
What comic books are you currently reading?

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,240
Forum Member
As the title says, what books are you currently reading and what would you recommend? I've recently just cut down on the books I reading as it was way too much.

My pull list at the moment is

Action Comics
Green Lantern

Fantastic Four
Uncanny X-Men
Wolverine & The X-Men
All New X-Men

Currently torn between Hawkeye, Batman and All New X-Men as to which is my favourite current book. All New X-Men has been my surprise hit, wasn't sure what to think when I heard they were bringing back the original 5 but it has been really fun. Definitely my favourite X book at the moment. Snyder's run on Batman has just been stunning and Hawkeye just looks beautiful.

New creative teams on Action and Green Lantern over the past couple of issues so looking forward to see what they have in store for the books especially after Geoff Johns long run on GL.


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    StuBStuB Posts: 538
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    I used to buy loads of comics each month, with a range of DC, Marvel, Vertigo, Boom etc..... but when we moved house a couple of years ago I stopped buying for 6 months and when I started up again I went back to basics and stuck to my main character Superman :)

    Action Comics
    Adventure of Superman
    Superman Unchained

    My two older boys also get a comic each month, Flash and Green Lantern.

    I do miss therange of titles I used to get excited by each month, but the cost is more reasonable now and I actually manage to read them all rather than have a stack of issues waiting to catch up!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,240
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    What are the Superman family of books like? I only read Action Comics. I have been tempted to look into another one but never been sure which one. They don't seem to get anywhere near as much attention as the Batman family.
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    StuBStuB Posts: 538
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    To be honest, the Super-family books have been a bit patchy so far:

    Superman - Started off okay, has had a few changes of creative teams and it feels they have yet to really settle on how to handle the new versions of Clark, Lois etc. This is probably exaggerated by the changes in writer that have occurred. The current team seem to heading in the right direction through.

    Adventures of Superman - digital first, printed as a collection. I have only read issue 1 (printed) so far, the stories in issue 1 ranged from v. good to one that was a bit weak but overall I liked it. Its not restricted to New 52 continuity and I can see the range of writers from story to story could bring in some interesting ideas.

    Superman Unchained - haven't read it yet, as I only go the comic shop every few weeks.

    Superboy - probably the most uneven of all the titles. Has had some very poor issue and if I wasn't a "super" nut I'm not sure I'd have continued reading. There is a new writer, so hopefully we will see an improvement and some idea of how the character will grow.

    Supergirl - started well and stayed strong. Hopefully this will continue :)
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    mred2000mred2000 Posts: 10,050
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    Ten Grand by JMS and Templesmith is well and truly on my pull list. Read #2 last night and loving it. It's a wee bit 'Hellblazer' but very well executed. I'd certainly recommend it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,240
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    StuB wrote: »
    To be honest, the Super-family books have been a bit patchy so far:

    Supergirl - started well and stayed strong. Hopefully this will continue :)

    Thanks for this Stu. I've just picked up a few DC trades so have picked up Supergirl Vol-1. Will see what I think of it :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,240
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    StuB wrote: »
    Supergirl - started well and stayed strong. Hopefully this will continue :)

    Just read through the first trade of Supergirl and thoroughly enjoyed it. Think i'll definitely picked up volume 2 when it comes out.

    I also read volume one of Wonder Women, Aquaman, Justice League and Batwoman. Batwoman is definitely my pick of them all. Just beautifully drawn. Would recommend it to anyone
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    BlueZane00BlueZane00 Posts: 200
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    At the moment, I'm making my way through:

    - Batman;
    - Wonder Woman;
    - Wolverine and the X-Men;
    - All New X-Men;
    - Saga;
    - Fantastic Four. and
    - Daredevil.
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    StuBStuB Posts: 538
    Forum Member
    Just read through the first trade of Supergirl and thoroughly enjoyed it. Think i'll definitely picked up volume 2 when it comes out.

    I also read volume one of Wonder Women, Aquaman, Justice League and Batwoman. Batwoman is definitely my pick of them all. Just beautifully drawn. Would recommend it to anyone

    Glad you enjoyed it, I was worried that you'd bought it on a recommendation and might not like it :D

    I heard very good things about Batwoman when it came out, so you are not alone in picking out that one.

    I should be heading to the comic shop this week so I might be able to give an update on Superman Unchained soon (if I remember!)
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    SWW (SWW)SWW (SWW) Posts: 23,514
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    Various X-books and Avengers related books
    Guardians of the Galaxy
    Ultimate books
    Maxx books

    Vertigo (DC Comics)
    The Unwritten
    Astro City

    Savage Dragon
    The Walking Dead
    Morning Glories
    Manhattan Projects

    Jennifer Blood
    Locke & Key
    Crossed books
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    JCRJCR Posts: 24,151
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    It appears to be a bit love it or hate it but I really like Azzarello's Wonder Woman, that's probably my favourite book at the moment.

    Current pull list: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel & Faith, Star Wars Legacy, Justice League, Justice League of America, Batman, Teen Titans, Young Avengers, Wonder Woman, X-Men, Hellraiser Dark Watch, Masters of the Universe, Astro City, Kick-Ass 3.

    Masters of the Universe is suprisingly decent. I dunno why I persist with Kick-Ass, hope springs eternal it'll get better I guess.
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    zwixxxzwixxx Posts: 10,295
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    StuB wrote: »
    Superman Unchained - haven't read it yet, as I only go the comic shop every few weeks.
    Don't you often find they've sold out of a title you were wanting, or does your LCS have a reserve system set up ?

    I go the buy-online advantage ordering route which means (1) I don't miss out but (2) it is VERY easy to find myself buy a shed load of extra titles - shortly DC are having a Villains week (bringing out loads of 23.1,23.2 .... issues) and I've ordered the 16 Batman ones plus the 4 JL ones (cos Batman's in that too) Maybe I'll fast for a week to make back the money. :) - Those DC people are marketing geniuses.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,240
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    JCR wrote: »
    It appears to be a bit love it or hate it but I really like Azzarello's Wonder Woman, that's probably my favourite book at the moment.

    I've read the first 6 issues of Wonder Women and I enjoyed it, I don't think it my favourite DC book but it was still very good. Chiangs art has got a lot of praise but it's not my favourite style if i'm completely honest. I can see why many people love it though. I think i'm going to read it when the TPBs come out
    zwixxx wrote: »
    Don't you often find they've sold out of a title you were wanting, or does your LCS have a reserve system set up ?

    I go the buy-online advantage ordering route which means (1) I don't miss out but (2) it is VERY easy to find myself buy a shed load of extra titles - shortly DC are having a Villains week (bringing out loads of 23.1,23.2 .... issues) and I've ordered the 16 Batman ones plus the 4 JL ones (cos Batman's in that too) Maybe I'll fast for a week to make back the money. :) - Those DC people are marketing geniuses.

    I used to have that problem when I first started getting comics when the New 52 launched and I would have to order whatever I missed online. Now I pretty much only get my books online. I think I ended up ordering 12 books for villains month instead of my normal 3. Not a bad money making ploy by DC.
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    mred2000mred2000 Posts: 10,050
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    Not a bad money making ploy by DC.

    Only if you buy the extra .1s that you wouldn't normally get... :D As usual I'm just sticking to the series' on my pull list.
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    MandarkMandark Posts: 48,080
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    The (new) Bionic Man novel compilation of the recent comic series. Read nearly a quarter. Not that great so far to be honest.
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    StuBStuB Posts: 538
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    zwixxx wrote: »
    Don't you often find they've sold out of a title you were wanting, or does your LCS have a reserve system set up ?

    I go the buy-online advantage ordering route which means (1) I don't miss out but (2) it is VERY easy to find myself buy a shed load of extra titles - shortly DC are having a Villains week (bringing out loads of 23.1,23.2 .... issues) and I've ordered the 16 Batman ones plus the 4 JL ones (cos Batman's in that too) Maybe I'll fast for a week to make back the money. :) - Those DC people are marketing geniuses.

    All the LCS I have used (Manchester, Slough, Cheltenham and now Manchester again) have offered standing orders of issues. I am currently with Travelling Man in Manchester, I just let them know what titles I want and they add them to my pull list.

    For a while I did mail order with Ace and I found it really easy to order loads each month after looking through Previews :)

    These days I have really cut back, so a small pull list works really well for me.
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    mred2000mred2000 Posts: 10,050
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    StuB wrote: »
    I am currently with Travelling Man in Manchester, I just let them know what titles I want and they add them to my pull list.

    I use those guys, too! Haven't been over in ages, need to get across next week...
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    StuBStuB Posts: 538
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    mred2000 wrote: »
    I use those guys, too! Haven't been over in ages, need to get across next week...

    I really like the feel of the place, each time I have been (kids in tow) they have been great with them.

    I used to use Odyssey 7 (now the Forbidden Planet), but I noticed a change a few years after they moved to their current site and didn't find it as welcoming, so when I moved back to the area I started using Travelling Man and really like it as shop :)
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    mred2000mred2000 Posts: 10,050
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    StuB wrote: »
    I really like the feel of the place, each time I have been (kids in tow) they have been great with them.

    I used to use Odyssey 7 (now the Forbidden Planet), but I noticed a change a few years after they moved to their current site and didn't find it as welcoming, so when I moved back to the area I started using Travelling Man and really like it as shop :)

    I don't think there are many of us who remember it as Odyssey 7! :D The University Precinct O7 was the first specialist comic shop I ever visited - one of my brothers took me across when I was 9 or 10. I always preferred that site to the shop at Hanging Ditch and I was gutted when they shut the University shop down. I agree, the Oldham Street branch was never the same...

    Haroon and the guys at TM are top notch, though! :)
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    ixHellstormxixHellstormx Posts: 2,192
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    Avengers (with my son) good fun :)
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    AdzPowerAdzPower Posts: 4,861
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    DC - Batman, Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, Green Lanter New Guardians, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, Justice League and Action Comics.

    Marvel - I used to get all the Avengers books but now I just read the main Avengers title, too many to keep up with it gives me a headache, Uncanny X-men, Wolverine and the X-men and All New X-men.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 146
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    Reading Volume 1 of Bedlam. Very dark stuff, but in the best possible way.

    Also reading the first HC Vol of Green Lantern Corps from New 52. Liking it tbh, great looking and well told story. Not something I was expecting much from so I'm happy with it.
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    NailzNailz Posts: 3,055
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    Was looking at Superman + Wonder Woman the other day. Seemed good from what I saw.

    I've installed a comic reader on my tablet so was thinking what to get for it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,003
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    DC All of DC52 - especially Earth-2. Wen you started with Flash/GL/JLA as early as I did, it's too late to stop ;).
    Astro City.
    Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor (whatever title) and the recently departed Defenders and Daredevil - End of Days (which is where I finally step off), Very little else Marvel has produced has interested me for years.
    Independents Conan, Doctor Who, Miss Fury, The Cape, The Crow, The Rocketeer and all the Grimm Fairy Tales titles.

    A sad remnant of the days I'd read and collect anything. Still, there's over 40,000 comics in the collection for my old age .... :D:D:D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,240
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    Nailz wrote: »
    Was looking at Superman + Wonder Woman the other day. Seemed good from what I saw.

    I've installed a comic reader on my tablet so was thinking what to get for it.

    I've read #1 & #2 on Comixology and really enjoyed them. I'll probably read a couple more issues on there and then get the trade when it comes out.

    I've dropped a few books recently, Green Lantern and Uncanny X-Men being the main two. Will try and keep up with GL through trade now instead of monthly.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 54
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    as a trade waiter,
    I'm reading Geoff Johns Flash omnibuses and his GL run from the start. just finished Hickmans F4/FF series.
    Started Batwoman the other day what a great story loads of love in it from the creators.
    a variety of Marvel Now stuff big fan of the Avengers, New avengers, bends' x-men stuff. also just started reading Dan Slott's SSM and his ASM ultimate collection, great fun.
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