
Amanda looked hot in the one-piece...

scotslassiescotslassie Posts: 561
Forum Member
...so what was Elissa's bitching about? For someone who has to rearrange their face into a normal position after every time it's moved, she has a hard neck criticising someone else's look.

Did they fall out before the McCrae birthday surprise? Is there something I missed from the live feed?


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    Lionel HutzLionel Hutz Posts: 244
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    i thought so too.

    all woman.

    like you i've got no idea where it came from either but from the highlights it started in the bathroom when amanda was putting it on.

    i mean? a onepiece swimsuit? :eek: :rolleyes:

    it's hardly crotchless and with boob cut-outs is it?

    why the apparent 'disgust'?

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,100
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    What they didn't show was that Elissa was super drunk that night and they also didn't show that Amanda called Candice a fat bitch and said she hoped Elissa got raped.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,100
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    xorosetylerxoxorosetylerxo Posts: 6,674
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    sjp07 wrote: »

    As i've said on another thread they can't control who the hm's vote for
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,100
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    As i've said on another thread they can't control who the hm's vote for

    No, but they can make it hard for them to vote her put. Every week someone comes from the DR saying they asked who the person was voting for and BB keeps telling them they aren't allowed to talk about production.
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    ReservedReserved Posts: 12,058
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    sjp07 wrote: »

    I was thinking about this when watching the show last night.

    The edit last night was completely in her favour, and I also remembered that she was told about Aaryn's racism (that chat they had was obviously staged).

    She also gets at least one "funny" diary room entry every episode, too.

    I'm not saying I believe that the show wants her to win, but I'm definitely keeping my mind open to it. It'll be interesting to see what happens with her throughout the show. She's got a target on her back, and I don't see any way for her to get even close to the final two, so the producers will definitely need to do some rigging if the plan is to make her win.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 387
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    I thought Amanda looked awful, but maybe because I loathe her.... I just wish she would get back doored in the upcoming weeks. Don't like McRae either
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,100
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    Reserved wrote: »
    I was thinking about this when watching the show last night.

    The edit last night was completely in her favour, and I also remembered that she was told about Aaryn's racism (that chat they had was obviously staged).

    She also gets at least one "funny" diary room entry every episode, too.

    I'm not saying I believe that the show wants her to win, but I'm definitely keeping my mind open to it. It'll be interesting to see what happens with her throughout the show. She's got a target on her back, and I don't see any way for her to get even close to the final two, so the producers will definitely need to do some rigging if the plan is to make her win.
    I thought it was interesting how she was the only person to tell Aaryn that the show is portraying her racist. How would she know that? The others said she was racist, but no one else said America thinks she's racist, but Amanda.
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    Kyle123Kyle123 Posts: 25,782
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    I really don't buy into the Amanda speculation at all. I think she gets strong edits simply because she gives production good material to work with. She's funny, brash, outspoken, in a showmance, plays a hard game and seems to lack much inhibition. It's pretty hard to ignore someone like that. I definitely get the sense that they'd like her to stick around longer, but I don't see any evidence to suggest that they are trying to make her the winner at all. Maybe if she's awarded the Golden Power of Evict-a-Howard once she ends up on the block then I'll start to wonder!

    To be honest, I think the show is going out of its way to give a lot of the female houseguests strong edits. Helen's fantastic edit is so far removed from her feed gameplay, while Candice and Elissa both seem like big factors based on the CBS show, when in reality both are pretty much nothing in the house. I don't know it's so they can start prepping up for a future Allstar season by building up some memorable females, but it does seem unusual to me that the women are being bigged up while the genuinely strong players like Judd and Andy are barely shown, and when they are, it's rarely strategy orientated.
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    Shine_OnShine_On Posts: 1,195
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    sjp07 wrote: »
    I thought it was interesting how she was the only person to tell Aaryn that the show is portraying her racist. How would she know that? The others said she was racist, but no one else said America thinks she's racist, but Amanda.

    Because in the diary room the housemates are asked leading questions. They don't come outright and tell them anything but the questions they ask are used to build the narrative for the highlights shows. Prior to that arguement multiple HM's had been asked about racism over a period of time and all directed at Aaryn, the HM's talked about it on the feed so it didn't take a genius to figure out what was going on.
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    EnricoIVEnricoIV Posts: 4,742
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    sjp07 wrote: »
    I thought it was interesting how she was the only person to tell Aaryn that the show is portraying her racist. How would she know that? The others said she was racist, but no one else said America thinks she's racist, but Amanda.
    She would know that, because she's smart enough to deduce it from the questions that she was asked in the DR. Amanda has some experience in television, so she knows the way it works.
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    molly nogginmolly noggin Posts: 950
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    sjp07 wrote: »
    What they didn't show was that Elissa was super drunk that night and they also didn't show that Amanda called Candice a fat bitch and said she hoped Elissa got raped.
    :eek: Really? And does Elissa know Amanda said that? Because if she did then she was remarkably restrained. I watch the live feeds a lot and hadn't seen Elissa kicking off about that one.

    And if she didn't then it doesn't explain her gratuitous nastiness to Amanda.

    I hate what Elissa said about one-piece bathing suits. Is she planning to be one of those wrinkly old women that still wear bikinis?
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    big brother 9big brother 9 Posts: 18,157
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    Amanda is very attractive imo. Probably the most real in there
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    jaybee2jaybee2 Posts: 1,710
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    EnricoIV wrote: »
    She would know that, because she's smart enough to deduce it from the questions that she was asked in the DR. Amanda has some experience in television, so she knows the way it works.

    Maybe that's how she knows Grodner.
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    EnricoIVEnricoIV Posts: 4,742
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    jaybee2 wrote: »
    Maybe that's how she knows Grodner.
    That rumor is such a bunch of b.s.The claim seems to be that the little company she worked for was like five degrees removed from CBS. Someone in her position would not have known someone in Allison Grodner's position.
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    starrystarry Posts: 12,434
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    Yeh I thought Elissa was probably drunk, though she was right about Amanda looking awful. I guess Elissa is an easy target as she is related to Rachel who some hate anyway.
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    MySkassMySkass Posts: 893
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    miss_wiggy wrote: »
    I thought Amanda looked awful, but maybe because I loathe her.... I just wish she would get back doored in the upcoming weeks. Don't like McRae either

    I'm with you - I can't stand both of them.
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    SiGaSiGa Posts: 2,283
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    I wouldn't say she looked hot. She looked very nice and I have liked Alyssa up until now but she is starting to be quite bitchy.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 591
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    miss_wiggy wrote: »
    I thought Amanda looked awful, but maybe because I loathe her.... I just wish she would get back doored in the upcoming weeks.

    Blimey... not watched BB since the days of Sam Heuston, but has the switch to Channel 5 really turned it into a smutfest?
    An "art movie"? A "grotflick"???
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