
Do you think Julia Roberts will get another Academy Award nomination or win?

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,106
Forum Member
She was nominated for Steel Magnolias, Pretty Woman and Erin Brockovich which she won in 2000 for that one. She's continued on success with other movies in the Box Office over the years.

Now with the upcoming movie she's doing later in the year called August: Osage County do you think this could get another Oscar nomination?


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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 496
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    She was nominated for Steel Magnolias, Pretty Woman and Erin Brockovich which she won in 2000 for that one. She's continued on success with other movies in the Box Office over the years.

    Now with the upcoming movie she's doing later in the year called August: Osage County do you think this could get another Oscar nomination?

    Its difficult to answer until you have seen the film.
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    Mystical123Mystical123 Posts: 15,837
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    The buzz on that movie is a bit more about Meryl Streep than Julia Roberts, though some people are speculating they might be campaigned in different categories in the hope of both getting a nomination.

    But it's impossible to say until the movie is released.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,440
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    I doubt it. I think her time is passed. Owing to the lack of decent roles for females it tends to be that women have a limited shelf life when it comes to being flavour of the month when it comes to nominations. One moment they get nomintaed a lot, the next they are past it and someone has taken their spot.
    Take for example Susan Sarandon. At one point she could do no wrong. Thelma and Louise, Lorenzo's Oil etc. Then she dropped off the radar as far as awards go. The same with Glenn Close or Hilary Swank.
    The darling of the Award committees now are people like Anne Hathaway, Angelna Jolie (but she's on the way out), Helena Bonham Carter, Kristen Stewart (why) Jennifer Lawrence, Julianna Moore (she's always slipping in and out of favor)

    Julia Roberts is now 45 years old. In films she is going to get the Mom roles rather than the sexy lead roles. She's getting too old for the rom-com roles and IMO she will struggle to be taken seriously as a tough female cop in a thriller. She's made too many fluffy, safe. nice films and is too type cast in that role.
    IMO she would have to produce (possibly finance) and edgy film herself so she gets the part and do a role/film that nobody is expecting playing a heroin addict or something similar. Something that will make people who think they know her and her type of roles sit up and take notice and say wow I didn't know she could act like that.
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    Hound of LoveHound of Love Posts: 80,512
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    I doubt it. I think her time is passed. Owing to the lack of decent roles for females it tends to be that women have a limited shelf life when it comes to being flavour of the month when it comes to nominations. One moment they get nomintaed a lot, the next they are past it and someone has taken their spot.
    Take for example Susan Sarandon. At one point she could do no wrong. Thelma and Louise, Lorenzo's Oil etc. Then she dropped off the radar as far as awards go. The same with Glenn Close or Hilary Swank.
    The darling of the Award committees now are people like Anne Hathaway, Angelna Jolie (but she's on the way out), Helena Bonham Carter, Kristen Stewart (why) Jennifer Lawrence, Julianna Moore (she's always slipping in and out of favor)

    Julia Roberts is now 45 years old. In films she is going to get the Mom roles rather than the sexy lead roles. She's getting too old for the rom-com roles and IMO she will struggle to be taken seriously as a tough female cop in a thriller. She's made too many fluffy, safe. nice films and is too type cast in that role.
    IMO she would have to produce (possibly finance) and edgy film herself so she gets the part and do a role/film that nobody is expecting playing a heroin addict or something similar. Something that will make people who think they know her and her type of roles sit up and take notice and say wow I didn't know she could act like that.

    bib: And Meryl Streep:D And Amy Adams.

    Regarding Julia, I was surprised that she won the Best Actress Oscar for Erin Brockovich.
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    Judas82Judas82 Posts: 239
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    I hope not ; they're so much more deserving actresses who have yet to win an Oscar. To name a few Glenn Close, Julianne Moore, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Pfeiffer, Amy Adams ........ I could go on.
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    Fairyprincess0Fairyprincess0 Posts: 30,183
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    Roberts is passed her best..... The same goes for kidman.
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    twogunthomtwogunthom Posts: 2,185
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    Roberts is passed her best..... The same goes for kidman.

    kidman's in danger of being the female Michael Jackson if she has anymore work done on her kipper.
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    LMLM Posts: 63,810
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    That is a load of crap about Nicole Kidman. Sorry to be rude. Nicole had a dip after her oscar win, but over the last two years, she has won a lot of acclaim for several roles she has done. Nicole Kidman is even better now then when she first started.

    Julia hasn't done a decent film since her oscar win personally. As she has got older, her roles and choices haven't been kind to her.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,556
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    That is a load of crap about Nicole Kidman. Sorry to be rude. Nicole had a dip after her oscar win, but over the last two years, she has won a lot of acclaim for several roles she has done. Nicole Kidman is even better now then when she first started.

    Julia hasn't done a decent film since her oscar win personally. As she has got older, her roles and choices haven't been kind to her.

    Agree with that about Nicole!
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    Judas82Judas82 Posts: 239
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    Nicole Kidman has much more range as an actress than Julia Roberts. Her filmography is much more diverse, her choices of roles much more fearless. I do like a wide selection of Julia Roberts movies but she is much more of a film star. Nicole Kidman is an actress.
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    LMLM Posts: 63,810
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    Nicole is much more fearless, spot on

    You would never see Julia doing a role that Nicole played in The Paperboy. Plus Julia isn't so much of a character actress to have taken on Virginia Woolfe, who Nicole won the oscar for playing. Julia is a great actress but very safe on her roles. I think the biggest risk she took was with Erin Brockovich, as it was something she could get her teeth into and it allowed her to show a side of not just being another woman falling in love with a guy again.

    But Nicole is so diverse. To Die For, The Others, Moulin Rouge, The Paperboy, Rabbit Hole, The Hours and Dogville are perhaps the most highlight films that show this about Nicole. The upcoming Grace Of Monoco will also further this on, i believe.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,106
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    That is a load of crap about Nicole Kidman. Sorry to be rude. Nicole had a dip after her oscar win, but over the last two years, she has won a lot of acclaim for several roles she has done. Nicole Kidman is even better now then when she first started.

    Julia hasn't done a decent film since her oscar win personally. As she has got older, her roles and choices haven't been kind to her.

    Nicole did get another Academy Award nomination in 2010 for Rabbit Hole.

    It feels like Julia has kind of fallen off the wagon since 2001 which is personally IMO her peak. From 1997-2001 was when she just exploded getting her movies to be hit after hit in the box office. I felt that she made a great movie since Mona Lisa Smile back in 2003.
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    LMLM Posts: 63,810
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    I know she did and her performance in that film was amazing. Much better than Natalie Portman's eventual oscar winning performance. We will save that for another thread. :)
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    Callum_BrownCallum_Brown Posts: 745
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    I think it's rather unfair to write off Glenn Close so soon. Although she's been tied up with her detective TV show the last few years (as well as some Emmy nominations for that), she did get an Oscar nomination last year for Albert Nobbs. So she's not completely fallen out of love with the Academy just yet.

    Also, she'll be starring in her first mainstream movie for years next summer with Guardians of the Galaxy. Perhaps a little premature, but could this be a career resurgence?

    By the way, this video of her at the Golden Globes this year is hilarious: http://youtu.be/algughPnrpI :D
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    Callum_BrownCallum_Brown Posts: 745
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    Many people would have said that Robert De Niro was in the same category this time last year. However, after Silver Linings Playbook, the Academy nominated him yet again. They aren't as hostile towards nostalgia as many people think.
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    bingbongbingbong Posts: 2,439
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    Judas82 wrote: »
    Nicole Kidman has much more range as an actress than Julia Roberts. Her filmography is much more diverse, her choices of roles much more fearless. I do like a wide selection of Julia Roberts movies but she is much more of a film star. Nicole Kidman is an actress.

    Kidman has some very astute "reader" of film scripts before she takes roles. probably the same one as Tom Cruise. Both rarely get it wrong, and i don't think that's a coincidence.
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    attackmusicattackmusic Posts: 3,828
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    Roberts is passed her best..... The same goes for kidman.

    I agree that Julia Roberts is passed her best, judging by most of her recent films. Eat Pray Love was atrocious.

    But I still think Nicole could win another Oscar. She has done a few duds, but still makes really interesting choices and takes risks with her roles. I wasn't a fan of The Paperboy, but her performance was really good :)
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    Virgil TracyVirgil Tracy Posts: 26,806
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    I hope not .
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    Judas82Judas82 Posts: 239
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    I think it's rather unfair to write off Glenn Close so soon.
    I agree Glenn Close is still one of the finest living actresses, I personally believe on par with Meryl Streep. I think she has every chance of winning an Oscar in the future and add an Academy Award to her numerous Tony, Golden Globe, Emmy and other awards. I would love this. I am so pleased she is returning to her film career in a big way now she has more time after her show Damages ended. She has several films either in pre or post production at the moment. Can't wait to see them.
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    LMLM Posts: 63,810
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    I really do not rate Glenn Close as an actress
    I thought her performance in Albert Nobbs was laughable, but she was outstanding in Damages and 101 dalmations. Other than that, i found her rather average, along with Jessica Lange.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 465
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    I meant to click the Whoopi thread and clicked this one instead. I thought I was losing my mind for a split second. I couldn't recall her starring in Steel Magnolias, Pretty Woman and Erin Brockovich :eek:

    As for the topic, I have no idea. She is a talented actress and people less talented have won.
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    Judas82Judas82 Posts: 239
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    I agree with Jessica Lange being over-rated. She is a little hit and miss with me, I have really enjoyed some of her work and others not so much. Agree to disagree on the merits of Glenn Close's acting. I also love her in 101 Dalmations and Damages. Other favourite roles are her iconic parts in Dangerous Liasons and Fatal Attraction.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,538
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    I really do not rate Glenn Close as an actress
    I thought her performance in Albert Nobbs was laughable, but she was outstanding in Damages and 101 dalmations. Other than that, i found her rather average, along with Jessica Lange.

    You don't rate her but you find her outstanding...
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    waz101waz101 Posts: 1,253
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    Judas82 wrote: »
    I agree with Jessica Lange being over-rated. She is a little hit and miss with me, I have really enjoyed some of her work and others not so much. Agree to disagree on the merits of Glenn Close's acting. I also love her in 101 Dalmations and Damages. Other favourite roles are her iconic parts in Dangerous Liasons and Fatal Attraction.

    I think Jessica Lange is about where she should be - on TV, being nominated for Emmy awards for American Horror Story

    Glenn Close is a one trick pony, as is Sally Field.

    Shame Maggie Smith didn't get a win for Quartet or The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011) in recent years, totally different class...
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    LMLM Posts: 63,810
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    Jessica Lange is great on American horror story but i have seen several films with her in, and she doesn't pull it off. She reminds me of a poor man's meryl streep. I really never liked her performance at Patsy Cline.

    Sally field is another actress who i have really liked much in terms of films.. Although i like her performance in Steel magnolias and she was great in Brothers and sisters, but her performance in Norma Rae for me was rather forgettable and I felt she never made the role her own.

    Maggie smith is just amazing. She tends to play the same type of characters but she is one high class top notch actress. She doesn't mess about. She gives incredible performances. Her best has to be for Miss Jean Brodie.

    Downtonfan, please stop criticising my posts. I don't know what your issue with me is, but we have actually gotten on rather well on past threads, so why the sudden hostile horrible attittude to me is confusing me. :confused:
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