
The Name of the Doctor - Previews (No Spoilers)

MulettMulett Posts: 9,079
Forum Member
After the mauling the Radio Times gave 'Nightmare in Silver' last week (goodness, it was an awful review!) its preview of the upcoming season finale is a complete about turn. See below:

After last week’s tosh, this season finale sees a quantum leap in quality. It’s tantalisingly called The Name of the Doctor, which of course has been the mystery at the heart of the series since it began in 1963. But will Steven Moffat have the nerve to reveal it once and for all, or have the sense to maintain his mission to put the Who back into Doctor Who?

The Time Lord’s identity is certainly key to this momentous story, which — in a clever way that will have fans rewinding their recordings — takes in his whole story from Gallifrey to the end of days on Trenzalore.

There’s a funereal air as the Great Intelligence and his undertaker-like Whisper Men intrude upon a bizarre conference call across the centuries between the Doctor’s closest allies: Vastra, Jenny, Strax, Clara and River Song. For some of our heroes, life will never be the same again, in one of the most audacious and emotional episodes to date.

14/14. Clara receives a letter summoning her to a mysterious meeting, where she is given a message for the Doctor. The meaning is uncertain, but when an enemy strikes the Time Lord is left with no choice but to travel to the one place in time and space he should never go - into a deadly trap that threatens to unravel his past, present and future. Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman star in what promises to be a thrilling climax, with Alex Kingston returning as River Song. Sadly, fans will have to wait a full six months for their next Who fix, until the much talked-about 50th anniversary special which is due to be shown in November. Last in the series.


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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 60
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    So, basically. Cliffhanger. Figures. :)
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    MulettMulett Posts: 9,079
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    • The precredit teaser’s an absolute blast, a Moffat montage with some nods to the past.

    • The kids are back… but have no fear, in one scene only do they appear.

    • There’s a souffle in the mix, and an old enemy with new tricks.

    • Someone’s tired of the Taj Mahal, someone’s there but not there at all.

    • Rhyming couplets are everywhere, like a creepy version of Rupert Bear…

    (But we’ll gladly concede that it’s a gimmick we’re doing a bad job trying to mimic… so we’ll stop)

    • The Doctor says something he said in “Castrovalva”.

    • There’s a very uncharacteristic moment for this Eleventh Doctor… and a very powerful one because of it.

    • Something’s bigger on the outside.

    • There’s some outrageous regional stereotyping (but they’ll probably take it as a compliment).

    • The TARDIS makes a very different kind of landing (and she’s not in a good mood).

    • Somebody makes some hollow threats.

    • The monsters-of-the-week have some very interesting abilities.

    • The Doctor’s first appearance is blindfolded.

    • A monster’s name is used an expletive (we bet it catches on).

    • There’s a new form of time travel.

    • A letter makes Clara all dreamy.

    • There’s a film – the title of which begins with Z – that has certain similarities to some important moments here.

    • The preview copy didn’t have the final scene to avoid any spoilers getting out, so we’re going to guess that the big twist involves Adric, Kamelion, Mel Bush and the Kandyman. (Or maybe not.)

    • And it’s great. Well, three of us on the team loved it to bits anyway.

    Doctor Who “The Name Of The Doctor” airs on BBC One on Saturday 18 May at 7pm
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    CD93CD93 Posts: 13,940
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    We probably would have had a Cultbox preview... but apparently they haven't even seen it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 983
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    There’s a film – the title of which begins with Z – that has certain similarities to some important moments here.

    Hmmm... not many films begin with Z
    Not really a spoiler, but just being extra cautious.

    Z = Zulu? Zardoz? Zombieland?

    Zardoz might be some reference to Gallifrey/Timelord society (but hopefully not their fashions).
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    HappyTruckerHappyTrucker Posts: 534
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    Lii wrote: »
    Hmmm... not many films begin with Z
    Not really a spoiler, but just being extra cautious.

    Z = Zulu? Zardoz? Zombieland?

    Zardoz might be some reference to Gallifrey/Timelord society (but hopefully not their fashions).

    Have to say that the first thing that came to my mind was

    Have to wonder if the similarities relate to the the revelation at the end of that film maybe?

    I just hope it doesn't relate to the scene where
    Connery is being shown certain, erm, imagery.
    Really not suitable for Saturday prime time :eek::eek::eek:
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    tysonstormtysonstorm Posts: 24,609
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    Lii wrote: »
    Hmmm... not many films begin with Z
    Not really a spoiler, but just being extra cautious.

    Z = Zulu? Zardoz? Zombieland?

    Zardoz might be some reference to Gallifrey/Timelord society (but hopefully not their fashions).

    Whats wrong with this look? http://www.i-mockery.com/minimocks/zardoz/zardoz05.jpg :D
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    VerenceVerence Posts: 104,631
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    Lii wrote: »
    Hmmm... not many films begin with Z

    First one that came to mind was Zoolander
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    HappyTruckerHappyTrucker Posts: 534
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    tysonstorm wrote: »

    It took me years to get those images out of my head the first time around. Now I need more therapy :p

    I can imagine the scene now though:

    "Clara, do you like my new outfit?"

    "Aarrggh. Get away from me you pervert"

    "Clara? Clara? Was it something I said?"
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    tysonstormtysonstorm Posts: 24,609
    Forum Member
    It took me years to get those images out of my head the first time around. Now I need more therapy :p

    I can imagine the scene now though:

    "Clara, do you like my new outfit?"

    "Aarrggh. Get away from me you pervert"

    "Clara? Clara? Was it something I said?"

    I think it's a great look, however I don't know where the Doctor would keep his Sonic Screwdriver. :p

    Clara: "Doctor, is that a sonic screwdriver in your pocket or are you just happy to see me".
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 983
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    tysonstorm wrote: »

    "I wear a red nappy and thigh high boots now, red nappies and thigh high boots are cool"
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    HappyTruckerHappyTrucker Posts: 534
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    tysonstorm wrote: »
    I think it's a great look, however I don't know where the Doctor would keep his Sonic Screwdriver. :p

    Clara: "Doctor, is that a sonic screwdriver in your pocket or are you just happy to see me".

    Doctor: "It's a sonic screwdriver. Now, where's Strax, that potato-headed stud muffin"

    Clara: "Oh bugger, he's off his meds again"
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 9
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    I think you'll find the movie is
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    sandydunesandydune Posts: 10,986
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    Verence wrote: »
    First one that came to mind was Zoolander
    models were mentioned in The Crimson Horror, wax works also and in the latest episode.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 46
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    After last week’s tosh, this season finale sees a quantum leap in quality.

    :D Nice hidden clue there...
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 370
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    Two things up front. Number one, this is not a review. It's a sort-of-review, but for a reason we're about to mention, it's not a full one. The second thing, then, and that reason? We've seen all but the last scene of The Name Of The Doctor (something we'd rather be up front about, rather than pretend otherwise), but the BBC is holding back the full ending until Saturday night. Granted, if you particularly want to, you can hit Google to find out what's going to happen, but we haven't. Please, then, even if you do know the ultimate ending here, don't spoil it for others, and please keep spoilery thoughts out of the comments below.

    What we're going to talk about instead are our spoiler-free thoughts on the 40 or so minutes we saw. And what we saw was very good indeed.

    We've got to inevitably tread carefully, because developments and spoilers start flying extremely early on in The Name Of The Doctor. Furthermore, this is another episode where Matt Smith takes a while to make his entrance, with the episode setting up its many characters - it's little secret who's returning, be they on the Doctor's side or not - before it properly brings him in.

    There's a lot to juggle here, too. In truth, we've missed having the odd two parter in this run of Doctor Who, not least because a couple of stories of series 7 feel as though they've rushed to wrap things up (take The Power Of Three, which we thoroughly enjoyed, for 90% of its running time). The irony, though, is that The Name Of The Doctor has a lot of story to tell, with a lot of characters, and yet it all seems to fit (at least so far). Steven Moffat's writing, when firing on all cylinders, juggles an ensemble particularly well (just go and take a look back at Coupling for plenty of evidence of that), and that's certainly the case here.

    Perhaps the most interesting thing we found about the 40 minutes of The Name Of The Doctor that we saw was its willingness to answer questions. Furthermore, its willingness to answer questions without over confusing things.

    There had been criticisms in particular of last series' finale, The Wedding Of River Song, that it had been tricky to follow. The Name Of The Doctor, structurally, is more straightforward in that regard, although no less ambitious. It feels - again appreciating that we've not seen every minute of it - a more rounded, more satisfying and strong series finale. Crucially, it also feels like a more accessible one.

    From the off, we think lots of people are going to like this one. We did. In fact, even before the credits roll, the nerd bait had begun in earnest, with a lovely sequence that had us borderline squealing with glee. There are no shortage of moments like that throughout. Apologies for being very vague, but there are things in here that you're going to have a lot of fun discovering for yourself.

    There are still one or two issues, based on what we've seen. For instance, we do have one or two reservations, to do with antagonists in The Name Of The Doctor. But given that these may resolve themselves in the material we've not seen, we'll hold them back for our spoiler-filled look at the episode on Saturday.

    After all, The Name Of The Doctor may yet add on an ending that makes us question every word we've just written above. There's no sign that it will, though, at least that we've picked up on so far. And assuming it gets those last few minutes right, this might just be one of the best Doctor Who series finales - be they mid- or end-season - of recent times. Hope so...

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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
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    Ahhhh I literally don't know how much more if this I can take! :D

    Can not wait!!!! :)
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    Shawn_LunnShawn_Lunn Posts: 9,353
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    Interesting spoilers there.
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    CD93CD93 Posts: 13,940
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    Cultbox Spoiler Free Review
    More than that, it proves exactly why you should be relieved that The Moff is at the helm for Doctor Who's 50th year. It's almost as if he's as interested in our timeline of experience as fans as much as he is in The Doctor's.





    Dialogue Teasers
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    sebbie3000sebbie3000 Posts: 5,188
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    CD93 wrote: »
    Cultbox Spoiler Free Review





    Dialogue Teasers

    I'm liking what some of those dialogue hints seem to suggest! (Some spoilers are indeed true, then...)
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    tomwozheretomwozhere Posts: 1,081
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    CD93 wrote: »
    Cultbox Spoiler Free Review





    Dialogue Teasers

    I don't understand that. They basically tell us how brilliant it is then end it telling us in some ways we'll be disappointed. They seem to be saying it asks more questions but that isn't disappointing, it's exciting!
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
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    Saturday just can not come quick enough, it's all I can think about. :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,003
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    tomwozhere wrote: »
    I don't understand that. They basically tell us how brilliant it is then end it telling us in some ways we'll be disappointed. They seem to be saying it asks more questions but that isn't disappointing, it's exciting!

    Because a lot of people have complained about Moffat never answering any questions and answering with more questions if he chooses to answer them would be my guess.
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    CD93CD93 Posts: 13,940
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    tomwozhere wrote: »
    I don't understand that. They basically tell us how brilliant it is then end it telling us in some ways we'll be disappointed. They seem to be saying it asks more questions but that isn't disappointing, it's exciting!

    Some people complain about every episode, so it's a valid statement for every review :p
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    tomwozheretomwozhere Posts: 1,081
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    Because a lot of people have complained about Moffat never answering any questions and answering with more questions if he chooses to answer them would be my guess.

    But we're told that a lot of questions are answered so I don't see why bringing in new questions would be a problem.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,003
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    tomwozhere wrote: »
    But we're told that a lot of questions are answered so I don't see why bringing in new questions would be a problem.

    Yes, but some people would like to know everything, so having one question answered and 10 new questions emerging is not what they want to see.

    I personally don't share this opinion, but...
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