
Glee star Cory Monteith found dead in Canada hotel, aged 31



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    asyousayasyousay Posts: 38,838
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    Simi89 wrote: »
    Yes it was his choice to initially take drugs and yes he had put himself at risk of addiction. However he started abusing drugs at thee age of 13 and I personally think that is very young and a child-because that is what he was may not understand/underestimate the gravity of this decision they have made. He was especially young to have started drugs and I think it would be fair to say that if something started so long ago when you were still a child then it may be hard to loosen the grip of it. He had tried rehab clearly with varying degrees of success and in spite of his demons built a successful career and loving relationships not only with Lea but as a friend to many people.

    He is not the first to start so young, Drew Barrymore is one. I think if you have that in you then you are in trouble.
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    shelleyj89shelleyj89 Posts: 16,292
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    asyousay wrote: »
    I have a alcoholic for a mum, she has now been sober for about 13 years. So stuff like this brings home to me how hard her struggle must of been .

    So everybody has choices. Yes he went to rehab but clearly he was not ready to get clean or he would of stayed clean. We don't know if he was pushed to go by the people around him as they must of know as Heroin is such a hard drug.

    We was probably fed a load of PR rubbish of how Cory was being brave and wanting to fight his demons and it was "his" choice and everybody was simply shocked when he announced it.

    The fact of the matter is he was only in there a month, why when he was addicted to such a drug/alcohol was he in there for such a short amount of time?! - the detox alone would of taken days.

    I don't think it was necessarily a case of him not being ready to get clean, it may have been that his addiction was so bad, no matter how much he tried, his body was probably too addicted because of all the substance abuse since a young age. It's not as easy as if you want to get clean, you stay clean, otherwise no drug addicts/alcoholics would ever relapse.

    We also don't know if he was regular heroin user, or if this was the first time he'd used it. There's so much we still don't know about it all.
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    asyousayasyousay Posts: 38,838
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    shelleyj89 wrote: »
    I don't think it was necessarily a case of him not being ready to get clean, it may have been that his addiction was so bad, no matter how much he tried, his body was probably too addicted because of all the substance abuse since a young age. It's not as easy as if you want to get clean, you stay clean, otherwise no drug addicts/alcoholics would ever relapse.

    We also don't know if he was regular heroin user, or if this was the first time he'd used it
    . There's so much we still don't know about it all.

    He said a couple of years ago he did anything and everything. No doubt he had done Heroin as a teenager.
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    shackfanshackfan Posts: 15,461
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    asyousay wrote: »
    He said a couple of years ago he did anything and everything. No doubt he had done Heroin as a teenager.

    And it probably started with smoking and then weed. And THAT is why we need to deter kids from starting smoking.
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    asyousayasyousay Posts: 38,838
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    shackfan wrote: »
    And it probably started with smoking and then weed. And THAT is why we need to deter kids from starting smoking.

    And with a addictive personality it just grew and grew. But you wonder what was going in his life to start at 13 . Something must of been going on to trigger his downward spiral at such a tender age.
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    shelleyj89shelleyj89 Posts: 16,292
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    shackfan wrote: »
    And it probably started with smoking and then weed. And THAT is why we need to deter kids from starting smoking.

    The fact that so many celebrities glamourise smoking weed and don't see how bad it is for you frightens me.
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    dequeendequeen Posts: 1,179
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    Simi89 wrote: »
    I'm shocked and was hoping it wasn't drugs, but I expected it to be. :( its a shock that he was using Heroin.
    This has really affected me, I'm not sure why. But this is the first real death of a celebrity who had a drug addiction that feels especially tragic to me. In a sense its changed how I view drug addiction.
    I mean when Amy Winehouse died (albeit not due to drugs) I wasn't as sad, just sad for her family. I always expected her to die quite young unfortunately.
    It appears Cory had tried so hard to fight it, was open about it and I just feel, as he is someone who has already been through addiction and recovered initially and then went on to have a successful career, supportive friends/family/girlfriend... Well I suppose it just made me feel that only a person with a drug addiction can understand why Cory would do that because it makes no sense to me having never taken drugs. His addiction must have had such a deep grip and perhaps one he had to fight every single day.

    I don't see anything wrong in having compassion, feeling sad for Cory (and his loved ones) he died young, it was preventable and ultimately he lost a battle he apparently tried so hard to fight.
    While he took himself took the drugs and is responsible for that, it doesn't make the impact of his death any less on his friends and family.

    The amount of tributes saying what a nice guy he was goes to show this man was far more than his drug addiction and it is a shame it has taken him.

    Rest in peace, Cory.

    You have written pretty much how I am feeling as well about the tragedy. And yes to me it is a tragedy because of all that he was offering to the world. Not just in the role of Finn Hudson on Glee but in the many ways he was involving himself in helping others through charities and just off his own back.

    The sense of shock not just from us on the forums or the public but also those within the Hollywood acting community says a lot because no one actually believe that he would be someone that would end up dying because of his addictions.

    Having previously watched him in quite a few interviews he came across as such a nice and pleasant guy with a warm personality. Now I'm sure there will be others who say he could have been acting lot of it most of the time however I'm gonna believe the numerous stories not just from other famous people but also the crew of Glee and the fans that meet him as well as the people who got to interview him. Being someone who was addicted to drugs doesn't take away from the beautiful (and fragile) heart of the man.

    As for the many, many non famous people struggling with similar issues like Cory, I do feel compassion for them but I don't get to see them on my tv screen regularly or see their lives so publicly on display that I get to know them a little so it will affect me differently for these reasons.

    My heart goes out to his family, friends and Lea. The pain they will be going through and to have this out in the open for everyone to know about and talk about will make it worse for them because they can maybe have some idea of what it is look like considering Cory only recently left rehab. And knowing that someone they love will be judge in not such a positive light when they know the true person he is will make it heartbreaking. Already one or two people from Cory's family as well as his friends are defending his character and want people to remember him for the loving and caring person he was. Which is why for me it is so distasteful to have to read less than compassion comments from others but then again not surprising because there is a sense of self righteous and superiority in being proven right that he did died from drugs.

    For me the fact that this young man died with so much at his feet and still much to offer to the world in terms of his family, friends, Lea and the possibility of them marrying and having a family together and his acting work as well as his involvement in the charities he was associated with is just so sad to know that he won't be able to continue his fight for a better life for others as well as himself.

    RIP Cory and I for one will think of you a someone gone far too soon but who while still having all his problems was still trying to do a little good in the world because of having been given the opportunity because of became famous.
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    CadivaCadiva Posts: 18,419
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    asyousay wrote: »
    And with a addictive personality it just grew and grew. But you wonder what was going in his life to start at 13 . Something must of been going on to trigger his downward spiral at such a tender age.

    We know what was going on at 13 because he's spoken about it, problems at home (his parents had divorced when he was about seven from memory), problems at school, feeling worthless etc.
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    dequeendequeen Posts: 1,179
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    asyousay wrote: »
    And with a addictive personality it just grew and grew. But you wonder what was going in his life to start at 13 . Something must of been going on to trigger his downward spiral at such a tender age.

    From what I read his parents had broken up. And he unhappy and not settling in schools. So while others cope and somehow manage to overcome their parents not being together anymore, it was the start of a downward spiral for him.

    And if he fell into a bad crowd, then it would make it all the more easy for him to get involve with things the he shouldn't do.

    And if it could make him forget his problems for a while, well for me, I can see why he did it back then, not necessary having the knowledge of the problems that would develop for him in his adult years.

    Just so sad. My heart breaks for Cory, the man at 31 that died but also for Cory, the 13 year old boy who couldn't have begin to understand that by going down that road, his life would end up so tragically.
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    ViridianaViridiana Posts: 8,017
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    shackfan wrote: »
    And it probably started with smoking and then weed. And THAT is why we need to deter kids from starting smoking.

    What, are you talking about cigarettes? :confused: I had a boyfriend that was a heavy weed smoker and he did not smoke and would only drink in very rare occasions. Actually most people i know that smoke weed do not even smoke.
    That's quite a big leap from smoking to heroin.
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    gemmaovwales03gemmaovwales03 Posts: 7,183
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    dequeen wrote: »

    Having previously watched him in quite a few interviews he came across as such a nice and pleasant guy with a warm personality. Now I'm sure there will be others who say he could have been acting lot of it most of the time however I'm gonna believe the numerous stories not just from other famous people but also the crew of Glee and the fans that meet him as well as the people who got to interview him. Being someone who was addicted to drugs doesn't take away from the beautiful (and fragile) heart of the man.

    As for the many, many non famous people struggling with similar issues like Cory, I do feel compassion for them but I don't get to see them on my tv screen regularly or see their lives so publicly on display that I get to know them a little so it will affect me differently for these reasons.

    My heart goes out to his family, friends and Lea. The pain they will be going through and to have this out in the open for everyone to know about and talk about will make it worse for them because they can maybe have some idea of what it is look like considering Cory only recently left rehab. And knowing that someone they love will be judge in not such a positive light when they know the true person he is will make it heartbreaking. Already one or two people from Cory's family as well as his friends are defending his character and want people to remember him for the loving and caring person he was. Which is why for me it is so distasteful to have to read less than compassion comments from others but then again not surprising because there is a sense of self righteous and superiority in being proven right that he did died from drugs.

    I believe none of that was an act. You just have to look at all the things people have said about him and they all use the same words kind, warm, generous, a gentleman etc. There are so many people posting on twitter etc that only bumped into him during award shows, red carpet events and they all haven't got a bad word to say about him. It's so sad that at this time his family have to defend him :( In the last 3 years I've had family members die of cancer and drug overdoses and none them was less tragic than the other each death was heartbreaking.
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    shelleyj89shelleyj89 Posts: 16,292
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    dequeen wrote: »
    Just so sad. My heart breaks for Cory, the man at 31 that died but also for Cory, the 13 year old boy who couldn't have begin to understand that by going down that road, his life would end up so tragically.

    This comment made me think of the p!nk song 'Conversations With My 13 Year Old Self' :( Sadly it's very fitting.
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    asyousayasyousay Posts: 38,838
    Forum Member
    I believe none of that was an act. You just have to look at all the things people have said about him and they all use the same words kind, warm, generous, a gentleman etc. There are so many people posting on twitter etc that only bumped into him during award shows, red carpet events and they all haven't got a bad word to say about him. It's so sad that at this time his family have to defend him :( In the last 3 years I've had family members die of cancer and drug overdoses and none them was less tragic than the other each death was heartbreaking.

    I had met him and he seemed like a nice guy, but if he was into Heroin and other drugs/drink and nobody knew then it was a act. Because behind his mask he was a serial user hence going back into rehab.

    So the happy go lucky goofy Cory was a projection and was not what he was on the inside.

    How many people honestly knew the real Cory?!
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    shelleyj89shelleyj89 Posts: 16,292
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    You can't be a nice person but also be addicted to drugs?
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    asyousayasyousay Posts: 38,838
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    shelleyj89 wrote: »
    You can't be a nice person but also be addicted to drugs?

    If he was that nice and loveable and happy then why was he doing Heroin ? - clearly he was a deeply troubled person and he could not of been that happy if he was doing such hard core drugs.

    Happy, content people don't use drugs as a prop!!

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,606
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    According to TMZ he was regularly shooting up both heroin & meth and had huge track marks on his arms, hence why he's hardly ever been photographed topless or in short sleeves.

    Awful. :O RIP Cory. Thinking of all his young fans who are probably really confused and upset right now.
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    asyousayasyousay Posts: 38,838
    Forum Member
    According to TMZ he was regularly shooting up both heroin & meth and had huge track marks on his arms, hence why he's hardly ever been photographed topless or in short sleeves.

    Awful. :O RIP Cory. Thinking of all his young fans who are probably really confused and upset right now.

    Have you got a link as i have not read that?
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    shelleyj89shelleyj89 Posts: 16,292
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    asyousay wrote: »
    If he was that nice and loveable and happy then why was he doing Heroin ? - clearly he was a deeply troubled person and he could not of been that happy if he was doing such hard core drugs.

    Happy, content people don't use drugs as a prop!!


    Doing hard core drugs, doesn't automatically mean you aren't happy or that you are depressed. Bad things happens to good people sometimes. He may well have been deeply troubled, but I don't think you can assume that. He started abusing his body from a very young age, so doing drugs may have just become second nature to him, especially when back in Canada and around old friends who have those bad habits too.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,606
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    CadivaCadiva Posts: 18,419
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    asyousay wrote: »
    If he was that nice and loveable and happy then why was he doing Heroin ? - clearly he was a deeply troubled person and he could not of been that happy if he was doing such hard core drugs.

    Happy, content people don't use drugs as a prop!!


    The two things aren't mutually exclusive.
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    dequeendequeen Posts: 1,179
    Forum Member
    asyousay wrote: »
    If he was that nice and loveable and happy then why was he doing Heroin ? - clearly he was a deeply troubled person and he could not of been that happy if he was doing such hard core drugs.

    Happy, content people don't use drugs as a prop!!


    Sorry but do you really get what you are saying.

    Happy and content people don't do drugs, I can get with but to say that you can't be nice and loveable because he was using heroin is frankly baffling. From all accounts from people who knew him and were close to him, he was a wonderful guy and it seems to me that they are feeling the loss of him so greatly is because despite his addictions this was still a man you could turn to for anything.

    Yes we can now see that he was deeply trouble but it doesn't away from the stories we are now hearing about how he took a little girl who had cancer and was a fan of the show to the set so she could meet up with his co-stars or that he gave a lift to a fan so she could get home or the other numerous stories that are coming out about his generosity to others.

    So yes maybe not the go lucky, happy man we thought he was but not nice and loveable, well I think there are many people who knew him who would undoubtly tell you that is very much incorrect.
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    JCRJCR Posts: 24,150
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    shelleyj89 wrote: »
    You can't be a nice person but also be addicted to drugs?

    Not really. To quote the first chapter of Trainspotting: "Whereas the piss-heid in the pub wants every **** tae git as ootay it as he is, the real junky doesnae gie a **** aboot anybody else."
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    ikkleosuikkleosu Posts: 11,494
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    I get the impression that a lot of those throwing abuse Cory's way is from people who are angry that Cory had the audacity to not be an "obvious" heroin or drug user.

    How dare he look young and fit and healthy; How dare he manage to always perform well in his work; how dare he not be constantly late, fired, off his face and misbehaving; how dare he not be destroying every part of his life publicly; how dare he be known for being kind, warm, eloquent, and funny instead of rowdy, destructive, rude and crass.

    People want to be able to clearly judge drug users, they want to be able to say "told ya!" when they succumb to their demons. They feel cheated because they thought they could like him or accept him and believe he was one of THEM, instead of one of those OTHERS they think of as drug users.He betrayed all that for them by being an incredibly decent, pleasant person who simply had one vice that sadly ended up killing him.

    If anything, hopefully his death can show young people that EVEN IF you manage to control the rest of your life, a drug addiction can still kill you swiftly and silently.
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    gregsanisongregsanison Posts: 648
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    Yes very sad and what a waste of a young man's life.

    Let us hope this may be a warning shot to young people of such dangers. :(
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    whatever54whatever54 Posts: 6,456
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    ikkleosu wrote: »
    I get the impression that a lot of those throwing abuse Cory's way is from people who are angry that Cory had the audacity to not be an "obvious" heroin or drug user.

    How dare he look young and fit and healthy; How dare he manage to always perform well in his work; how dare he not be constantly late, fired, off his face and misbehaving; how dare he not be destroying every part of his life publicly; how dare he be known for being kind, warm, eloquent, and funny instead of rowdy, destructive, rude and crass.

    People want to be able to clearly judge drug users, they want to be able to say "told ya!" when they succumb to their demons. They feel cheated because they thought they could like him or accept him and believe he was one of THEM, instead of one of those OTHERS they think of as drug users.He betrayed all that for them by being an incredibly decent, pleasant person who simply had one vice that sadly ended up killing him.

    If anything, hopefully his death can show young people that EVEN IF you manage to control the rest of your life, a drug addiction can still kill you swiftly and silently.

    I think you make some excellent points here.
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