
Companions Saving The Doctor

Shawn_LunnShawn_Lunn Posts: 9,353
Forum Member
Just realised that in five out of the seven finales we’ve had so far, our companions have saved the day …

Who did it better? Which heroic moment meant more to you as a viewer? Not the Doctor but you?

For me, I’ll rank it - Clara, Rose, Martha, Donna and Amy

Who did it best? 111 votes

Rose Tyler - The Parting Of The Ways
17% 19 votes
Martha Jones - Last Of The Time Lords
13% 15 votes
Donna Noble - Journey's End
24% 27 votes
Amy Pond - The Big Bang
9% 10 votes
Clara Oswald - The Name Of The Doctor
36% 40 votes


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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 357
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    Out of the heroicrnyd you've given I don't have an option. Because Amy's heroic moment was more than one time, I don't know maybe I'm thinking sacrifice because I believe Amy sacrificed the most. Her childhood, her daughter, like wow bring a parent I can't say I'd be ok with that, It breaks my heart over and over thinking of it like that. Also river, not listed but she gave all of her lives, she may have been raised to kill the doctor but she gave all of herself for him. Obviously I'm a fan of the pond family.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 903
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    It is hard to rate 'savings', but I'd say Martha or Clara.
    Martha walked the whole world. Clara risked her life and saved Doctor so many times.
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    VerenceVerence Posts: 104,631
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    The Brig saved the Doctor's life in Battlefield when he knocked him out so he (the Brig) could face The Destroyer instead of the Doctor
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    JohnnyForgetJohnnyForget Posts: 24,061
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    Voted for Clara, but found the poll too New-Who-centric, although if the OP is unfamiliar with Classic Who then that's excusable.

    If Classic Who companions were included, then I'd have to vote for an almost forgotten one, Kararina, who sacrificed herself saving the Doctor.
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    Michael_EveMichael_Eve Posts: 14,507
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    Between Clara and Donna for me, but as Clara's story is not yet complete and Donna is probably my favourite companion *period* I'll go with her.

    Slightly embarrassing confession...at the time I was actively annoyed about Donna's mindwipe in that episode. But then my sense of perspective returned. Honest. :o

    Don't get me started on 'Turn Left' ! (My favourite performance by a companion in all of 'Who'. ) I had something in my eye...
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    silentNatesilentNate Posts: 84,079
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    Martha Jones is in the lead... she could have had at least one more season imho :o:(
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    ryanr554ryanr554 Posts: 4,013
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    I don't understand the Amy one to be honest, was she the only one that could "remember" the doctor back into life because River also seemed to remember him before that.

    Clara saving the doctor was interesting and was a pretty cool way to do it but I was so disappointed by the episode as a whole, I think I would rather forget series 7.

    My favorite has been Donna's, becoming half time lord and saving the day was brilliant :D. Depressing ending for her though.
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    CD93CD93 Posts: 13,940
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    The Doctor was zapped by a Dalek on Amy's watch and he was forced to save himself :p He would have been screwed if the people at that wedding were wearing different clothes and if River didn't turn up :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,043
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    Shawn_Lunn wrote: »
    Just realised that in five out of the seven finales we’ve had so far, our companions have saved the day …

    Who did it better? Which heroic moment meant more to you as a viewer? Not the Doctor but you?

    For me, I’ll rank it - Clara, Rose, Martha, Donna and Amy

    Yeah and notice how its only the new series that does it. This is why Ive had such a major problem with the return of the series. It should be the other way around but in this day and age it would be labelled as sexist even though it isnt.
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    AbominationAbomination Posts: 6,494
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    Yeah and notice how its only the new series that does it. This is why Ive had such a major problem with the return of the series. It should be the other way around but in this day and age it would be labelled as sexist even though it isnt.

    But this recent finale made a very good point about how despite how many times Clara had saved The Doctor, it was him that had to save her at the very end of it all. It was a redeeming part of an episode I didn't manage to really enjoy... there was a nice balance in terms of who was saving whom :)

    I voted for Rose though. Her actions brought meaning to having family...without Mickey or Jackie, Rose would never have made it. And those final scenes with the Bad Wolf Rose facing off against the Emperor Dalek were just pure drama. One cheesy line later, and we realise there's still a price that has to be paid... The Doctor, regenerating.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,152
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    I'd go with Matha; as someone else said, she did walk the entirety of a devastated and dangerous Earth. With all the other companions, it was usually a fairly quick decision or something similar, and the consequences were over fairly quickly, but Martha had to endure an entire year or being in hiding while still spreading the word.
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    JustArunJustArun Posts: 8,941
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    Clara, Martha, Donna, Amy and Rose
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    tomwozheretomwozhere Posts: 1,081
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    I chose Clara, Amy was a close second because of everything did for him and everything she lost. It seems that most people hate the way she remembered him back into existence but I thought it was great, he was a massive part of her life. What Martha did was brilliant. Rose was great, it was a nice ending to an arc. I do feel that Donna's lost the most though. She became such a great person and then she lost it all. The more I think about it, the angrier I get with RTD, it makes me so sad.
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    Shawn_LunnShawn_Lunn Posts: 9,353
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    Voted for Clara, but found the poll too New-Who-centric, although if the OP is unfamiliar with Classic Who then that's excusable.

    If Classic Who companions were included, then I'd have to vote for an almost forgotten one, Kararina, who sacrificed herself saving the Doctor.

    Sorry, I probably should've specified that this poll would be New Who centred.

    It's just that it's been overt in the New Series finales with the companions saving the Doctor but that doesn't mean I'm discrediting the times when Classic companions have saved him too.
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    ShevkShevk Posts: 1,134
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    Yeah and notice how its only the new series that does it. This is why Ive had such a major problem with the return of the series. It should be the other way around but in this day and age it would be labelled as sexist even though it isnt.

    The primary companion is the main character though. It makes sense from a drama point of view to have them do the saving.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,043
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    Shevk wrote: »
    The primary companion is the main character though. It makes sense from a drama point of view to have them do the saving.

    The doctor should be the main character as thats what the show is about him coming in and righting the wrongs. All this its the companions story is a bunch of crap.
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    KezMKezM Posts: 1,397
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    I'd go with Matha; as someone else said, she did walk the entirety of a devastated and dangerous Earth. With all the other companions, it was usually a fairly quick decision or something similar, and the consequences were over fairly quickly, but Martha had to endure an entire year or being in hiding while still spreading the word.

    I really agree. I voted Martha as well. She had to completely put her faith in the Doctor when the situation looked so hopeless. Her family were being held hostage, the earth (her home) was being devastated, the Doctor seemed helpless and the Master was toying with everyone. And she did it for a whole year never knowing exactly when the end would be in sight and on the basis of a few words from the Doctor. Her part come from her just being an incredibly strong person and faithful companion, not being given any special powers.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,273
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    Voted for Clara as she had the most believable situation and resolution true most of the others had better situations or resolutions but all the others whichever category they were weaker in they were so much weaker that it tipped the balance out of their favor. For example there was nothing wrong with the situation for the series 4 finale (in fact it is still 1 of the best finale situations we've had in nu-who) but the whole Doctor-Donna resolution with the whole metacrysis stuff was truly dreadful and did not reflect good who at all!
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    KaylanKaylan Posts: 1,570
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    None of the above, should have been part of the vote!
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    MikaRimmerMikaRimmer Posts: 1,327
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    Martha without a shadow of doubt, what she did was so much more incredible than the rest. In order to save the world, Rose absorbed the time vortex, Donna became part timelord but they were kinda by accident, plus Rose cost the Doctor a life. Amy I can't really remember what she did, and Clara was brave to do what she did, but Martha's was incredible and its what really won her over as companion for me. She used brains, and courage, and spent a whole year in life threatening situations, and walking a destroyed world. And she took the hint what the Doctor said "use the countdown" and understood what to do, to spread the word so that all of them, every single person knew what to do, what to think, at that one moment. Anyone could of given up throughout that year, but she didn't she kept on going, watched people die in order to get her to where she needed to be. But she's stood strong. Knowing that her parents, the Doctor and Jack were all imprisoned, and she didn't give up. So for me, Martha Jones takes the crown for saving the Doctor on her own, no weapons, no sci-fi way of getting out of it (absorbing time vortex/becoming part time lord), just plain old simple brains and courage.
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    ThrombinThrombin Posts: 9,416
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    I went for Clara. She's only been in 9 episodes and she has saved the Doctor in six of them!

    In the last episode she saved him by knowingly sacrificing her life. I'm not sure any of the others can say the same.

    Of course that's ignoring all the millions of times her echoes have saved him :D
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    DavetheScotDavetheScot Posts: 16,623
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    My favourite was Rose in Parting of the Ways. Loved that episode!
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    Whovian1109Whovian1109 Posts: 1,812
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    Thrombin wrote: »
    I went for Clara. She's only been in 9 episodes and she has saved the Doctor in six of them!

    In the last episode she saved him by knowingly sacrificing her life. I'm not sure any of the others can say the same.

    Of course that's ignoring all the millions of times her echoes have saved him :D

    I count 5 out of 10 times, which ones were you thinking of :p
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    johnnysaucepnjohnnysaucepn Posts: 6,775
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    Amy didn't do anything to save the Doctor - without knowing it, she executed the clever plan the Doctor had already come up with. Come to think of it, that applies to both Series 5 and 6.
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    SpencerLeveySpencerLevey Posts: 1,511
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    Donna Noble - Journey's End
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