
Ant-man brought forward to July 2015

GARETH197901GARETH197901 Posts: 22,291
Forum Member
so that makes 2 Marvel films in the same summer:)



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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,679
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    Since they rewrote history and removed Ant Man from the Avengers, does anyone know which Ant Man this is going to be?
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    MotthusMotthus Posts: 7,280
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    I'm sure Ive read that it will still be Hank Pym even though he didnt feature in The Avengers!

    Its interesting to see that Disney have moved the Pirates sequel to summer 2016 as that was due to open a few weeks before Ant Man so I guess both films having their release dates moved are linked!
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    MotthusMotthus Posts: 7,280
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    Rumours that Rashida Jones is top of the short list to play Janet Van Dyne AKA The Wasp in the Ant Man film!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,163
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    This could be a huge mistake considering Scott Pilgrim bombed at the BO. Talk about making it hard for themselves, releasing the film in a summer that is already over-stuffed with hugely anticipated sequels. I love Edgar's films so hopefully I'm wrong.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,488
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    wiseguy100 wrote: »
    This could be a huge mistake considering Scott Pilgrim bombed at the BO. Talk about making it hard for themselves, releasing the film in a summer that is already over-stuffed with hugely anticipated sequels. I love Edgar's films so hopefully I'm wrong.

    Scott Pilgrim was very expensive for the type of film it was, Universal were stupid to spend $90m on it (even if they did get $30m back in tax rebates).

    It was also very hard to market (it has no definable genre, and relies heavily on reference points that might alienate casual viewers) and has no major stars.

    Ant-Man is at an advantage in that it's Marvel, and Marvel like to play their own name up. And if casting rumors are true, it'll have a fairly big name star in Joseph Gordon-Levitt or Paul Rudd...

    On a slightly different note it's written by Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish so is likely to be a (or at least have heavy doses of) comedy...
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    MotthusMotthus Posts: 7,280
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    So Michael Douglas has been cast as Hank Pym in Ant Man alongside Paul Rudd as Scott Lang
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    degsyhufcdegsyhufc Posts: 59,251
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    Who's playing Magnifying Glass Boy?
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    MotthusMotthus Posts: 7,280
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    Ant Man release date has been moved forward two weeks to the 17th July 2015
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    MotthusMotthus Posts: 7,280
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    So Patrick Wilson is rumored for a major role in Ant Man.I can see him as a bad guy!
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    MotthusMotthus Posts: 7,280
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    Well it's a bit of a shock to see that Edgar Wright has left Ant Man!
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    PJ68PJ68 Posts: 3,116
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    I'm quite shocked too, however I'm not displeased. i love spaced and shaun but i haven't really liked anything he's done since. hot fuzz, scott pilgrim, world's end, they're all kind of the same.. shallow, no genuine emotion (for me anyway), almost kind of smug in a way. his signature shot - quickly edited scenes such as them all drinking pints and slamming their glasses down in world's end - is so tiresome too.
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    PJ68PJ68 Posts: 3,116
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    MrSuperMrSuper Posts: 18,646
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    Wow, this is a bit of a shocker! Edgar Wright has stepped down as the director of Marvel's Ant-Man movie.

    Apparently TPTB over at Marvel weren't happy with the script (Edgar's own vision), not including Kevin Feige, and gave the script to 2 other writers who dumbed it down so much Edgar just had to leave the project and cited 'creative differences'. The cast however are signed on no matter what so they can't drop out.

    This could be a disaster.

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    MotthusMotthus Posts: 7,280
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    I'm disappointed to see Edgar Wright leave Ant Man but it doesn't automatically mean that the film is going to be a complete disaster. Let's just wait and see who Marvel bring in to replace Wright!
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    MrSuperMrSuper Posts: 18,646
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    Motthus wrote: »
    I'm disappointed to see Edgar Wright leave Ant Man but it doesn't automatically mean that the film is going to be a complete disaster. Let's just wait and see who Marvel bring in to replace Wright!

    I'm not concerned about the director, i'm more concerned about the script they're going to use to shoehorn in elements of The Avengers! That's what Marvel want with all their films apparently now.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,488
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    MrSuper wrote: »
    I'm not concerned about the director, i'm more concerned about the script they're going to use to shoehorn in elements of The Avengers! That's what Marvel want with all their films apparently now.

    The suggestion is that Marvel are keeping the Wright/Cornish script, presumably with the rumoured currently uncredited rewrites.

    Kevin Feige has also claimed the Marvel Cinematic Universe was to an extent built around Edgar's vision for Ant-Man, so it's possible the script might already be fairly implemented with the MCU. If I understood correctly, the script rewrites were not Feige's decision, so it's possible he's been overruled and they've attempted to further integrate Ant-Man with the MCU.
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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
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    Until the time when Edgar Wright himself publicly sheds some light on what happened it's difficult to know what went wrong.

    However, I have a major concern that this could possibly be a case of interference by Disney in the Marvel film franchise since Disney bought Marvel.

    Kevin Feige (Marvel) has done an incredible job so far making this Marvel Cinematic Universe thing work and hold it all together, with most of the important Marvel films being successful or extremely successful.
    From what I've read about Edgar Wright quitting, Kevin Feige appears to have been fully supportive of Edgar Wright when others may have doubted him.
    Edgar must have been working quite closely with Kevin through all these years of script development. So from the Marvel side of things for it to go so SUDDENLY wrong, right out of the blue, sounds so unlikely. Kevin knew what vision Edgar had in mind for Ant Man and what sort of script he was working on, so it's doubtful that a schoolboy error of a mistake had been made and Edgar Wright turned in a script that wasn't what Kevin Feige was expecting. Marvel are too professional to allow something that stupid to happen.

    So my biggest concern is the possibility that Disney have waded in and tried to interfere with Kevin Feige's judgement. In this particular case perhaps ordering a change from how Edgar Wright wanted this story to play? Perhaps demanding that it be dumbed down? More child friendly? Less sophisticated? Obvious humour? More dumb action over story and heart?
    I'd really like to know the reason behind this because Edgar Wright has been working on this for literally years. So I can't see how Marvel didn't know what they were going to get and at the last minute forced Edgar Wright into a position where he felt that he had to leave.
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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
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    Motthus wrote: »
    I'm disappointed to see Edgar Wright leave Ant Man but it doesn't automatically mean that the film is going to be a complete disaster. Let's just wait and see who Marvel bring in to replace Wright!

    I'm not sure if it's the case that getting a good director in would solve the problem.
    Apparently they already brought a couple of writers in to do rewrites of the script.
    On the directorial side of things, they could bring Martin Scorsese in, but if he doesn't conform to the same framework which Edgar Wright apparently had to adhere to, then it would possibly make little difference who the director is.
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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
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    MrSuper wrote: »
    I'm not concerned about the director, i'm more concerned about the script they're going to use to shoehorn in elements of The Avengers! That's what Marvel want with all their films apparently now.

    When I first read your post my immediate thought was that if they wanted to shoehorn in a reference to a possible upcoming future Marvel film, then I would imagine that it could be done quite acceptably and not spoil the film.

    But then I thought about the more recent and current superhero films where there is a noticeable trend of cramming in as many superheroes as possible. If at the last minute some exec has decided that to make money at the box office they must crowbar in another superhero which takes up a lot of screentime, then that most definitely could ruin a film. Especially if it's not the film they originally had in mind.
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    Johnny ClayJohnny Clay Posts: 5,339
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    Very amusing reading some of the fanboy whining about this latest turn of events. Poor Edgar *whimper*...

    So Marvel take one of their franchise pictures out of the hands of the man who made Scott Pilgrim do they?

    To some of us it looks like Marvel simply came to their senses.
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    GARETH197901GARETH197901 Posts: 22,291
    Forum Member
    Very amusing reading some of the fanboy whining about this latest turn of events. Poor Edgar *whimper*...

    So Marvel take one of their franchise pictures out of the hands of the man who made Scott Pilgrim do they?

    To some of us it looks like Marvel simply came to their senses.

    Considering Kevin Feige has gone on record as saying that the whole MCU has so far been designed with Edgar Wright's vision for Ant Man in mind,it was a bit too late for them to "Come to their senses"

    it honestly sounds like Disney have got worried and forced Feige's hand,which to me is unfounded as pretty much through the MCU so far they have gone for directors that weren't necesarilly the first person you would have thought of (Jon Favreau for Iron Man,Kenneth Branagh for Thor,James Gunn for Guardians) and they've all so far gone well.
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    Johnny ClayJohnny Clay Posts: 5,339
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    Considering Kevin Feige has gone on record as saying that the whole MCU has so far been designed with Edgar Wright's vision for Ant Man in mind,it was a bit too late for them to "Come to their senses"
    So we might assume there was going to be some discrepencies between the original vison (which Marvel presumably initially agreed with) and the likely outcome then?

    Not a first in Hollywood by any means. Maybe Marvel found themselves not really on board with what Wright was planning to do with it, or what the final outcome might be, and the issue only became apparent as the project progressed. Hence the rewrites I suppose.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,488
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    Very amusing reading some of the fanboy whining about this latest turn of events. Poor Edgar *whimper*...

    So Marvel take one of their franchise pictures out of the hands of the man who made Scott Pilgrim do they?

    To some of us it looks like Marvel simply came to their senses.

    Scott Pilgrim is a critically acclaimed film with a cult fanbase (like all of Wright's back catalogue). To my knowledge it didn't go over budget, it was just that Universal assigned it an enormous budget it wasn't ever likely to make back.

    Whether you like Edgar Wright or Scott Pilgrim or not is irrelevant, you can't deny it had a unique style and was fresh and inventive. People were hoping that Edgar Wright would be able to do something odd and unusual and boot superhero films up the arse.

    If the rewrite suggestion is true, Wright walked because Marvel/Disney/whoever altered his vision too much, which would imply we're going to get the usual "bland but enjoyable" Marvel fare, and that's why people are disappointed, because it could have been really exciting, weird and enjoyable, and now it probably won't be...
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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
    Forum Member
    Very amusing reading some of the fanboy whining about this latest turn of events. Poor Edgar *whimper*...

    So Marvel take one of their franchise pictures out of the hands of the man who made Scott Pilgrim do they?

    To some of us it looks like Marvel simply came to their senses.

    Well as far as I'm aware they are still using the Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish script, but just making changes to what already exists. So whichever director they bring in they are still going to be pretty much going along with pretty much the same framework, if not exactly quite how Edgar Wright would have wanted to present it.
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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
    Forum Member
    Very amusing reading some of the fanboy whining about this latest turn of events. Poor Edgar *whimper*...

    So Marvel take one of their franchise pictures out of the hands of the man who made Scott Pilgrim do they?

    To some of us it looks like Marvel simply came to their senses.

    I don't see anyone whining at the news.
    People are mostly just shocked or wondering what happened.
    So how you've managed to be amused is a mystery to me.
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