
Celebrities who get an easy time from the press



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    edy10edy10 Posts: 18,403
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    benjamini wrote: »
    The theme appears to me to be money.

    and a very good PR team :cool: but some celebrities have those 2 but still don't get an easy ride compared to others.
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    intoxicationintoxication Posts: 7,059
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    edy10 wrote: »
    Rihanna antics are applauded ; especially in the UK and I don't understand why :confused:.

    Beyonce for example dont get an easy ride with the press. I'm not exactly a Beyonce's fan but I don't understand these double standards.

    I actually find this the other way round :confused:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,664
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    It was mentioned over and over and over in the newspapers. There were photographs and drawings on news programmes showing the distance between the apartment and the tapas bar. There were smug opinion pieces from journalists telling us what terrible parents the McCanns were. Where on earth do you get the notion that the press held back?
    They only became more guarded when they realised that the McCanns, unlike some of the other parents they had villified in the past, were prepared to take them on and had the education and wherewithal to do so.

    Firstly, the photos and diagrams re the distance from apartment to restaurant came about because the McCanns claimed they were only a few metres away and could see the apartment - proven to be utterly false.

    Secondly, the press have CLEARLY held back for whatever reason, as not long after the above was published the emphasis suddenly switched to 'incompetent foreign police'. The police wouldn't have needed to be involved if the McCanns were as blameless as they claim.

    And thirdly - I find it utterly bizarre that you appear to admire the McCanns for their grit, education and wherewithal in taking on the press. At best - at VERY BEST - they left their three children unattended while they themselves went out for a jolly up with some friends. Admire them? I despise them.
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    wise-upwise-up Posts: 2,023
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    I am suprised this threa is still here. Don't McCann mentions usually get a thread pulled? Unless they don't pay much attention to showbiz as they are most likely to be discussed in gd. I think beyonce and jay z get an easy time. I find it hard to believe she is as clean cut as we are made to believe an there are rumours of jay cheating on her, but no kiss and tells? Do American tabs do kiss and tells?

    Also Rita ora and cara delavigne seem loved by the daily mail but cara has been caught with drugs and they still love her and there are casting couch rumours about Rita but they are not reported. In recent years Gary Barlow ha almost become untouchable too, probably since he is best mates wih the royals. Speaking of the royals, prince William seems to never be surrounded with scandal either.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,664
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    wise-up wrote: »
    I am suprised this threa is still here. Don't McCann mentions usually get a thread pulled? Unless they don't pay much attention to showbiz as they are most likely to be discussed in gd. I think beyonce and jay z get an easy time. I find it hard to believe she is as clean cut as we are made to believe an there are rumours of jay cheating on her, but no kiss and tells? Do American tabs do kiss and tells?

    Also Rita ora and cara delavigne seem loved by the daily mail but cara has been caught with drugs and they still love her and there are casting couch rumours about Rita but they are not reported. In recent years Gary Barlow ha almost become untouchable too, probably since he is best mates wih the royals. Speaking of the royals, prince William seems to never be surrounded with scandal either.

    You are quite right, probably best to leave the whole MM saga alone, if only for 'off topic' reasons.

    David Walliams seems to get a clear run for someone whose whole career defines the phrase 'one trick pony'. And when the Sunday red-tops eventually lead with 'The Full Sordid Story!!!' I for one won't be even slightly surprised...
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    SuperAPJSuperAPJ Posts: 10,402
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    Simon Cowell, definitely. The tabloid reaction to him getting a married woman pregnant is along the lines of "Oh Simon, such a player!". Most other celebrities, particularly female ones, would be ripped apart for being involved in an affair like that.
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    FishyFooFishyFoo Posts: 97
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    Got to be Kate Skanky Moss. Total druggie and should still be on that council estate in Croydon but the press seem to love her. A great role model, my arse !
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    musicjukebox123musicjukebox123 Posts: 745
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    Simon Cowell obviously but someone also mentioned I believe on the first page Tom Hanks. TH was having an affair with his now second wife whilst still married to his first. This was in 1986/7 so I suppose his star hadn't peaked but he was still a big name on US TV at the time and 'Splash' had come out.
    Press reaction wasn't huge and he quickly married his second wife which apparently caused a lot of heartache for his first wife who unfortunately died from bone cancer in 2002.

    He appears to be a nice man and genuine and probably is but it seems to be a fact lost on people.
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    L-unaL-una Posts: 228
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    FishyFoo wrote: »
    Got to be Kate Skanky Moss. Total druggie and should still be on that council estate in Croydon but the press seem to love her. A great role model, my arse !

    Usually seen with hair scraped back,hangover face and a **** on.
    Looks like a malnourished Chav but is a supermodel????
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    Vodka_DrinkaVodka_Drinka Posts: 28,761
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    FishyFoo wrote: »
    Got to be Kate Skanky Moss. Total druggie and should still be on that council estate in Croydon but the press seem to love her. A great role model, my arse !

    I think drug use seems to be accepted as the norm in fashion circles. It curbs hunger and helps the models to stay so skinny. It's the reason they all smoke as well. To stay thin.

    Someone above mentioned Cara Delevigne being photographed dropping a bag of what appeared to be cocaine. Kate was actually photographed snorting it, and if anything it boosted her career.

    I've always thought she was a skanky mess and I don't think she's beautiful either. She takes a good photo, but other than that I've seen more attractive women walking down my local highs street.
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    BerBer Posts: 24,562
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    It's funny you mention Jimmy Saville because I actually came on here to say that I'm finding Rolf Harries to have been getting a surprisingly easy ride throughout the recent allegations. When he was first arrested his name was kept out of the press (which I found strange ... not sure if everyone got this treatment) and even now he has been charged he seems to be treated relatively favourably ... no sordid details (in fact no details at all!). I know he's got close connections with the Royal family, could this be why?

    That's the way it should be by default IMO.

    When a man accused of sexual crimes is found innocent the first thing that is usually said is why was he named, his life will be ruined, etc. etc.

    The media should NOT be printing any 'sordid details' until guilt is determined by a trial.
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    Swanandduck2Swanandduck2 Posts: 5,502
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    kaybee15 wrote: »
    Firstly, the photos and diagrams re the distance from apartment to restaurant came about because the McCanns claimed they were only a few metres away and could see the apartment - proven to be utterly false.

    Secondly, the press have CLEARLY held back for whatever reason, as not long after the above was published the emphasis suddenly switched to 'incompetent foreign police'. The police wouldn't have needed to be involved if the McCanns were as blameless as they claim.

    And thirdly - I find it utterly bizarre that you appear to admire the McCanns for their grit, education and wherewithal in taking on the press. At best - at VERY BEST - they left their three children unattended while they themselves went out for a jolly up with some friends. Admire them? I despise them.

    I don't 'admire' them and I never said I did.

    I am saying they demonstrate how much the press get away with when people aren't in a position to take them on and fight back. People are indignant that the McCann's didn't get a complete drubbing by the press when instead they should be indignant that so many other citizens do get villified by journalists who don't always know the full story and play to a sensation hungry readership who like to treat other people's lives and problems like some kind of Soap Opera.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,888
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    Any model. They get called babes, and stunners and all that constantly...even if they are't that well known.
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    Pob-BundyPob-Bundy Posts: 1,321
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    Any of the reality lot but Mark Wright in particular. He is made out to be some sort of lothario with the world at his feet when the REAL reality is he probably signs his credit cards with different coloured crayons! He talks like a simpleton and looks like a caveman with hair gel on. Literally a big head with a bulldog face. Who'd have thought Michelle Keegan was an idiot? She always seemed quite sharp when she came onto the scene. I suppose anyone within the realm of idiocracy is protected by the media because they're seen as harmless. But it's really getting annoying to see/hear complete thickos with wads of cash shoved in our faces everyday!!!! Rant over god bless etc:D
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    TTTangoTTTango Posts: 7,619
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    Ant - from Ant and Dec. Never read a bad word about him. He must have some faults LOL
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    MaksonMakson Posts: 30,571
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    TTTango wrote: »
    Ant - from Ant and Dec. Never read a bad word about him. He must have some faults LOL

    His farts proper stink.
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    wilehelmaswilehelmas Posts: 3,610
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    Makson wrote: »
    His farts proper stink.

    Rubbish! He takes those Japanese poop-pellets that stop you niffing.


    Ant: still faultless. :D
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    MaksonMakson Posts: 30,571
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    Louis Walsh is a good example.
    I'm surprised too how he always manges to keep his love life firmly out of the papers. I'm sure there are some juicy stories there about what celebs he has slept with!
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    zx50zx50 Posts: 91,309
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    Makson wrote: »
    Louis Walsh is a good example.
    I'm surprised too how he always manges to keep his love life firmly out of the papers. I'm sure there are some juicy stories there about what celebs he has slept with!

    If Louis' had one night stands, it does make you wonder why his bits of fun haven't done kiss and tells. Unless the papers have made some sort of deal with him whereby they won't accept these stories from his bits of fun. If this is the case.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 34
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    I know Charlotte Church testified against press intrusion but I always thought she used have amazingly good press in her teenage years.
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    sparkle22sparkle22 Posts: 1,135
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    kate moss agree charlotte church got a lot of bad press until she married gavin Henson she stays out the limelight now.
    Simon cowell annoys me I bet he pays the press to keep bad stories out of the media there is a blind item suggesting he has dabbled in drugs and sex tapes but the press will never print these things I also think they went too far with Heather mills ok she's not my favourite person but the daily mail went too far with it she kind of redeemed herself with dancing on ice
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    milliejomilliejo Posts: 2,230
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    Your right about the mccans if they had come from a council estate ss would probably put their other children on an at risk register.

    They would have had to change their names to stay safe if they were poor and lived on a council estate, they would have been slaughter by the media.
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    Haggis&ChipsHaggis&Chips Posts: 643
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    sunstone wrote: »
    *coughs* Carter Ruck.

    Quite. I'd get a life ban for adding anything to this particular strand of the discussion...

    And I think it's safe to assume that the mighty Behemoth that is Simon Cowell is similarly well 'protected'.
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    ewoodieewoodie Posts: 27,180
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    Some celebs clearly 'co-operate' with the press by giving regular stories. So the press go easy on them and ignore other stories about them they could print.

    Other celebs like Gary Lineker who had countless affairs during his first marriage was not outed by the press. Don't know why though.
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    pete137pete137 Posts: 18,540
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    Ryan Giggs. Was shagging his brothers wife for EIGHT YEARS and he tore his family apart.

    His doormat of a wife forgave him, and he is still a golden boy.
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