
Will River still be around for Peter Capaldi?

OhWhenTheSaintsOhWhenTheSaints Posts: 12,531
Forum Member
Could be interesting. Or do we think the 50th might be her last episode?


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    Pull2OpenPull2Open Posts: 15,138
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    I hope so, I love the character and it would be a great bridge!
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    Sora2311Sora2311 Posts: 2,311
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    No I believe TNOTD was a final exit for her. We don't want her coming back all the time like Rose
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    hazelnuttwhikehazelnuttwhike Posts: 156
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    I hope that Name was her chronological Goodbye scene, but with River, she could always be back. It could be fun to see younger River, while getting her phd, meeting 12 and having no idea who he is again.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 312
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    I really hope not.
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    cezzycezzy Posts: 4,840
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    Didn't recall say Tennant looked really young when she first met him? Maybe there's scope for more episodes with River & Capaldi? That said, I'm hoping for less of the 'will they won't they' stuff & more proper Doctor Who-y stuff.
    I'm very confused by it all!!:D
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    HelboreHelbore Posts: 16,101
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    I think River's story is done now. Her last appearance was an echo of herself fro within the library computer. The end to that suggested she was allowed to fade away once the Doctor was willing to let her go.

    Her mystery is revealed and her timeline has been pretty much filled in. I personally thought it was a mistake to have Mels regenerate into the River we all know, as her being able to regenerate opened up the option for her to be a future companion and for her to actually travel with the Doctor long enough to get to know him as well as she clearly seemed to.

    But that ship has sailed, as any "pre-Alex" incarnations of River will be the psychopathic Melody who wants to kill him, so that part of her life is now all "off the table," for visiting. Anything after, I think its all been told,
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    JAS84JAS84 Posts: 7,430
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    There will still be links to 11 though, thanks to Clara, Vastra, Jenny and Strax. We don't need River to stick around for a bridge to exist.
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    JohnnyForgetJohnnyForget Posts: 24,061
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    I would like to think that the Twelfth and later incarnations of the Doctor will still regularly meet up with River, but I would like those meetings to be off screen ones.
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    CorwinCorwin Posts: 16,718
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    I'm sure there will be at least one story where Doc 12 meets River.

    Given what we know of Trenzalore* it's likely River met the Doctor who died there and probably met all the ones in between that Doctor and Doc 11 as well.

    While most of these meetings will happen off screen I'm pretty sure we'll get the occasional on screen meeting as well.

    *How does River know there is a secret tunnel in her fake grave if it wasn't her who built it in the first place.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 357
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    Corwin wrote: »
    I'm sure there will be at least one story where Doc 12 meets River.

    Given what we know of Trenzalore* it's likely River met the Doctor who died there and probably met all the ones in between that Doctor and Doc 11 as well.

    While most of these meetings will happen off screen I'm pretty sure we'll get the occasional on screen meeting as well.

    *How does River know there is a secret tunnel in her fake grave if it wasn't her who built it in the first place.

    I believe she knew who Clara was before the conference call, but being a time traveler the first meeting for Clara in her time stream I believe she was still alive, but she had to act clueless like she always does
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,066
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    From 'Forest of the Dead'...
    River Song wrote:
    Funny thing is, this means you've always known how I was going to die. All the time we've been together, you knew I was coming here. The last time I saw you, the real you, the future you, I mean - you turned up on my doorstep, with a new haircut and a suit. You took me to Darillium to see the singing towers. Oh, what a night that was! The towers sang, and you cried.
    If this isn't in Matt's final episode, Moffat deserves shooting.
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    NoseyLouieNoseyLouie Posts: 5,651
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    I thought her story was done, now I want more damn it..meh
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    alphonsusalphonsus Posts: 774
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    Sh'boobie wrote: »
    From 'Forest of the Dead'...
    If this isn't in Matt's final episode, Moffat deserves shooting.

    Must be!

    Mind you, I still want to see the Egyptian Goddess on the Orient Express...
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    IWasBoredIWasBored Posts: 3,418
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    I like Alex Kingston
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    fastest fingerfastest finger Posts: 12,899
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    The "official" line on River Song.

    Moffat says he’s “not quite sure” yet if she’ll be back.

    He explains “I mean we can see her again because everything’s out of sequence and clearly the implication is that she’s met more than two Doctors. But the question is whether or not we should revisit her. It’ll now be story-driven. If we’ve got an idea that she fits into perfectly then there’s no reason why we can’t do it, but I quite liked where we got to at the end of ‘The Name of the Doctor,’ with him saying goodbye to her. So we’ll see.”
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    mikey1980mikey1980 Posts: 3,647
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    Sh'boobie wrote: »
    From 'Forest of the Dead'...
    If this isn't in Matt's final episode, Moffat deserves shooting.

    River and the Doctor was always an idea that promised far more than it delivered. Apparently most of the adventures happened off-screen, which is pretty naff. She's the Doctor's wife but plays second fiddle to several different companions who he seems much more enamored with. Its never quite worked for me.
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    AdelaideGirlAdelaideGirl Posts: 3,498
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    It's an interesting question. Up until the announcement of Peter Capaldi I'd have said I didn't want to see her again except in books or audiobooks, but now I'm not so sure I think they could be really good together.
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    codename_47codename_47 Posts: 9,685
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    I hope so, because the relationship might go from a creepy Mrs Robinson situation with absolutely no chemistry to something that might be halfway believable and nice to watch.

    She said she had pictures of all of his faces....and she's completely out of his time stream so despite her timeline being closed an earlier version of her could pop up for an adventure with 12 having just done with the Pandorica or something...
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    liliroselilirose Posts: 10,204
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    I hope not. River and Amy were what hindered 11th doctor’s reign imo.
    The character had proper closure in the Name of the Doctor episode. I never want to see River again.
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    dvirgodvirgo Posts: 400
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    Isn't River dead?? Anyway i think her story is over, lets get some new characters for the Doctor to get his teeth into.
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    November_RainNovember_Rain Posts: 9,145
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    I would prefer River was laid to rest now. I wouldn't mind the odd reference to off-screen adventures but I think her storyline has been told now. Plus I think she was quintessentially Eleven's companion.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 618
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    I would have liked to have seen at least one adventure with River as the tenth Doctors companion.

    Perhaps for the 50th ten and River could have teamed up with eleven and Clara. The implication was that River had had other adventures with ten, so the anniversary would have been the ideal occasion to show it.
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    For anyone worried about the Twelfth Doctor being "too old": Alex Kingston is 50 years old meaning she's actually only 5 years younger than Peter Capaldi. On the other hand, she's 20 years older than Matt Smith, so bearing this in mind I don't think there's anything wrong with a Twelve/River romance thing if it were to happen.
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    16caerhos16caerhos Posts: 2,533
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    Each time we saw her, wasn't she getting closer and closer to going to the Library (at least I think that's how it worked, I'm confused)? So it seems fitting that her last appearance was post-Library, implying that they had their final adventure together off-screen.

    We won't be seeing her again methinks.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 903
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    It would be interesting to see, but not yet. She was overused in the last 3 seasons, so we need 1-2 seasons without her. She could return at the end of the ninth season or in tenth season as an episodal character. But not in eihgth season. It would be too much.
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