
Will we get another Tomb Raider?

DEADLY_17DEADLY_17 Posts: 9,262
Forum Member
Playing through this again and it such a great game and a brilliant re-boot but i hear square Enix are not happy with the sales so does this mean they wont make another one ? :(

Would be good to see Lara back again in the future on Next Gen.


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    Dannielle_HowelDannielle_Howel Posts: 1,551
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    It sold really well, especially in Europe - Just not as much as they wanted it too. I'm 95% positive that there will be another one too come - but Square will do this very carefully, we might no see it until late 2015 - 2016. This is just a guess, considering how pee'd off they were with the sales, it might be sooner... I doubt it would be later. But the way they left the game and with only giving Lara her pistols at the very end, implies that this was only the start and they were showing us her roots, only to be carried on with more games.
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    Lost CosmonautLost Cosmonaut Posts: 98
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    I hope not. The "re-boot" wasn't tomb raider to me. That was not the Lara Croft who I grew up with, physically OR sexually.

    I've no qualms if they want to make a sequel but just don't call it Tomb Raider, cause it ain't.
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    biggebruvbiggebruv Posts: 6,626
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    GOD i hope so

    I reckon late 2015 should be about right

    but i dont want lara to have her duel pistols again please god no leave that lara in the past.

    Id love lara to have the bow again the one she found on the island she keeps it with her for her travels now and she treats it as like a good luck type of thing that would be cool IMO
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 101
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    I hope not. The "re-boot" wasn't tomb raider to me. That was not the Lara Croft who I grew up with, physically OR sexually.

    That's the point, surely?

    This isn't the Lara Croft that had already experienced a lot and so was tough and nails, we got the Lara that hadn't learnt to be a fighter yet. We shaped her into being 'Tomb Raider' in this game, seeing the transition from a helpless stranded girl to a skilled fighter and survivor.

    Way to not get it.
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    Lost CosmonautLost Cosmonaut Posts: 98
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    That's the point, surely?

    This isn't the Lara Croft that had already experienced a lot and so was tough and nails, we got the Lara that hadn't learnt to be a fighter yet. We shaped her into being 'Tomb Raider' in this game, seeing the transition from a helpless stranded girl to a skilled fighter and survivor.

    Way to not get it.

    Oh I get it. Lara Croft is my ideal woman, I mean the REAL Lara not whoever they claim it was in the reboot. Having to play that game was like a stab in the back both to me the player and to the real Lara's character.

    As I say they should have just marketed the game as an original IP (probably what it was in the first place) instead of denigrating a legend like Lara. She's suffered enough :mad:
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    Flawed-TacticsFlawed-Tactics Posts: 3,488
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    I've played thru tomb raider 4 times, I want to play thru the next tomb raider 4 times. So stop whinging square enix and make more tomb raider.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,813
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    Oh I get it. Lara Croft is my ideal woman, I mean the REAL Lara not whoever they claim it was in the reboot. Having to play that game was like a stab in the back both to me the player and to the real Lara's character.

    As I say they should have just marketed the game as an original IP (probably what it was in the first place) instead of denigrating a legend like Lara. She's suffered enough :mad:

    It's like you somehow get how a reboot works while at the exact same time you fail to understand how a reboot works

    This is a new Lara Croft in a new universe, this has absolutely nothing to do with anything that has come before

    Saying stuff like 'the Real Lara' and 'the real Lara's characters' is just stupid

    Its like how people (myself included at the very start) reacted to the new DmC, its a different version of the same story and just like the new star trek films, they can co-exist, liking one doesn't mean you can't like the other
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    Lost CosmonautLost Cosmonaut Posts: 98
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    thomas2400 wrote: »
    I This is a new Lara Croft in a new universe, this has absolutely nothing to do with anything that has come before

    The NEW Lara?? The "re-boot" took a huge dump over the ORIGINAL, one and only true Lara, her fans and their memories of the previous games.

    People might claim the game is technically excellent in a gameplay sense. Yeah, maybe it was. Like I said made a sequel as a different IP. Don't denigrate an amazing gaming legend to do it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,813
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    The NEW Lara?? The "re-boot" took a huge dump over the ORIGINAL, one and only true Lara, her fans and their memories of the previous games.

    People might claim the game is technically excellent in a gameplay sense. Yeah, maybe it was. Like I said made a sequel as a different IP. Don't denigrate an amazing gaming legend to do it.

    Look i'm not going to sit here and defend the reboot, i'm not the greatest fan of it but your argument is a non starter

    Its like saying that every time a superman movie or show comes along it destroys everything that came before it, it doesn't both takes of the story still exist
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    Lost CosmonautLost Cosmonaut Posts: 98
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    thomas2400 wrote: »
    Look i'm not going to sit here and defend the reboot, i'm not the greatest fan of it but your argument is a non starter

    Its like saying that every time a superman movie or show comes along it destroys everything that came before it, it doesn't both takes of the story still exist

    Thomas I apologise, you're clearly a fair man and trying to call this right down the middle. It's just that I've had a terrible few days and this is a subject I'm so passionate about there's just no way I can step back and and look objectively. But that's my fault NOT yours. I'm going step back and try and get some distance on this so I'm not so damn emotional. But in the mean time I think the thread is safe in your hands. All the best mate.
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    beemohbeemoh Posts: 7,073
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    Squeenix weren't unhappy with sales, they just mentioned- at the point in time which coincided with the end of the financial year- it hadn't bought in the money they thought it would.

    This isn't the death knell- for a start, the game is showing signs of being a slow burner, it's still riding high in the PSN charts, so it may well provide that return on investment and suggests that there is interest in the franchise and indeed that specific title, so they'll probably at least be considering more Tomb Raider.

    Sequels can be cheaper to make than new games anyway, as it's easier to build on what has already been made than it is make something from scratch, so the bar for success that TR hasn't hit wouldn't be as high as that for the second game.
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    Alan1981Alan1981 Posts: 5,416
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    The last tomb raider just didn't involve much err tomb raiding.
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    DEADLY_17DEADLY_17 Posts: 9,262
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    Alan1981 wrote: »
    The last tomb raider just didn't involve much err tomb raiding.

    Really I thought the hidden tombs was a great added feature and to be honest i think Lara was more focused on getting of the island then looking at tombs :D

    this game was an Origins story so its a great way to see how she became the woman we all know and love.

    I loved the ending with her holding the 2 pistols at then she became the female roth :)
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    Alan1981Alan1981 Posts: 5,416
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    Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the last game, I just feel the name tomb raider was a little misleading. Maybe Lara croft origins would have been more appropriate. I guess playing the first games and encountering the massive tombs, I expected the same .
    Hopefully in the next game they will scrap the multiplayer and focus on making a bigger single player offering.
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    VincentHVincentH Posts: 363
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    Found it a bit disappointing myself, but then I loved the first 2 games on the playstation.

    It just seemed to lack the same feel and atmosphere - also seemed a bit too linear for my liking. Yeh the originals were at times, but I much preferred the 3 previous TR games (I even really liked Underworld)

    I had just finished Far Cry 3 to be fair, and that was almost perfect. You can see a few similarities between the two - however Far Cry got it right most of the time, whereas TR was a bit meh for me.

    Maybe it's time to say goodbye to Lara and say thanks for the memories!
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    MsLurkerMsLurker Posts: 1,843
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    I hope they make another. I really enjoyed the reboot.
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    Mark AMark A Posts: 7,695
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    A potentialy great game pretty much ruined, to the point of not wanting to play it anymore, by the over reliance on cruddy quick time events. Way to destroy all immersion and enjoyment, devs. Don't be so lazy next time. You've got a fantastic franchise, don't screw it up with cheap, moronic gameplay.


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    JasonJason Posts: 76,557
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    I hope they do make another one as I did enjoy the reboot.

    There's also another film being mooted as well so I think if that does happen, another game might be a certainty.
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    HotbirdHotbird Posts: 10,018
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    Don't denigrate an amazing gaming legend to do it.

    The Tomb Raider games before the reboot did a pretty good job of that on their own. Past TR3 the franchise has pretty much been a disaster (And I have actually enjoyed a few of those games). The reboot (Even though I have not played it yet) looks like the shake up the franchise desperately needed to survive.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3
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    I can't see them not doing a sequel since the reboot was such a great success.
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    Danger CloseDanger Close Posts: 3,281
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    Mark A wrote: »
    A potentialy great game pretty much ruined, to the point of not wanting to play it anymore, by the over reliance on cruddy quick time events. Way to destroy all immersion and enjoyment, devs. Don't be so lazy next time. You've got a fantastic franchise, don't screw it up with cheap, moronic gameplay.




    There are similarities with Far Cry 3 and QTE was the only let down in that.

    As Alan1981 said, maybe Lara/TR: Origins would have been better as a title.

    Can't see them not making another though. The game wasn't horrible and kept me entertained throughout. But lacked an incentive to replay any time soon.
    Next time, more raiding tombs and solving problems and less shooting anything that moves.
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    Jenny1986Jenny1986 Posts: 16,605
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    I hope so, I had a few issues with the reboot (the plot mostly, and the QTE's were a bit much), but I still really enjoyed it. There is a lot of potential for a sequel, and a lot they can build on. I'd love to see some bigger Tombs, I didn't mind them being optional, but if they are going to be optional, they might as well go to town on them and make them challenging.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,813
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    Am I the only one who liked the QTEs, i mean i much prefer them to just sitting there watching a cutscene that i have no control over play out
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    Danger CloseDanger Close Posts: 3,281
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    thomas2400 wrote: »
    Am I the only one who liked the QTEs, i mean i much prefer them to just sitting there watching a cutscene that i have no control over play out

    We want to play the game. Not just, hit button (x) now to kill.
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    Jenny1986Jenny1986 Posts: 16,605
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    thomas2400 wrote: »
    Am I the only one who liked the QTEs, i mean i much prefer them to just sitting there watching a cutscene that i have no control over play out

    I don't normally mind them. But it just felt like there were too many, and I felt the timing was pretty unforgiving. The amount of times I had to watch that guy grope Lara before I managed the full QTE is just mind boggling. I'd normally think it was me being rubbish, but I have heard other people say they had problems with it. That kind of took all the fun out of it.
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