
Wind Waker HD Thoughts

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 198
Forum Member
So far:

HD graphics
Upgradable sail
Skyward Sword like hard mode (instantly available)
First person camera mode

What are everyone's thoughts?

I personally can't notice the difference sometimes in graphics. I'm speaking in particular of indoor areas like the forbidden woods. Watching a gameplay video, I could have mistaken it for the original had I not known..


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    SimonB79SimonB79 Posts: 3,135
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    zoralink wrote: »
    So far:

    HD graphics
    Upgradable sail
    Skyward Sword like hard mode (instantly available)
    First person camera mode

    What are everyone's thoughts?

    I personally can't notice the difference sometimes in graphics. I'm speaking in particular of indoor areas like the forbidden woods. Watching a gameplay video, I could have mistaken it for the original had I not known..

    it's gonna be an ideal birthday present that's my thoughts lol ;)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 198
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    The question of the omitted dungeons was avoided with a complete lack of subtlety by a Nintendo representative during an IGN interview.

    As far as they are concerned their designs were apparently used in TP and SS. But then as far as I'm concerned, stick one of those in then, we are playing a copy anyway...
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    ChparmarChparmar Posts: 6,367
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    As far as the 'graphics' go: i am sure there is a difference. It's been remastered to an ideal standard for HD displays.

    The original SD gamecube version was stunning in itself!
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    DavonatorDavonator Posts: 4,419
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    Is the game going to be reduced price, or full price?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 198
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    I believe it will be released in between. In the US that means roughly $50 I think. Not sure what it wold be here..

    They can justify full price with the refinements and additions. I'm already grateful for Wind Waker HDs further improvements compared to those in Ocarina of Time 3D. Then again there you got a texture update, 3D, gyroscope abilities and the master quest... The extra stuff in WWHD is mainly a fix for the previous versions problems.

    Hard to call, I'd like a mid tier price range, let's hope for that!
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    brbbrb Posts: 27,909
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    Davonator wrote: »
    Is the game going to be reduced price, or full price?

    Game have it at 44.99, which is more than the average Wii U game (the majority you can get around the £32 - even Pikmin 3 is at 29.99 at the moment). ShopTo have it at £40 also.

    So it seems that not only are they not giving us a reduced price, but we're being charged over the average amount of new Wii U releases. I guess we'll see later on, though.
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    ChparmarChparmar Posts: 6,367
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    I think it will be full price for sure. Whether full price means £30 or £40, I don't know.

    Although a remastered re-release- it is a high quality title. Something actually, I feel is missing a lot of the time nowdays.
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    DavonatorDavonator Posts: 4,419
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    I think the new features sound cool, but there's little chance of me forking out 40 quid for a souped up version of a game I already own.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
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    Not enough extras to warrant a full price game imho. It's a lovely game, no argument from me, but it's very short for a Zelda title. I remember getting to the end of the GC game and going "is that it? There must be more". But no. It feels by the end like a game that has had a few corners chopped off, however it is still a beautiful game.

    For £20 I'd have been in (even though I don't have a Wii U yet), but still owning the GC version on my Wii I couldn't justify it at £40-45, and it feels a bit of a weak offering when the Wii U needs something bigger.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 198
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    I agree. £30 would be my max. I've said it, here's to a long wait in order to not break my promise haha.

    I forgot t mention some other adjustments (not that these warrant full price either):

    -Triforce quest has the first 5 pieces already in the treasure chests instead of a chart, only 3 pieces require chart deciphering.
    -Lack of tingle tuner, replaced by 'message in a bottle' miiverse integration.
    -Upgraded pictobox, more picture storage, instantly colour? And self shots

    Great for the first one, much needed, plus faster sailing! So all the slower parts of the game will be gone!
    The second is a shame, despite never using it before, I wish they'd have kept that in, perfect for the gamepad and would have been a theoretical 'addition' if you consider the fact that the tingle tuner required two separate pieces of kit in addition to the GameCube to get it running.
    As for the third, that means the statue quest could be plausible finally...

    But I'd still be disappointed if it's released full price.
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    ixHellstormxixHellstormx Posts: 2,192
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    Although Nintendo have some excellent games to fall back on, Are they struggling that much for new ideas for games for the Wii U ?.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 198
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    I don't see why they should be running out of ideas..

    It doesn't bother me if they release sequels. Is not necessary to release a new franchise to be innovative. Neither is it necessary to always be innovative.

    A new Zelda, Kirby, Pokemon etc would be well received.
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    ixHellstormxixHellstormx Posts: 2,192
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    zoralink wrote: »
    I don't see why they should be running out of ideas..

    It doesn't bother me if they release sequels. Is not necessary to release a new franchise to be innovative. Neither is it necessary to always be innovative.

    A new Zelda, Kirby, Pokemon etc would be well received.

    Is Wind Waker HD a sequel ?. or just another revamped game. That's what I'm getting at. old games that get the HD treatment.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 198
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    Getting our wires crossed here,

    I mean WWHD is NOT a sequel and that Nintendo can simply release a new Zelda.

    Nintendo have enough franchises upon which to build. It's not necessary to keep releasing remakes. Even if its a current trend, it's not in Nintendo's favour right now.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 199
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    Wind Waker was a poor choice, because cell shaded graphics age well. If Nintendo had chosen Majora's Mask, people would be stoked, as "Project Moonfall" and the fan trailer demonstrate. WWHD looks virtually unchanged, even in cases where the textures would benefit from a little touch-up. I initially assumed that they chose WW because the Tingle Tuner is so ideally suited for the GamePad--imagine my surprise when I heard they nixed it! Is the hard mode comparable to Ocarina of Time's "Master Quest"? Because if it is just "more enemies," then there is no reason for anyone but the hardcore to even consider paying full price.

    The "games drought" isn't Nintendo's biggest problem: Wii U exclusives are doing a considerably worse job of selling the hardware than I anticipated. WWHD is just one example. Game & Wario is the worst game in the series by far, and seriously lacks the kinds of inspired uses for the GamePad that previous games showcased for their respective hardware. Pikmin 3 was designed for the Wii remote and nunchuck, and it shows. The Wonderful 101 scores points for enthusiasm and creativity, but its use of the GamePad is far from polished, and it won't sell any systems. Zombi U is garbage, while Rayman Legends is no longer an exclusive. Even Super Mario 3D World has inspired a degree of Internet backlash; while I fully expect it to be superb, there is no reason to suppose it will equal the Galaxy games (let alone surpass them).
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 198
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    Hero mode is specifically: Double damage, no hearts of fairies. It's also available from the beginning for those that have played the game before. It's different to skyward swords version as you could still get fairies in that one, and they were mostly in predictable locations. Whether or not you get the original bonuses such as Link's costume change or the translation of Hylian text, someone will have to clarify, must be on the web somewhere!

    I agree that MM is a better choice graphics wise. WW has now officially aged because of this release, otherwise I could enjoy the graphics to this day. You can notice slight differences especially in the outside areas. But like I said, inside I wouldn't have known...

    The warioware review put me off. Such a shame as I had enjoyed smooth moves and touched considerably. ZombiU has sat on my self since purchase. The only other games I've played have been the glitch heavy Sonic Racing, ACIII (barely) and Nintendo Land.

    Going back to MMHD, that trailer was beautiful. Understandably the graphics would age much quicker, but surely that's the point. MM does look old, WW didn't...
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    MD1500MD1500 Posts: 14,234
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    One of the most interesting things about the leaked trailer is that there will apparently be a Zelda edition of the Wii U console featuring a gamepad with gold decoration. It's a good counterpart to the Zelda 3DS.

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    ChparmarChparmar Posts: 6,367
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    MD1500 wrote: »
    One of the most interesting things about the leaked trailer is that there will apparently be a Zelda edition of the Wii U console featuring a gamepad with gold decoration. It's a good counterpart to the Zelda 3DS.


    This will probably be my entry into the world of Wii U! :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 198
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    At least you'll enter a fuller world as far as games are concerned. It still feels like a launch period though. Most of the 'hardcore' fans already bought a Wii U anyway. So the decorated gamepad is hardly a deal breaker to me.

    Didn't they do a platinum GameCube with the original Wind Waker? That was cool, having a unique colour with that bundle.
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    ChparmarChparmar Posts: 6,367
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    Look like the wii U that is bundled with Wind Waker is of good value! Can't wait! :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 198
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    Chparmar wrote: »

    Look like the wii U that is bundled with Wind Waker is of good value! Can't wait! :)

    I like the fact that it also comes with the Hyrule Historia book. I got that as a birthday present and love it!!!
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    omipaloneomipalone Posts: 11,735
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    zoralink wrote: »
    I like the fact that it also comes with the Hyrule Historia book. I got that as a birthday present and love it!!!


    I now have the justification to purchase my Wii U - I can only get away with getting another console by saying "But it's Zelda!!" :D

    *already got Hyrule Historia (2 copies) but they are hidden in the loft :eek:*
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    IzakIzak Posts: 3,452
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    Wind Waker was one of my favourites in the series so have Wind Waker HD preordered, looking forward to playing through it again. Hope there is a few new features in it though.
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    ChparmarChparmar Posts: 6,367
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    Just scored a perfect 10 at Eurogamer!

    Much better than that trash GTA V; which won't even be remember or at least played in 10 years time! ;)
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