
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 40
Forum Member
For those who missed the news, synder last night announced that the new superman film will see the 2 big DC heros fight each other

Well this is a huge piece of news that may finish off plans for a justice league film. After all the only real heros in DC worth mentioning are superman and bats
But I think this is a mouth watering prospect and one I really did not expect.
Now the 2 biggest heros in one film.... Regardless if this film is a hit or a flop it's going to make a massive impact in its opening weekend with fans of both heros flocking to the big screens
Well played zac well played


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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,488
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    Fight each other? I doubt it. They both only fight evil, unless it's not a reboot and is instead a continuation of The Dark Knight (and they completely ignore TDKR) that makes no sense...
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    AtlanticAtlantic Posts: 936
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    So rather than expand their DC Universe franchise and produce a JLA movie, WB has decided to play it safe and go for a Batman/Superman hybrid in the same vein as Aliens vs Predator. Where's the passion and creativity?

    This is like Marvel Studios making an Iron Man vs Hulk smackdown instead of a new Avengers movie. And the worse thing is a Hulk vs Iron Man movie sounds a lot more interesting than Superman/Batman.
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    KarisKaris Posts: 6,380
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    I'm meh about this. After seeing MoS I'm confident there'll be loads of blurry fighting and it'll be yet another soulless Snyder movie.

    I'm praying to be surprised, but Snyder doesn't exactly have a track record of delivering movies with emotion or soul.

    Or even humour.
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    suffolkbluesuffolkblue Posts: 4,071
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    Agree with you there. MOS was ok but superman destroyed the town which was pathetic. So with this being batty and MOS I wont bother with it and to me it has ruined superman and a big disappointment.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,488
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    Atlantic wrote: »
    So rather than expand their DC Universe franchise and produce a JLA movie, WB has decided to play it safe and go for a Batman/Superman hybrid in the same vein as Aliens vs Predator. Where's the passion and creativity?

    This is like Marvel Studios making an Iron Man vs Hulk smackdown instead of a new Avengers movie. And the worse thing is a Hulk vs Iron Man movie sounds a lot more interesting than Superman/Batman.

    I thought the rumour was that Batman vs. Superman was testing the water, and that there'd be a Flash film soon after, and then a JL...
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    GulftasticGulftastic Posts: 127,814
    Forum Member
    The time is right for a decent Wonder Woman movie. Not one of the recent glut of superhero movies is lead by a female character. Princess Diana would be perfect if they can get it right. DC would then have the big three on the screen, and turning that into a JL movie would be a darned sight easier.
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    SteveOwenSteveOwen Posts: 30,430
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    I can't help but be excited to see these two legends finally together on the big screen but...I wish Nolan was overseeing it. Or at least someone other than Snyder. Not a fan of his directing at all.

    I know it'll be a new actor playing Bats so does this mean they'll be rebooting the Batman film continuity again already? Too soon, IMO.
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    MotthusMotthus Posts: 7,280
    Forum Member
    Well people are assuming that this means that they will do a Batman solo film in 2018 after the JL film.This would be 6 years then after TDKR was released.However by having a new Batman in MOS2 and JL then people will get used to him before the rebooted solo films
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
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    Atlantic wrote: »
    So rather than expand their DC Universe franchise and produce a JLA movie, WB has decided to play it safe and go for a Batman/Superman hybrid in the same vein as Aliens vs Predator. Where's the passion and creativity?

    Couldn't disagree more. It's going to take time to build their universe. I would have been gutted if they'd rushed out a JLA film just to save face. This way, they get to do things their way in the proper time. Plus, there would only have been an outcry that they were copying Marvel if they'd rushed the JLA movie out.

    I think this announcement proves the creativity that's on offer. A Superman/Batman team-up is a comic book movie first surely (not counting AVP. No-one should). I can't wait to see it, especially if it means more Cavill as the Man of Steel. :)
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    PlundermotPlundermot Posts: 281
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    Really hoping for Adam West -- the one, true, Batman.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,679
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    Atlantic wrote: »
    So rather than expand their DC Universe franchise and produce a JLA movie, WB has decided to play it safe and go for a Batman/Superman hybrid in the same vein as Aliens vs Predator. Where's the passion and creativity?

    This is like Marvel Studios making an Iron Man vs Hulk smackdown instead of a new Avengers movie. And the worse thing is a Hulk vs Iron Man movie sounds a lot more interesting than Superman/Batman.

    Erm.....there is little room for creativity when rebooting any established franchise.

    JLA i think was shelved for the time being, so why not take their two biggest characters (no, Hulk v Iron Man is nothing like this) and make a precursor for JLA?

    Im not a fan of this movie concept for a different reason, i fear they will use Frank Millers approach and that was to make Batman as powerful as Superman and pit them against each other....yeah.....right.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,895
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    Atlantic wrote: »
    So rather than expand their DC Universe franchise and produce a JLA movie, WB has decided to play it safe and go for a Batman/Superman hybrid in the same vein as Aliens vs Predator. Where's the passion and creativity?

    This is like Marvel Studios making an Iron Man vs Hulk smackdown instead of a new Avengers movie. And the worse thing is a Hulk vs Iron Man movie sounds a lot more interesting than Superman/Batman.

    This post is full of WTF.

    Superman and Batman have had their own comic book series called World's Finest for 45 years. It was huge, this isn't some random team up/versus movie that came out of nowhere with WB just throwing two characters together.

    Fans have wanted this film for years outside of Justice League and the Avengers it is pretty much the ultimate team up and a perfect way to lead into JL. Alien/Predator this is not.

    Surely putting Batman and Superman in the same film would be them expanding their universe? Same as Stark appearing in Hulk, Fury/Romanov in Iron Man 2, Hawkeye in Thor...
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    big brother 9big brother 9 Posts: 18,157
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    This post is full of WTF.

    Superman and Batman have had their own comic book series called World's Finest for 45 years. It was huge, this isn't some random team up/versus movie that came out of nowhere with WB just throwing two characters together.

    Fans have wanted this film for years outside of Justice League and the Avengers it is pretty much the ultimate team up and a perfect way to lead into JL. Alien/Predator this is not.

    Surely putting Batman and Superman in the same film would be them expanding their universe? Same as Stark appearing in Hulk, Fury/Romanov in Iron Man 2, Hawkeye in Thor...

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    degsyhufcdegsyhufc Posts: 59,251
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    I'm not a comic book geek but am I missing something in this 'versus' film. Does this mean they fight each other?

    One is an alien with super human powers. The other is a rich dude with some gadgets.
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    Residents FanResidents Fan Posts: 9,204
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    Atlantic wrote: »
    So rather than expand their DC Universe franchise and produce a JLA movie, WB has decided to play it safe and go for a Batman/Superman hybrid in the same vein as Aliens vs Predator. Where's the passion and creativity?

    This is like Marvel Studios making an Iron Man vs Hulk smackdown instead of a new Avengers movie. And the worse thing is a Hulk vs Iron Man movie sounds a lot more interesting than Superman/Batman.

    I agree- "Superman vs. Batman" sounds terrible. Why not adapt
    the "Trinity" comic, featuring Batman, Superman and
    Wonder Woman?
    Why won't WB make a Wonder Woman movie- she's probably the most iconic female comics character? I mean, "Thor" showed movie audiences will buy a superhero based in ancient mythology, and the old Lynda Carter series and the DC cartoons would mean most people know
    who she is. The fan joke that Marvel would have a Squirrel Girl movie out before DC ever do a WW one is sounding sadly true. :(

    Warner Bros. are sitting on a goldmine with their
    DC licence, and they do not know how to handle it.
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    farscapefarscape Posts: 2,902
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    I can't get excited about this. While I can see that any sequel to the Man of Steel could portray Supes and the world around him in brighter way it can only go far without seeming really jarring. So basicaly we've a crossover between a dark superhero with another dark superhero.

    Unless of course they invert the concept and make Batman a lighter hero but that seems highly unlikely and again would seem out of place in the universe portrayed in the MOS.
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    Johnny ClayJohnny Clay Posts: 5,339
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    degsyhufc wrote: »
    I'm not a comic book geek but am I missing something in this 'versus' film. Does this mean they fight each other?

    One is an alien with super human powers. The other is a rich dude with some gadgets.
    Perhaps they'll just trade insults on an internet forum ;)

    Can't quite get my head around this story, btw. I thought MoS 2 was there to introduce Lex Luthor, but now Batman as well? It smacks of Warners jumping the gun a bit, desperate to get their two biggest DC assets together.

    Personally it feels a bit 'too soon' for a new Batman as well, but if we are to have one, I would've preferred a full solo reboot rather using MoS 2 as the platform - although from a business perspective you can see the thinking in doing it this way.

    As for who dons the mask - Lord knows. Though one article I've not long read suggests Bale returning would be the best option, and you can certainly see the logic there. I know he's already quite firmly said no, but we all know what talks loudest in Hollywood:

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    RebelScumRebelScum Posts: 16,008
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    I think some people are putting too much emphasis on the vs thing. I cant see the overall theme of the movie being one vs the other. No doubt there'll be some conflict as differences between them will come to the surface (like we saw in The Avengers) but ultimately they will probably end up working together against whatever the big bad is.
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    MotthusMotthus Posts: 7,280
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    I can't see Christan Bale returning for this film as DC and Warner Brothers will want to use Batman again in the JL film and the potential Batman reboot.So it makes more sense to recast Batman and get the actor to sign a muti film deal!
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    XIVXIV Posts: 21,713
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    Gulftastic wrote: »
    The time is right for a decent Wonder Woman movie. Not one of the recent glut of superhero movies is lead by a female character. Princess Diana would be perfect if they can get it right. DC would then have the big three on the screen, and turning that into a JL movie would be a darned sight easier.

    I don't think WB doesn't want a Wonder Woman film, they do but they've to find a script they're happy with, I believe she in one of the top three priorities for WB and DC, the other two are WF and Justice League, I think if they announce a film for 2016, it would be big news. The character already has a lot of new comics lined up such as Superman/Wonder Woman and Wonder Woman Earth One so DC are trying to make her relevant again,
    This post is full of WTF.

    Superman and Batman have had their own comic book series called World's Finest for 45 years. It was huge, this isn't some random team up/versus movie that came out of nowhere with WB just throwing two characters together.

    Fans have wanted this film for years outside of Justice League and the Avengers it is pretty much the ultimate team up and a perfect way to lead into JL. Alien/Predator this is not.

    Surely putting Batman and Superman in the same film would be them expanding their universe? Same as Stark appearing in Hulk, Fury/Romanov in Iron Man 2, Hawkeye in Thor...

    I agree, and there are many stories that could be adapted for the first, one I suggest is Public Enemies where Lex frames Superman for a meteorite heading towards Earth and the murder of Mettalo, I'd also use John Brynes story of how the two first met as well. With the right script, it would be as big as The Avengers.
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    YorkshireKatYorkshireKat Posts: 690
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    Said in another thread ...I don't think Batman should have a prominent role in Man Of Steel 2 I think Henry Cavill should carry the movie and set up a brief cameo appearance with Batman, then do the inevitable reboot Batman movie then the Justice League, the way it's happening now just sounds rushed and forced. I feel sorry for Cavill having to share his big franchise.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 971
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    as much as i have wanted to see a live action batman/superman movie since i was a child after seeing man of steel i don't hold out much hope of this being any good. hopefully they don't rush it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,488
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    Jonwo wrote: »
    I don't think WB doesn't want a Wonder Woman film, they do but they've to find a script they're happy with, I believe she in one of the top three priorities for WB and DC, the other two are WF and Justice League, I think if they announce a film for 2016, it would be big news. The character already has a lot of new comics lined up such as Superman/Wonder Woman and Wonder Woman Earth One so DC are trying to make her relevant again,

    I agree, and there are many stories that could be adapted for the first, one I suggest is Public Enemies where Lex frames Superman for a meteorite heading towards Earth and the murder of Mettalo, I'd also use John Brynes story of how the two first met as well. With the right script, it would be as big as The Avengers.
    Warner were working on a TV version of Wonder Woman with Joss Whedon, but it fell through. (Never heard why)

    They went on to launch Arrow on CW instead, which presumably makes Arrow the first piece in their Justice League puzzle (seeing as it pre-dates Man of Steel). Assuming Warner put two and two together, although it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't...
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    MotthusMotthus Posts: 7,280
    Forum Member
    I think the first we will see of Wonder Woman on the big screen is in the JL film especially with the rumours of a Flash due out in 2016 before the JL film in 2017.We may get a Wonder Woman film after the JL but not before it!

    I've wanted to see a Batman Vs Superman film for years but I'm unsure about this way of doing it.Why couldn't they just do a normal MOS sequel and do a Batman Vs Superman film after you have set up a new Batman in his own solo films!
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    XIVXIV Posts: 21,713
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    Motthus wrote: »
    I think the first we will see of Wonder Woman on the big screen is in the JL film especially with the rumours of a Flash due out in 2016 before the JL film in 2017.We may get a Wonder Woman film after the JL but not before it!

    I've wanted to see a Batman Vs Superman film for years but I'm unsure about this way of doing it.Why couldn't they just do a normal MOS sequel and do a Batman Vs Superman film after you have set up a new Batman in his own solo films!

    I think you need an origin film to set up the character before introducing them into a team up film. 2016 is the ideal year because its the 75th anniversary of the character and I think a Wonder Woman film would be hugely successful if done right.

    I think two DC films in 2016 would be my solution but that may be wishful thinking.
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