
If Andy wins would he be considered a great winner?

I despise him but lets be honest here he has played a blinder of a game. He lies without ever getting caught and goes from one alliance to the next without no one noticing.

People say Amanda and McCrae were running this game for weeks but I actually think it was Andy. If you notice as soon as he flipped on them both Amanda and McCrae became clueless idiots that had no idea they was being played.

His only downfall is his piss poor jury management. We have seen in many seasons a player who played harder than their final 2 opponent lose because the jury was bitter.

Do you think the jury will be bitter towards Andy if he makes final 2?

And would you consider him a great winner if he won? I would, hes played the best game this year.


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    starrystarry Posts: 12,434
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    lol, at Andy running Amanda. He never decided who went. He floated around which is a kind of game, though he also did that because he seemed scared of people.
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    AnachronyAnachrony Posts: 2,757
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    It's impressive in a way how well Amanda was able to get everyone doing her bidding for so long, and how Andy was able to get literally everyone thinking he was their close ally simultaneously. But both of those things get an asterisk because they required this house to be particularly stupid for it to work. It was a stupid house, and both of those people would have been figured out much sooner in just about any other season. His same behavior would have been his downfall if he didn't luck out with his housemates.

    Strategy is one thing, but where is the strategy in constant personal attacks against people who aren't even in the house anymore? Where is the strategy in telling jury members you betrayed them in your goodbye message?

    A villain can be fun to watch if it's done with style, but Andy sucked a lot of the enjoyment out of this season. Besides sucking up to everyone, which granted, he was very good at, his number one gameplay move throughout most of the game was snitching anything anyone ever confided in him straight to Amanda. The effect was that any game talk immediately backfired and got people evicted,and everyone was intimidated into lining up to do Amanda's bidding like sheep for the slaughter. If this particular house weren't so stupid they would have figured out the leak very quickly, but their incompetence let Andy ruin the season.
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    QueenPixieQueenPixie Posts: 773
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    no he is a rat.

    Spencer wining would be hilarious though
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    TheManWhoLaughsTheManWhoLaughs Posts: 7,271
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    No, he'd be more of a joke than Adam or Ian. At least Adam pretty much single-handedly controlled the end-game and Ian had his comp wins.
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    Point17Point17 Posts: 2,400
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    No, he'd be more of a joke than Adam or Ian. At least Adam pretty much single-handedly controlled the end-game and Ian had his comp wins.

    Also Ian did well with Britney/Mike Boogie and Dan

    Andy was in an alliance with all 4 of the last evictees and now he told Amanda, shes gonna ruin his game in Jury. And deservedly so
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,100
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    According to Ian, Andy would be the fourth greatest winner. Andy has to realize he is playing for second place, though. I would be shocked if, after comparing notes, the jury doesn't realize how much of a rat he is. Amanda is vindictive and will probably hold a grudge so I can't see her voting for him. Amanda will tell Elissa it was Andy who lied, so she won't either which will make Helen not either especially since she had already acknowledged that her biggest downfall was trusting Andy so much. That is already three votes gone. It won't be hard to get two more. The only person he could win against IMO is GM. Spencer is iffy, but he definitely won't win if Judd is F2 and McRae won't make it that far.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 383
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    Andy is the worst player! He gets by doing a whole lot of nothing. I'd like to see someone win who makes big, bold moves and as far as who's left that would be GinaMarie, I guess... but eesh that accent and vocabulary (or lack thereof) would be hard to see with a crown on top...
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    Kyle123Kyle123 Posts: 25,782
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    I felt like starting a thread similar to this last night, because whilst Andy's personality bugs me more and more as the weeks go on, I think the hatred towards his gameplay has been very over the top. I don't necessarily think he'd be an amazing winner, but I really think he deserves it more than anyone else in there at this point. His gameplay has been very much behind the scenes, but to say he has done nothing is a huge injustice...

    I feel in terms of gameplay, he's far more a Jun than an Jenn. He has been a core part of every single alliance that ever really got anywhere this season, and has never really been a target (apart from Elissa getting his number of late, too late!) His work behind the scenes helped his alliances to stay in power from the third week. He built strong relationships with everyone and then used it to get as much information of them and into his teams hands. Taking everything back to Amanda ensured that this season has been a snooze to watch, but it's not bad gameplay to maintain your alliances place at the top of the game for so long. As much fun as it is to see a gameplayer who makes flashy moves and has to hustle to survive, Andy's behind-the-scenes game has been strong enough throughout to ensure he was never in a position where he had to make them.

    People call him a floater, but that's not true at all. It's ridiculous to compare him to someone like Jenn from last year, because Andy has not stopped trying to solidify his position near the top of the tree from the start, whilst preventing his target getting to big. A true floater will just sit there all summer and let everyone take each other out. Andy didn't do that - he picked a side and then helped them take everyone out. It's not exciting to watch, but it's worked well for him so far and it's been far smarter than being an Amanda or a Helen, who were always going to have their huge target catch up on them.

    All that being said, I think it's definitely a flawed plan that could unravel at the end. Telling Amanda about the Exterminators could make or break his season, but I feel that whilst she could well be angry and full of vengance, I think it's also better to tell her yourself than to let GM or Judd tell her when they get picked off in the next week..

    I don't like Andy in the slightest and the personal attacks over the last few weeks have been hugely unncesscary, but I think his gameplay has been hugely overlooked. I don't want him to win, but I think in terms of playing the game, he's earnt it based on who is left..
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    Shine_OnShine_On Posts: 1,195
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    He's been the best player from a game perspective this year. He's put the work in, played the game hard and made moves. If he wins, he's deserved it.

    Although, I think him voting out Amanda was a mistake and his jury management has been shockingly bad.
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    meglosmurmursmeglosmurmurs Posts: 35,122
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    What moves has he made though? I find it hard to name any plan that was his. He's not only a floater between alliances he seems to be a floater between other people's plans too.

    His social game is particularly strong but his sneakiness may come back to haunt him. He's played things just a little bit too personal, like to the point where the jurors genuinely felt attached to him so are going to be extra hurt when it all proves to be false.

    Watching his game fall apart would be the only entertaining thing left for me to watch, but if he won I could handle it. I just want to get it over with without too much fuss. lol
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    starrystarry Posts: 12,434
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    He's the typical HG who goes to the DR and always says things are part of his plan and yet he really follows others.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,479
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    I think he would be a great winner, but I personally don't like his gameplay but I can appreciate it at the same time.
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    SweetSyrupSweetSyrup Posts: 2,573
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    He's done jack all.

    Detest the little rat, ruined every interesting plan and development in the house, switched on Amanda when we could have guaranteed an awesome final 4.

    Gave an orgasm face when "exterminating" his queen. Literally detest him, horrible winner.
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    BadmkBadmk Posts: 1,535
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    I hate his gameplay but Its been bloody good. I really want him to win purely from a game perspective.
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    TheManWhoLaughsTheManWhoLaughs Posts: 7,271
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    Kyle123 wrote: »
    His gameplay has been very much behind the scenes, but to say he has done nothing is a huge injustice...

    It's perhaps not so much that he does nothing, but he doesn't have much of a consistent plan week-on-week except sucking up to the power-players. He's definitely the best at keeping people in the dark, but schmoozing people by itself isn't really that impressive of a skill unless you can woo them in the jury. If he pulls that off in the end, I may rethink his gameplay a bit. If you can't convince a jury, you're not that great.

    He's the most deserved but absolutely least likeable member of the Exterminators. And considering that alliance consists of Child Porn Spencer, Rage Issues Judd and **** Insurance GinaMarie that's quite some feat.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 142
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    I think he has controlled the game from the start. I don't like him but I wouldn't call him a floater as all his moves have been strategic and he has been secretly working with Amanda from the start. He only switched sides last week.

    He has been a rat by squashing any game changing moves. But it is amazing that HGs still gave him information. Even Elissa, who I thought had sussed him out, thought that he didn't flip on the plan to save Amanda.
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    RedmondRedmond Posts: 19,283
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    Anachrony wrote: »
    But both of those things get an asterisk because they required this house to be particularly stupid for it to work. It was a stupid house, and both of those people would have been figured out much sooner in just about any other season.

    People say this every year though. They said the Brigade wouldn't have made it so far in any other season. They say Dan wouldn't have manipulated so well in any other season. Lets face it, 80% of the housemates every year are either stupid, don't know the game well enough, or get caught up in the drama and paranoia of the house and it effects their strategy - you only usually get a couple that are legit good game players.

    Andy's style of play isn't one I particularly enjoy watching but I do think out of those left he has probably played the best game. Convincing McCrae that Elissa voted out Amanda and convincing Elissa that McCrae voted out Amanda takes some doing in that short a time.
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    SweetSyrupSweetSyrup Posts: 2,573
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    Redmond wrote: »
    People say this every year though. They said the Brigade wouldn't have made it so far in any other season. They say Dan wouldn't have manipulated so well in any other season. Lets face it, 80% of the housemates every year are either stupid, don't know the game well enough, or get caught up in the drama and paranoia of the house and it effects their strategy - you only usually get a couple that are legit good game players.

    Andy's style of play isn't one I particularly enjoy watching but I do think out of those left he has probably played the best game. Convincing McCrae that Elissa voted out Amanda and convincing Elissa that McCrae voted out Amanda takes some doing in that short a time.

    I don't understand the logic in then going on record in his Amanda exit message of telling her about the exterminator alliance, that's 3 bitter jury members right there pissed at him - Amanda, McCrae and Elissa, all in one swoop.

    Master tactician? No.

    Glorified rat? Yes.
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    RedmondRedmond Posts: 19,283
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    SweetSyrup wrote: »
    I don't understand the logic in then going on record in his Amanda exit message of telling her about the exterminator alliance, that's 3 bitter jury members right there pissed at him - Amanda, McCrae and Elissa, all in one swoop.

    I guess he was going for the "game player" angle and hoping she respects that when it comes to the final vote. I think Amanda will be bitter as hell though, he may have misjudged that.
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    starrystarry Posts: 12,434
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    Redmond wrote: »
    Convincing McCrae that Elissa voted out Amanda and convincing Elissa that McCrae voted out Amanda takes some doing in that short a time.

    It was when McCrae put her up that Elissa thought he had another alliance, and that was just right after the eviction without having had much time to think about it either.
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    TheManWhoLaughsTheManWhoLaughs Posts: 7,271
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    Safwaansh wrote: »
    I think he has controlled the game from the start.

    He's never expressed any sort of view of how he wants the game to go, so he's never really controlled anything. He put himself in a great spot but his whole strategy was 'glom onto a powerful couple then ditch them', which works but isn't really indicative of controlling anything.
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    mindsetmindset Posts: 23,949
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    He's never expressed any sort of view of how he wants the game to go, so he's never really controlled anything. He put himself in a great spot but his whole strategy was 'glom onto a powerful couple then ditch them', which works but isn't really indicative of controlling anything.

    You are forgetting Andy had absolute control of Helen and through her, he was able to restrain Elissa, Jessie and Candice. He also managed his position such that no alliance could succeed without his participation. You refer to McCranda as a "power couple" that he "glommed onto", but his intelligence gathering (ratting if you like) together with Aaryn's HoH wins, were the source of their alliance power.

    His strategy was evident, at least to me. To use his genuine alliance (Goof Troop then 3AM) within an alliance (Knockouts) to control the house, until the time came when he alone decided to end it and make a run for F2 with his chosen goat, Spencer.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,100
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    Andy is getting waaaaaaaaaaay too much credit. This is worse than the Ian Terry love. Andy's first active game move was getting rid of Amanda, but even then, it wasnt that spectacular since that "is what the house wanted." He hasn't had to pull off anything other than making sure the people he snitched on didnt compare toes which isn't that difficult when they are opposite sides of the house. Andy has floater blocked every single potential big move that could have ever happened in this game from day one. That has been is contribution and what he will be remembered for. Andy's game has been to not do anything, but not even in a McCrae lay down in bed type of way. He has actively done nothing in order for the game to not progress.
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    QueenPixieQueenPixie Posts: 773
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    NO WAY he will win this! Helen and Amanda and most definitely campaigning against him in Jury (think about it)
    9 jury members, 5 votes to win:
    Look at who is currently there lol
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    meglosmurmursmeglosmurmurs Posts: 35,122
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    I always laugh when he's in the diary room claiming he's controlled anything.

    One moment always sticks in my mind that kind of sums him up in this game. It was when Amanda was having an angry tearful rant in the bedroom while Andy was slowly backing out the room towards the door, until Amanda stops him - "Oi you will listen to me!!!" Andy: :o:( "okay"
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