
Are you shy about your music taste?

TheTruth1983TheTruth1983 Posts: 13,462
Forum Member
In offline life, I mean.

I do get a bit shy about my music taste and tend to turn the volume down when someone is at home. There are certain bands and artists that I would never play to someone else as the reaction would be "what the f*** are we listening to" (I have some very musically unadventurous friends).

I think it tends to go like this - when I listen to my music by myself, I think "this is awesome" but when I play for others, I find myself saying "hang on, it gets better".

Also, when I tell people that I am into stoner/doom metal, they think I am weird :(


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    mgvsmithmgvsmith Posts: 16,459
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    I have turned down Little Mix and Misha B from the X Factor once or twice but it's no longer the credibility issue I thought it might be.
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    dodger0703dodger0703 Posts: 1,957
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    The only album I ever turn off if people are round is The Wolftones - Let The People Sing, for obvious reasons. It was something I was brought up listening too, and even though I don't agree with some of the lyrics it is a great album.
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    LMLM Posts: 63,800
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    I used to be. I don't care as i have gotten older.
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    Apollo CreedApollo Creed Posts: 998
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    dodger0703 wrote: »
    The only album I ever turn off if people are round is The Wolftones - Let The People Sing, for obvious reasons. It was something I was brought up listening too, and even though I don't agree with some of the lyrics it is a great album.

    I too love those Irish rebel songs. I don't personally have to agree with the lyrics to appreciate the passion and beauty of the songs. I find the whole tradition of rebel music in Ireland fascinating.
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    AdzPowerAdzPower Posts: 4,861
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    The problem is that these days society has attached labels to people who listen to certain music, you listen you Gaga? Gay. You listen to heavy metal? Goth. You listen to the Black Eyed Peas? Chav.
    It's entirely ridiculous, no matter what your taste is, pop, rap, rock, metal, electronic, classical etc, it shouldn't matter and people shouldn't be judged for it, it's just music ffs.
    But in answer to your question I sometimes turn my ipod down because I listen to a lot of foreign music, like Japanese, Swedish etc, so it can get a little embarrassing because of that. Not embarrassed because of the music, embarrassed because of the questions that immediately follow.
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    uniqueunique Posts: 12,519
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    no, not at all, never. you see the first person you meet will like one thing and dislike another, and the second person you meet with like and dislike other things, and so on and so forth. even at a gig talking to people there to see a band, you will find a vast variety of styles, and same with at a club. you might be a fan of an artist or style of music you think is embarrassing and don't know anyone else who likes it, but if you don't tell anyone, you are going to struggle to find other people who like it too. it's only music, so even if you like something extreme it's nothing like being a member of the KKK or something like that. most people like a varied choice of music, albeit mostly in a rock and pop genre, so few people will only like say thrash metal and nothing else at all, they may like classic rock too, or kate bush (who surprised me by being mentioned in kerrang often). if you are a crazy hardcore fanatic of a particular artist or group it's perhaps best to be a bit discrete and not tell everyone who's been to every barry manilow concert and have all the bootlegs and a special outfit, but no reason to avoid saying you like him. most well known artists will have thousands or millions of fans, so you won't be alone
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    LewnaticcLewnaticc Posts: 3,933
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    I used to, but it's exhausting keeping up a facade like that. Everyone in my life and those who come into my life generally end up finding out I'm a rampant Mariah Carey fan. A lot of people roll their eyes and say she's "shit", but I like her. Always be yourself!
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    RetroMusicFanRetroMusicFan Posts: 6,673
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    Only if i'm listening to music that has swearing in it and my parents appear unexpectedly, I turn it off because they don't approve of swearing. Otherwise, no.
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    scrillascrilla Posts: 2,198
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    Not in the slightest and never have been. I've been pretty good at musical choices since I was about twelve, having bought maybe a few dodgy singles before that, so I could stand up and happily endorse anything I've bought from that time onwards. Of course my musical knowledge was limited then but from what I did know, I could sort out the wheat from the chaff. The trouble as a young person is that you tend to be too affected by image and presentation of artists (marketing) and what is supposed to be cool and this can keep you switched off from a lot of worthy stuff.

    I'm actually proud of my taste in music and unfortunately the majority people I encounter seem to have a much more casual interest in music, coupled with fairly dubious taste. It's really refreshing to talk (offline) with people who share some of the same musical interest but mostly it seems to happen online nowadays. It just seems like you're less likely to find people who follow their own instincts rather than consuming what is pushed at them. I keep finding people who won't watch subtitled films or listen to music with lyrics in a language they don't speak, or even people who read anything. Often these are the same people who listen to the sort of pap that appals me.

    I'm very opinionated about music and do not suffer garbage gladly which is why I don't write much on here at all and try to resist to comment on the dire stuff although some of the nonsense written and the trash that is being hugely over-discussed is hard to believe at times.

    If an artist I like has released a poor record I will probably skip buying because there are too many other better things on my wants list. I can't stand the sort of 'zombified' fan of / apologist for certain artists that exist out there. When you lose objectivity and turn into an unpaid PR machine people need to stop listening to you. Also those who listen to only one genre. It isn't even possible to only enjoy one genre of music. It's totally self-imposed so you can fit yourself into some scene or project some image. I guess it's refreshing that young people don't tend to follow subcultures so much any more - punks, rockers, mods etc. because those tend to dictate parameters you are supposed to remain within.

    There's nothing in my record collection that I'd be embarrassed for anyone to see or hear and I do find that the people I tend to get on better with are those who share some common ground musically. I will dismiss people who have crappy, mainstream music collections just as I would people who live for football or soap operas or their games console or clothes shopping.
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    ScottishWoodyScottishWoody Posts: 23,254
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    Sometimes. I remember being at a party a year or two ago where there was some lack of music. I had my phone, they had a docking station, so we put the two together and I put on my most up to date playlist. What I forgot was I had also included a few Steps singles in that playlist.

    I love listening to them at home alone, or if I know I'm with another fan, but coming out as a Steps fan to many friends (who I'd only known a month or two) was a tad embarrassing.

    It's probably worse that they were all 17-20 and I was 24, so I was kinda past that "MUST fit in" stage of my life but none of them 'got' it.

    It was ok though, a few of the others told me they were fans too lol
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 96
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    I listen to a lot of older stuff like the beatles, pink floyd, blondie etc and my friends can't understand why i listen to music thats a lot older than me and they're always talking about the latest songs in the charts and i get embarrassed when i've never heard the song, this last happened when they were talking about blurred lines, the song had been out for about 2 month before i finally heard it.

    Also my guilty pleasures are Glee and Eurovision :blush: so if i'm on public transport and one of the songs comes on i turn it straight down.
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    LudwigVonDrakeLudwigVonDrake Posts: 12,836
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    Closet ABBA fan here...

    I've got a friend whose into all that really heavy metal stuff but confided in me that he likes Barry Manilow as well, I guess he doesn't give a fluff what others think! :)
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    TheTruth1983TheTruth1983 Posts: 13,462
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    Closet ABBA fan here...

    I've got a friend whose into all that really heavy metal stuff but confided in me that he likes Barry Manilow as well, I guess he doesn't give a fluff what others think! :)

    I am into heavy metal too, and I really like Taylor Swift's music and have all of her albums :blush:
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    Lewi26Lewi26 Posts: 11,841
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    I'm not shy I mainly like dance music and bands but for some reason I'm slightly obsessed with rihanna! I'm not shy about it though she's my musical weakness and everyone takes the piss out of me for it - I'm a 27 year old man!
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    dodger0703dodger0703 Posts: 1,957
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    I am into heavy metal too, and I really like Taylor Swift's music and have all of her albums :blush:

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    TheTruth1983TheTruth1983 Posts: 13,462
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    dodger0703 wrote: »

    It's true :D:p
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    silentNatesilentNate Posts: 84,079
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    I am into heavy metal too, and I really like Taylor Swift's music and have all of her albums :blush:

    Heavy metal fan who likes Taylor Swift?? :o

    No shame there my friend ;):D
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    dodger0703dodger0703 Posts: 1,957
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    It's true :D:p

    where is the 'shakes head' thingy
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    ashtray88ashtray88 Posts: 1,531
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    I thought I was the only one! :cry::cry::cry:
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    mrkite77mrkite77 Posts: 5,386
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    There are certain bands and artists that I would never play to someone else as the reaction would be "what the f*** are we listening to"

    In highschool I joined a club where we would DJ music during lunch and other school events.

    It started out fun, but got a bit boring after a few months. Plus you start to run out of things to play.

    So we started making games. One game we came up with was a contest on who could play the most embarrassing song ever. On top of that, you had to "front sell" that you were about to play your favorite song.

    It's been 20 years, but I still remember telling my entire school (around 3,000 people) that this was my favorite song ever.
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    mgvsmithmgvsmith Posts: 16,459
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    scrilla wrote: »
    Not in the slightest and never have been. I've been pretty good at musical choices since I was about twelve, having bought maybe a few dodgy singles before that, so I could stand up and happily endorse anything I've bought from that time onwards. Of course my musical knowledge was limited then but from what I did know, I could sort out the wheat from the chaff. The trouble as a young person is that you tend to be too affected by image and presentation of artists (marketing) and what is supposed to be cool and this can keep you switched off from a lot of worthy stuff.

    I'm actually proud of my taste in music and unfortunately the majority people I encounter seem to have a much more casual interest in music, coupled with fairly dubious taste. It's really refreshing to talk (offline) with people who share some of the same musical interest but mostly it seems to happen online nowadays. It just seems like you're less likely to find people who follow their own instincts rather than consuming what is pushed at them. I keep finding people who won't watch subtitled films or listen to music with lyrics in a language they don't speak, or even people who read anything. Often these are the same people who listen to the sort of pap that appals me.

    I'm very opinionated about music and do not suffer garbage gladly which is why I don't write much on here at all and try to resist to comment on the dire stuff although some of the nonsense written and the trash that is being hugely over-discussed is hard to believe at times.

    If an artist I like has released a poor record I will probably skip buying because there are too many other better things on my wants list. I can't stand the sort of 'zombified' fan of / apologist for certain artists that exist out there. When you lose objectivity and turn into an unpaid PR machine people need to stop listening to you. Also those who listen to only one genre. It isn't even possible to only enjoy one genre of music. It's totally self-imposed so you can fit yourself into some scene or project some image. I guess it's refreshing that young people don't tend to follow subcultures so much any more - punks, rockers, mods etc. because those tend to dictate parameters you are supposed to remain within.

    There's nothing in my record collection that I'd be embarrassed for anyone to see or hear and I do find that the people I tend to get on better with are those who share some common ground musically. I will dismiss people who have crappy, mainstream music collections just as I would people who live for football or soap operas or their games console or clothes shopping.

    I don't think you are just opiniated about music. :D
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    Smithy1204Smithy1204 Posts: 4,352
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    Yes. I have loved Westlife since I was 12, (12 years :P), which is about as uncool as it gets! I never admit it to anyone except my family and my closest friends. When I was about 15, back in the days when I had posters etc, I went through a phase where I refused point blank to listen to them, I wouldn't buy tickets for their tour, I refused to have their CDs or posters in my bedroom etc. And then I realised it was just making me sad, because I like them, and if I like listening to them and if they give me happy memories, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. And fortunately my mum knew me well enough to have bought tickets for their tour anyway (as she was also a fan :)).

    I do have a lot of uncool music, I'd hate to think of someone looking at my iPod. But I have a lot of 'cooler' music too, I just like a lot of things.
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    Eric_BlobEric_Blob Posts: 7,756
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    A little bit, yes. It's social suicide to listen to a female pop star, but I have a few songs from Rihanna, Nelly Furtado, etc. My music is honestly 97%+ by males, but whenever I get caught listening to a pop female I get it ripped out of me.

    Also, another thing is that I don't like people to know I use Spotify. I always immediately get followed up with questions like "Why do you pay for this when you can get it for free?", and people think I'm an idiot. Paying for music (even if it's a £5 a month subscription), seems like pretty much the least cool thing you can do.
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    TheTruth1983TheTruth1983 Posts: 13,462
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    Eric_Blob wrote: »
    A little bit, yes. It's social suicide to listen to a female pop star, but I have a few songs from Rihanna, Nelly Furtado, etc. My music is honestly 97%+ by males, but whenever I get caught listening to a pop female I get it ripped out of me.

    Also, another thing is that I don't like people to know I use Spotify. I always immediately get followed up with questions like "Why do you pay for this when you can get it for free?", and people think I'm an idiot. Paying for music (even if it's a £5 a month subscription), seems like pretty much the least cool thing you can do.

    I get that when I tell people that I never pirate and only buy albums (never single songs). I just reply saying "A lot of the artists are not well known or independent and they make great music while connecting with their fans and deserve my support".
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    Nebworth90Nebworth90 Posts: 1,266
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    I'm young, male, straight and a HUGE Kylie fan... At first I hid it but now I just 'own it.'
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