
NuWho Re-Watch

fiyero26fiyero26 Posts: 234
Forum Member
So, I've just began the big re-watch ready for the 50th. I've worked out that If I start on Tuesday 13th I'll be able to watch every nu-who ep leading up to Nov 23rd. I'm a bit impatient and I know I'll probably miss a couple of days in between (Plus I want to fit Torchwood re-watch in) so I've started with Rose tonight. First time I've re-watched since 2011. Anyone else re-watching? Perhaps we can discuss eps as we go along :D


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    AbominationAbomination Posts: 6,494
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    I began a rewatch last week with my partner... he's watched most of the episodes before but says there's one or two that he's missed along the way, which should be interesting.

    We're up to School Reunion at the moment and the only episode he hadn't seen was Boom Town, which he described as his favourite episode of Series 1 as well. He said that despite preferring Tennant and Smith to Eccleston, the writing in Series 1 hasn't really been beaten, as it was more intimate and explored more realistic morality issues...it was darker.

    As an Eccleston fan, it's always a shame to see him go...especially when Tennant failed to impress me for such a long time as well.

    We're going to do a Torchwood and Sarah Jane rewatch too... he hates Torchwood but has never seen Children of Earth, and I think he'll find it's amazing :D
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    fiyero26fiyero26 Posts: 234
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    I love introducing people to DW/Torchwood. I have a few friends who laughed at me for watching it but once I'd made them watch it they've been hooked! I've converted quite a few haha. I think I'll watch Rose and The End of the World tonight. I'd like to aim for one a day but with Torchwood as well I'd best cram them in.

    'Rose' is good but there are some very cheesy moments! S'all good though. I remember being absolutely hooked after this episode. I love Jackie and Mickey!

    I also forget how good nine is. I'm a Tennant fan, but CE really sets this show up. It's a shame he only stayed for one series. I was also really disappointed when I read he had turned down an appearance in the 50th. I think a lot of fans would have been very happy if he'd have said yes! It would have been brilliant to have three New Who's in one ep (Four with John Hurt :D )
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    dashyork42dashyork42 Posts: 1,439
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    We started our re-watch in May. Just watched Series 2 episode The Impossible Planet tonight. Can't believe Series 2 is seven years old already. I'm not sure that we'll fit them all in before November mind. :)
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    fiyero26fiyero26 Posts: 234
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    Well....completely forgot I started this thread!

    Still re-watching! With two weeks to go, today I watched 'Asylum of the Daleks' - into the last series before 50th! Too exciting! Don't know what I'll do post-50th :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,043
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    fiyero26 wrote: »
    So, I've just began the big re-watch ready for the 50th. I've worked out that If I start on Tuesday 13th I'll be able to watch every nu-who ep leading up to Nov 23rd. I'm a bit impatient and I know I'll probably miss a couple of days in between (Plus I want to fit Torchwood re-watch in) so I've started with Rose tonight. First time I've re-watched since 2011. Anyone else re-watching? Perhaps we can discuss eps as we go along :D

    They seem a bit pointless to show when basically they always air these episodes all the time on watch.
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    bennythedipbennythedip Posts: 2,350
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    I did a re watch about 2 years ago-all the confidentials/extras on dvd-took me a year. Once the Christmas special is out going to watch my unwatched season 7 boxset the last 2 matt smiths,go back to rose and watch just the episodes this time and hope I am done by the time capaldi debuts.
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    Ed SizzersEd Sizzers Posts: 2,671
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    I'm doing an Eleven rewatch leading up to Chrimble, starting tomorrow. That's 44 days, covering his 43 episodes (including DotD), plus his SJA appearance.
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    fiyero26fiyero26 Posts: 234
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    I've only seen the first series of SJA so I'm going to try and sqeeze them in before DotD :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 231
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    My main views after a series 1 rewatch are that it is very slow & the special effects are rubbish! (this is the complete opposite to what I thought in 2005).
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    fiyero26fiyero26 Posts: 234
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    Same - I remember being so excited when it was airing but in retrospect its probably my least favourite series (although, I find series 5 the same ;-/) There were some great episodes/moments (Boomtown!) that I'd forgotten about but overall, not as good as the rest.
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    PointyPointy Posts: 1,762
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    fiyero26 wrote: »
    Same - I remember being so excited when it was airing but in retrospect its probably my least favourite series (although, I find series 5 the same ;-/) There were some great episodes/moments (Boomtown!) that I'd forgotten about but overall, not as good as the rest.

    I still love series one. :)
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    SatmanagerSatmanager Posts: 837
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    BBC America is going to show all the nuWho episodes leading up to the TDOTD for the week before (24 hours a day of Doctor Who!).
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 77
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    Hi! I am doing the same!! I have been watching NuWho, Torchwood and SJA since the 10th August! I have really enjoyed watching some of the episodes i've not seen many times again! In particular, Torchwood. I'm currently on episode 9 of Miracle day, so got the rest of series 6 of Doctor Who, Series 5 of Sarah Jane and then Doctor Who series 7. Been great to rewatch but its taken a lot of time and a few times i've missed days and had to watch loads, but I'm now on course to complete by the 23rd! glad i'm not the only person doing this!! :D
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    fiyero26fiyero26 Posts: 234
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    jacko2h wrote: »
    Hi! I am doing the same!! I have been watching NuWho, Torchwood and SJA since the 10th August! I have really enjoyed watching some of the episodes i've not seen many times again! In particular, Torchwood. I'm currently on episode 9 of Miracle day, so got the rest of series 6 of Doctor Who, Series 5 of Sarah Jane and then Doctor Who series 7. Been great to rewatch but its taken a lot of time and a few times i've missed days and had to watch loads, but I'm now on course to complete by the 23rd! glad i'm not the only person doing this!! :D

    Ha! Brilliant! :D I've told my friends (big who fans) and even they thought it was a nerdy step too far :-p Ahwell - I've enjoyed it. I'm on 'A Town Called Mercy' tonight...
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    Ed SizzersEd Sizzers Posts: 2,671
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    Ed Sizzers wrote: »
    I'm doing an Eleven rewatch leading up to Chrimble, starting tomorrow. That's 44 days, covering his 43 episodes (including DotD), plus his SJA appearance.
    It's just occurred to me. For my one-episode a day Eleventh Doc' rewatch (taking SJA's Death of the Doctor as one episode) to finish on Christmas Eve, just ahead of Matt's last story, I had to start it today.

    And what's today's date?

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    fiyero26fiyero26 Posts: 234
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    Fate, my friend. Fate.
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    fiyero26fiyero26 Posts: 234
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    :cry: 'Angels Take Manhatten'....bye bye ponds! :cry:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 77
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    Watched The God Complex and Closing Time today! Still on schedule! Loving rewatching them, as theres little bits i didn't notice the first time around!
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