`t take the slightest bit of notice of what Daughterqueen says about either Cathy McGowen or Michael Ball.
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    LewnaticcLewnaticc Posts: 3,933
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    Whoever plays Diedre Barlow in Coronation Street. I know a couple of people who have met her on separate occasions and she was really rude to them both times, one was just a 5 year old girl who wanted an autograph.
    I was quite surprised, she's always seemed nice.
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    DaughterqueenDaughterqueen Posts: 143
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    Misty08 wrote: »
    I wouldn`t take the slightest bit of notice of what Daughterqueen says about either Cathy McGowen or Michael Ball.
    Me neither
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    jw2011jw2011 Posts: 841
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    Lesley Joseph is a nasty cow!
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    Rowan HedgeRowan Hedge Posts: 3,861
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    jw2011 wrote: »
    Lesley Joseph is a nasty cow!

    Seconded, recently saw her in the stage version of Birds of a Feather, went for something to eat and she was eating there as well, rude and arrogant towards her server, and no amount of cack will hide those mid Atlantic rifts on her coupon.:D

    And as for Micheal Ball yes he was a bit off with us but he later came back to where we were sitting and apologised and explained why, he was distracted by a personal issue.

    So prince of the gents crown is his still, Sir Roger Moore is the King.:D
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    Westy2Westy2 Posts: 14,656
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    Seconded, recently saw her in the stage version of Birds of a Feather, went for something to eat and she was eating there as well, rude and arrogant towards her server, and no amount of cack will hide those mid Atlantic rifts on her coupon.:D

    And as for Micheal Ball yes he was a bit off with us but he later came back to where we were sitting and apologised and explained why, he was distracted by a personal issue.

    So prince of the gents crown is his still, Sir Roger Moore is the King.:D

    At least MB came back & explained why.

    Bet some of the buggers wouldnt even do that!
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