
How about this for an idea?

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 14
Forum Member
Not sure if it has been discussed before, but what if Matt Smith has already left? Chris Ecclestone filmed his last scene months before DT was cast. All that was required was for DT to complete the last few seconds of The Parting of the ways. The reason I am saying this is with Matt Smiths cropped hairdo could his finale really be the 50th? or will he do a McGann and wear a wig for his last feature? I've a sneaky feeling the new docs full debut being the Christmas special?.... thoughts?


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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 476
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    I believe it was discussed as a possibility within 5 mins of his shaved bounce appearing on the net.

    This theory gained even more credence for those aware that Matt's contract didn't include the Christmas special for this year as apparently Auntie stuffed up admin wise and let the time limit aspect of his current contract lapse. Further use of Matt necessitating agreement on his option year which Matt was not keen to stay for - or a one off agreement to take 11 up to Christmas.

    There was hurried talk at one point about filming Christmas with 50 or even in advance of. This was quickly dismissed as impratical.

    Christmas 2013 necessitated negotiation and so either;

    BBC has walked away
    Matt has walked away
    Both have agreed to walk away
    An agreement has been reached for one more episode

    If I had a fiver to lay down I'd say... :)
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    ShoppyShoppy Posts: 1,094
    Forum Member
    Not sure if it has been discussed before, but what if Matt Smith has already left? Chris Ecclestone filmed his last scene months before DT was cast. All that was required was for DT to complete the last few seconds of The Parting of the ways. The reason I am saying this is with Matt Smiths cropped hairdo could his finale really be the 50th? or will he do a McGann and wear a wig for his last feature? I've a sneaky feeling the new docs full debut being the Christmas special?.... thoughts?

    I think you could be right there, though with a twist...

    Smith regenerates into Hurt and Hurt regenerates into 13.
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    tiggerpoohtiggerpooh Posts: 4,182
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    Shoppy wrote: »
    I think you could be right there, though with a twist...

    Smith regenerates into Hurt and Hurt regenerates into 13.

    Yes! That's a brilliant thought. :cool:

    What if John Hurt's Doctor damages Matt's incarnation at the end of the 50th, so that when the Christmas episode happens, Matt has to regenerate. This happens early in the Christmas one, then JH's Dr somehow regenerates into someone playing the 13th and last Doctor for 2014.

    Great! Would so love this to happen. Thank you Shoppy! :D You made my year. :)
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    MeMeMeIMeMeMeI Posts: 990
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    tiggerpooh wrote: »
    Yes! That's a brilliant thought. :cool:

    What if John Hurt's Doctor damages Matt's incarnation at the end of the 50th, so that when the Christmas episode happens, Matt has to regenerate. This happens early in the Christmas one, then JH's Dr somehow regenerates into someone playing the 13th and last Doctor for 2014.

    Great! Would so love this to happen. Thank you Shoppy! :D You made my year. :)

    No Smith regenerates into Miranda Hart and they have to get K9 into the story as well don't forget.:rolleyes:
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    ShoppyShoppy Posts: 1,094
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    tiggerpooh wrote: »
    Yes! That's a brilliant thought. :cool:

    What if John Hurt's Doctor damages Matt's incarnation at the end of the 50th, so that when the Christmas episode happens, Matt has to regenerate. This happens early in the Christmas one, then JH's Dr somehow regenerates into someone playing the 13th and last Doctor for 2014.

    Great! Would so love this to happen. Thank you Shoppy! :D You made my year. :)

    It's just from piecing together what little we know...

    All the Doctors incarnations up to his "Death" are supposed to be there in his timestream, and there's the 11 we know plus Hurt, so he's either an earlier one or the next.

    Hurt's Doctor is described as "battle-hardened".
    The Doctor "dies" at Trenzalore.
    Yet people are assumig the battle in question is the Time War .... Could the Eccleston coat just be a red herring? Maybe just the result of a hasty visit to the wardrobe room in search of some tougher attire?

    His "death" can't be too far away because the giant TARDIS has the current control room and broken window that happened to 11s TARDIS in the same episode.

    11 remembers Hurt, but the 50th supposedly includes 11 losing his memory as a plot point ... why?.... the story must need 11 to not remember Hurt when he meets him, or at least by he time 11 meets 10.

    I think 11 remembers Hurt in TNOTD because he remembers the events of the 50th from 10's perspective.
    Events we are yet to see and when we do, If 11 has lost his memory then we could see the three working together with 11 unable to warn 10 until Hurt eventually "breaks the promise".

    I can't see the Doctor's "death" staying fixed as it is, his future needs to be open-ended,

    11 wouldn't call Hurt "The Doctor" but the caption did.
    If he's never going to get that name, or he doesn't have it in the 50th then the caption would just have been a question mark.

    I'm quessing that Hurt's Doctor was imprisoned there by his own earlier self/selves and that the Doctor has known this secret all his life because he's warned his earlier incarnations.

    So I see the 50th maybe culminating wth Hurt's Doctor redeeming himself with an act of self-sacrifce and earning the title of the 12th Doctor again.

    It seems like the sort of thing Moffat would do considering his established use of non-linear storytelling and would definitely be the "game-changer" he teased.

    I'll probably be way off the mark but I like trying to work this stuff out from the clues.
    It's simply a combination of speculation and preference :)
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    SladenSladen Posts: 258
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    In the 20th Anniversary a timescoop was used to take the Doctors out of time (and avoid continuity issues).

    By default the appearance of Ten indicates the use of such a device. The appearance of another past Doctor would increase the odds of such a thing having happened.

    Of course, maybe this is another "Time Crash" and we spend the whole episode knowing that Eleven already knows how it all worked out. (Good reason to have a memory problem).

    If Hurt really is Twelve, then maybe we have had two Time Crashes, and Hurt is the cause of the memory problem...
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    tiggerpoohtiggerpooh Posts: 4,182
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    Shoppy wrote: »
    All the Doctors incarnations up to his "Death" are supposed to be there in his timestream, and there's the 11 we know plus Hurt, so he's either an earlier one or the next.

    John Hurt's Doctor has to be an earlier incarnation. Before William Hartnell's Doctor came along, as he obviously knows who he is.

    It can't be the Twelfth Doctor as Matt is the 11th and he already knows the JH one.

    Also, knowing who he is from DT's Dr's point of view is just silly.

    Only 4 1/2 months until the special! :D
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    tiggerpoohtiggerpooh Posts: 4,182
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    MeMeMeI wrote: »
    No Smith regenerates into Miranda Hart and they have to get K9 into the story as well don't forget.:rolleyes:

    She'll just fall over, like she does in the 'Miranda' TV series. :rolleyes:
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    MinkytheDogMinkytheDog Posts: 5,658
    Forum Member
    Not sure if it has been discussed before, but what if Matt Smith has already left? Chris Ecclestone filmed his last scene months before DT was cast. All that was required was for DT to complete the last few seconds of The Parting of the ways. The reason I am saying this is with Matt Smiths cropped hairdo could his finale really be the 50th? or will he do a McGann and wear a wig for his last feature? I've a sneaky feeling the new docs full debut being the Christmas special?.... thoughts?

    The BEEB say he will regenerate IN the Xmas special - so he has to be in it for at least a few seconds - http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/doctorwho/articles/Matt-Smith-to-leave-Doctor-Who

    The hair - not a problem. Just have a story where all of his hair falls out as he starts to "wear out" or is lopped-off by some villain (Samson style) - or stick him back in the "scruffy wig & beard" - or better still just have him say "I fancied a change".
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    Artie FischalArtie Fischal Posts: 1,034
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    I think John Hurt is playing a composite Doctor. He is in fact all 13 incarnations rolled into one.
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    Maybe Matt will just act in the Christmas special with a shaved head?
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    Granny McSmithGranny McSmith Posts: 19,622
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    Maybe Matt will just act in the Christmas special with a shaved head?

    "I have a shaved head now. Shaved heads are cool." :)
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    MinkytheDogMinkytheDog Posts: 5,658
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    I have a fuzz now :)
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    Michael_EveMichael_Eve Posts: 14,502
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    Aw, just give him a Fez at last...that should cover up the 'problem'. :)

    Seriously, in the latest DWM Matt is quoted as saying "Thank you so very much for supporting my incarnation of the Time Lord, Number Eleven, who I might add is not done yet, I'm back for the 50th Anniversary and the Christmas Special!"

    What a well brought up young man.

    I definitely want (and actually fully expect) a proper full-on Doctor Eleven Christmas Special which will hopefully do Matt's superb portrayal justice...then welcome Doctor Twelve at the end.
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    MeMeMeIMeMeMeI Posts: 990
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    How about the first shot starts with him being gunned down with a machine gun?
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    Michael_EveMichael_Eve Posts: 14,502
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    MeMeMeI wrote: »
    How about the first shot starts with him being gunned down with a machine gun?

    Not an Eleven fan, then? :p

    Nah, think that might be a bit too radical for Christmas Day family viewing?

    Then again, look what they did to Seven in the McGann TV Movie! ;)
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    Granny McSmithGranny McSmith Posts: 19,622
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    MeMeMeI wrote: »
    How about the first shot starts with him being gunned down with a machine gun?

    Only if the same fate meets Miranda Hart immediately after her regeneration. :D
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    MinkytheDogMinkytheDog Posts: 5,658
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    Think of it from a business/ratings point of view. Will the beeb get more viewers in total with the regeneration happening during the extra, anniversary special episode - or by having it happen on Xmas Day?

    I reckon the 50th spesh will be self contained and all about the show - not about any one actor - and that will sell itself - so it would be a waste to also have the "crowd puller" of the regeneration.

    Moffat's Xmas day stories have - so far - been very family friendly and jolly with just a hint of a dark side - so it's hard to imagine them going for a really depressing ending for Matt - but he says he's in it so...

    Altogether - I reckon he'll go part way through the Xmas spesh and will do the exact opposite of 10's "I don't wanna die" ending - he'll WANT to regenerate and make it be an entirely happy, positive thing with no pain or tears. (they may even find a way to say that by dying now, he writes a new future which avoids the battle at trenzalore, removes any limits on the number regenerations etc etc - basically, kick-start the franchise without losing any of the past.)

    I'm thinking of another "Next Doctor" story only this time, it really will be both of them together 11 & 12 (echoing whatever happens with 10 & 11). Should be easily doable as a story given that we've just had Clara AND 11 mucking about with ALL of his regens - (and remember - that wasn't 11's timeline - it was the timeline of the last ever Doctor)
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