
The Elder Scrolls Online

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 355
Forum Member
Does anyone one plan to get this when it is released next year?

What will you be playing it on if you are?

I only just started reading about this last night so am not completely up to date on all .the news surrounding it but if they do it right, it could potentially be one of the games of the year... IMO.

What would you like to see?


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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4
    Forum Member
    Does anyone one plan to get this when it is released next year?

    What will you be playing it on if you are?

    I only just started reading about this last night so am not completely up to date on all .the news surrounding it but if they do it right, it could potentially be one of the games of the year... IMO.

    What would you like to see?

    I enjoy skyrim, I'm not sure about this thoug. I think I will wait for the reviews and youtube gameplays to see what it looks like.

    Is the world alive, how many online players are in a world at any one time with you ?
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    Philip WalesPhilip Wales Posts: 6,373
    Forum Member
    CVG on you tube have a dedicated weekly show on ESOL. Its looking really good, especially since its going to be on the PS4.
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    Danger CloseDanger Close Posts: 3,281
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    Yes. This is a defo purchase for me.

    I'm still undecided on which platform to get it. I'll be getting both new consoles and after Xmas will be upgrading my graphics card on my PC. Like Skyrim I'll probably get it on PC as well as one console.
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    kendogukkendoguk Posts: 13,804
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    Just to clarify its also coming out on the Xbox 1 as well.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4
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    kendoguk wrote: »
    Just to clarify its also coming out on the Xbox 1 as well.

    I think we all know but... that console needs to be £299 before I would even consider it, yes consider it let alone purchase it.
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    Vast_GirthVast_Girth Posts: 9,793
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    ESO is playing it sooo safe making a ultra-typical MMORPG, whilst taking out all the bits that make the single player games fun. Its looks looks just like games everyone is already bored of. I predict it will flop badly.

    Look at the previews for this and then compare them to previews for Everquest Next. That is a true next gen MMORPG.
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    YuffieYuffie Posts: 9,864
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    Vast_Girth wrote: »
    ESO is playing it sooo safe making a ultra-typical MMORPG, whilst taking out all the bits that make the single player games fun. Its looks looks just like games everyone is already bored of. I predict it will flop badly.

    Look at the previews for this and then compare them to previews for Everquest Next. That is a true next gen MMORPG.

    That's good thinking, but I don't think it will flop.

    Skyrim was such a successful game that anything they throw out with The Elder Scrolls written on it will surely do great. I certainly don't think it will do as well as Skyrim or be quite as enjoyable but I don't think it will flop !
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 374
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    Been Waiting for this since Daggerfall - I will deffo have this and will probably be rolling either a thief or mage.

    Who needs to go out girlfriends,sex etc when you can blast a Draugr 40 meters with a fireball - oh yeah baby!!!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 374
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    Vast_Girth wrote: »

    Look at the previews for this and then compare them to previews for Everquest Next. That is a true next gen MMORPG.

    Ill probably have that too ;):D
    screw you reality!!
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    CadivaCadiva Posts: 18,419
    Forum Member
    Does anyone one plan to get this when it is released next year?

    What will you be playing it on if you are?

    I only just started reading about this last night so am not completely up to date on all .the news surrounding it but if they do it right, it could potentially be one of the games of the year... IMO.

    What would you like to see?

    Yes, I'll be most likely to get it as I've played pretty much every MMO since EverQuest launched back in 1999. I'm hoping they don't dumb down the way combat works in the single player game too much to allow for multi-player. One of the things I loved about DAoC was the fact that you had positional styles where you had to think about what you were doing to get the best damage output instead of just mashing buttons.
    The world itself is brilliant, the Elder Scrolls games (not including Oblivion which I found to be very poor) are one of my favourite game settings and I expect ESO to be a graphical dream in terms of landscapes and textures.

    Class wise, if they follow the single player format and allow you to develop your own combo class through the use of abilities mine will no doubt be something similar to my SP character, a light weapons specialist with some ranged abilities and healing magic.

    The other thing I'm pleased about is that they're going for three way conflict not just two way. It worked so well in DAoC and was working really well in Warhammer Online closed beta until they changed back to a blue versus red PvP system. I'm hoping the PvP battles in this are going to resemble those of DAoC and not those of WoW or any of the other battleground style typical of most MMOs. Open world RvR (in specific locations) was the absolute best thing about playing DAoC (and still is for that matter) and provides dynamic and interesting combat instead of arena and BG capture the flag style.
    I enjoy skyrim, I'm not sure about this thoug. I think I will wait for the reviews and youtube gameplays to see what it looks like.

    Is the world alive, how many online players are in a world at any one time with you ?

    That'll depend on server load but the average population cap per server for an MMO is usually around 2,000 to 3,000 characters online at any one time. That doesn't, of course, mean that many people will always be playing at the same time, I'd say it usually averages out to around 1,500 online simultaneously.

    There's an existing thread for the game in the PC Gaming forum here although it's been quiet for a while.
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    CadivaCadiva Posts: 18,419
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    Philip WalesPhilip Wales Posts: 6,373
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    They've said that character creation will be based around the usual Elder Scrolls model, of you can be whatever you want. Will make PvP bloody awesome, because you will never really know what class your about to attack until the fight starts, and even then it won't become obvious, you think your going into a fight with a warrior and suddenly he starts throwing fire balls at you.

    And from what I've gathered their will be 3 factions made up of 2 races each and the main PvP will be in a central zone, with all factions fighting for control of Keeps and Castles etc.
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    CadivaCadiva Posts: 18,419
    Forum Member
    And from what I've gathered their will be 3 factions made up of 2 races each and the main PvP will be in a central zone, with all factions fighting for control of Keeps and Castles etc.

    Three factions of three races each as I understand it.
    In the midst of this chaos, three alliances vie for control of the Imperial City and the White-Gold Tower. High Rock, Sentinel, and Orsinium stand as one, united under the rule of the High King in Wayrest. Valenwood and Elsweyr have forged an alliance of their own with Summerset, while Black Marsh, Morrowind, and Skyrim have formed a third, uneasy pact.

    The Daggerfall Covenant. The Aldmeri Dominion. The Ebonheart Pact.

    Three armies will take up arms against the Empire, and against each other, to wrest control of the Imperial City and White-Gold Tower from the dark forces of Oblivion itself.

    They've totally nicked the idea of relic raiding from DAoC as well which should make for interesting three way PvP (fingers crossed).
    Elder Scrolls are artifacts of immense power that aid an alliance in the ongoing battle to control Tamriel by conferring bonuses to every member of that alliance. Each alliance has a special stronghold in Cyrodiil where their Elder Scrolls are kept and protected – but enemy alliances can break in and take them if they are not guarded properly. Once access is gained and a Scroll taken, it must be taken back across Cyrodiil and placed in the alliance’s stronghold. Only then are the bonuses of the Scroll bestowed upon all the members of that alliance.

    Capture an Elder Scroll, protect it, and return it to your alliance’s stronghold to wield its power and gain bonuses.

    It's about time another MMO moved away from the traditional "good v bad" style of PvP combat with only two factions and copied the three-way DAoC massed battles :)
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    Philip WalesPhilip Wales Posts: 6,373
    Forum Member
    ^^^^^^ Probably, I've only really watched the CVG Youtube channel so probably miss heard. I like the fact that the main PVP will be aimed at the end game lvl 50's but the lower lvls will still be able to help in a support role, mass healing, operating siege weapons, cannon fodder etc.
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    GormondGormond Posts: 15,838
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    I think it looks quite good, I will probably pick it up for the PS4 at sone point.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,305
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    The game will require a $15 monthly subscription:


    My interest level just plumetted to zero...
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    kendogukkendoguk Posts: 13,804
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    Indeed lol
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    GormondGormond Posts: 15,838
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    CJClarke wrote: »
    The game will require a $15 monthly subscription:


    My interest level just plumetted to zero...

    In this day and age where all new MMOs are free to play it does seem like a strange move.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,305
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    Gormond wrote: »
    In this day and age where all new MMOs are free to play it does seem like a strange move.

    I imagine it'll be free to play within 6 months once Bethesda see their subscriber numbers dwindle quickly. It'll go the same way as Star Wars: The Old Republic.

    Skyrim broke through to the mainstream, but I really can't see many of the casual gamers who picked up Skyrim being willing to drop $15 a month just to play one game, so the only people this will appeal to will be hardcore fans, and I doubt that the hardcore fans will be in high enough numbers to keep the game viable at that pricing model, especially on consoles.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 392
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    I'm not sure about this one. I'm a big fan of all things Bethesda, but in the case of elder scrolls I find the storyline a bit flat when compared to fallout, hence the way I play oblivion/skyrim usually involves a boat load of mods. Without those, I'm probably going to get bored of on-line fairly quickly

    Hope for the best though, If they make it good enough it could be awesome :)
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    cat666cat666 Posts: 2,063
    Forum Member
    The subscription model is dead and Bethesda are making a massive mistake.

    Console gamers / single player gamers are not used to subscription based gaming. It will put them off trying the MMO experience. Likewise most MMO players have already invested time, and money into WoW and already seen games like RIFT and SWTOR fail. There is therefore very little incentive for these players to make the jump to ESO. A one off fee is justifiable, game cost and then a monthly sub?, less so. If it didn't work for RIFT and SWTOR then it won't work for ESO.

    Instead Bethesda should follow the GW2 example. One off cost, free to play forever. Then just charge people for additional content / expansions. So £40 for the game, then a further £20 for patch 1.1,1.2,1.3 and 1.4 if you buy upfront, if not £8 per patch. Then ship an expansion, priced at £25/£30, and again charge £20 for patch 2.1,2.2 etc. Add in a store for vanity items, pets, mounts, and titles and they'd still make money and draw people in from WoW.

    I see it exactly the same way I saw it in Biowares case. Greed. Get all the fanboys to buy at full price, and snare in as much in subs as they can. Whilst it works in the short term, the long term benefits of such a pricing scheme are non-existant.
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    Philip WalesPhilip Wales Posts: 6,373
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    Another reason I don't think a subscription will work is the fact a lot of people have their consoles linked up to the main TV. How many people are able to play for anywhere from 3-8hrs on the main TV without a riot breaking out in the household. PC subscription games are fine I can hide away in my study and won't have the wife moaning about me hogging the TV.
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    InspirationInspiration Posts: 62,772
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    I'm not sure the sub model is dead just yet. Final Fantasy XIV is attracting a lot of players and that's got a sub model. Wildstar coming out in Spring has a sub model. WoW still has a sub model.

    I think what determines the success/failure of a game isn't the sub model as such, it's the content. Players who play MMOs are typically already used to the idea of having to pay a monthly sub for an MMO they like. So they pick their favourite MMO and they pay for that. Games like Rift simply didn't have the gameplay & content to cause people to make the switch, so players kept their sub with WoW.

    GW2 was supposed to be the perfect pay model.. so why isn't it a huge runaway success? It's a success arguably but huge? I know no one who plays it and I know a lot of MMO players. They all played it when it launched, they don't play it now. Why? It's free! But it's not attracting them to load it up and play. That's what makes or breaks a game. Players have to WANT to play the game. And if they want to play the game, I don't think they see a subscription as a barrier.

    If they had three amazing MMOs, wanted to play all three, but could only afford one game.. that then becomes a problem yes. But the newer game is likely to win. Which is why Blizzard will be nervous about Wildstar being Pay Per Month because it's being touted as the successor to WoW by a lot of people.. and if they make the switch.. suddenly their WoW subscription becomes very easy to cancel.

    ESO is getting a flat reception and that's got nothing to do with the pay model imho.
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    Philip WalesPhilip Wales Posts: 6,373
    Forum Member
    Well I for one won't get my monies worth if it's sub based, for my reasons above. I raided very heavily in EQ 3 nights a week 6 till 10, there's no way I could do that on ESOL using my PS4. With WOW it was twice a week and either Saturday/Sunday Lunch time, thats not including a couple of hours most evenings etc.
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    cat666cat666 Posts: 2,063
    Forum Member
    I've paid for WoW:

    BattleChest 1 - £20
    WotLK - £20
    Cataclysm - £20
    Mists of Pandaria £20
    Subs - 46 months - £414

    TOTAL - £494

    Thats before digital upgrades, an authenticator, name changes, and pets from the store. That is a hell of a lot to throw away for a new MMO so the new MMO better be good before I commit to throwing money at it. A subscription based game means you can't just load it up and play if your bored of WoW if your time is expired. So your less likely to get back into the game as you have to throw another £9 at it before you can contiue. If the game is bad, then you've spend £40 on a game you can't play without throwing yet more cash at it. Therefore just like RIFT and SWTOR, I'm not going to buy the game at launch and wait to see what the mass consenus is of the game before commiting.
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