
Now we know who the star is, what do you want for Series 8?

ShoppyShoppy Posts: 1,094
Forum Member
So what would everyone like to see in Peter Capaldi's first season as the Doctor (leaving out thoughts on his costume and character as they have their own threads)...

Which classic enemies would you like him to face?
Which recurring characters would you like to see?
What points in history would you like him to visit?


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    AlbacomAlbacom Posts: 34,578
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    What would I like?

    A straight run of episodes without a gap.
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    jellyfish7jellyfish7 Posts: 156
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    He should definitely visit Pompeii.. And probably have a little pop at the 456 sometime.. :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,853
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    My wish list

    1) More stories, less story arcs

    2) Stop treating the Doctor like a Messianic idol. He was never this "just" and "perfect" in the old series, stop making him that way in this. ("If you just believe in the Doctor, he'll stop being a house-elf in a cage" rubbish has to go)

    3) No "reset button" endings, please

    4) I want depth, not just breadth, so stop telling stories in fast-forward. It worked for the old series perfectly well.

    5) BBC One is not the Moffat Channel. Remember this always.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,772
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    Ending poverty by putting a swear box in the TARDIS
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    CorwinCorwin Posts: 16,725
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    jellyfish7 wrote: »
    And probably have a little pop at the 456 sometime.. :D

    Made me laugh :D

    It of course depends on what happens in the 50th/Christmas Special but I have a feeling the Time Lords may end up returning.

    This would include the Master so I'd expect a story featuring him in Series 8 (probably including a regen).

    No major Dalek story, leave them for Series 9.

    A Zygon story especially if they only have a cameo in the 50th.

    Have a young male companion (no older than 30) join the TARDIS crew near the end of Series 8.

    Have him from either the past or the future though.

    A meeting for the 12th Doc with River (from before the Library in her timeline).
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    PeculiarcandlePeculiarcandle Posts: 247
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    More stories about the Docs time on Galiffrey and his backstory. They've got the perfect actor to do this now.
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    saxysaxy Posts: 501
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    My wish list

    1) More stories, less story arcs

    2) Stop treating the Doctor like a Messianic idol. He was never this "just" and "perfect" in the old series, stop making him that way in this. ("If you just believe in the Doctor, he'll stop being a house-elf in a cage" rubbish has to go)

    3) No "reset button" endings, please

    4) I want depth, not just breadth, so stop telling stories in fast-forward. It worked for the old series perfectly well.

    5) BBC One is not the Moffat Channel. Remember this always.

    ^ Pretty much this. Especially number 3.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 199
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    wizzywick wrote: »
    What would I like?

    A straight run of episodes without a gap.

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 312
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    Proper, realistic dialogue between the characters, allowing us to get to know them better (and thus care what happens to them) and, as wizzywick said, a straight run of episodes with no gap. I also agree with Doktor Dances' points.
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    Pull2OpenPull2Open Posts: 15,138
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    jellyfish7 wrote: »
    He should definitely visit Pompeii.. And probably have a little pop at the 456 sometime.. :D

    I'm sure they will work in Pompeii as an in-joke at some point!

    Anyway, as Romana demonstrated, Time Lords can wear copies of peoples bodies!
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    ESPIONdansantESPIONdansant Posts: 6,760
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    No "shower moment" stories.

    It didn't work for Dallas and it doesn't work for Who.

    Tinkering with time. Too darned easy. Learn to write a proper plot.

    NO romance. NO River Song. NO constantly harking back to other stories. Again, it's just lazy.
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    Pull2OpenPull2Open Posts: 15,138
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    A return to scary Who. It has already started during the last series but lets get some Talons of Weng Chiang/Horror of Fang Rock scariness back on track! Capaldi is perfect for scary Who!
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    TassiumTassium Posts: 31,639
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    Three 2-parters throughout the series, they give some depth. A series of all stand-alone episodes was just too much.

    Turn Clara into a human being rather than the cardboard cut-out pretty girl she was. (Moffat might need help with this one)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 609
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    Evil lady bad guy

    Alien companion of not certain gender or age (preferably person in rubber suit with tin foil attachments.)

    1 ep stories for 3 eps, then a 3 parter, then some one ep standalones and a two parter finale.

    Perhaps plot wise the doctor being imprissoned by the time lords for his role in the time war? or something set o earth in say 24th century, a trip to another planet or moon in our solar system,
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    BatmannequinBatmannequin Posts: 489
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    I imagine that the first half of the season will be a bit of a fan-fest, with returning monsters and allies (ie Team Vastra) aplenty - they usually tend to bring back old elements very quickly with a new Doctor, to reassure viewers that it's still the same show (in fact, I think I'm right in saying that Matt and Colin are the only Doctors to not have either a returning monster/villain or returning ally in their debut story), and with a bigger gap than ever before in NuWho between regeneration and first full episode, not to mention such a radical change in Doctors (from the youngest to - depending on when filming starts - the oldest actors to have the role), I think that this continuity is perhaps going to be seen as more important than ever. So, I guess my first wish is that they don't go TOO overboard with that. A Vastra and. co story, a Dalek or Cybermen story and a UNIT story in the first half-dozen should suffice. I fully understand why they'd look back on past eras, but I want the Twelve era to get its own feel as soon as possible, really.

    I think a new male companion is pretty much a certainty, too - older Doctors tend to have a male companion for the more demanding action sequences (and for the teenage lasses watching), and I echo the sentiment that I'd like him to be from a diffeent era. Not too far back or forward (to avoid comparisons to Jamie or Jack), but not modern-day either. A posh lad from the earlier 20th Century would be good - somebody with some (entirely well-meaning) sexism and ideas of chivalry, who wants to put himself in harms way to protect the "ladies" could clash well with the ballsy, no-nonsense, feisty and modern-thinking Clara, giving a sweet dynamic (and no doubt leading to some sort of romance).

    When the big hitters (daleks or whatever) are out of the way early on, I'd like a classic monster to come back late in the run - there's been one every year of NuWho, so I'd like to see the ball keep rolling on that. Most of the obvious ones are already back, but I reckon the Wirrn could make for some grandd New Series foes - with better effects to disguise the clunky walks and enhance the body horror aspect, they could make for a truly classic horror episode. Bring back the sleepless nights for the kiddies.

    Story arcs have been an intrinsic part of Who since the revival, so I don't think we'll be rid of them. I personally quite like them, so this doesn't upset me at all, but I think people hoping for them to go will be in for a disappointment. That said, whatever the next big arc is, I REALLY don't want the companion (either Clara or any newcomers) to prove to be the lynchpin to the whole arc. Let the companions just be The Doctor's friends for once.
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    Hello.Hello. Posts: 1,894
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    I think they should bring a male companion in too, and of course give Clara a bit of romance, but only a hint of it. I got sick of Amy & Rory snogging every other episode and trying to work out if Amy loved him or not. It was much nicer between Rose & the Doctor with that kind of will they/ wont they aspect that was only hinted at but was evident.

    I like the idea of him being from the past as well. I've been wanting a female companion from the past for a while, so was a little bit gutted that Clara died in the Christmas special. The idea of a male one makes me think of Mr Darcy on the bus in Lost in Austen - hilarious!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 400
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    I imagine that the first half of the season will be a bit of a fan-fest, with returning monsters and allies (ie Team Vastra) aplenty - they usually tend to bring back old elements very quickly with a new Doctor, to reassure viewers that it's still the same show (in fact, I think I'm right in saying that Matt and Colin are the only Doctors to not have either a returning monster/villain or returning ally in their debut story), and with a bigger gap than ever before in NuWho between regeneration and first full episode, not to mention such a radical change in Doctors (from the youngest to - depending on when filming starts - the oldest actors to have the role), I think that this continuity is perhaps going to be seen as more important than ever. So, I guess my first wish is that they don't go TOO overboard with that. A Vastra and. co story, a Dalek or Cybermen story and a UNIT story in the first half-dozen should suffice. I fully understand why they'd look back on past eras, but I want the Twelve era to get its own feel as soon as possible, really.

    I think a new male companion is pretty much a certainty, too - older Doctors tend to have a male companion for the more demanding action sequences (and for the teenage lasses watching), and I echo the sentiment that I'd like him to be from a diffeent era. Not too far back or forward (to avoid comparisons to Jamie or Jack), but not modern-day either. A posh lad from the earlier 20th Century would be good - somebody with some (entirely well-meaning) sexism and ideas of chivalry, who wants to put himself in harms way to protect the "ladies" could clash well with the ballsy, no-nonsense, feisty and modern-thinking Clara, giving a sweet dynamic (and no doubt leading to some sort of romance).

    When the big hitters (daleks or whatever) are out of the way early on, I'd like a classic monster to come back late in the run - there's been one every year of NuWho, so I'd like to see the ball keep rolling on that. Most of the obvious ones are already back, but I reckon the Wirrn could make for some grandd New Series foes - with better effects to disguise the clunky walks and enhance the body horror aspect, they could make for a truly classic horror episode. Bring back the sleepless nights for the kiddies.

    Story arcs have been an intrinsic part of Who since the revival, so I don't think we'll be rid of them. I personally quite like them, so this doesn't upset me at all, but I think people hoping for them to go will be in for a disappointment. That said, whatever the next big arc is, I REALLY don't want the companion (either Clara or any newcomers) to prove to be the lynchpin to the whole arc. Let the companions just be The Doctor's friends for once.

    The part in bold would be perfect. Especially if Capaldi is more of a dark Doctor, these moments would bring light hearted fun into the show, and would be very humorous and sweet. Love to see it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 16
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    A male companion sounds good. I don't know many people who watch Warehouse 13, but the two leads in that show (Pete and Myka) are the perfect example of how male and female partners should interact on a show, assuming Moffat doesn't want romance. Many showrunners like to claim their characters are like brother and sister, but we all know it never feels that way. But not Warehouse 13. I've never seen two actors pull off the sibling vibe so perfectly. I think the trick is for two leads to show they care about each other, but joke around and mess with each other at the same time without any touchy-feelyness.
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    JillstarJillstar Posts: 1,273
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    I'd love to see a more angsty and boastful Doctor. Someone who at first is very hard to get along with and is not as excitable and sociable as the 10th and 11th Doctor's were. It would be interesting to see Clara struggle as the Doctor's age and personality does a complete turnaround from what it was before.
    I've heard people saying that the 50th episode completely changes how the Doctor is seen. I know they seemed to be exploring this in the last series, but it would be good if the Doctor wasn't seen as such a superhero anymore, and returned to his origins of being the last of his kind, a lone man wandering through space and time.
    I can't really see Capaldi playing a 'fun and friendly' Doctor, I can only see him being more dark and mysterious, perhaps following in Eccleston's footsteps.

    As for the series as a whole, I would love to see more episodes set in the past or the future. Less about alien invasions in the present day or near future. I have always wanted to see a companion from the past - maybe from an era like the 1900s or 1930s, so the audience can see the wonders of our present world through fresh eyes. We often don't realise how things like the radio, tv, the internet, even wider things like better social housing, women's, racial, and gay equality, and the NHS have impacted on our lives. If we have a companion from the past, they can really point out how things have changed and how elements of humanity have always stayed the same and I think that is just as an important part of Doctor Who as the SciFi element is.
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    poshblokeposhbloke Posts: 815
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    A slightly more "adult" style, possibly in a later timeslot. The character of the Doctor to have greater depth and more flaws - he shouldn't be a superhero, arguably he shouldn't always "win" at least in the short term.

    Stories that run over more than one episode allowing for more development of interesting ideas and less use of various deus ex machina to bring things to a conclusion inside 45 minutes. No problem with a story arc provided it's well thought out and hangs together in a credible fashion, but a mixture of grand plot and standalone stories similar to the X Files in its pomp would be good.

    Make aliens actually look and act alien rather than like some geezer in a rubber suit or cutesy / "amusing" types.

    Finally, less focus on the companion(s) and their backstory and more on plot and establishing a credible "big bad" would be nice.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,753
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    A proper Dalek story to get our teeth into. Perhaps one where they actually win (but the Doctor and friends JUST manage to escape), leaving us to wonder when and where they will strike again next. The Doctor doesn't need to 'win ' every time, and the universe doesn't need to be at stake every week either. Perhaps this will give certain writers a way to end the story without resorting to the Doctor whipping out the sonic and pressing a button to solve it all.

    I'd like Moffat to be more in control, perhaps even writing more episodes himself. So he can make sure the other writers put certain things in and stick to the main plot, and also make them re-write silly endings.

    A return to real story arcs like in the 'good ole days', and also like series 6, and series 5 (to a bit lesser extent), as series 7 has really missed that little something extra by having a much lighter background plot.

    More multi-part stories. Perhaps a couple of 3 or 4 parters, and a couple of 2 parters and some single parters in between to make it up to the final number of episodes.

    If they could slip in an 'old' companion ( or even doctor) or 2 I'd be happy too.
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    Pull2Open wrote: »
    I'm sure they will work in Pompeii as an in-joke at some point!

    Anyway, as Romana demonstrated, Time Lords can wear copies of peoples bodies!

    The probably won't. It will just be ignored.
    Colin Baker had a substantial role in The Arc of Infinity before he was cast as the Doctor and that was never referenced again.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 903
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    Which classic enemies would you like him to face?
    Something new - imaginative and scary. Moffat is very good in creating enemies, so I'm not worried about this.
    Also, I'd like Silence and the Family of Blood to return.

    Which recurring characters would you like to see?
    Martha Jones definitely.
    Also, I'd like to see one more Craig episode and I'd like Jenny-Vastra-Strax to return.

    What points in history would you like him to visit?
    Feudal Japan and W. A. Mozart are my greatest wishes.
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    sandydunesandydune Posts: 10,986
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    Jillstar wrote: »
    I'd love to see a more angsty and boastful Doctor. Someone who at first is very hard to get along with and is not as excitable and sociable as the 10th and 11th Doctor's were. It would be interesting to see Clara struggle as the Doctor's age and personality does a complete turnaround from what it was before.
    If The Doctor was an angsty, boastful character, being that Clara has just found the Doctor, maybe she will lose him again if he turns into a Doctor who pushes people away, dismisses opinions as he had done when Amy and Rory had to go away, I think there should be balance, so The Doctor understands those around him do care and not just because he is The Doctor.
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    Ethel_FredEthel_Fred Posts: 34,127
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    Good stories.
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