
Jimmy Saville to be revealed as a paedophile? (Part 4)

drillbitdrillbit Posts: 1,687
Forum Member
Re Michael 'I never met him' Aspel, 19.45 at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE_XX5-Xkmc so that is at least twice he never met him.

doesn't miss a chance to drop his pants does our jimmy:o

Continuation of: http://forums.digitalspy.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1749642


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    Phoenix LazarusPhoenix Lazarus Posts: 17,336
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    Originally Posted by IsThisNameFree9
    Re Michael 'I never met him' Aspel, 19.45 at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE_XX5-Xkmc so that is at least twice he never met him

    Note when Savile goes to sit down, after greeting Bruno, Freddie Starr is second left at the front and pointedly doesn't clap when the others do.
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    Miss_MooMiss_Moo Posts: 8,997
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    Note when Savile goes to sit down, after greeting Bruno, Freddie Starr is second left at the front and pointedly doesn't clap when the others do.

    He does right at the end after JS acknowledges him.
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    MutterMutter Posts: 3,269
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    i4u said;
    "I don't know much about cars but how is a privacy screen fitted in a two door car soft top convertable?

    In Black cabs the privacy screen is sold and runs from floor to ceiling with the driver in his own little compartment and seperates doors at the back.

    Here's an old photo that gives an idea of would be required. "

    They're not privacy screens, they are to stop the interior being too breezy with the top down.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 173
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    So odd that Michael Aspel denied ever interviewing Saville!!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 173
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    I think at the end of the day, there is going to be such a cover up in this case with the obvious "perpetrators" for example GG being the focus while many "elite" "powerful" get away without any involvement. Having grown up in England, nothing much has changed over the years.....the rich and upper classes get away with murder!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 313
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    Reading the comments section in Louis Theroux's old blog on Savile after he died. Some of the posts from November 2011 make for interesting reading.


    But this in particular from one Wendy Mellon:

    "He was a big part of my early life (childhood/teenage years and into my 20′s) My dad worked as a hospital porter at the LGI and therefore worked alongside Jimmy when he volunteered. Jimmy often got paid in kind for the jobs he did and he had static caravans at Primrose Valley and a site in Teignmouth in Devon. Jimmy put in place a booking system so his fellow porters could take their families to these caravans for free. He knew the porters got paid very little and for many years the trips to these caravans were my annual holidays. This started when I was 10/11 and I am now 55. I continued to go to his Devon even when my father had retired and I was in my 20′s.
    I also have memories of meeting him when he was out and about on his bike and his hair would change colour due to the exhaust fumes while he was out. So he might start with very blond hair but it often changed to blue or pink!
    He was never too busy or too famous to stop and talk and my childhood memories will always feature him as a large important character.

    He was paying for holidays for the LGI porters... that would have been a great way of getting them to turn a blind eye to any of his extra-curricular activities perhaps.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,603
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    The chief scriptwriter on This is Your Life when "new presenter Michael Aspel" was about to suprise Savile reportedly said about Savile at a meeting: "Well I’m not going to write it. The man’s notorious” and refused to have anything to do with the show.


    Wonder if Aspel would have been present at this meeting and thus 'knew' about Savile? Might explain it.

    Aspel's claim on This Morning that Savile was probably "terribly shy" is, however, bizarre beyond words.
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    Deb ArkleDeb Arkle Posts: 12,584
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    Agreed, Dragon - GG seems to be the dim scapegoat who doesn't have the nous to hide, while the people behind it all carry on with their 'parties'.
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    Phoenix LazarusPhoenix Lazarus Posts: 17,336
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    Aspel's claim on This Morning that Savile was probably "terribly shy" is, however, bizarre beyond words.

    Unless he meant 'terribly shy of being psychologically well-balanced', perhaps!
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    Penny CrayonPenny Crayon Posts: 36,158
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    dragon1950 wrote: »
    So odd that Michael Aspel denied ever interviewing Saville!!

    I think he thought of that as just his job and said something like - 'Well I never actually met him socially' - I guess he did an awful lot of This is You Lives' from 1988 - 2003.

    I'm sure he wasn't hiding anything - it would have been inevitable that a 'This is Your Life' would come out.
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    SweetSyrupSweetSyrup Posts: 2,573
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    I have to say, the past few days I've taken a break from reading this thread. Savile aside, I've found the content and allegations increasingly disturbing, the buck seems to stop at a point far beyond public view - at a level which will probably never be exposed to the public. The injustice, abuse of power and level of depravity has left my physically sick to the stomach and questioning those in authority. For my own sanity, I'm opting out of reading anymore.

    How can one balance reading the types of allegations and cover-ups in this thread - The Marc Dutroux case, Dunblane mystery, sick use of vulnerable for sex gratification by the priviledged, those who already have everything - with the inability to do anything whatsoever, and the feeling that nothing will ever be done to bring those ***** to justice? I hope that SOMETHING good will come of the Savile investigation. It's doubtful. :(

    Easy to begin losing faith in humanity.
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    jassijassi Posts: 7,895
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    I think he thought of that as just his job and said something like - 'Well I never actually met him socially' - I guess he did an awful lot of This is You Lives' from 1988 - 2003.

    I'm sure he wasn't hiding anything - it would have been inevitable that a 'This is Your Life' would come out.

    I would tend to agree.

    Some people are just obsessive, the way they pick every thing to pieces, looking for suspicious or hidden meanings in what people say.
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    IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
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    The chief scriptwriter on This is Your Life when "new presenter Michael Aspel" was about to suprise Savile reportedly said about Savile at a meeting: "Well I’m not going to write it. The man’s notorious” and refused to have anything to do with the show.


    Wonder if Aspel would have been present at this meeting and thus 'knew' about Savile? Might explain it.

    Aspel's claim on This Morning that Savile was probably "terribly shy" is, however, bizarre beyond words.

    Really? thats interesting. They do say its the quiet ones you have to be wary of lol but then he never seemed that quiet, surely? they also say that comedians and people who come across as quite flamboyant in the public eye can often hide deep turmoil and depression, don't they? at least they definitely say that about comedians - the tears of a clown and all of that. I'm sometimes seen as a little 'strange' by some because online on forums and social network sites im very vocal and can come across as quite outgoing I suppose, yet in person when im around people I've never met before face to face I can be very, very shy and find it difficult to make and maintain conversations - it can be a bit painfully awkward sometimes, it just depends. I've known people who have turned around and been angry at me because of that, because I wasn't who they thought I was and all of that sort of thing... I guess if your comfortable portraying a persona then its easier to hide the real 'you' and play into being this lovable funny guy type character.

    I'm just thinking aloud though, it probably means nothing, I don't know. I am pretty much a loner and can be kinda random and silly and stuff at times and I can also be very shy and maybe find it hard to relate to people but I'd certainly *never* hurt anyone or anything like that...and with that im shutting up again, got to head into work in a few minutes (/dont mind me :-/).
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    sozzled2daysozzled2day Posts: 1,217
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    If the new victims have only come forward in the last 48 hours and haven't even spoken to the police yet - then how does the Standard know the culprits are high profile?
    The names of two new high-profile celebrities are to be handed to police investigating the Jimmy Savile sex abuse allegations, the Standard can reveal today.

    The alleged victims of the two stars have come forward in the last 48 hours and are yet to talk to Scotland Yard detectives.

    The well-known pair
    are among a handful of new names given to child protection expert Mark Williams-Thomas.

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 799
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    If the new victims have only come forward in the last 48 hours and haven't even spoken to the police yet - then how does the Standard know the culprits are high profile?


    If this wasn't a high-profile investigation, would they be releasing information like this, potentially identifying (particularly to the accused) who is in the frame to be arrested/have their properties searched and computers seized?

    I know they release statements like: 'The police have arrested a 37 year old man in connection with...' but to announce that arrests are soon to be made while offering clues as to the identity of the accused seems completely bizarre and unjustifiable.

    Does anyone remember another case where the police behaved like this, other than when they released Mark Bridger's name (which was different as a small child was missing)?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 313
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    Savile clearly knew to cultivate his police contacts from early on:

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    sozzled2daysozzled2day Posts: 1,217
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    Shy11 wrote: »
    If this wasn't a high-profile investigation, would they be releasing information like this, potentially identifying (particularly to the accused) who is in the frame to be arrested/have their properties searched and computers seized?

    I know they release statements like: 'The police have arrested a 37 year old man in connection with...' but to announce that arrests are soon to be made while offering clues as to the identity of the accused seems completely bizarre and unjustifiable.

    Does anyone remember another case where the police behaved like this, other than when they released Mark Bridger's name (which was different as a small child was missing)?
    Chris Jefferies springs to mind. I suppose the victims could have given the names to the Standard, which would explain how they know they're high profile, but quite rightly, they haven't named them.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 799
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    Chris Jefferies springs to mind. I suppose the victims could have given the names to the Standard, which would explain how they know they're high profile, but quite rightly, they haven't named them.

    That's what I thought, but it says they were given the info by that ex-policeman who did the documentary - someone Williams?

    And they should have learned their lesson from the landlord case...
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    sozzled2daysozzled2day Posts: 1,217
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    Shy11 wrote: »
    That's what I thought, but it says they were given the info by that ex-policeman who did the documentary - someone Williams?

    And they should have learned their lesson from the landlord case...
    Oh, the guy who did the Exposure programme? Well, I guess it might be okay for the press and the investigator to share names, so long as they don't put them into the public domain. Describing them as high profile is very vague and there's not enough information to identify anyone.
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    jassijassi Posts: 7,895
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    Why is anybody giving names to Thomas-Williams? - he's not part of the investigation team.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 799
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    Oh, the guy who did the Exposure programme? Well, I guess it might be okay for the press and the investigator to share names, so long as they don't put them into the public domain. Describing them as high profile is very vague and there's not enough information to identify anyone.

    Not to us, but to the high profile pair themselves? They must know they've been rumbled and will now be deleting images on hard drives if they exist, meaning any prosecutions will be the alleged victim's word against theirs.
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    What name??What name?? Posts: 26,623
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    Shy11 wrote: »
    Does anyone remember another case where the police behaved like this, other than when they released Mark Bridger's name (which was different as a small child was missing)?
    Do you know of another case in which child abuse victims go to the media to ensure that when they go to the police their story isn't dismissed?

    I think what is happening is that the media and charities are also compiling accusations so it will be harder to bury multiple accusations against X or Y. That is a good thing. The more people know that there are 2, 3 or four alledged victims of X or Y the more likely they are to be prosecuted or sidelined or monitored.
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    EurostarEurostar Posts: 78,519
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    dragon1950 wrote: »
    So odd that Michael Aspel denied ever interviewing Saville!!

    Watching the Aspel interview, the immediate thing that crossed my mind was that he knew just what sort of a person Saville was and was trying to distance himself.
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    sozzled2daysozzled2day Posts: 1,217
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    jassi wrote: »
    Why is anybody giving names to Thomas-Williams? - he's not part of the investigation team.
    What difference does it make so long as people come forward? No doubt he's passing the names on to police anyway.
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