
Atlantis premiere: potential 50th teaser/trailer/other promotion?

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,003
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From Doctor Who official facebook page:
The 50th anniversary is drawing ever closer – so here's a sneak peek behind the scenes.

UK fans, make sure you keep an eye out around the premiere of BBC Atlantis tonight… http://bbc.in/195Mulc

I wasn't quite sure what to put into the title for it not to be misleading as this isn't very specific.

EDIT: Silly me, should have clicked the link before posting:
Tonight, immediately before and after the brilliant Atlantis (BBC One, 8.25pm) there will be ‘stings’ for The Day of the Doctor that reveal the ident which will be used for the episode, plus a hashtag that (hopefully!) you’ll soon be very familiar with…

We recently announced a raft of programmes that will be help celebrate the Doctor’s anniversary but stand by for several surprises en route to the 50th… One of them is a brand new trailer, specially written and shot for The Day of the Doctor. It’s never been seen before and is currently in post-production. Bold, brilliant and unexpected, it promises to be an ideal way to look forward to the big day – 23 November.

We’ll bring you that trailer as soon as we can, but in the meantime, here’s a shot from behind the scenes of its production. And don’t forget to catch the stings tonight on BBC One around Atlantis! If they’re on a little late for you, don’t worry, we’ll have them right here on the official site so you can watch for weeks after they air!


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    Ed SizzersEd Sizzers Posts: 2,671
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    I wasn't one of those people that had a problem with the trailer airing at Comic Con, back in July. That far ahead of transmission, it made sense not to air it on TV, or lose the potential impact of it appearing on TV by just sticking it on youtube.

    But having said that, the BBC really aren't doing themselves any favours when they try and hype up a couple of 'stings' and a hashtag.

    As for the trailer, if it's been 'specially shot', then presumably it's going to be like the trailers were were getting up until season 5, with action not featured in each upcoming series (or in this case, special).
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    CD93CD93 Posts: 13,940
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    The timing matches up with what is to be expected from the BBC - so after all that worrying, they're starting the teasing on time :p
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    guestofsethguestofseth Posts: 5,303
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    CD93 wrote: »
    The timing matches up with what is to be expected from the BBC - so after all that worrying, they're starting the teasing on time :p

    Exactly, now the complaints will be about the size/quality of the teasers instead. The trailer complaints will continue for a few more weeks though, and, let's be honest, long after it's released as well (especially since it looks like we're getting a special trailer before any footage is shown.)

    This probably will go the same way as the Atlantis promotional campaign did, along with all the complaining ("oh is that it" "I pay my license fee for a 5 second clip" etc etc :rolleyes:) but that's what you're forced to put up with now that there's comment sections on everything and twitter. Despite the complaints from a small faction it's still very effective.

    Start out with something small, pique people's curiosity, with Atlantis it was simply it's name and "the legend begins" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ2Mnohxk1Q, with Doctor Who it seems it's getting its own ident. Then release (very) short teasers over a few weeks, before releasing the trailer (I'd guess mid to late October.)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,003
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    CD93 wrote: »
    The timing matches up with what is to be expected from the BBC - so after all that worrying, they're starting the teasing on time :p

    When is the BBC3 repeat of The Name of the Doctor scheduled? Surely they should have a final version of the trailer by then.
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    Benjamin SiskoBenjamin Sisko Posts: 1,921
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    I'd rather they focused all their time on having the trailer done rather than... hashtags... But if it reveals that the 50th is using the Pertwee/McGann logo then I will dance around the room and cook an omelette.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 983
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    I'd rather they focused all their time on having the trailer done rather than... hashtags... But if it reveals that the 50th is using the Pertwee/McGann logo then I will dance around the room and cook an omelette.

    Watch the BBC America version, the old Pertwee/McGann logo is the one they often use, so it might pop up.
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    RooksRooks Posts: 9,136
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    That they describe having a trailer for the 50th Anniversary episode as a "surprise" made me chuckle a little given the complaints over the lack of a trailer :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 137
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    The trailer better be available in 3d!!!
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    Ed SizzersEd Sizzers Posts: 2,671
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    CD93 wrote: »
    The timing matches up with what is to be expected from the BBC - so after all that worrying, they're starting the teasing on time :p
    In terms of the timing, I agree. But I think announcing the teasing kind of defeats the object. When the trailer's done, sure, let people know when it's going to air, that makes sense.

    But a tiny teaser, for me that would have had more impact if I didn't know it was coming. Because on it's own merits it's not really something worth seeing, so it's only real value is in the surprise.
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    mossy2103mossy2103 Posts: 84,315
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    Exactly, now the complaints will be about the size/quality of the teasers instead. The trailer complaints will continue for a few more weeks though, and, let's be honest, long after it's released as well (especially since it looks like we're getting a special trailer before any footage is shown.)

    This probably will go the same way as the Atlantis promotional campaign did, along with all the complaining ("oh is that it" "I pay my license fee for a 5 second clip" etc etc :rolleyes:) but that's what you're forced to put up with now that there's comment sections on everything and twitter. Despite the complaints from a small faction it's still very effective.

    Start out with something small, pique people's curiosity, with Atlantis it was simply it's name and "the legend begins" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ2Mnohxk1Q, with Doctor Who it seems it's getting its own ident. Then release (very) short teasers over a few weeks, before releasing the trailer (I'd guess mid to late October.)

    Very much spot on.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 983
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    Ed Sizzers wrote: »
    But a tiny teaser, for me that would have had more impact if I didn't know it was coming. Because on it's own merits it's not really something worth seeing, so it's only real value is in the surprise.

    I think this is a reverse promotion, in that they've announced the teaser to make Who fans try Atlantis, rather than Atlantis viewers watch Who.
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    Shawn_LunnShawn_Lunn Posts: 9,353
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    We're getting something at least.
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    CD93CD93 Posts: 13,940
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    Ed Sizzers wrote: »
    In terms of the timing, I agree. But I think announcing the teasing kind of defeats the object. When the trailer's done, sure, let people know when it's going to air, that makes sense.

    But a tiny teaser, for me that would have had more impact if I didn't know it was coming. Because on it's own merits it's not really something worth seeing, so it's only real value is in the surprise.

    Hey, there were calls for an Atlantis-style promotion. So tiny teasers should please those folk :p Having it start before the launch of a new series is nothing new, either. Business as usual in the BBC marketing department.

    But as posted above, nothing the BBC does to promote the special will appease everyone. So there's little point worrying about it.

    ETA: Richard is already here to stir things up in his usual way. Taking what has been announced and presenting it as the complete package, harking back to some bad PR. He's going to need some new material next year.
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    Richard_WatsonRichard_Watson Posts: 426
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    Funny how we've gone from the Controller of BBC1 claiming 2013 would see a celebration of Doctor Who on the scale of the BBC's Olympics coverage to being grateful for a two second teaser.
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,108
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    OMG! Yay, a hashtag! So excited.....:eek:

    In all seriousness though, these ident things should be interesting and we'll get the trailer soon enough so I'm fairly happy. :)
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    Ed SizzersEd Sizzers Posts: 2,671
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    CD93 wrote: »
    Hey, there were calls for an Atlantis-style promotion. So tiny teasers should please those folk :p Having it start before the launch of a new series is nothing new, either. Business as usual in the BBC marketing department.
    Sure. As I said, I don't have a problem with the way the publicity is being built up. And for the vast majority of people tonight, the teaser will be a surprise. I'm just disappointed the BBC kinda spoiled it for some of us.

    But Lii is right, this is probably more about getting Who fans to watch Atlantis, rather than the other way around.
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    Benjamin SiskoBenjamin Sisko Posts: 1,921
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    Funny how we've gone from the Controller of BBC1 claiming 2013 would see a celebration of Doctor Who on the scale of the BBC's Olympics coverage to being grateful for a two second teaser.

    That controller was fired before any Anniversary celebrations could happen. Things could have been very different, so your logic is severely flawed.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 983
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    OMG! Yay, a hashtag! So excited.....

    LOL. I wouldn't be surprised if this backfires on them, much like the infamous #McDStories hashtag and similar campaigns. There's clearly a large minority of fans who are in complaining mode.

    Oh well, let's try to stay positive on here at least. I don't expect much tonight, but I'm glad that the campaign is finally underway.
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    Ed SizzersEd Sizzers Posts: 2,671
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    Lii wrote: »
    LOL. I wouldn't be surprised if this backfires on them, much like the infamous #McDStories hashtag and similar campaigns. There's clearly a large minority of fans who are in complaining mode.
    Yep. If these had just appeared tonight, it would have been a pleasant surprise and they probably (well, possibly!) would have been well received and they'd have done the job in starting to build anticipation.

    But by announcing it, the BBC have now set an expectation that it's unlikely the teasers will meet. I suspect there'll be a lot of "Is that it?" comments this evening.

    And they won't all be about Atlantis. :p
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    Sara_PeplowSara_Peplow Posts: 1,579
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    Any teasers or mini trailers are good start the build up.
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    CorwinCorwin Posts: 16,729
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    So with there being
    Daleks in this specially filmed trailer are we going to see them partially exterminate the 8th Doctor so he becomes the Hurt Doctor?

    Spoilered just in case people haven't looked at the picture at the link.
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    radcliffe95radcliffe95 Posts: 4,086
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    At last!
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    bp2bp2 Posts: 1,117
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    What are stings? I am not an expert in TV terminology. And what is a ident? I thought it was simply the thing before a programme starts saying which BBC channel it is. Why would I be excited by something saying BBC One?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 260
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    The fact that all this time we've been waiting for a trailer and it's only just been filmed... I give up with expectations now, a new hashtag wooo
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    CD93CD93 Posts: 13,940
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    bp2 wrote: »
    What are stings? I am not an expert in TV terminology. And what is a ident? I thought it was simply the thing before a programme starts saying which BBC channel it is. Why would I be excited by something saying BBC One?

    Example of an ident: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kXvs0aKSt0

    The sting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GObBQ6uC20

    Usually accompanied with a teaser image or short clip when used for promotion.
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